A Simple Mistake (5 page)

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Authors: Andrea Grigg

BOOK: A Simple Mistake
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‘You’ve just paid me a big compliment.’ Lainey tucked her legs up under her.


‘I mean it. I’m the biggest stress-head but I pray a lot, as often as I can. Try it, Mia. It changes things, it really does.’

‘I suppose you’ve done a lot of praying for Nick then?’

Lainey felt her cheeks grow warm. ‘Yes, I have. And those things you mentioned about women would worry me too, if I had the right to.’

‘Oh, believe me, you have the right. Be careful with him, Lainey.’

‘I know. He’s a big star now, and I’m little old Lainey Sullivan, school teacher. I have a lot to compete with and I don’t know if I should even try.’

‘You misunderstand me.’ Mia put down her glass. ‘You don’t have to compete with anyone. He’s yours.’

Lainey stared, her toes tingling. ‘What do you mean?’

‘I’ve seen Nick with loads of women but he’s never looked at any of them the way I saw him looking at you tonight.’

‘Oh.’ Lainey felt a frisson of happiness then registered the first bit. ‘Loads of women, hey?’

‘Well, yes. What did you expect? It doesn’t mean he’s slept with them all. He’s not like that despite what the media might have to say, but don’t be naive. Listen, I only met you a few hours ago, but I like you. I really hope it works out for the two of you.’

Lainey was about to reply but the sound of a door opening and footsteps on the stairs put an end to the conversation. She hoped it worked out too, but it wasn’t going to be plain sailing. That much she knew.

Chapter Seven

Nick was anxious for Tuesday night. He hadn’t seen Lainey since the barbecue at James and Mia’s. Too long.

He’d been serious about three women over the years, but what he felt for Lainey made everything else pale in comparison. Even after only seventeen days.

He hoped what he had planned for tonight would break down some of the reserve that lurked in her eyes. Years ago, it had been due to Roger’s influence and because he, Nick, was about to embark on his career. Now, he figured it had to do with church, or more accurately, God. He wasn’t quite sure what to do, nor was he about to start competing with Him. He knew he’d come off second best.

Nick knocked on Lainey’s door and it opened straight away.

‘Hi.’ She was wearing something pink and had her hair down for once, tumbling over her shoulders in glossy waves.

She was perfect.

‘Happy Valentine’s Day.’ He held her close, breathing in shampoo and perfume.

‘Thank you for the flowers,’ she said, stepping back, ‘they’re beautiful.’

Like you
. ‘I’m glad you liked them.’

‘Everyone at work is very curious about who you are.’ Lainey grabbed her purse and closed the door behind them.

‘What have you told them?’

‘Nothing. It’s fun to keep them guessing.’ She grinned. ‘You’ve turned the normal, boring Miss Sullivan into a person of intrigue.’

Nick opened the car door for her. ‘You’re never boring, Lainey. Ready for your surprise?’

‘Is it far away?’

‘No, but keep an open mind. First appearances can be deceiving.’

When they pulled up at Angelo’s restaurant, Lainey looked skeptical. Her expression deepened when he drove down the driveway and parked around the back next to the garbage bins.

Nick held up a finger. ‘Trust me.’ He led her to the back entrance and stopped at a flight of stairs. ‘Close your eyes.’

She clutched his hand as he guided her up the stairs, through the empty flat above the shop and out onto the concrete roof. Except tonight it wasn’t just a concrete roof.

‘Alright, you can look now.’

Lainey stared open-mouthed at the scene in front of her.

A table for two rested on a plush, pale pink carpet square beneath a gazebo made out of some white filmy material. Sparkling glasses and gleaming cutlery resided on an immaculate white cloth, reflecting the candlelight provided by an elegant crystal candelabrum. Pink rose petals were scattered on the centre of the table. Topiary trees draped with fairy lights were placed around the gazebo, leaving one side open to give a clear view of the beach. Music drifted through the air.

‘Oh, Nick, I can’t believe you’ve done this.’

Tempted to plant a kiss on her parted lips, he satisfied himself with her cheek instead. He held out her chair then seated himself opposite.

Lainey grasped his hand. ‘No one’s ever done anything like this for me before.’

He was about to tell her he was going to make sure no one else ever did but Angelo arrived with their menus and a big smile.

Nick had a big smile himself. Lainey was stunned and the food was wonderful. He also had the opportunity to introduce her to Rosa. She approved, giving him nods and winks behind Lainey’s back.

As they ate, he outlined the movie choices he had in front of him.

‘Are they decent parts?’

‘Pretty good, actually. I have to go and read for two of them next week. I don’t know who’s got the main roles yet but Keanu Reeves is a possibility for one and maybe Kevin Costner in the other. What?’

