A Spy Unmasked (Entangled Scandalous) (19 page)

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Authors: Tina Gabrielle

Tags: #category, #historical romance

BOOK: A Spy Unmasked (Entangled Scandalous)
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Chapter Twenty-Nine

Sophia felt Robert strain to the side and immediately understood his intent. The knife he’d stashed in his boot.

Let me
, she wanted to whisper, but the gag was firmly in her mouth.

Wendover and Delmont were both occupied removing counterfeit banknotes from the crates and stuffing them into a canvas bag. Sophia shifted to the side and reached the blade in Robert’s boot.

She was sweating as her fingers twisted and sliced at Robert’s bindings. With her hands bound behind her back, it was hard work. Several times the knife slipped and she feared she would cut him or drop the blade. Her efforts were finally rewarded when he snapped the frayed rope just as she was halfway through his bindings.

Pivoting quickly, he removed the gag from her mouth and cut her bindings. He held a finger over his lips and mouthed,
Stay still.

Their task completed, Wendover approached holding the pistol. Delmont stood behind him with a bag of banknotes slung over his shoulder.

“Robert, I’m disappointed that our working relationship must end this way. But again, you leave me no choice. I’ll see to Sophia first,” Wendover said.

She watched in horror as Wendover pointed the pistol at her belly.

Robert launched himself at him and the men wrestled for the pistol. Robert’s knife clattered across the floor. Delmont leaped at Robert, grabbing him from behind in an attempt to yank him away from Wendover. Robert struck out and swept Delmont’s knee, causing all three men to go down in a fighting heap. A lantern was knocked aside, igniting the canvas bag of banknotes.

She watched in horror as the fire spread across the wooden floor, consuming the straw-stuffed crates.

Good Lord! The factory was packed with reams of paper, and within no time the place would go up in flames.

The pair of villains continued to fight Robert. Delmont punched Robert in the face, and Sophia screamed. She leaped forward, balling her fists and hitting Delmont on the back. The viscount twisted to look at her with a surprised expression before he struck her across the temple. Pain shot through her head and she landed hard on the floor. She raised herself on her elbows just as Delmont reached for Robert’s knife.

She scrambled to her feet, frantically searching for a weapon when she spotted the engraved plates. Lifting one high, she ran at Delmont and smashed the heavy steel onto his head with all her might. There was a sickening
, and the viscount dropped the knife and collapsed.

The blast of a pistol exploded in her ears. Her breath caught in her throat.

Please don’t let it be Robert!

Seconds passed, an eternity, and Robert stood. Blood stained Wendover’s shirtfront.

“Quickly!” Robert shouted. “This place will be an inferno in less than a minute.”

The path of flames had already widened, eating up the wood floor. He grasped her hand and pulled her behind him. The air was thick with smoke as they sprinted through the maze of the factory toward the door.

Once outside, he clutched her shoulders. “Sophia, love. Are you injured?” His expression was one of heart-wrenching concern and fear.

Her throat ached and her voice wavered. “No…I’m fine.”

“Let’s get away from here.”

She glanced inside the factory. Flames consumed the interior and heat blasted her face. The two men inside would never survive.

She covered her mouth with her hand, and they fled into the night.

Robert hailed a hackney cab, helped her inside, and gave the driver directions. As soon as he settled on the bench, he enveloped her in a strong embrace. She was trembling, an aftermath to their close escape.

“What will happen?” she said. “With both Wendover and Delmont dead and the factory burned to the ground?”

“Don’t worry. The Home Office will concoct a story.”

“But how—”

You’re shaking like a leaf and in shock. Let’s get you inside.”

She was slow to realize the hackney had arrived outside their home. He carried her inside and up the stairs to her chambers. He dismissed Burke and her maid along the way and slammed the door shut with a booted foot. Setting her down on the edge of the bed, he knelt before her.

His blue eyes were brilliant as he gazed at her. “My God. I almost lost you,” he said, his voice full of despair. “It would have been my fault. Again.”

“No. You couldn’t have known about Wendover.”

“He was going to take you from me. I couldn’t bear it.”

She cradled his face with both hands and forced him to look in her eyes. “He didn’t. You saved me. I love you, Robert.”

He tenderly trailed a finger down her check. “Sophia, my love…my wife. I love you with all my heart. It’s y
who saved
I was lost without you. A cold, bitter man wandering from mission to mission. You gave me hope and love and a second chance at life. Without you, my life has no meaning.”

“Oh, Robert. I thought you were going to send me away.”

“Never, darling. Will you stay with me as my wife?”

Her heart leaped with joy. “Yes! Oh, yes.”

He swept her into his arms and cradled her against him. “Thank God.”

She drew his head down to hers and told him just how she felt with a passionate kiss. He returned the kiss deeply, while gently driving her down onto the pillows. A jolt of excitement shot through her at the brush of his arousal against her belly. Sliding her hand between their bodies, she caressed him.

“Ah, my love.” He groaned. “You’ve been through a traumatic evening. You need to rest.”

