Accidental Love (3 page)

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Authors: Lacey Wolfe

BOOK: Accidental Love
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“Well, I want to
end it. Send that man away.”

“Will we go public with our relationship?”

Matt laughed. “Is that what it will take?”

“I don’t want to just be a plaything. I want someone who
will take me out and be proud to have me.”

“I just don’t see why we have to tell anyone. I like the
thrill of the secrecy. No one knowing and the fact that we can get caught at
any time.” He stepped closer and leaned in for another kiss.

She gazed into his eyes, looking for any sign that he meant
what he said. But she didn’t see anything. Right as his lips were about to
brush against hers, there was a knock on the office door.

Matt stepped back and smirked. “That is what I’m talking
about. God, I’m hard as a rock now.”

Wishing she didn’t, but she did, she glanced at his crotch.
He was hard all right. His cock looked as though it was going to burst through
his zipper.

“You know the drill.” He walked to the door. “Wait a few
minutes before coming out.”

Jane didn’t know what had just happened. Had she somehow agreed
to start things back up with him? Was that even what she wanted? She then
thought about Ben and how he made her feel. Even though what she had with him
was fake, she would rather have that than what she had with Matt.

She left the office and went to her place up front. Matt was
not who she wanted. And she was going to do her best not to go down that path

Chapter 4


“Slow dooooown!” Jane’s voice echoed as her gigantic yellow
lab pulled her down the street.

Taking the dog for a walk originally seemed like a good
idea, but the dog was forcing her to run, and if she wasn’t careful, she’d soon
be dragged. Finally Toby stopped to smell something and Jane was able to catch
her breath. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she decided not to do this again
anytime soon. She really should have signed up for those training classes
everyone told her about.

Toby lifted his leg and peed on something then was ready to
explore again. She’d watched the show
The Dog Whisperer
many times and
knew she was supposed to show the dog who was in charge, but Toby wasn’t buying

“Let’s go home,” she commanded in the firmest tone she

As she expected, the dog ignored her and dragged her in the
direction he wanted to go. She tugged, trying to get him to stop. Then a
squirrel ran by and the dog took off running full force. Jane’s legs were
moving so fast now she really was worried she was going to fall. She decided
she had no other choice. She released the leash and watched Toby chase the
four-legged creature.

Now what was she going to do? Well, what else was there to
do but follow him? At least now she could walk at a pace that she liked. She
crossed the street and headed toward the woods it looked like Toby might have
ventured into. Just great.

Her back pocket vibrated. She pulled out her cellphone and
answered without checking the ID. “Hello.”

“Jane, you sound breathless. Did I catch you at a bad time?”
Ben asked.

“Kinda. I was attempting to walk my dog, but it didn’t work
out and now I’m not sure where he is. He chased a squirrel into the woods. I
really should get off here and find him.”

“Would you like some help?”

“Are you good with dogs?”

“I like to think so.”

“I need help. I’m on Carter street. Know where that is?”

“I do, and I’m not too far. I’ll see you in a few.” He hung

Sliding the phone back into her pocket she called to the
dog. She really did not want to go in after him. So she hollered all kinds of
things, promised Toby if he came out she’d buy him a pizza and such. Of course,
none of it worked. She was just getting ready to go after the dog when a
familiar blue BMW pulled up. Ben stepped out and she took in one of the hottest
and most distinguished men she’d ever seen. Each time she saw him, he got even
more attractive. She never imagined herself liking an older man. But Ben, she
liked—a lot.

“What’s your dog’s name?” he asked.

“Toby. He’s a yellow lab.”

Ben walked up close to her. “Well, let’s go in. I brought
some chicken liver treats. My danes love these.”

“I forgot you had dogs.”

“Love them.” He reached out and took her hand, which
surprised her. They weren’t pretending here, and yet he still showed her

Jane hated the woods. There was something about being
engulfed with trees all around you that she didn’t like. One wrong turn and you
could easily get lost. Not to mention what happened if you ran into someone in
the woods. Shivers swept through her. She didn’t even want to think about that.