Lainey was laughing. ‘This is surreal. We could never have imagined having this conversation all those years ago.’

‘I know. And for a long time I didn’t think I’d ever get to share it with you.’ Nick leaned across and toyed with a long strand of her hair, winding his finger around the curl. ‘Will you come with me to the premiere of
Against All Odds
here in Sydney?’

Lainey held his gaze, her hands stilled on her glass. ‘Maybe. Would you come to something with me first?’

‘Anything.’ Even if it was church related.

‘There’s a wedding I’ve been invited to, a friend from work. It’s three weeks from this Saturday. You’ll be back by then, won’t you?’ She clasped his wrist. ‘You’re pulling my hair.’

‘Sorry.’ He took her hand instead and ran his thumb across her knuckles. ‘Of course I’ll come with you. So … does this mean we’re dating now?’

To his dismay, Lainey withdrew. ‘Nick, I—’

‘Don’t say anything. Forget it. Maybe it’s a good thing I’m going away,’ he said, not meaning it, and was disappointed when she agreed.

‘Nick, please don’t take it the wrong way, it’s just that I—’

‘It’s alright. I just find it hard to understand why you need more time.’

‘It’s only been—’

‘Seventeen days. I know. It’s crazy, but it’s long enough for me to know that after ten years, I don’t want to let you go again.’ He went to move closer but she stopped him.

‘Stay there, Nick. I want to try and explain. It’s easier if you’re over there.’

He felt a small amount of satisfaction at her words.

‘The problem is, you and I are on different paths and handle things in different ways. Are you listening?’

‘Yes. Sorry.’ It was hard to focus when all he wanted to do was kiss her. He toyed with the idea of grabbing her and doing just that, but discarded it. She’d probably slap him.

‘You’re a very creative person with a wonderful imagination. You like to speculate, come up with ideas, take risks to make them happen.’ Lainey shrugged. ‘You’ve always been that way. You’re persistent when you think something will work, but you don’t want to have to worry about the finer details so you have other people do all that for you. You write the songs, record them, do the acting. Someone else checks the contracts, does the legwork and negotiates for you.’

‘What is this? Psychology 101?’

Lainey smiled. ‘And then there’s me. I like to be organised, have everything under control, know all the details, take minimal risks. You, Nick Cusack, are a big risk in my well-ordered life. A very attractive one, I admit, but a risk none the less.’

‘Whew. I was beginning to think I’d misread the signs.’ He reached over and took her hand again. ‘I was afraid you’d decided I wasn’t your type anymore.’

‘Hardly.’ Lainey entwined her fingers with his. ‘Lara and I wrote lists years ago, about what we wanted in a man. I wrote one I showed her, and another that I kept for myself.’


‘Well, for the first one, I used some guy out of a Kmart catalogue.’ She smiled when he chuckled. ‘For the second, I wrote about you. Not on purpose, but when I read it, I realised I’d described you, as I remembered you.’ She frowned.

‘And you have a problem with that?’

‘The only thing missing from my list is the part where I need a man who is spiritually in tune with me – and you’re not.’

Nick let out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding. ‘I see.’

‘We balance each other in a lot of ways, but in this one, the most important to me, we don’t. And I don’t know what to do about it, because my heart gets in the way of my head.’

‘Does it now?’

‘Yes, it does. So that’s why I’m thankful you’re going away and then you go and do something like this,’ she indicated the rooftop with a sweep of her free hand, ‘and I feel awful saying these things.’

‘You shouldn’t. I want you to be honest with me, I always have.’ Something flickered in her eyes. ‘What? Do you think I feel ripped off because I’ve gone and done all this and it hasn’t worked out as I’d hoped?’

‘Of course I do. You’ve overwhelmed me and I’ve … I’ve probably totally
whelmed you.’

‘If it takes ten more times of doing this to convince you we’re worth it, I’ll do it.’ Nick kept his grip on her. ‘And don’t give up on me spiritually. I need to do a lot of thinking myself. That’s where you need to give
time, alright?’


It was as good as they were going to get.

They were both quiet on the drive home. When they got to the door of Lainey’s flat, Nick took both her hands. ‘What am I going to do with you, Miss Sullivan?’

‘I don’t know. I wish I knew.’

‘We’ll figure it out. I’ll phone you when I get to L.A.’ He leaned forward and kissed her just below her ear on her jawline and then again, a little higher. She gave a slight shiver and he stepped back. He could have kissed her properly, but sometimes he could be as stubborn as she was. ‘Happy Valentine’s Day.’

‘It was incredible, Nick.’ Her eyes were luminous.

He pressed another kiss into her palm. ‘See you when I get back.’

He started missing her as soon as she closed the door.

