A Servant of the Company (28 page)

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The minute hand of Carol’s watch indicated the time as exactly eight o’clock as she crossed the threshold of the Lowry. She saw the lift doors open and saw a smiling Diane coming towards her. ‘That’s what I call perfect timing Diane. We have both improved on time keeping, do you remember those last minute dashes to get to lectures?’ Her eyes quickly scanned her friend’s appearance and converted her clothes into money. ‘Way beyond my means,’ she said to herself.

They headed for the bar arm in arm chattering as they went. First of all it was checking out what had become of their peer group. It didn’t take long before they reported on their own lives since leaving Bristol.

Carol listened wide eyed at her friend’s progress, she was particularly amused by the revenge Diane had inflicted on the dreaded JJ and the experience with Simon Colbourne.

‘Whatever happened to Simon, he sounds a dish. I’m looking for someone like him myself. What would you give him out of ten?’ This had been their assessment process at University where not many males achieved above six.

‘Well, I would like to give more than eight but he had one habit which was particularly annoying. Whenever I spoke to him his head would rock like one of those noddy dogs you used to see in the back of cars. Apart from that he was handsome, rich, a great lover and very good company on the one and only date I had with him. Oh! and he liked animals. He did have a dog when he was young and when it died it was buried in the garden, not just dig a hole and throw it in, there was a grave stone with the dog’s name and date of death. When he talked about it he became all watery eyed. Quite sweet really. He was very Public School with the voice to match and had such charm. Although we are in the same line of business, I haven’t seen him since, although his picture keeps turning up in the trade magazines. With a bit of training I’m sure I could have cured the nodding. God knows what he did with his time, he didn’t spend much with his Company so I’m told. Now what about you, you look prosperous to me and even more attractive than you were when all those undergrads were trying to get into your pants.’ They laughed, each of them perfectly happy in the other’s company. The second Gin and Tonic also played its part in the relaxation process.

‘I too had my own JJ, what a bastard he turned out to be.’ She told Diane the story of her association with Hugo Biggs Connaughton and then about her continued job search. It would be tricky talking about her current employer or the twilight world she had entered, so she treated the subject as a straightforward business which she enjoyed. Diane asked innocent questions which she answered without committing herself on the problems which surrounded her.

‘The day has yet to dawn when I’ll meet someone like your Simon, he does sound rather special but I’m amazed he didn’t continue chasing you. So there, he does have another problem apart from his nodding addiction.’ Carol considered he must have been quite something for Diane to rate him so highly, she had been very choosy at University even though the number of men chasing her ran into double figures.

When dinner was over, they returned to the bar to continue their trip down memory lane. A number of men looked at them as children would look at the jars in a sweet shop window, but the girls were oblivious. Girl talk was far more interesting.

‘I’m so pleased our paths crossed today Diane, it’s been wonderful seeing you again and I feel honoured having dinner with a Company Chairperson.’ She laughed as Diane nudged her playfully. ‘You have done so well and deserve it. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed about my career, it pays well but a move to something else isn’t out of the question. Once I know what I want to do, the search will start.’ She didn’t tell Diane of the possibility of a cleaning job in Her Majesty’s Prisons if things went wrong, or worse in a box if the Company still had that in mind.

‘We must keep in touch now Carol, I have so enjoyed this evening, it has brought back so many memories fortunately the good outweigh the bad. There’s my card for work and I’ll write my home number on the back. I’m fairly committed until Friday afternoon, you will get me any time after that, the weekend is always the best time. I treat Saturday and Sunday as my time, no interruptions, apart from special friends like you.’

Taking the card, Carol put into her bag and took out a pen and a piece of paper. ‘I haven’t got a card yet, but here’s where you can get me. The flat is temporary but if I move I’ll let you know where I am.’

Diane sensed sadness when Carol had spoken. There was something she wasn’t happy about but had done a very good cover up job for most of the evening. Just occasionally she had felt that all was not well with Carol.

They were approached by a porter who advised that Miss Barcroft’s taxi had arrived. Fond farewells ended the reunion, and each girl was left with thoughts of the other which would occupy them for some time. Tonight she would sleep well, the time spent with Diane had transported her to happier times when there were no criminals crossing her path. Apart from Hugo’s deception, she had never been burgled or physically attacked until she had joined the Company and tonight that experience she had put into a box and closed the lid. Tomorrow the lid would have to be lifted.

