A Second Chance (Fated Mate) (12 page)

BOOK: A Second Chance (Fated Mate)
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He glowered at her,
“No, I like a challenge and after I’m done fucking you, which you’ll love, I’m going to sell you to a particular client I have. You’re right up his alley.”

She hooted her laughter,
“If your client likes vomit, then yeah, your right, he’ll love me. I swear on all that is Holy, if you try and touch me, I’ll be sick.” This was hilarious, a no win situation but she’d play along. She really did wish Shana had given her the gun. No use crying over spilled milk.


Chapter 15


Katie sat in the back of the van for what seemed like hours. It was probably more like forty five minutes when the van jolted to a stop. Big Eddie came around and opened the door. She had cramps in her legs and several times thought about jumping out of the van while it was in motion, but she’d never forgive herself if she hurt her pups. Conner would come for her, the question was, would he be in time?

Get out,” Big Eddie said. Katie noticed he had a sutured gash on his face, and an arm in a sling, with numerous bruises.

Uh, I don’t think so. You’re not my boss anymore so you can’t tell me what to do.” She figured she’d go for broke, “Damn, who
your ass? I’d have liked to get in on that action.

Vinnie, give her some help.”

Vinnie proceeded to slap her face.
Then snatched a clump of her hair, and pulled her from the van by her hair.

Ouch Vinnie, you’re such a girl. Only girls pull hair and bitch slap. It seems to me you’re in need of a teacher. I’ll show you how it’s done.” She balled up her fist, and Big Eddie backed up, as Vinnie stood his ground.

She balled up her fist like she was going to hit his face, and swung.At the last minute, when his eyes closed, she changed the direction of her momentum, opened her hand and grabbed his balls.
With his balls in a firm grip, she twisted her wrist. As he was falling to the ground she kneed him in the face.

Poor Vinnie.” She looked at Big Eddie, “Now that your henchman’s down, what are your plans? You can’t take me on your own, what with being wounded yourself.”

Oh, but I can.” He pulled out a Taser and shot her.

Motherfucker that hurt.
She had been tazered only once during training. Her whole body shook and she had no control. Big Eddie seized her, taking advantage of her incapacity, and dragged her to a cabin using his good arm. Nice, first she gets tazered and now she has pine needles in her ass.
God bless it. She hoped he ripped his stitches open.

He pulled her into the cabin and directed the driver of the van to keep watch.
He turned to Katie, “We only have a few hours because by then your ride will be here to collect you, and I have a direct flight to sunny Mexico.”

She was regaining some of her function back, but she was so weak.
Big Eddie was stripping her, roughly. “You’ll never make it out of here. I’m telling you, let it go and leave.”

Who do you think will come for you? Decker is back in Petaluma, and your protectors will never find you. It’s a brilliant plan; I’ve been working with drug dealers helping to get rid of the competition. The deals I hear about that aren’t related to my employer, I give to you, and you bust ‘em.”

She was completely naked now and tried to bat his hand away, but she had no strength.
She hated, hated, despised being weak.

After your display with Vinnie I think I’ll tie you down, just to be safe.”

She didn
’t respond, or cry out, when the driver bound her wrists with rope. The rope cut into her wrists which were pinned above her head.

Eddie stepped back to scrutinize her nakedness. “The client won’t like this mark on your neck. And have you gained some weight? Other than that, you’re exquisite.”

She turned her head to the side to watch out the window, knowing Conner would come to her rescue.
She closed her eyes and busied herself with thoughts of how Conner was going to kill Big Eddie. She found herself smiling at the thought of Conner breaking his neck, or his wolf gutting him. She knew it was morbid, but she was so close to losing it in front of him, she had to do something.

Come on Katie, don’t wimp out on me. Take a look.”

crooked her neck and saw Big Eddie standing before her nude. He was huge. His dick must have been nine or ten inches long, it was porn star huge. She knew if he tried to fuck her she’d die. He would probably pierce her heart with that torpedo. She had a sudden urge to plead with him not to do this, let her go. In the end her feisty attitude got the best of her. “Golly, look how small you are. I can’t even see it it’s so small. Could you please have a care, and cover up your shame.”

Eddie’s eyes got wide, “You fuckin’ bitch. I’ll show it to you. You will submit to me now. I know you’ve been lusting after me. You want a taste of the power I can give to you.” He came over to the table she was tied to and slapped her in the face with his penis.

She laughed; I mean how could you not.
The man was slapping her with his man parts, which I’m sure hurt him more than it hurt her. “Seriously, when I tell everyone at work about your torture methods, they’re going to bust a gut laughing at you. And what power? You just got fired. Believe me Eddie if I wanted you at all you’d know. I think you’re a revolting pathetic excuse for a man.” When her mouth was open during her fit of laughter, Big Eddie shoved his penis in her mouth, grabbing her hair with his good hand.

She not only bit down, hard, but she gagged and vomited all over his private area.
Her body began to shake uncontrollably when he shocked her again from the Taser barbs that were still hooked into her skin.
Her jaw clinched and she bit her tongue. The taste of blood in her mouth made her want to vomit again.

He backed up calling her all sorts of names while walking into another room which she presumed was the bathroom to clean up.

This was the oddest kidnapping. She knew she should be afraid but she wasn’t. She knew Conner, or Jake, or Shana would come for her.

lay on that table for fifteen minutes before Big, hell huge Eddie came back into the room. “Okay, new plan, I don’t want to fuck you anymore. I don’t like the idea of you being unwilling. Even though, I’ve been waiting for a very long time. You’re obviously ill and I don’t want to catch what you have. We’ll just wait for your handler to arrive.”

