A Weekend Affair (10 page)

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Authors: Noelle Vella

BOOK: A Weekend Affair
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“Diego, wait,” I said stopping him. “We can't use those.”
“Why not?” he asked, pain in his expression.
“I'm allergic to them.”
He looked defeated.
“But you can use these.” I smiled, grabbing the bag I brought with me upstairs. I pulled out a box of Lifestyles Skyn Large condoms, opened it, and handed one to Diego. I was glad that Shell and I stopped at Kroger's on the way back to the house. A girl couldn't be too careful.
“A woman who's prepared. I like that,” he said, ripping open the package, sheathing himself.
I lay back, anticipating what was to come. Once again, Diego covered me with his strong, hard body. I think he noticed the hesitation in my eyes, because he placed his lips close to my ear and whispered, “
Te prometo seré gentil
. I promise I'll be gentle.”
He kissed me slowly, savoring the moment. Just as slowly, he began to enter me. Inch by excruciating inch, I felt him stretching my walls beyond capacity. A tear rolled from the corner of my eye. It hurt so much I wanted to cry out, but I bit on my bottom lip instead. I felt the pain all the way down my legs, up my back, and in my abdomen. I must have tensed up, because Diego stopped, wiping the tear from my eye.
“We can stop,” he said.
“No, it's okay.” I was lying through my teeth.
The pain was so intense I thought I'd need a coochie transplant by the time we were done. I expected it to be a bit painful, but I never expected anything like this.
“Are you sure?”
Instead of answering him, I kissed him hard, allowing him to continue his quest, until finally he filled me up. We stayed like that for a long moment, his member rhythmically pulsating inside of me. As promised, he was gentle, pulling almost all the way out of me, only to delve back in on a slow reentry. He sucked on my neck and my breasts, leaving passion marks along the way. Eventually, pain gave way to a mixture of pain and pleasure, but mostly pleasure. Diego started hitting spots within me that had my entire body shaking, had every single nerve ending on fire. I started moving with him, my fingertips digging into his back.
My moans egged him on as I began to match him, thrust for pleasure-driven thrust.

Sabía que podías tomar
. I knew you could take it,” he said, the deep bass tone in his voice making me tingle all over.
I clenched my walls, making him close his eyes, a groan so deep coming from his throat it sounded like the distant rumble of thunder.
He found every spot that had me calling his name, and he would not stop. He was hurting me so good I didn't want him to stop.
“Right there?” he asked, paying attention to the way my body responded to each deep, hard, penetrating thrust.
“Yesssss,” I replied on a whisper.
Diego should have been charged with assault with a deadly weapon for the things he was doing to me. The storm outside was nothing compared to the storm that was brewing within me.
As his thrusts became more rapid and more intense, his manhood grew in length and girth. I knew he was on the verge of coming, and he wasn't the only one. With pinpoint laser sharp accuracy, he ravished me over and over again until at just the right moment, we both exploded in carnal bliss.
For some reason, as of late, it never failed that my phone would wake me up from my sleep. I could hear it vibrating on the nightstand beside the bed I was sharing with Gabby. I looked at the clock to see red block numbers glaring at me. Four thirty in the morning. I'd gotten in about an hour of sleep. I shook my head, then snatched my phone up to see Ricki had texted me.
You told me to text you to make sure you were awake
, her text read.
That had been at four when the first text came through. I'd still been sleeping.
Diego, I'm going to call if you don't respond to this message just to make sure you're okay.
She was only doing what I'd asked her to do. Before plans had changed, I had every intention of being back at Hilton Head in the king-size bed afforded to me in the suite I had booked for the weekend. Between business meetings and sponsoring events for the Black Heritage Festival this weekend, I hadn't really had time to talk to her. Not that we talked on the phone a lot anyway. To be honest, I wasn't a phone person. I'd text more than talk. Would rather have a face-to-face conversation more so than bump my gums over the phone, unless business was involved, of course.
I knew Ricki had to be at work by five, so I told her to text to see if I was awake before she called me. She'd been at Duane Reade in Times Square for about two years.
I glanced over at Gabby resting peacefully beside me. Her locs fell down to cover her perky breasts while the white sheet covered the lower half of her body. Sex with her had been worth it, but as always, it took more than a nice body and good sex to keep my interest. Even though I've had my share of one-night stands, if a woman couldn't reel me in with her conversation within those first few minutes, then I would lose interest pretty quickly.
Gabby had kept my attention.
As I got up and headed to the bathroom, I thought about how many of my female friends complained that they didn't know me. They told me I only gave enough of myself to keep them hanging on, only enough to keep them hungry for more. They were right in some aspect. Anytime a woman got too close to me, I'd usually let her know it through actions. I'd ask her to stop calling so much and to not tell me her feelings because they wouldn't be reciprocated. Didn't need a woman in my personal space for more time than I wanted her to be.
