A Week for Love to Bloom (25 page)

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Authors: Scarlet Wolfe

BOOK: A Week for Love to Bloom
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“I wouldn’t miss it. It’s going to suck around campus next year without you there,” Brett said. After a few minutes of talking with Olivia, Brett heard a lot of laughing and yelling coming from the corner of the room where the sitting area and TV were set up. He shifted his position to see what was happening. Six guys who appeared much younger than him were huddled around someone.

He walked over near where they stood and saw that one of the men had his cell phone out taking pictures. Brett finally got a glimpse between two of the guys and saw Hannah Ray Mason barely alert on a couch. The men were taking turns getting their picture taken with her.

Dammit, this is why I don’t get to know college girls.

He felt he had to intervene. He believed the probability of her getting hurt if he didn’t was high. He also figured with her celebrity status that it would be ugly for her if the pictures got out. The longer he watched them laugh and grope her, the angrier he became.

He took hold of Olivia’s arm and gently pulled her aside.

“Olivia, do you know Hannah Mason personally?”

“I’ve talked to her a few times and seen her at parties.”

“Do you know who she rode with?” he asked.

“She hangs with these three girls, and they showed up together. Why are you asking?”

“Shit’s about to go down.” He pointed to the guys over at the sofa. “I need you to go upstairs and find her friends. I’ll bring her to them shortly, but then I’m out of here. Sorry I can’t stay longer.”

“You’re such a great guy, Brett. No problem, I don’t want anything bad happening here, anyway.”

Matt walked over to Brett. “What’s going on?”

He pointed to the group of guys and Hannah. “I’m getting ready to do something. Just follow me upstairs after, and then we’ll need to leave.”

Matt sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair. “OK, whatever, bro, but don’t get us into a fight.”




Love and gratitude goes to my husband who patiently listened and helped me through many of the challenges I faced writing my first novel. He also endured hours of groans and complaints while I struggled to learn this process.

Along with my son, he also tolerated a messy house, and had to hear repeatedly, “You’ll have to eat whatever you can find for dinner.”

My son for tolerating the hours I spent on the laptop. You are loved.

My dad, mom, and sister who believed from the start that I could accomplish writing this novel. They support and love me every day, and I’m grateful.

My mother-in-law, father-in-law, and sister-in-law for cheering me on from the beginning. Their support means so much to me.

I want to thank the rest of my family and friends who were very supportive through this process. They listened to me ramble on and on in excitement day after day.

My deep appreciation goes to my good friend and author Red Tash. Her faith in me gave me the courage to type that first sentence. I wouldn’t be writing this if she hadn’t given me that encouragement. We’ve shared a love for dancing since we were children, and now we have the joy of writing to share. Her support and knowledge helped in bringing my novel to completion.

My dear friend Susette wh
o jumped right in and beta read my book in one day. She spent hours discussing it with me and cheering me on. She is a special person who has supported me from the beginning. I will forever remember how she stepped up for me.

My aunt Nancy who’s been right there for me since the beginning, you’ve always supported me in life, and I’m very grateful.

Belinda for her grammar and proofing skills. You were so kind, generous and patient with me through this process. I need to thank your parents as well for raising such a smart, giving daughter.

Jolea for giving me invaluable knowledge and support.

I want to thank Katie who lives across the country from me. I’ve never met her in person, but she reached out wanting to spread the word about my novel and gave me encouraging words. She’s also supported me over a personal tragedy for almost three years now. She shows the kindness there is in this world.

My other beta readers Kim, Chris, and Amy who were so important and helpful
through this process. You rock!







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