The Last Assassin

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Authors: Barry Eisler

BOOK: The Last Assassin
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Praise for the Novels of Barry Eisler

The Last Assassin

“Body Count: A whopping 20. Worst Death: A double beheading via katana blade. Lowdown: [
The Last Assassin
]…certainly gives good gunplay. And don't let that extreme body count fool you: Eisler is just as keen on inner angst as on executions.”

Entertainment Weekly

“Eisler, a former CIA operative, has a knack for creating characters we like and for crafting grippingly turbulent plot.”

San Francisco Chronicle

The Last Assassin
is a terrific, fun read, full of modern spy craft (Eisler worked for the CIA for a while), exotic locales, hot sex, and violence. Not to mention an extremely well-defined character in John Rain, who seems like a pretty good guy, given his career.”

San Jose Mercury News

“Great characters, great action…. This is Eisler's best so far, and a great introduction to one of most gripping espionage series around. If you like your thrillers with an existential twist, Eisler's your man. Exceptional.”

—Shots Magazine

“Rating: A. I love these books. They contain everything I look for in a great thriller. Long live John Rain—and Barry Eisler!”

Deadly Pleasures

“It is possible that the most recent book in the series,
The Last Assassin,
is the best yet, though I have been an addict ever since the first one,
Rain Fall
…. Scenes of sudden violence and moments of nearly unbearable suspense are reminiscent of James Bond's greatest hits.”

The New York Sun

“Wicked action sequences, smoothly delineated local color, and moments of introspection capture Rain in fine, fraught form.”

Kirkus Reviews

“It may be a true sign of Eisler's craft…that Rain's sumo brawls, romantic antics, and emotional encounter with fatherhood somehow merge seamlessly onto the narrative, perhaps even to the point of enhancing it.”

The Japan Times

Killing Rain

“Eisler unspools a plot full of warring secret government connections, cool spy paraphernalia, and vivid martial-arts sequences…exhilarating.”

Entertainment Weekly

“Steeped in exotic locales, charged with spasms of violence…unique and entertaining.”

Rocky Mountain News

“High-octane action.”

Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel

“Pulse-pounding…. Rain should have a bright, bloody, nerve-racking future.”

Lansing State Journal

“Freelance assassin Rain, now an established presence on the thriller scene, confronts both menace and morality…plenty of good action…a thriller as straight as an arrow…thankfully, expect more Rain.”

Kirkus Reviews

“Plenty of thrills and tense moments…a satisfying step forward for one of the genre's most gifted writers.”

The Examiner
(Washington, D.C.)

Rain Storm

“If Quentin Tarantino ever got to take a crack at the James Bond franchise, chances are the resulting film would resemble one of Eisler's novels about John Rain.”

Entertainment Weekly

“[A] superb thriller…an ultracool assassin.”

New York Daily News

“Eisler…is out to redefine what an international thriller can be.”

The News-Press
(Fort Myers, FL)

“A propulsive thriller plot…plausible, au courant, and creepy.”

Kirkus Reviews

“What truly sets Eisler's series apart is its near total absence of formula and stereotype. Rain is a wholly original, cliché-free character operating in a world created only for him, serving as both his folly and his foil.”

Publishers Weekly

“The Rain series keeps on getting better. For espionage fans who favor adventure over ambiguity.”


Hard Rain

“Entertaining and suspenseful enough to keep you turning the pages as fast as your eyes can follow…. He does a superlative job of making his story seem real.”

Chicago Sun-Times

“Action scenes that could make John Woo drool.”

Entertainment Weekly

“[A] relentlessly likable protagonist.”

San Francisco Chronicle

“Just plain fun.”

Rocky Mountain News

“Yakuza gangsters, ruthless bureaucrats, and shifty CIA agents—in a complex, suspenseful yarn.”

Phoenix News Times

“Captivating…. The nightscape of Tokyo is painted in beautifully dark tones…a fascinating, touching, and wholly believable character.”

Publishers Weekly

Rain Fall
A Publishers Weekly
Best Book of the Year

“It's got it all: dazzling plot, deft characterization, beaucoup originality. You should dig it.”

—James Ellroy

“Terrific…possibly the best cool-killer novel since
The Eiger Sanction.

San Francisco Chronicle

“A crackling good yarn, well-written, deftly plotted, and surprisingly appealing.”

The Boston Globe

“Fast-paced…. Readers will warm to Eisler's ruthless protagonist…quite the accomplishment.”

New York Daily News

“Rain is a definite three-dimensional hit man hero…compelling.”

The Tampa Tribune

“A brisk page-turner with some great plot twists and reversals.”

Palo Alto Weekly

“Rich atmosphere and believable politics…pleasantly fast and polished, in the John Sandford style.”

Kirkus Reviews


Rain Fall

Hard Rain

Rain Storm

Killing Rain


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ISBN: 978-1-1012-1228-8

Copyright © Barry Eisler, 2006
Excerpt from
Requiem for an Assassin
copyright © Barry Eisler, 2007 All rights reserved


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For my brother and sister,
Alan and Judith

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