Aconite (The Elektita Series Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Aconite (The Elektita Series Book 1)
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"This is

"Hello, Mr.
Evans this is Alexis Davis, I left my resume at your cafe this morning."
Silence met me on the other end causing me to wonder if the call had been

"Ah, yes, Ms.
Davis. I went over your resume and wondered if you were available at six a.m.
for an interview?”

I graciously
accepted the offer as I tried to shoo away the feelings of annoyance at such an
early time. A job was a job, even if it was just another run of the mill job.





Even before the
sun made her appearance I was up and out of a necessary shower. I put on a knee
length pencil skirt and burgundy V-neck silk blouse. My tattoo was plainly
visible but I couldn't hide it forever. I put just enough product in my hair to
give it bounce. After finishing off my outfit with my favorite four inch
stilettos and a matching shawl, I applied a touch of base and eyeliner and
checked myself out in the mirror before heading out the door. The morning air
was cool and crisp as I chose, again, to walk. Not only was it beautiful here,
but it saved on gas. Without the promise of a job I needed to save where I

 I reached the
cafe only to find a closed sign hanging on the front door. I was a tad early,
maybe he just wasn't here yet. I peered into the glass that framed the front
door. A dim light in the back of the building silhouetted a tall figure
strolling towards the front. As he grew closer I could better pick out his
features. His tall, lean build was reminiscent of a cat. His cream complexion
was nothing I would have pegged for someone that lived so close to a beach. He
kept his long blond hair loosely pulled back, exposing his rounded face. But
the most striking feature was jet black eyes that glinted with mischief. His
whole demeanor screamed of nonchalance and I was lost in his eyes when the door

morning, you must be Alexis. I'm Jonathon."

I closed my eyes,
pulling myself back.

morning." My response came out in a whisper. I shook myself to regain my

"I thought
your cafe would be open by now."

He smiled,
displaying his pearly white teeth,

"We are only
open for brunch on Sundays to accommodate the church goers," he said
waving me ahead of him.

He led me to a
small two-seater table near the back with a full view of the fishing ports
where men were already unloading for the day. I watched the men work as he
pulled out a chair for me to sit. Before he was able to sit down himself his
shirt pocket began to vibrate. He pulled his phone out with an apologetic look
warming his dark eyes. Instead of ignoring it his whole face darkened with
barely leashed anger.

"I am sorry,
Alexis, but I must take this." The growl in his voice cut through the
smile he tried to hide it with. Even in the next room the walls were too thin
to completely block out his end of the call.

The conversation muffled inaudibly. "Can it not wait?" The same growl
laced his question. His voice rose and fell harshly. Whoever Sebastian was I
could already tell they did not have a great relationship. Moments later
Jonathon re-emerged, outwardly unaffected by the call.

"Again, I
apologize for the interruption." His whole attitude never gave way to the
anger that Sebastian clearly invoked.

interview may have to be brief. I have some rather urgent business that has
come up."

okay." The growls of my stomach echoed that sentiment. His eyes ran up and
down my resume with the same hint of intrigue any red blooded male would give a
pretty girl. The temperature in the cafe rose exponentially within seconds,
running its own path along my body.

"So how soon
can you start?" His heated gaze finally giving me the attention that my
body so strongly desired. I was instantly falling while his eyes pierced that
oddity that I held inside of me. I couldn't do anything but brace the table and
breathe through it.

"Ms. Davis,
is everything okay?" But the feeling was gone so abruptly, without his
questioned concern I would have thought I imagined it.

is fine, Mr. Evans. I skipped breakfast this morning and I think I’m paying for
it now."

"Then that is
a much better reason to cut this interview short. Is there anything else?"

"Is this how
you conduct all your interviews?"

His smile would
have made any dentist swoon.

"I mean, you
don't have any questions for me? I have never actually worked in a cafe
before." Great, now I was stammering.

His laugh came out
just as perfect as that smile. The sound was pure masculinity in its most raw form.

"Well, Ms.
Davis, if I didn't know better I would say you are trying to talk me out of
hiring you.”

"Oh no, I
would very much like a job." Even his nod of acknowledgment was
disorienting, what the hell was wrong with me?

"Like I said,
this interview needs to be short and I don't see a reason not to hire you. So
if you want the job, come back at eleven to get acquainted with your

course." The heat and weirdness of this whole interview began to fade, and
I was thankful for that. With nothing else to discuss, Jonathon rose and came
around the small table. When I stood up Mr. Evans cocked his head as if he was
contemplating something.

"What is it,
Mr. Evans?"

He stood silent
for a moment as if he was trying to figure out how to put words to his
response. "Is money of no consequence to you?"

It took me a
moment to realize what he meant. I never once asked what the hourly wage was. I
just accepted his offer with no questions of my own. I couldn't tell him the
truth; that his eyes made me feel like I was falling into a bottomless pit and
the worst part was that I wished I would have let myself fall.

"Maybe the
unorthodox methods of your interview tactics caught me off guard," I said
with smile instead.

His eyes shined with mischief.

"May I ask,
what is the starting pay?” I was homeless and far from anyone that could help
me. So why hadn't I thought to ask him how much I was going to get paid?

"I will see
you at eleven if you are still interested in the job." Did his voice just
lower an octave or two? With that he headed towards the back with a low chuckle
trailing behind.

Since the cafe
wasn't open and I was starving I set out in search of a restaurant that was
open for breakfast. I found a perfect little bistro that sat right up against
the shore. There was even a notice that stated: IN CASE OF LARGE WAVES,
RESTAURANT WILL BE CLOSED. The only way to get closer to the ocean would be to
rent a boat. The restaurant’s balcony had perfect seating giving me a great
view of the water. I wrapped my shawl tighter around my arms, protecting my
skin from the salty wind that every so often reminded me of its presence. They
didn't have my caramel macchiato, but plain coffee with a bit of real cream and
sugar would work just as well. As I sipped my coffee and waited for my
breakfast I watched the fishermen make deals with local buyers. I even became
fascinated with the seagulls doing a bit of fishing themselves. My intrigue in
the scenery extended well past the time I was finished with my meal.