Thankfully, they didn’t have to go far before they found
Toby sitting under a big pine tree, staring straight up. The squirrel had
escaped and the lab was waiting patiently for it to come back down.

Jane called Toby, and he glanced her way but ignored her.
Ben released her hand and crouched down. With a treat in his palm he called the
dog over. Go figure, Toby came right to him. Once Ben grabbed ahold of the
leash, he gave Toby the treat, praised him, and led him in her direction.

“You made that look so easy. I’m not so sure I like you
anymore,” she joked.

“Will you like me again if I get you and Toby home safely?”
he asked.

“I’ll think about it.”

Ben took her hand, still holding the leash in his other one.
The darn dog walked right beside him as if he’d been trained to. Ben did walk
with a confidence that he was in charge. It must have made the dog feel safe.
It sure made her.

Once they were at his car, he opened the back door, letting
the dog in, and then held the passenger door open for her. She thanked him as
she climbed inside. She directed him to her place. As they pulled in her
driveway, she hoped he might stick around. She found she really liked his

“Would you like to come in?” she asked.

“I’d love to.”

She grinned. She couldn’t help it. “I’ll let you get Toby.”

Ben handled the dog like a champ—again. Maybe he had some
pointers for her.

Inside her fat cat Patty greeted them. Jane scooped her up
and introduced her to Ben. He looked a little clueless when it came to the cat,
which was good. It meant he wasn’t perfect.

“Can I get you a drink?” she asked.

“What do you have?”

“Tea, Coke, water.”

“Tea sounds good.”

Jane left him in the living room and went to get the drinks.
She was thirsty after that walk. Of course the cat followed her, nipping at her
heels and meowing loudly. The darn cat was most likely complaining because she
could see the bottom of her food bowl. Jane swirled her finger around it,
making an even layer. That seemed to satisfy Patty and she quieted down.

After getting the drinks Jane headed back to the living room
and found Ben sitting on the love seat. She had options at the moment. She
could sit on the couch next to the love seat or she could take the spot beside
him. What the hell, you only live once. She sat next to him, handing him his

“Thanks for your help today.”

“You don’t have to thank me.”

“Yes, I do. You didn’t have to help.” She stopped a moment.
“Wow, I’m so rude. I’ve been so caught up in myself I haven’t even asked why
you called. There must have been a reason. Was there something you needed?”

“Actually...” He set his glass down on the coffee table. “I
called because I didn’t want to have to wait until Thursday to see you.”

He didn’t? She was off work today and tomorrow. So, she
hadn’t expected to see him again until sometime on Thursday.

“I like you,” he said, taking her hand in his.

She set her glass down now.

“I wanted to see if you might be interested in going on a
real date with me.”

“You like me?” she repeated.

“Is that so hard to believe?”

“I didn’t think I was your type. Don’t you usually date
women like Francesca?”

He chuckled. “Usually, yes.”

“Well, as you can see, I’m nothing like her.” She motioned
toward her clothes. She wore a baggy t-shirt and a pair of jeans from the local

He pulled her toward him. “I like what I see.”

“Are you okay with me being only twenty-seven?”

“Age is just a number, and when I’m with you, I feel as
though I’m in my twenties again.”

Her heart did a somersault and right as she was about to
speak, he kissed her. She wrapped her hands around his neck and scooted closer
to him. His body was rock hard, and her hands ached to explore it.

His tongue thrust into her mouth, and once again it was as
if fireworks were going off behind her eyelids. She was ready to burst with
desire. She had to have him. It was crazy and forward, and maybe in some way it
was some fantasy she had to play out. She’d never been with an older man, and
she wondered just how much more he knew than the men her age.

“You taste like heaven,” he murmured.

How he was able to speak, she didn’t know.

His hands teased the bottom of her shirt. “Are you okay with

She nodded. Please, she thought.