“Later,” she murmured. “I need my husband now.”

He was blissfully quick to oblige her. A short time later he was sliding into her and she was trembling with ecstasy as they joined not just their bodies, but their hearts.

Chapter Thirty

Two nights later, Sophia woke alone bed. Memories of the night of the warehouse fire were still vivid in her mind. Since the frightful ordeal, she’d had difficulty falling asleep. But Robert had held her tenderly at night and whispered love words in her ear until she’d slept.

Glancing at the mantle clock, she realized it was late morning. She dressed and hurried to the library where she found her husband sitting behind his desk, reading correspondence.

He rose and drew her into his arms to kiss her, lingeringly and sweetly. Her senses spun.

“I have something to show you,” he murmured against her lips.

He turned to the desk and handed her a copy of the
She frowned as she glanced at the front page. Then her eyes widened as the article caught her attention.

“Read it out loud,” he urged.

She cleared her throat and read:

The tragedy at the Princess Wharf paper factory was an alleged act of arson. The owners of the factory, Sir Falk and Sir Maxwell, were suspected of counterfeiting banknotes. The unfortunate deaths of two respectable gentlemen who were investigating the forgers, the Marquess of Wendover and Viscount Delmont, have been reported as casualties of the fire. The Ordinance Department has sustained a loss with the death of the Marquess of Wendover. The London Inventors’ Society is grieving the loss of its leader, Viscount Delmont. Falk and Maxwell are currently in Newgate awaiting trial at the Old Bailey.

She looked at him in surprise. “This article is hardly accurate.”

“The secretary of the Home Office has decided to keep the surreptitious criminal acts of Wendover and Delmont a secret. By blaming the counterfeiting on Maxwell and Falk, the conspiracy has been foiled. They’ve been stripped of their titles and their royal warrant as stationers for the Crown.”

“All the loose ends are tied nicely,” she said.

He watched her intently. “Delmont dies a hero. Are you upset not to see justice served for your father’s murder?”

She folded the paper. “I admit that I’m disappointed. But I’m also confident that Delmont will be judged by his maker. He cannot harm anyone else.”

“The Home Office shall survive this setback as well,” he said.

“And you? Aren’t you angry that Wendover was never charged with treason? Especially after what happened to Gwendolyn?”

“Surprisingly, no. It’s in the past. I have much to look forward to.”

“Will the Home Office ask you to return?”

He shook his head. “I suspect Gareth Ramsey and Daniel Forster will be called to duty. Both are more than willing to take my place in espionage. Besides, I’m needed here.”

“Ah, as the Earl of Kirkland?”

His blue eyes twinkled with mischief as he embraced her. “No, as a devoted husband. I suspect all my prior missions will fall short in comparison.”

She shot him a saucy look. “Truly? I was thinking that we should continue to work together. As spies, that is. We make a wonderful team. You wouldn’t want to get bored, would you?”

“Bored? With your inventions and our future children, I expect to be kept quite entertained and busy.”

She put her arms around his broad shoulders and pressed against him. “I shall work hard to keep it exciting.”

He sighed and tangled his fingers in her hair. “I suspect it won’t be difficult for you.”

She licked his lower lip and gently nipped it. “It shall be great fun. A grand adventure.”

He chuckled as he lowered his mouth to hers. “And that’s why I love you.”

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Author’s Note

The practice of locksmiths placing ads to anyone who could pick their locks was common. The Joseph Bramah lock mentioned in my book as “Impregnable as the Rock of Gibraltar” did indeed exist. In 1811, Braham offered a reward of two hundred guineas to anyone who could successfully pick the lock. In 1851, a man by the name of Charles Hobbs managed to pick the lock after working tirelessly for four hours per day for ten days. Hobbs was then hired by the Chubb Company, which soon became the top lockmaker in England.

I hope you enjoy reading my book as much as I have enjoyed writing it!


Thank you to my agent, Stephany Evans, for her wonderful insight and help. Thank you to Maryliz Clark, the best grammar queen in New Jersey.

And a special thank-you to John and my family for all their support. I couldn’t have done it without you.

About the Author

Award-winning author
Tina Gabrielle
is an attorney and former mechanical engineer whose love of reading for pleasure helped her get through years of academia. After multipublishing for a prestigious law journal, she fulfilled her dream of writing fiction. She is also the author of adventurous Regency historical romances, 
In The Barrister’s Bed, In The Barrister’s Chambers,
Lady Of Scandal
, and 
A Perfect Scandal
 from Kensington Books.

A Spy Unmasked
is the first book
In The Crown’s Secret Service
The second book in the series,
At The Spy’s Pleasure,
is coming soon from Entangled Publishing.

Tina’s books have been Barnes & Noble top picks, and her first book, 
Lady Of Scandal
, was nominated as best first historical by 
Romantic Times Book Reviews.
Tina lives in New Jersey. She loves to hear from readers. Visit her website to join her newsletter and enter free monthly contests at

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