* * *

Lara was out and Kate asleep. Lainey sat on the lounge in the dark for a long time. Once in bed, she tossed and turned, taking ages to drift off, only to have Lara shake her awake, excitement fizzing off her in waves.

‘Lainey! Wake up!’

‘Wha—’ Lainey sat up, looked around for the fire, then sank back with a groan. ‘What’s wrong?’

Lara snapped on the bedside lamp. ‘I’m getting married!’

?’ Squinting against the sudden light, Lainey leapt out of bed and hugged her just as Kate stuck her tousled head around the door, wanting to know what was going on.

By the time they’d heard the full story it was two o’clock. Lainey would tell them about her magical evening another time.

She hugged it to herself all day. Nothing could penetrate her bubble, not even explaining discounts and percentages to blank faces, or listening to her slower readers drone on.

She was on front gate duty after school when Carolyn, another teacher, found her.

‘Hey, I’ve been meaning to catch you all day. I’ve a couple of questions for you. Now, I presume your flower man is the one responsible for you beaming like a beacon?’

Lainey laughed, only slightly embarrassed. ‘Yes, he is.’

‘Did you meet him at your church?’

‘No, I met him at a wedding I was playing at.’

Carolyn raised an eyebrow. ‘
romantic! I hope you’re bringing him to mine. That’s what I wanted to ask you. I need a name to write on the place card.’ She poked around in her bag and found a notebook and pen. ‘Okay, what is it?’

‘It’s Nick, Nick Cusack.’ Lainey’s heart was in her mouth.

‘How funny. The same as that pop star guy.’ Carolyn didn’t even look up. ‘Hope he looks like him! He’s drop dead gorgeous.’

‘He does a bit,’ Lainey said.

‘Lucky you! Okay, see you tomorrow.’ She waved and that was that.

The minute she got home from work, Lainey changed into her running gear. She had lots to think about and exercising was the perfect way to do it. It wasn’t everyone’s thing, but it was hers.

As she ran, Lainey thought about her conversation with Carolyn. She couldn’t wait to take Nick to the wedding and show him off. She grinned, imagining her colleague’s faces. No one would expect this from the Miss Sullivan who went to church and led a presumably dull life.

Lainey was thrilled for Lara and Adam. She and Kate were to be bridesmaids and Adam’s two older brothers would be the groomsmen. It was going to be fun.

She rounded the corner and headed for home. Running in February was always the worst. Sweat soaked her t-shirt and dripped off her face. Lara thought she was mad. Lainey found it cathartic.

She slowed to a jog for the last two hundred metres, but then her heart sped up once more. It had nothing to do with the run.

A black limousine was parked outside the flats and it looked like Nick striding down her path. It couldn’t be. Sweat trickled into her eyes and she dashed it away. ‘Nick?’

He turned and his face split into a grin. ‘
you are.’

‘What are you doing here?’

‘Looking for you.’ He smiled his famous knee-weakening smile, grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the privacy of the entry.

She tried to tug away. ‘I’m all sweaty!’

‘I don’t care.’ He pulled her against him, his smoky grey eyes boring into hers. ‘I’ve come to do what I should’ve done last night.’ And then he kissed her. Not just a tentative, chaste first kiss, but long and deep.

Lainey worried about not having had a shower, but only for the tiniest moment. She wound her arms around his neck and kissed him right back.

Nick laughed against her mouth. ‘You’re not exactly being shy, Miss Sullivan.’

‘I thought I was going to die when you didn’t do this last night.’

‘I can tell you barely survived. Not much energy went into that at all.’

‘Better do it again then, make sure I’m completely revived.’ Lainey saw his eyes light up then everything else was blotted out once more.

‘Unfortunately,’ Nick said, a little while later, ‘I really do have to go.’

‘Oh, look.’ Lainey poked at patches on his shirt. ‘I’ve left sweat all over you.’

‘Guys don’t mind a bit of sweat. And it means I get to take a little bit of you with me.’ The look on his face made her insides melt. ‘Come and meet my manager.’

‘So what happened to your flight?’ Lainey trailed down the path after him, surprised she could still form a sentence.

‘It was delayed so I thought I’d use the time wisely.’ Nick grinned and opened the car door. ‘Hey, Malcolm, this is Lainey.’

A man she guessed to be in his late forties stuck his head out, offering a hand to shake.

‘Hi, Lainey, nice to meet you.’

‘Hello. You too.’ At least her hand was dry.

‘Alright, gotta go.’ Nick hugged her again.

‘Sorry about the sweat.’

‘I may never wash this shirt again.’

‘Silly.’ Lainey smiled and he kissed her once more.

‘Bye, beautiful. Be good.’

She caught sight of her flushed face in the mirror as she jumped into the shower, and beamed. Nick had called her beautiful.

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