Don't get me wrong, I'd tried the whole relationship shit, but it just wasn't for me. I wasn't in a hurry to get married either. I didn't have an aversion to marriage. Just wasn't in a rush to get down the aisle.
My father didn't understand why that was. He always teased me about the fact that Carl came from a broken home, no father, and no mother really, and yet, he had gotten married. I came from a home with loving parents. My father had always been a good husband to my mother. So they didn't get why I avoided relationships like the plague. People always thought there was some deep reason for it. To be honest, there wasn't. I didn't want to be tied down, plain and simple.
I finished paying the waterman, washed my hands, and then called Ricki.
“Hey, Swiper,” she greeted, way too cheery for it to be four thirty in the morning.
Ricki's voice had always been calming. She had the kind of voice that could put a man's mind at ease after a long, hard day's work. Calling me Swiper was her play on the fact that Dora, the kiddy cartoon character on Nickelodeon, had a cousin named Diego. Now, I didn't know what Swiper the Fox had to do with Dora's cousin Diego, but I let Ricki get away with it. Simple things made her happy.
“Ricki, it's almost five in the morning. Why so damn lively?” I asked, my New York accent lagging with a bit of a drawl because I was still sleepy.
I grabbed the travel toothbrush Gabby had given me between the two rounds of sex we'd had. I found it comical that she knew I would be there long enough to have to use it. Regardless of all the talk she had done about not being a fan of one-night stands, she'd stopped at a store, purchased condoms, and a toothbrush. Women were funny like that. You didn't choose them; they chose you. I had yet to meet a woman who claimed to not do one-night stands and actually not participate in one. I didn't normally have to do or say too much. And not that I was bragging, but no woman I'd ever set my sights on had turned me down.
“Because I get my promotion today,” she quipped.
I nodded as I remembered. “Ah, that's right. Lead pharmacy tech.”
“That's right,” she squealed with excitement. “You remembered! I worked so hard for this. I can help Mama with her bills more now.”
“I put money in your account for that.”
“I know, but I don't want to depend on you for my issues. I got it.”
“Ricki,” I said to her after I spit toothpaste in the sink, “I give you more than enough to handle her bills each month.”
“So, it ain't your responsibility—”
“It's not yours either.”
“She's my mother.”
“And that means what—”
“So, how's your trip going, Swiper?”
She cut me off. It was her way of telling me she didn't want to talk about her mother's issues. Ricki had always taken care of her. While I didn't think she owed her mother anything, the woman had used guilt to get Ricki to do what she wanted. Telling your child she's the reason you had to drop out of high school to work in a shipyard so she could eat was a low blow. Ricki's mom had gotten sick while working there, and she loved to remind Ricki of it. On a few of the occasions that I'd taken her out, she had told me about it. Had even shed a few tears because of it.
“Going well.”
“You did your booth thingy yet?”
“Booth thingy?”
She giggled. “Yeah, you know, the thing you're sponsoring.”
“In a few hours.”
“I miss you.”
I looked into the mirror, then grabbed a clean towel to wipe my face. “Ricki.”
She knew why I was calling her name. I didn't have to tell her to cut all that sappy,
I miss you shit,
at the pass. I examined my shoulders and saw the scratches where Gabby had dipped her nails into my skin.
Ricki backtracked. “I'm sorry.”
It wasn't that I didn't appreciate the sentiment, but the last thing I wanted to do was have her expecting the same in return. No expressions of affection and she wouldn't have to worry about getting her feelings hurt when I didn't express the same feelings back to her. She knew the rules. I could tell by how quiet she'd gotten that I'd hurt her feelings. I could hear her Jillian Michaels DVD playing in the background. Ricki wasn't a fitness nut, but she did enough cardio and core training to keep her body in shape.
“So how's your trip going? You on your way out?” she asked before I could change the subject.
I grabbed a white towel and wet it with hot water. Washed my face. “Not right now. Chilling with a friend.”
“Who, Carl?”
Just as I answered Ricki, a knock came on the bathroom door. I cracked it open to see Gabby standing there. Although she looked tired, she was still beautiful. She looked like a walking piece of art. Long locs cascaded down her back. Brown skin glowing. Thick, plush lips begging to be kissed again.
“Are you almost done?” Gabby asked me. “I need to use the bathroom.”
I nodded and moved out of her way. I couldn't help but watch her ass jiggle in the little thin thigh-high gown she'd put on. I imagined what it would be like to slip back between those petite thighs. I grunted low in my throat when I remembered the pain she'd experienced upon first entrance. Couldn't believe she actually hadn't had sex in over a year. Pussy was tight and gushy. Warm and inviting.
