A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair) (40 page)

BOOK: A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)
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Aria cell

Tristan, the
flowers are beautiful

just like the sender




I hit send and I don’t expect a respons


“Hello there Ian,”

“Aria, I was ju
st thinking of you and here you are.”

“Thank you for the flowers, they made my day brighter.”

“ I know you are not a big fan of flowers but I know you love Tiffany’s crystal collection”

“Yes I see they are in the martini pitcher I
have been eyeing, very clever professor.”

“Will I see you tonight”

“I doubt it, too much to get done”

“Ok well how about I come there and meet you for dinner at six?”

“Sounds good Ian, yes that will be nice.”

We hang up and
I am beginning to feel like Ian’s Aria again, I’m not a big fan of flowers because to me they remind me of funerals. So Ian sends them in special ways…my guy is cute.

I have
a ton of trash that needs to be broken down, shipments of shirts that need to be packed up, clothing racks and shoes are everywhere. There is also a heap of mail that has piled on my desk and as I look up Ian is standing in the doorway of my office, the store is closed and Oliver has gone. Ian is holding Chinese take-out. I smile at him and my heart warms, he cared to come and have dinner with me.

I stand and walk from around my desk, and throw my arms around his neck, and he holds me close

He smells of my fiancé
  Polo by Ralph Lauren, my influence of course.

“Oh Aria, I
should stop by more often,” he pulls away from me and looks down into my eyes

re you ok?”

“Yes, starving, let’s eat”

We sit at the conference table in my office and I grab some wine from the fridge, yes my office is my home away from home.

We feast on m
oo-shoo, egg rolls, war-su-guy and with white wine.

Ian looks around and see’s the mess
, the clothes that are all scattered about, the items that need to be shipped the rolling racks and the photos of the models, as they are pinned up on the bulletin board, he is studying all of it.

“Aria is it like this all the time, so hectic and demanding?
The hours you put in and the time consuming details”

I look around at my office
, the clothes, the photos, the rolling racks and on the far wall bookshelves with a white ladder to house all my samples and books, sketches ideas, it’s my world.

“Ian all of this is normal to me, I love what I do, it’s who I am”

“I can see that, I have to admit your ambition is quite intimidating”

“Since I turned my passion into a career
this is not work to me, it’s just what I do”

“I guess I never really saw what goes into
Business As Usual, and I need to change that Aria, I should know all about this, I want to know what is dear to you, what makes you tick.”

That is sweet of him and he
is right we may have known one another for twenty years but this is all still so new to us.

“Ian I feel the same way about you, I should know your schedule, I want to know how your day is going”

“Aria, you are right we have the rest of our lives to work on details but right now we need to make time for one another”

smile at him and sigh, this is just want I needed to put my life into perspective, I have to count on Ian to be my salvation in all of this, he is just what I needed to pull me out of Tristan’s bed and back by his side where I have been so happy.

We finish our Chinese
and I am frustrated, I want to fuck him I grab Ian’s face and I want him, I don’t care if we have never had sex but in my bed, I want him here and now, I am going to fuck him in my office, he looks amazing and I kiss him hard and entice him. Ian has never seen me act like this, he stands and walks me over to the sofa by the fireplace, he pushed me down and I grab at his button on his pants, he kisses me and I loosen his belt and drop his pants and run my hand over his erection to make it more substantial, he looks at me with hungry eyes and he lifts up my  satin dress and bunches it around my waste, he lowers my panties, I reach for his tie and pull it off him and toss it behind me, I undo his buttons to his shirt and  drops his underwear and he climbs on top of me I arch my back and raise my hips and he enters me, he fucks me on the sofa in my office by the fireplace with rolling racks, boxes and models photos all scattered about, he kisses me and hold me as he comes very quickly. It’s not hot jaw dropping sex, its sweet sex that is over far too quickly I admit in sadness. And no I did not R.S.V.P.

All sex is not supposed to be crazy, pounding, heart wrenching, and world altering…y
eah Aria keep telling yourself that.

Ian gets dressed
it’s after nine he has an early class tomorrow and I wrote down his schedule so I know where he is at.

I grab my panties and put them back on, I’m still frustrated as hell.
I walk Ian to the door and he kisses me sweetly on the cheek … and then I kiss him on the lips he does not make my lips sore, he doesn’t deepen the kiss either, but then again he does warm my heart, can’t have everything right?

I get back to work,
after two hours of alterations and sorting, I break the boxes down take them to the recycling room which is next to my store, I hear the faint echo of foot-steps on the marble floor and it’s Tristan, our eyes lock and he is everything that I have been missing today.

Chapter 21





I stand by my stores entry
way, he is all smiles until he gets closer and see’s that I have my guard up. I am not going to melt for him anymore, I am not going to go gentle anymore. Yes he is dressed to kill in a charcoal suit with a black shirt and no tie, his tousled hair flops over his forehead like a bad boy on the prowl, yeah he is just what I want but as all us women know what we want isn’t always good for us.

e takes his time as he strides up to me and closes the distance between us, he is so sure of himself as he goes in for the kiss and I stick to my guns and walk out of his shadow and into my store, he follows suit and is behind me in an instant.

What happens now is Aria Macy bitchy-business-owner.

“Hello baby”

“I’m not your baby!”

Did I do something to upset you?”

I cross my arms and st
air him down with narrow eyes, and say nothing.