"I assume
since you are finished with your coffee I shouldn't expect to be wearing it
this morning."

His sudden
appearance spiked the irritation that I had built up from yesterday. I was
planning on leaving soon anyway, but the mystery man was suddenly standing in
my path. The way he stood smacked of curiosity rather than the loosely sheathed
anger from yesterday. His husky blue eyes didn't elicit the same effect as
earlier today with Jonathon but they held something in them that I couldn't
name. He cocked his head back and forth, further emphasizing the animal like
qualities he'd exhibited earlier.

"Sir, if you
would excuse me I have to get ready for work," drawing out the word work
on purpose. His eyes flashed with something unrecognizable as he took in my

"Ms. Davis, I
am quite aware of your plans today, but I am sure you have a few minutes to
spare. Walk with me; I need to make amends for my prior behavior. I’m usually
not so short with a beautiful lady."

Who was this guy?
I was sure he learned my name from my resume so stupidly left behind. I wished
I could kick myself for that, but how did he know my plans for today? Hell, I
didn't even know what they were until a few hours ago.

"Are you
stalking me now?" I wasn’t generally so blunt; maybe his rudeness was
rubbing off. His laughter caught me off guard. I watched as his chest rose and
fell, molding his gray t-shirt around his muscular build. I had to focus; this
was the same pompous ass from yesterday. I quickly tore my eyes away,
refocusing them on the key to my escape; the exit. I jumped as he reached to
touch my elbow as if he were going to guide me out with him.

"Don't even
think about it. I need to pay the tab and be on my way." My annoyance was
quickly boiling over to anger, making my tone harsh. I looked around to see if
any of the other patrons would come to my aid. Everyone else that had taken
their breakfast on the balcony acted as though they didn't see us at all. Even
with the shrill in my voice he made no move to drop his hand from my sleeve.

"Look, I
don't hold grudges so there is no need to make amends for your foul, stuck up
attitude. I've always believed that a man shows his true nature when caught off
guard." I couldn't help the sneer that laced my words.

The laughter ceased
immediately giving way to the same features that I had filed away under how to
describe the owner of Antiques and Oddities.

"Ms. Davis…”
he began.

"My name is
Alexis," I interrupted. I hated such formality. I have always been the
type to treat people the way I would want to be treated but in his case that
just wouldn't work. I hated to be interrupted so as a rule of thumb I never
interrupted anyone else, but I guess I needed to operate on the same level as
him to be able to leave—faster and alone. I watched his jaw tick as we stared
at each other on the balcony of the restaurant. 

"What is your
name?" My curiosity led me to lose whatever battle we were in. "The
name I have for you is quite unappealing. I don't think you would like it

His tick faltered
while he fought against a smile. I was beginning to wonder about his mental

"Ms. Davis,
my name is Sebastian Gates. It is a pleasure to finally be formally introduced.
I also have taken the liberty of paying off your breakfast tab. Now, may we
go?" The introduction sent chills up my spine. Behind those true blue eyes
I saw calculation and a predator that sat dangerously close to the surface.
That was how he knew about my new job. He was the call that had interrupted my
interview. Unless there was more than one Sebastian, and that would be a hell
of a coincidence. I also knew that defying his request would not be a wise

again, call me Alexis." I was sure he was fully aware of my sudden
tension. I couldn't hide it.  If he did, he didn't question it.

As we walked
towards the cafe I couldn't help but admire Sebastian Gates. Aside from his
blatant intolerance and bloated arrogance, the external package was straight
out of one of those romance novels my mother used to read. His movements were
sleek, with a predators glide; further defining what I had thought of him so
far. His lean body and wide gait gave definition to the clothes on his back
instead of vice versa. Normal people wore clothes to accent what they have but
for him the opposite was true. His true black hair, again, ran in a braid that
extended midway down his back. I had a momentary image of running my hands
through it, loosening the braid until...I shook myself releasing the unwanted
image. No, I could not think of Sebastian Gates that way. Why would I? The list
of cons outnumbered his pros ten to one; the only pro being his appearance.

During my inner
monologue Sebastian had slowed and was now keeping pace with me helping to
break my assessment.

Davis...I mean Alexis. Do you always walk with little regard to where you are

I blinked and
looked around, noting that instead of the cafe we had wound up on the steps of
the Inn. I wasn't sure of the game he was playing. What was his goal in walking
with me? We had no conversation nor did he attempt to make up for his previous

"Thank you
for the company, I have to change my shoes and be on my way. I'm sure I can
handle it from here." I purposefully disregarded his question.

He inclined his
head in acknowledgment without taking his eyes from mine. A warm shiver slid
down my spine.

On my way towards
my room I couldn't help but turn to see if he had left. He was still standing
there, staring at me with vicious intensity. A vivid flash of a memory not my own
had me working not to stumble. Warm, rough finger tips ghosted across my
stomach. The feeling of his hard sex pushing against my back had me reeling,
reaching for the railing that ran the length of the hallway. With forced effort
I finished my trip without breaking out in an all-out run. The door slammed
behind me and my breath was hard and heavy as blood boiling heat surged through
my body. My legs were numb and buckled, sending my body sliding down the door.
I could still feel warm hands riding up my bare legs. His callused thumbs
sliding against my slick heat. The smell of sweat and cedar filled my nostrils,
overloading any other sense.

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