A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (24 page)

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must have fallen asleep. It's late. We have to get ready.”

it was good thing my mum called. I wouldn't have woken up, I was so

David smiled, he looked
better now.

worry there is still time, we have to be there at 5.30 sharp. The
concert starts at 6.00.”

you mind If I use the bathroom first?” I asked.

of course not.”

I grabbed my bag and and
strolled towards the bathroom. I felt embarrassed to get changed in
front of David. I took out my blue dress  and tried to
straightened down with my hands. It had got a little wrinkled, but
since there was no iron available it had to do. I took off my
clothes. and  put on my dress but had trouble in tying the
straps I had on my back.  I kept trying, but I couldn't do it. A
little embarrassed I opened the door and saw David bare-chested. He
had taken off his shirt. I stared at his torso and then at his left
arm, he had a tattoo on it. It was something written in Chinese. I
was curious to know what it meant. He looked at me, his arm resting
on his waist. He was so handsome.

you look amazing with that dress.” He said his eyes lingering
on my body.

you... ahmm David.. would you help me, I'm trying to tie these straps
but I can't.”

He looked at me for a second
and then he walked towards me stopping just in front of me.

around.”I did. My heart increased it rhythm as I felt his
breath on my naked back. I trembled. Having him so close to me, bare
chested gave me shivers. I thought I would die while he fumbled with
the straps his fingers kept touching accidentally my back causing an
electric sensation. It was like a sweet torment assaulting my senses.

done..” he said. I didn't move, I couldn't. It was as if I was
hypnotized. Suddenly my body stiffened as I felt his warm lips on my
neck. He was hesitant initially but then he kissed my neck softly,
nibbling and teasing.

so beautiful Cassidy,” he said under his breath, it was a
almost a whisper. “You're so sexy with this dress.”

I bathed my dry lips with my
tongue as I stood still enjoying the pleasure his mouth was giving
me. “Kylie chose it, she said you would like it.” I
talked with difficulty.

she was right.. Cassidy...”

His arm wrapped around my
waist as he pulled me into him. I loved to feel his bare chest
brushing against my back. I turned my head a little and he took
 advantage of this opportunity and kissed me. We kissed
passionately and hungrily as if our life depended on that. I couldn't
have enough of him. His hands ran down my body until they settled on
the swell of my hips; his fingers grabbing the fabric of my dress and
pushing it up. My eyes widened as I felt his hand moving down again
and stop between my thighs. I felt on fire as I felt his erection
hardening against my back. He was excited and I felt already on the
edge when one of his finger thrust under the lace of my panties
touching the core of my femininity. I was dying out of breath, my
heart was hammering against my ribs as his finger sank deep inside
me. I moaned and cried, arching my back against his chest. It was
ecstasy. Then suddenly the spell was broken. I felt him pulling back
and looking at me horrified, almost shocked.

losing control on my actions. I'm so sorry ...” He stammered.
He licked his lips and stepped back.

not, David...-”

Oh God. It's too early and you.. well you don't know-”

David can't you see that this is what I want.” I looked into
his tormented eyes. They looked even bluer than usual. They were dark
and passionate.

but if your memory returns, you'll hate me. I'm rushing again. I need
to give you time. Damned.” He ran his fingers in his hair.

I sighed. I couldn't
understand him but I was happy. He wanted me desperately and that
filled me with joy. I smiled at him and then I moved towards him and
brushed his lips with a kiss.“David, I love it when you lose
control." I said teasingly. “And I hope you'll lose it
again soon. I'm not going to insist as there is no time but please
forget my past. I'm here with you now.”

He smiled at me and then I
returned back into the bathroom. My heart was still racing while I
looked at the mirror trying to  arrange my hair. My face was
blushed and I was feeling hot. His kisses differed every time. They
got better and deeper. I was still struggling to breathe as I
remember how he had touched me. I put some cold water on my face to
cool down and then I then I pulled my hair up into a chignon. I
brought out some hair clips and made a simple a up style,then I
applied some makeup. When I was ready I opened the door to find David
ready dressed in his Tuxedo. He looked gorgeous. He smiled at me and
gave me his arm. I grabbed it and we left. I couldn't wait to arrive
at the concert. This was going to be David's night, I felt so proud
of him.


When we arrived,there were
already a lot of people queuing to get in. We had special passes and
could go backstage immediately. The coordinator came to greet us. He
exchanged a few words with David and then he asked him to go and get

have to go Cas, I wish you could come with me.” 

be great.” I said smiling at him.

you. I hope so,I'm so anxious, my hands are trembling.”

I took his hands in mine and
kissed them. “These hands can do wonders.” And I meant
it. I rose to my tiptoes and gave him a good luck kiss on the lips.

luck.” I whispered. 

He looked at me and smiled.

feel much better now, Cassidy I'll play for you. All of this is for
you. I love you.”

