A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair) (42 page)

BOOK: A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)
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“Aria thank God you are here” I can tell Oliver is frazzled poor guy.

We have a problem with the credit card machine, the serge machine is acting up oh and the head of the gaming commission Mr. Waterford; is over there waiting to see you.” I smile and leave my bags at the desk and walk over to the gentlemen sitting in the lounge area drinking coffee and looking very stern at me, oh God what am I in for with him. I smile and turn on the charm that is why I am always dressed like a million bucks it calms down the clients when I look like a lady instead of a women in a man’s suit.

I dress the way men expect women to look, it’s
a mind game. My navy chiffon dress is flirty and alluring the low neckline holds their attention and calms them but the sling back stiletto’s are what men really look at.
“Hello there Mr. Waterford, I am Aria Macy how can I help you today sir” he stands and takes my offered hand. A small smile appears on his face as I stand before him.

Well I have been looking for a company to handle all the uniforms for our dealers in the casino, and I was given your card by a Mr. Christopher Bird who is my attorney”

Yes I know Christopher quite well, so what are you looking for?”

“We want our high end
dealers to look sharp and we want to emulate that we are a high end casino”

“Sure I can understand, let me grab our books to show you what we can do and I will show you the finish product”

“Oh and the custom ties I understand you do those as well?”

“Yes I
can put anything on a tie sir” I am clam and reserve and I speak softly and very clearly

“May I get you some more coffee?” He is smiling and more relaxed, we
are sitting at the conference table as I get out the books and show him the shirts that we make, he settled on a cut, color, style and the bowties, he picked two styles and I noticed a spot on his tie, he looked down at it.

“Ya know I have no idea what it is on here” he picks at the spot on his navy tie

“Here I will make one for you right now pick
one from these fabric samples.” He looks at me like she can’t possible do this right now. He points to a blue and red stripe standard banker fabric. I grab the fabric and cut it out in front of him, I roll and fold and move the fabric through my nimble fingers and pin and tuck while we talk casinos and high rollers, I notice him relax as he is fascinated by the movement of my little fingers. He pays close attention to notices I  gauge the length as well as the width. I excuse myself to take it to the machine in the back. A few moments later I am holding his brand new handmade tie all steamed and pressed.

“Here you are Mr. Waterford, this is for you
with my compliments” he is shocked, jaw dropped and eyes wide with surprise.

“You just made this right now?”

“Yes see I even put your initials at the point on the underside.” I show him and he is in utter shock and maybe a bit pleased with
Business as Usual
, I have to say I love it when I make men happy or when I shock the hell out of them.

“Miss Macy this is wonde

“May I?”

“Oh sure please, I take off his old tie and turn up his collar and put the one on him that I just made for him, I don’t touch the cliental at all when I put a tie on them or a shirt that is very unprofessional I only do that to um well you know. I tie a perfect double Windsor knot and stand back and admire  my handiwork as I hold up a hand mirror for Mr. Waterford to check out my handy work.

“See it works perfect with your midnight blue suite”

“Yes it does, Aria you are amazing, can I buy you a drink this evening?”

Oh Mr. Waterford, I really can’t”
shit my dance card is full! What do I look like sex al a carte? Or is it my stilettos? Sadly they do call them fuck-me-pumps.

“Come on you are a very interesting women”
shit my pheromones must be elevated or something? I never get this much attention. Or did I forget to take down the sign from my forehead that reads
fuck me.

“Thank you but
we have this fashion show tonight that we are sponsoring and I have so much to get done”

“Oh, I will see you
there, I am one of the sponsors as well, the casino is donating gaming cards”

“Oh how nice. Well I will get the purchasing order to you by the end of the week and we can go from there.

“Sounds great Aria, um Miss Macy, again a pleasure doing business wit
h you” he shakes my hand and holds onto it a bit too long; jeez I don’t need this now.

“You too sir I will let you get back to you day.” I have
Christopher to thank for this…hmm just wait till I see dear old Christopher.

We say our goodbyes as I walk him
to the door, I get back to Oliver.

‘Aria, I gotta hand it to you, when he walked in he was a pistol and now he is eating out of the palm of your hands”

“Oliver I guess you taught me well!”

Oh no sweetie, that is why we are as successful as we are, it’s all you, I’m just the lowly tailor”

“Oliver you are the reason all this is here” as I wave my hands in the air at our store.

We get back to work Oliver is amazing, I know it and he better realize that this is a partnership that we sink without the other, personally and professionally. Those words make me think shouldn’t a marriage be that way as well? Oh well I can’t devote too much time to my own self-absorbed trials and tribulations.

I go back to what I do best…work, I get things together and handle the c
ustomer flow and for tonight’s fashion show, I made up goodie bags, with ties, cufflinks and samples of men’s cologne. I have so much of this stuff it’s a great way to entice new customers to come in who would never had thought to come and see us.

The flow of traffic through the store is steady,
Oliver has been great all day, our store is busy, we have the wedding fittings done and we processed the rest of the internet orders and sent them on their way. Can you imagine there are men in Guam that have heard of us and we are sending them handmade shirts by measurement they drew us via e-mail, we live in such a global society where the world is literally a key stroke away. I did some research and found some colors from the Guam flag and made ties for them as a token of our gratitude for being a customer. I hope they like it.