“I thought
we could have seen one another earlier today but I was swamped, I’m sorry, but I’m here now” he can tell I am pissed about something, but oh God he looks amazing, if sex were a picture it would be of him right here right now. I'm tired, cranky, irritable, and frustrated because the man I am engaged to is not the sex on legs that I want him to be so Tristan is going to get the blunt end of my wrath.  
“Oh are your mad I didn't let you
me today?”
“Where is all this coming from?”
“Well it seems that's all you do is fuck me!”
“Aria is that what you think?”
“Sure Tristan I have more sex with you then my fiancé!” 
“Shouldn't that tell you something?”
“Yes it tells me that all you do is fuck me!”
“Really!” Now he is getting frazzled, his hands are now fisted at his hips and he is pressing his lips together because he has no idea what is going on in my head.
“Is that why you think I'm here now?”
“Aria let's put our cards on the table shall we?” Tristan walks over to the conference table, he is now irate, livid and heading towards furious with malicious intent, I have not seen the wrath of Tristan in quite some time, if memory serves me correct it can get pretty ugly, but his stance and as well as his demeanor is questionable as I say this can go either way. I stand near the sofa in front of him bracing myself because this has to come to an end.
“OK Tristan I told you I need time”
“Aria I don't know if you recall, but your wedding is in ten days, you are running out of time!”
“Tristan, he is a good man who loves and cares for me.”
“Aria do you even see what you are facing?”
“Yeah hurting an honest, decent man who loves me”
“Oh he loves you so much that he is in your bed asleep and you are out all hours of the night alone!”
“You have no right to play judge and jury in a situation you know nothing about!”
“Oh you think I don't know what's going on? Aria he has you trapped as his consolation prizes.”
“How dare you Tristan!”
“I'll prove it, you make love to me then go home and sleep with him in your bed!”
“No Tristan you fuck me!”
“That's all I mean to you?”
“Yes you fuck me!” Now he is going to take the challenge and sure enough he storms towards me.
“I will show you what fucking is!”
“Take your dress off” he is mad, I mean he is growling and getting angrier by the second, this is the Tristan who use to try and sleep with me and I would never give into him and now hell and holy beast he owns me, he is my desire. 
I slowly unzip my dress and let it fall to the floor” I’m dressed in six inch aubergine Louie Vuitton satin heels and I have on black thigh highs the tiny satin and lacey panties and a matching bra I am in as much purple joker was in batman.
Ian is infuriated as he walks in front of me and I can feel the heat radiating off of him, his eyes are dark and mysterious and full of rage and in one swift move he reaches down and rips my panties off of me with one hand and slams them to the floor as discarded torn and tattered a token of his rage, they are now just ragged remains of his indignation.
“Lay down on the couch” he deep voice is husky and devious and commandeering.
I do as I'm told, I want this, he is hot and bothered and my body yearns for him, his shadow falls over me and I am enveloped in his scent that deep dark Chanel Egoieste as it permeates my nostrils pervades my mind and seeps into my system it is all part of his seductive repertoire.
He undoes his fly and does not touch my sex or rub his fingers in his usual knowing way it is quite clear that he has but one intention and slams into me whole heartedly and damagingly…

“Ah…Ah” I gasp as he ravages me
, he is destructive, wrecks-havoc as I am filled with pain.

say he is brutal is a vast understatement, torrential embodiment in his assault as he slams into me repeatedly I scream! He is vicious and shrewd as his actions become more carnal he is rough as he comes violently with no regard for me what so ever I feel like I am just a receptacle for him to deposit into and then he pulls out of me leaving me in my misery totally and completely desolate.
He falls onto the floor in front of the couch buries his face in his hands and he lets out a sob, I sit down next to him, we are both sobbing as he reached over and he pulls me onto his lap, he whips my tears his lips are at my ear.

baby I am so sorry, I love you so much, I don’t want to say good-bye to you again” I hold him tightly as he sobs and weeps, he is a man in pain and I have caused all of this. I didn’t want to hurt anyone and in all of this I have hurt Tristan the way he use to hurt me.

“Baby I am so sorry, please forgive me?”

“Shh Tristan calm down, everything is ok” he sighs as he kisses my neck. I know I have to let him go, say good-bye, I muster up the courage to get the words out.
“Tristan I have to do the right thing” he looks up at me frightened, scared, hurt is etched all over his face, I hug him as his lips are at my ear.
“You’re going to marry him aren’t you?” I pull away
when I look in his eye I see the sadness of our thousand goodbye
my tears are flowing as are his and he is so hurt.
“Yes I have too” he tightens his hold on me and I feel every bone, every muscle as he bares down and lets my words sink in. We are both sobbing as he enfolds his arms around me as I sit on his lap and weep.

I don’t know how long we sit like this,
I try and sooth him as I kiss his neck and he begins to relax
“Tell me one thing?” He pulls away and looks at me.

you two getting married?”
“Look Tristan you are angry and upset”

“Aria look I have walked out on you, walked away from us but I could never run far enough or hide from you in here” as he points to his heart an
d to his head. I look at him and I know he speaks the truth because neither could I.

I grab his face and I kiss the
hell out of him, I slip him my tongue and I suck on his tongue and I bit his lower lip.

“Tristan, Tristan, Tristan…
you tell me what I wanted to hear, what I needed to hear two years ago” I look at him and I am honest

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