He yanked her shirt off and tossed it across the back of the
chair. His eyes devoured her breasts. She realized then she was wearing a
plain, white bra. Why hadn’t she opted for the lacey black one that morning?
Though Ben didn’t seem like he cared. He planted light kisses to her cleavage
and let his tongue dance around the top of the bra. Her eyes closed and she
decided to just feel what he was doing. To enjoy the pleasure he was willing to

A finger dipped inside and swirled around her nipple, then
he lightly pinched it.

“Does this feel good?” he asked.

The way his hot breath felt on her skin was about to have
her come right there.

“Talk to me, Jane.”

Did she have to? “Yes, it does,” was all she was able to get

His mouth claimed hers again, and he pushed her back against
the couch. He wasn’t gentle about it, and that turned her on even more. He was
a take charge kind of man, and Jane was realizing more and more that she got a
kick out of that.

Her legs spread open so he could easily position himself
between them. She tugged at his shirt and let her hands slide underneath it.
Rubbing her palms across his chest, she moaned. He was so hard and built. This
was a man who took care of himself. Damn, she couldn’t wait to see him out of
his clothes.

“Uh, Jane,” he said.

Realizing he was no longer feasting on her, her eyes opened
and she stared up at him.

“By any chance, your feet aren’t wet, are they?”

“Huh?” What was he talking about?

“I didn’t think so.” Ben pulled away from her and Jane
looked around him. Toby had joined them at some point and was licking Ben’s

“Oh my God!” She jumped up off the couch. “Toby, no! Bad
dog! Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” she shrieked.

Could this get any more humiliating? She glanced at Ben and
saw he was laughing.

“It’s okay,” he said.

She shook her head.

“He just got overexcited. It’s fine, really.”

She sat back down beside him and buried her face in her
hands. “I don’t know how you’re laughing. I’m so embarrassed.”

“Don’t worry about it. Really.”

Looking at him, she saw he actually was amused and not at
all mortified by her dog. Where had this man come from? Ben handed her shirt to
her and she slipped it back on.

“It was probably a good thing we stopped anyway,” he said.
“I think we should get to know one another better before we go where we were
most likely headed.”

Yes, she was a goner. Was this man sent from heaven? What
man ever wanted to get to know a woman better before getting her into bed?

“How about I pick you and Toby up tomorrow and we work on a
little training?” he asked.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that.”

“I’d like to. Maybe a picnic at my place and while we eat he
can play with my danes. Does that sound good?”

She nodded.

Ben laughed. “Francesca was right. You really are a woman of
few words.” He cupped her face and kissed her. “I like it though. It keeps me
on my toes. I never know what you’re thinking.”

He stood and pulled her up with him. Taking her hand he led
her to the front door.

“I’ll pick you up around five tomorrow. Sound good?”

“Perfect,” she said.

He cupped her face and kissed her again. A light and sensual
kiss that restarted her engine and told her a cold shower was in order.

“Sorry, I had to have one more taste.” He kissed her hand
and then left.

Once again, she stood in awe as he went to his car. He was

Turning toward her dog, she pointed a finger at him. “You. I
don’t even know what to say. You licked his back? Geesh.” Jane scratched the
dog behind his ears. Perhaps the dog did do her a favor. She didn’t need to
sleep with Ben. At least not yet.

Chapter 5


Ben was ecstatic to be picking Jane up. This woman was a
mystery. She was a woman of few words, which surprised him. She came across as
a bubbly type person and he had expected her to talk his ear off—which was what
he was used to. Most of the women he’d dated were stuck on themselves.
Everything revolved around them and what they liked to talk about.

He wasn’t getting any younger, and since he was almost over
the hump in the forties, he was ready to settle down. He’d had his fun. Jane
seemed like someone who didn’t want to play the field. Someone that was ready
for what he wanted too.

The only thing he had to figure out now was did she actually
like him? Or was this all about her ex? Francesca had made it seem as though
Jane wanted the guy back, but that wasn’t what he was getting from her. In
fact, as he got to know her more, he was clueless about how she’d gotten caught
up in a scheme like this. She seemed so levelheaded, there was no way she came
up with this idea. He was sure Francesca had dragged her into it.

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