My whole day I am blessed with work. My events of last night
creep into my mind only because I have not heard from Tristan all day, well I have no time to ponder them, I have to be an adult, I have made plans in great detail, I have committed myself to so many things I need to see them all through. Yes I must keep telling myself this. Hopefully it will sink in and I will believe it.

The outfits
for the models are all put together and down where they are suppose- to be, with Samantha Winter who gives me the creeps, I usually get along with everyone but she is just something else. I just have to get a shower and get dressed.

“Ok Aria finish getting dressed I have all the accessories, I
will see you in a half hour or so?”

“Ok O
liver you are a doll thank you, I don’t know how I would have gotten through all of this without you.”

“Oh I will think of a few ways for you to repay me…” 

ou know after the week I had I would be up for anything at this moment.”

“Hot, crazy, sex?”

“Oliver I don’t mean to burst your bubble but your gay remember?”

ou and I, Sweet of you to think of me, shouldn’t you be thinking of you and your fiancé?  Interesting you weren’t?…hmm” 

I wave him off and go back into the bathroom to finish my makeup, I am standing
at the sink, I glide the brush over my face, eyeliner, lipstick in a mauve coco color and mascara, I walk back out to my office Just as Oliver leaves my office.

“Aria I steamed your dress it’s hanging on the ladder to your bookcase” as
he opens the door Tristan is on the other side with hand in a fist getting ready to knock on my door.

“Hello there can I help you?
Are you one of the models?”

“Um, no
I am here to see Miss Macy”

My heart skips a beat
as I hear his voice I am now anxious, my blood is coursing through my veins. I am wearing my cream silk short robe as I am reaching for my dress that is hanging from the ladder rail, I stop dead in my tracks with my dress in my hand.

I see T
ristan Bach at the door with Oliver, oh shit, Tristan is really here! And if looks could kill, he is deadly, lethal in a tux! His eyes gaze into my office and he sees me, did I mention that I have a weakness for men in tuxedos? Oh and by the same token Tristan Bach as well?

“Um Oliver this is Tristan B
ach, Tristan this is Oliver my partner.” Oliver looks at me and then looks at him, Oliver without saying a word now gets the whole picture clear as day, the cat is out of the bag so to speak.

“I see, Aria I got everything covered”
he sighs and looks at me as he raises an eye brow and shakes his head as to confirm or to scold me, I roll my eyes at him

“Thank you O
liver.” As I dismiss him quickly.

liver leaves us and closes the door behind him, not slamming it thank God but nonetheless I am going to have to face his questions. Tristan walks further into my office and he eyes me up and down as he sees how scantily I am dresses.

I got your message just now I was in meetings all day today”

“I see, I was wondering if you were too mad to talk to
me” I put my dress on the door to the bathroom and turn around to face him.

You kicked me out remember” He walks in slowly and looks around my office.

“Yes Tristan I am sorry about that
, I don’t want to be angry anymore, what can I do to rectify this whole situation?” I am so nervous all of a sudden, I mean I am happy to see him and I am just overcome with emotion he always gets the better of me.

“Well I need your expertise”
he is smirking at me and toying with me, I believe, so ok I’ll bit.

“So what can I help you with T
ristan?” I cross my arms as I stand very authoritative with one leg out, as my robe is barely closed and my décolletage catches his eyes.

think you know what you can help me with?” Those words, his voice, the fact that I miss him he looks amazing, and in one brief moment he ignites me from deep inside, all my rationale is out the window. I am naked under this clingy cream satin short robe and I want him on me, in me, kissing me, touching me I want his hands all over me, I have never wanted anyone as bad as I want Tristan Bach right here right now, when he is near me it is this burning desire that permeates throughout me, I don’t care about consequences or obligations he is my top priority.

h really?” I play coy as I take down my hair; my curly tendrils frame my face in a chestnut haze as they fall over my shoulders and down my back. He walks over to me and just that one hint of his cologne sends me over the edge and I have no control when it comes to him, he just made me wet for him.

have been stressing all day from work, contemplating my life, trying to make sense of our fight yesterday, and this show that must go on, but right here right now I don’t want to think, my heart bleeds for this man he is alluring,
captivating, sexy as hell and he draws me in with his hazel eyes and his lips that I want on me,
how insensitive
of me to behave this way but here it goes I want him.

“Yes Aria
, you are what I need” he’s deep voice is what scared me at first then captivated my attention and now controls me.  

“Tristan I
am sorry the way we left things, us mad at one another and yelling, it’s not right, are you OK?

, I am anything but OK, what I said to you is true, you don't see what you are getting yourself into!”

Tristan is not going to let this go,
he is not going to back down, I guess we will not straighten any of this out. but he looks good and I want him, I don’t know where this is coming from a few minutes ago I was ok and now with him standing here in that tux and me in just my short robe I want him and I don’t care. 

“Tristan I
would like to clear the air between us”

Aria if you are looking for me to ease your conscious for you it’s not going to happen, I am in love with you and you are in another mans bed! Or shall I say he has occupied your bed”

h shit he is bitter and hurt! I gotta change this and quick.

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