What? I’m an animal that needs a handler now? Am I to be left like this on a chopping block, naked the whole time?”

Yes,” said with a wicked smile.


* * * * *


They waited in silence for her handler to arrive. Her hands were numb and her shoulders ached. Finally, a limo pulled up to the cabin. The driver got out and opened the back door. A distinguished looking man stepped out. He looked familiar.

He’s here. Try and hold your tongue. If I have to taze you again, I will.”

The door opened, and a short man with jet black hair in his fifties walked in.
“Is this her?”

Eddie was fast to reply, “Yes sir, this is Katie Ward. She’s to be your prize.”

The man
’s gaze landed on her naked body, “Acceptable, Here’s your money. Get out. I would like to get this over and done with.”

No, I think I’ve had enough of your company. Set me free, now.” Katie demanded.

was wise and scooted around the new player, leaving quickly. The new guy simply lifted one of his eyebrows in question.

If I wanted you Ms. Ward, I’d have you.” He looked confident.

She was searching her brain on ways to delay him.
“I’m on my period.”
There, take that.

That’s okay I’m accustom to blood and pain. I don’t mind.”

Shit, she was in super-duper trouble.
“I have an STD.”

Nice try, but I’ll use a condom until we can confirm if you are indeed, clean.”

She was out of ideas.
What now? And where was the cavalry? “You know condoms are not as effective as you might think. It’s right there on the label. Plus, you’re too old for me.”

The man seemed unconcerned as he approached and undid his tailored suit pants.
His penis popped out of the pants, “Damn, is everyone here a porn star? I can’t take that, you’ll murder me.” Conner was a perfect seven inches, and even sometimes with him she felt too full.

Eventually, but I’d really like to torture you first. Your boss has been speaking of you often, and with vigor. He says you’re the strongest woman he’s ever met and it’ll be…interesting to break you. I’m the drug lord you’ve been working for, by the way. I’ve been watching you weed out my competition for years, so I thank you. You are a great cop, and every single one of those drug busts you thought you had accomplished on your own…I was behind them. It is indeed time for me to collect my prize.”

Bastard!” So that was why she was given every drug case. Big Eddie was having her and Decker do his dirty work, getting rid of the competing drug dealers. He wanted to be the only show in town.

You have no idea. Did you also know I’m also the drug lord who killed your parents? I recognized your name and thought the irony was advantageous. I killed your parents, and you put my competition in jail. Now I will have your total submission, before you die.”

’s eyes began to tear. This couldn’t be happening.

To be honest I don’t plan on having sex with you, I only pulled out my cock because it looked as if that’s what you expected. If I want to have sex with a woman I don’t need to force her. I want her soft and willing beneath me.”

I hope you rot in hell. No, I hope your penis falls off in jail. I can picture the shower scenes now.” Katie forced herself to smile.

I had you brought here because I have no use for you any longer so I plan on killing you, slowly, just like I killed your parents. They spoke of you before they died. Their beautiful little girl.”

She screamed long and loud as he put a blade to her breast and made a shallow cut.


* * * * *


I can’t wait any longer. I’m going to go crazy.” Conner said as he paced, a half mile from the cabin where Katie was being held. “Would you wait if it were your mate in there?”

grimaced, “I’ll do whatever you want. You are my second and best friend. I don’t want any harm to come to her either.”

Conner was trying to play by the rules; he had followed
Katie until the police stopped him. They had been doing an internal investigation on Big Eddie and had a tracker on him. The police asked for him to let this play out, and the proper people would be arrested. He didn’t want them arrested; he wanted them dead, as in never coming back.

Conner regarded
Jake and said confidently, “No more waiting. She’s been through enough.”

stood, “Let’s go get your mate then.”

Both Conner and
Jake shifted in the middle of the forest, and ran as fast as they could to the cabin. There was a man guarding the door that quickly ran to his car when the fierce wolves arrived. One down.

stood guard at the door while Conner agilely leapt through the open window. What he saw would haunt him to this day. Katie was tied naked to a table, with funny looking barbs coming out of her shoulder, and blood everywhere. There was also a pool of vomit on the floor. Conner growled low in his throat knowing that someone touched her in a sexual manner, without her permission.

The man
’s eyes became large as he took in the large wolves. He had a blade pressed to Katie’s neck.

rolled her head to look at Conner, and he saw the bruises on her face. He hastily inspected the rest of her body, and found blood coating the inside of her thigh, along with small cuts to her upper body. She merely looked at him and shook her head whispering, “He didn’t.” Knowing Conner thought he’d raped her.

He must have been too late to protect her.
He wanted to murder someone. He wanted to murder the man who had fled in the corner, trying to sneak away. He flew through the air launching himself at the man when the door to the cabin opened and men with guns rushed in.

Conner didn
’t want them to see his mate. He roared his fury and the entire room went silent, except for his mate’s soft weeping. One of the gun toting police officers started for her, and Conner vaulted himself into his path.

Ma’am could you call off your dog?”

Conner let loose with a mournful howl as the police collected their struggling man and shot out the door.
Conner slowly approached the table and ripped her bindings with his teeth. Katie began to shake uncontrollably; he thought she might be going into shock when he noticed a device under his paw. He lifted and her shaking stopped.
Bloody hell, he had just tazered his mate.
After all she had been through-he was mortified.

rolled to her side and simply lay there. She needed to be alone. “Please leave Conner; I can’t stand your pity.”

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