“So is this a friend you just met or one you took with you?” Ricki asked out of the blue, throwing my thought process off.
I didn't doubt that she'd heard Gabby's voice, and her question was a way of trying to figure out who I was with and how much she meant to me.
I sighed, walked out of the bathroom, then closed the door behind me. “What the hell, Ricki?” I asked in a deep voice. “What're you playing at right now?”
“Sorry. Just making conversation.”
“No, you're not.”
“Yes, I am. Just asking stuff is all.”
I grabbed my boxer briefs and pulled them on. Then I snatched my pants from the ottoman and made sure my wallet and the keys to my rental were still in there. A man could never be too careful.
“Then stop asking stuff that you know will get you hung up on.”
She sighed, did that little sucking sound through her teeth. Gabby turned the water on in the bathroom; I could hear her humming to herself.
“I just wanted to call you and tell you about my promotion since you asked me to,” Ricki said.
“I know what I asked you.”
“Okay. When will you be back?”
“Will I see you?”
“If I'm in the mood.”
She was silent for a moment. Gabby walked out of the bathroom toward the bed, then stopped to look at me. There was a smile on her face and a challenge in her eyes. She was hard to read. Asked a lot of questions, but shut down when I asked her the same questions in return. I didn't really think we needed the twenty-one question game anyway. Figured she was only using them to make up her mind about having a one-night stand. I couldn't say I blamed her. She didn't come across as a woman who had sex with every random man she met.
“You're mad at me now, aren't you?” Ricki asked.
“No, I'm not.”
“We normally see each other on Mondays.”
“I'm normally not coming back from a business trip either,” I said as I pulled my pants on.
I held the phone between my ear and shoulder as I adjusted my belt, then buckled it.
“Okay. I know I shouldn't have said I missed you or asked about who you were with. I know your rules. I don't do this all the time.”
“Yeah, but you do it enough to where I can remember each time you have done it.”
“I won't do it again.”
I hated when she did this shit. Hated when she got into her emotions and started to push them off on me. I hated when her feelings were hurt because she made me start to feel like the asshole I knew I was. During the three years we'd been doing this, I could count on one hand the times she'd lost herself and tried to show her emotional attachment. Each time it had been easy to make her remember why I kept her around. As long as she kept to the rules, she'd be okay.
“I know. Just like the first five times, right?” I finally answered her. “I'll call you back.”
Ricki didn't say anything. She just hung up the phone. I shook my head, then clipped my phone to the case on my hip.
“The only way I'm going to have a problem with you being on the phone with another woman in my presence is if that was your wife,” Gabby said. “Not that I have a right to say anything, anyway, but I don't want to be helping a married man cheat on his wife.”
I cast a glance in her direction, gave a lazy smile, then quirked a brow. “Thought we had this discussion already.”
“We did,” she said as she pulled the gown over her head.
I couldn't help the fact that my eyes mapped her body. Everything was right where it was supposed to be. At close to forty, she put a lot of younger women's bodies to shame. I had a thing for slim women with toned waists and thick behinds, especially if they were dark skinned with natural hair. Gabby's thighs held a gap that made my mouth water.
“I told you I'm not married. I have no woman. No girlfriend. Not that it would matter at this point if I did anyway because you've already done the deed,” I said, then chuckled.
She studied me for a moment, head tilted to the side. She stood there like she wasn't ass naked. Like it meant nothing that I drank in the sight of her as if I was parched.
“You smile a lot, but it never reaches your eyes. Do you know that?” she asked.
I turned my lips down and shrugged. “Never thought about it.”
“You're smiling, but your eyes say something different.”
“So you're a doctor of the mind now? Thought you were into sports medicine.”
She laughed. It coated my insides. Traveled down to my stomach and settled in my dick. It jumped against my will.
“I can read people better than most of those head shrinks. Just trying to figure out the man behind the façade. You come off like you have it all figured out, but I watch people. And you have a lot more beneath the surface.”
I didn't know how much I liked the fact that she was trying to read me. Didn't see why it was so important to her one way or the other. After this was all said and done, I would move on, and so would she. I was surprised when she closed the gap between us. I chuckled. I knew she was short, but seeing her out of heels proved just how much shorter than me she really was. With her hands on her minimal hips, she gazed up at me. Ran her hand up my abs like I belonged to her.
“What you see is what you get,” I told her.
“That's a lie.”
“Why do you care? Last night will be all we had.”
“Either you're telling me my sex was trash, or you're saying that if I invited you back here tonight you wouldn't accept.”
I thumbed my nose, then reached out to massage her perfect breasts. I'd never been a fan of big breasts. I didn't need all those D cups overflowing.

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