As she got out of the taxi, the curtain in her flat moved and she saw Steve looking down at her. ‘He’s checking that I’m alright,’ she said to herself acknowledging that continuing with the job and staying in the flat would have been impossible without him.

Letting herself into the flat, she pretended that she had not noticed him looking out of the window and called, ‘Hi Steve I’m home.’

Getting up from his chair, he acted as though he had been asleep, rubbing his eyes and stifling a yawn. ‘How did your evening go, from the rosy glow on your cheeks, I would think very well. It must have been quite something seeing your friend again after five years. Had she changed much?’

Carol settled on the sofa facing Steve. ‘It was a great evening, she’s still as stunning as she always was but has moved up in the world and is now Chairperson of a big Company. Doing very nicely, thank you very much.’ Her head nodded as if to reinforce the statement. ‘Did I nod then Steve? I hope not. It’s hearing Diane telling me about a boyfriend she had who spent his time nodding. Like one of those dogs in the back of cars, you know the ones. Like the one we saw when the explosion happened.’

Steve looked startled, his elbow lifted from the arm of the chair and then his hand descended on it with a bang. ‘Do you know something, you have just pressed the right button. When I had my interview in London, there were the three people asking the questions and one other who never spoke. But he did have the nodding problem. How could that have slipped my memory? Some people are grey, do you know what I mean, without that nodding I would have forgotten about him completely. I don’t suppose Diane’s boyfriend spoke with a plum in his mouth did he?’ It was joke as far as Steve was concerned but Carol wasn’t laughing.

‘Steve, he did.’ Her hand covered her mouth as she spoke. She was shocked at the thoughts now flooding her mind.

‘Did what?’ Steve was losing the train of thought and Carol’s shocked appearance puzzled him. He hadn’t seen her like this before, even though they had known each other for a short time, her calm approach to the problems they faced was impressive. Now her eyes had a wild look and her hand still covered her mouth as though she was afraid of uttering a word. ‘What is it, you look as though you have seen a ghost?’

Carol stood up her hand still covering her mouth, then turning to Steve, ‘Everything fits. Everything. Do you think you could recognise the fourth man present at your interview, you know, Mr. Noddy?’

‘Possibly, he was something of a nonentity but in an identity parade I might just pick him out. What are you getting at, if you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, it’s a bit farfetched? The chances of meeting someone in a lift who happened to know our man is a million to one I would think.’

Still pacing up and down in the small room Carol was thinking hard. ‘If I told you that there was a picture of him available, would you want to see it? Of course you would, any clue no matter how small has to be looked at.’ Could this be the breakthrough, Carol was sure it was a positive lead but how could she approach Diane without the whole story coming out. They had already involved Anthea’s friend Sue. Another person, no matter how close could endanger them if they were indiscreet with the knowledge, then the forces of Law and Order would descend on them and how would it all end?

‘Where is the picture, of course I want to see it? I just can’t see how the two men could be one and the same, the odds are just too great but anything is worth a look. Sorry Carol, I didn’t mean to be abrupt but it does seem a bit bizarre.’ He would see the picture, Carol had the bit between her teeth and he recognised the look of determination on her face. ‘When can we see it?’

Carol put her hand on Steve’s arm. ‘No I don’t have it but Diane said his picture appeared fairly regularly in a trade magazine. She will have it or at least be able to get it. She’s not available until the weekend although I do have her mobile number. It might be an idea to text her which wouldn’t interrupt anything she was doing. Yes, that’s what I’ll do. If I just say something like I need to talk to you urgently, please call at first convenient time that might do the trick.’ She looked at Steve for support, it was the right thing to do but she wanted him to believe in her and recognise the facts she had given him. Of course it was a gut reaction but she had to follow it through.

‘Do it Carol, but it could be some time before you get a response if she’s so busy. Did she say where she would be for the next couple of days?’ It was amazing, from his initial doubt about Carol’s supposition, he now wanted verification and only the photograph could give it. Or deny it. It was done, the message quickly sent and now waiting for Diane to switch on her mobile phone and retrieve it.

‘We have done all we can for now Steve, I’m off to bed and a good night’s sleep, tomorrow should give us an answer and with luck prove me right.’

Carol’s enthusiasm was now working on him and after she had gone to bed he lay on the sofa thinking of various possibilities should she be proved right. One thing he was sure of, they had to talk Sue out of further involvement. If things went badly she might be implicated as an accessory and that could destroy her life. Her Policeman fiancé might be a little unforgiving if she kept their secrets from him. Tomorrow he would discuss it with Anthea, she would know what to do.