He brushed my face with his
fingers before leaving. I kept looking at him while he walked away
with the coordinator. I felt so happy. Every time he said that he
loved me my heart raced. It was such a beautiful feeling. A young
woman took me to the VIP area which was reserved specifically for the
guests and relatives of the performers. I took my seat and prayed
that everything would go well for him. After about half an hour the
concert began. The arena was crowded. My God, I had never seen so
many persons altogether. The first performer was a young female. She
was very sweet and had a beautiful voice. She enchanted everyone.
Then it was the turn of two young men who launched their new song.
Probably they were quite famous as everyone was in awe for them. I
was enjoying every minute and I was glad that I had come. Suddenly I
felt my handbag vibrating, I had switched off the tone of my mobile
but forgot to switch it off completely. I took my mobile out and
looked at the number. I thought it could be mum, but it wasn't. I
didn't know the number. I hung up and switched it off immediately.
The concert continued and after about an hour it was David's turn. I
felt so excited. My heart raced as soon as I saw him coming out on
stage. I crossed fingers for him. He looked simply gorgeous, the most
handsome man I had ever pleasure to lay eyes on. He was introduced
and then he sat down on the stool and started to play. He played with
such passion that I felt tears welling in my eyes. I couldn't explain
what I was feeling. I just felt so proud of him. I loved him so much.
When he finished the audience stood up, cheering him and clapping
their hands. I stood up and clapped as well. He looked at me and
smiled. He then played a second song and a few minutes later he was
sitting next to me. I hugged his arm when he arrived.

were incredible.”I said happily.

you, your kiss has done a miracle,” he whispered before kissing
my temple. During the concert, David kept shifting on the seat. He
didn't seem comfortable. He was tensed, maybe he was still excited or
maybe he was feeling what I was feeling. Suddenly I just wished to be
out of there. So that I'd be alone with him. I just wanted to kiss
him and hug him tight to me. As if he had read my mind he bent down
and whispered in my ear...

you want to leave?”

I nodded.“But can we?
I mean, wouldn't that be a little rude?”

maybe but who cares? Cassidy we won't stay till the end anyway. We
have to leave early to catch the ferry boat.”

then let's go.”

We stood up and hurried out,
excusing ourselves while we passed in front of the seated persons. We
ran to the exit and as soon as we were out he grabbed my wrist and
pulled me into his arms and kissed me hard. I kissed him back
feverishly while my fingers combed into his hair. He pressed me into
him, his hands running all over my body. We were like two teenagers
who had just discovered love. We couldn't keep hands off each other.
We kissed passionately until we heard two teenagers giggling and one
of them shouted that we should get a room. I blushed, and David then
pulled back and smiled.

but I wanted to do this all evening.. Cassidy..”

say anything, I feel just the same.”I admitted while I grabbed
his arm. We walked until we reached the parking where there was
David's motorcycle 

do you want to go and eat something before we leave?”

Now that he mentioned I was
a little bit hungry.

yes but do you think we have enough time for that?”

it's only nine. We can go to eat and then afterwards we can catch the
ferry boat. The last one is at 11.00pm, till midnight we should be

sounds great.” I said happily.

We got on the motorcycle and
left. He stopped in a lovely place near the sea, we weren't so far
from the port. There weren't a lot of restaurants and we entered in
the first one we found. It was a small restaurant, designed in
Italian style décor.
looked quite old but there was a nice atmosphere inside. The the
round tables covered in chequered table-cloths were ready set up and
the walls were covered with old black and white photos.

sorry Cas, I' afraid this is not the most elegant restaurant in town,
but it's the nearest I found..”

fine David, actually I love it.” Suddenly I stopped and looked
at him.

the matter?” He asked.

I that type of person before the accident? One of those who only ate
in elegant and rich restaurants?” I asked worried. Was I a

David smiled. “No Cas,
I didn't mean that although probably you did. Listen let's just
forget about it and sit down. After all it's the company that

I nodded and then we both
took a seat near a window. In contrast the restaurant had a nice
view. It overlooked the sea and the many yachts and boats which
crowded the port. They looked wonderful, all lit up.

what do you want to eat?” David asked as he studied the menu.

laugh but I'm dying for a burger, my stomach seems OK now.”

He smiled.

glad you're feeling better. He squeezed my hand. We ordered, and less
than half an hour we were served. We eat in silence and at 10.00 we
were out on his motorcycle heading to the port. We arrived there at
10.45. David stopped the motorcycle and looked around worriedly. Then
he glanced at me. 

come there is no one here, not even the ferry boat is here. It's
deserted.” he said in panicky tones.

the ferry boat is not here yet.” I considered.

hope, let's go and ask at the office.”

We went down and walked to
the office. I felt a little embarrassed; all the workers were looking
strangely at us, we were still dressed in our evening clothing since
we didn't have time to get changed. David went near the ticket booth
where there was an old man half asleep.

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