It was midday when her phone rang and she heard Diane’s voice. ‘I’m so sorry to bother you Diane but I have a problem which I can’t explain at the moment. If I give you my e-mail address could you send me a picture of your friend Simon? I’m not after him for myself believe me, but it is important. Once we see each other I’ll try to explain and hope you will understand.’ She felt her heart pounding as she spoke, her words coming out twice as fast as they would normally. How would Diane react to such a request so soon after their meeting?

‘You’re in luck today young lady, I have a magazine in front of me and if I turn to page, wait a minute, yes thirty-two. There he is all smiles. No problem let me have your e-mail address and you will have it in minutes, but you will have some explaining to do when we meet.’ Diane laughed, her friend was clearly embarrassed but would no doubt eventually clear up the mystery.

‘Diane you’re a gem, I can’t thank you enough. Believe me, I will explain and you will understand what I’m doing. I’ll ring you at home on Saturday when you have fewer pressures, what’s the best time to get you?’

‘After nine o’clock, but before eleven. I usually join the supermarket rush then and stock up for the week.’ This was all very interesting, what sort of intrigue was Carol involved in. Well, she would learn in good time.

‘Right Diane, I’ll speak to you on Saturday and look forward to seeing Simon’s picture soon. Bye.’

Sitting opposite her, Steve raised an eye brow. ‘That sounded promising, what’s going on?’ He watched as Carol worked quickly on her laptop computer.

‘Just give me a couple of minutes and you’ll see.’ They were silent until the keyboard wizardry brought a cry from her lips. ‘There he is, come and have a look. Does he look anything like your Mr. Noddy? He looks a very smooth bit of work to me, I can understand Diane taking a fancy to him.’ Looking at the face smiling at her from the computer screen she began to have doubts about her assumptions. This one couldn’t possibly be involved in murder, he was every inch a well heeled Company Director.

She turned the computer so that Steve could view the screen. He looked closely at the picture but said nothing. The clothing was wrong, the hair was wrong, but remove the smile and there was the face of Clive Andrews or was it Charles Crichton. The name now was Simon Colbourne, there it was in black and white beneath the picture. ‘Carol I think you have solved the mystery, that’s our man. I’m 99.9 per cent sure, the smile and hair style put me off for a second but once I took a second look I knew not only that I had seen him before, but exactly where he was sitting during my interview. ‘I apologise for doubting you Carol, you were right and I was wrong. Your meeting with Diane has moved us a few steps up the ladder.’

‘We’ll just have to avoid coming in contact with any snakes won’t we. It’s ladders only from now on.’ Connecting the laptop to the printer she soon had four copies of the picture.

The euphoria they felt discovering the identity of possibly their main adversary was interrupted by the telephone ringing, the result of which gave the Agency another booking for six girls, once again at the Lowry.

‘We have to come up with a plan of action but it’s not a good idea to rush it. So far things are moving along at a steady rate. No aggression, no phone calls, no threats. Let’s assume that our man here,’ he held up the photograph, ‘was a rogue trader within the Company. They may know he’s dead already. I’m just guessing. Forget that idea, I think we have to talk to your friend Diane and lay our cards on the table. There must be a way of finding out if he’s the one that died in the explosion. There’s always the chance that it was someone else, but somehow I don’t think so. Are you happy with the idea of involving Diane?’ It was a risk but what options did they have.

‘I feel dreadful just thinking about involving her, but we’re in a desperate situation. We’ll have to take the risk. Do you think Anthea could put us up for the weekend, we could travel down on Friday night, have a discussion and try to meet Diane on Saturday?’ They had to move on, questions needed answering and dark clouds needed dispersing.

His brain was working in overdrive and he was already ahead of Carol. ‘You’re right, a visit is essential. Anthea would be pleased if we travelled down, she has two bedrooms so there isn’t a problem.’ The thought of the visit had his pulse racing, Carol would sleep in the room he had used. He would sleep with Anthea for the first time. ‘Would you mind if I speak to Anthea on my own, she is very special to me and some of the conversation will be personal and I don’t want to embarrass you?’

‘Don’t worry Steve, I understand perfectly. I’ll pop out and get something for our lunch while you have a chat with Anthea. Give her my love would you?’ Picking up her jacket and handbag she headed for door.

The phone rang three times before he heard Anthea’s business voice which softened as soon as she realised it was Steve. ‘I’m so pleased it’s you Steve, I’ve been thinking about you all morning. How are things going there?’

Her voice had an immediate effect on him, a feeling of supreme love for her enveloped his whole body. The thought of seeing her at the weekend suppressed any fear he might have had with Company involvement. It did not take him long to outline the progress already made and she quickly agreed to the weekend visit. Her review of the sleeping arrangements coincided with Steve’s. ‘Once we get more information on this Simon Colbourne I think we should have a meeting with your Arif. He seems a reasonable bloke and from what you say he’s like us, just one of the unwitting crowd.’ He remembered Anthea speaking about Arif and his family affectionately. There would not be a threat from that direction but it might help unlock a few more doors.

‘Steve I can’t wait to see you again, it seems ages since we were together. I’ll make up for that at the weekend, I promise.’ She remembered the day she had left Manchester and the look on his face when she held him before getting into her car. His eyes had the look of a caged animal, wanting to be free but without the means to obtain that freedom.

‘I’ll give you a ring on Friday night once we are on our way, it shouldn’t take too long. By the way did you get friend Arifs’s home telephone number by any chance? We should really get together with him.’

‘You must think I’m just a silly girl Steve, of course I got the number. I want to buy some of his wife’s paintings for our first home together, so there.’

‘Are you proposing young lady?’ Steve laughed as he spoke. ‘If you are, I’m accepting, so there.’

‘Well that’s that settled then. Now can I get off my knees? It’s supposed to be you doing the proposing not me but I thought you’d never ask. Now I’ll have to go and earn my salary or you know who will be chasing me. I’ll see you on Friday and make sure Carol drives carefully. I love you. Bye.’

He replaced the handset and sighed contentedly. The weekend was still two days away, but there was work to do in the office which would help pass the time. He would also continue to monitor the building from a safe distance, just to see if anyone was keeping them under observation. So far he hadn’t seen anyone acting suspiciously but the danger may not be over.

They arrived at Anthea’s at seven o’clock following a reasonable journey. The table was set, wine glasses in position and delightful smells coming from the kitchen. Anthea looked stunning and held Steve close when he put down their small amount of luggage. Once they had settled in the sitting room, Anthea announced, ‘The meal will be about ten minutes, Marks and Spencer’s I’m afraid but there wasn’t time to show off my cooking skills. In the meantime let’s have some wine and talk. It’s been so frustrating being away from you all, not knowing what was going on.’

Carol gave her interpretation of their progress which coincided with Steve’s, but Anthea liked to get the woman’s view. Often a male and a female could say the same thing but each conveys a totally different meaning, fortunately this was not one of those occasions and Anthea felt that all of the blanks had been filled in.

After the meal, they all helped clear away before settling down to plan the following day. ‘As you know Anthea, Carol’s ringing her friend in the morning at crack of dawn, well nine o’clock and with luck can arrange a meeting. Do you think we should all go Carol or would the appearance of two strangers put her off?’

‘I’ve been thinking about that, but really I’m not sure. I think I’ll wait until I’ve spoken to Diane in the morning. Don’t get me wrong she’s not a dragon or anything like that but if you think about it, she would be getting a large helping on her plate once she learns what we are up against. Of course it would be better if we all got together but let’s just wait and see.’ She hated to sound negative but nothing was straightforward, and if Diane was told everything would she be prepared to take the risk by becoming involved. Only time would tell.

After much discussion and finishing off the second bottle of wine, Carol diplomatically announced that she was exhausted and would like to turn in for the night if Anthea and Steve didn’t mind. Once she had left the room, they held each other close. Anthea whispered in his ear. ‘Steve, I have some bad news for you.’ Her face showing no emotion at all, she looked him in the eyes.

It was a worried Steve who answered her. ‘What’s that?’ He suddenly had visions of her finding a new partner. She looked so serious and upset, what on earth could be the matter?

Her face remained serious until she spoke. ‘I’ve given your room to Carol and you will have to spend the night with me.’ They both burst out laughing while Steve pulled her towards him.

Their lovemaking was gentle as they explored each other. Both aware of the poor sound proofing between the two bedrooms made them indulge in extended foreplay. By the time he silently entered her they were both ready for the climax each so desperately wanted. Afterwards they held each other until sleep finally took over.

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