After Hours

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Authors: Stephanie Swallow

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An Erotic Short Story


Stephanie Swallow

Secret Creek Press


The workday is over. A streak of light filters through the
glass of Cody’s office door. Clutching the sheath of papers against my chest, I
knock, waiting for permission to enter. Cody’s my new boss.
He’s only been my boss for three
We don’t know each other
well enough yet for me to enter without being invited. We haven’t set the
boundaries regarding privacy and doors.

I hear him call, “Come in, Claudia,” and I adjust my
skirt and smooth my hair before stepping through the door. For some strange
reason, I feel the need to look my best for this man and not because he’s my

Cody looks up from his work. Despite the fact that his
eyes are tired and a shadow of stubble from the day is gracing his manly chin
he’s a dreamboat. No, amend that thought.
He’s a fantasy. The type of man you lust over but know you can never
have, the type that enters your dreams and leaves you pulsing in orgasm. To
look at him is to swoon with desire.

I approach the front of his desk and put the papers
He gives me a brief smile as
I stand, like a fool, waiting for another crumb to take and add to my
collection of images to be reviewed at a later time.
He’s silent.
Silent and brooding.
God, I want that.

“Here’s the costings you asked for,” I say, trying not
to meet his eyes. Sometimes I find myself staring a bit too often and a bit too
long because Cody is so easy on the eye.
Sometimes when I’m meant to be working, I find myself daydreaming about
his smoky blue eyes and broad shoulders, the dirty blond hair that sweeps
across his brow, his large hands. I dream about those hands touching me.
But that’s all I ever do.
Imagine. It’s quite disgusting really, that I can be reduced
to a lust-filled puddle every time he crosses the office floor or swears at the

Cody’s eyes pass over the sheets. “Great.

Then he sits up straighter and stretches his long arms
over his head, locking his fingers. He rubs his hands over the back of his
neck, stretching the sinews from side to side. I can almost feel his hands on
me, skittering over my body. He sees me watching and he smiles as if he can
hear my thoughts.

“This week has been too long,” he says.

Quickly, I pull myself up.
I have to keep this professional.

“Is there anything else?
If not, I might make a move, if that’s okay? It’s well past

Cody glances at his watch.
He stands up from the desk and in three strides has rounded
it to stand in front of me.
deep blue eyes lock on mine.

“Can you have a look at this first?” He gestures to the swathe
of paper on the desk.
“I’m tired
and it needs fresh eyes. I’d like your opinion. You did a good job with the
Jacobson account. And the shop remodel you did for
was spot on.
up that standard of work and you’ll be dealing with the bigger clients in no

“Sure, okay. I’ll have a look.”

I’m quietly chuffed at his praise. This is a first.
Howard, my last boss, wouldn’t have
asked for my opinion if he were having a coronary. He wouldn’t have even known
what accounts I’d been working on, let alone the outcome. Cody, however, had
been paying attention.

I walk around the desk, my hip grazing the side of the
wood to avoid his body and spreading my hands on either side of the desk, I lay
the documents out in front of me. I feel Cody moving to stand behind me.
He bends his head over my shoulder.
The heat from his body sends me into a
spin. The quiet sound of his breathing makes me weak at the knees.
He has no idea how much I want him,
what I would do to have him inside me.

“Are… are… this the ones you mean?” I stammer, trying to
ignore the way he’s leaning against my bottom.

“No, the other.”

He reaches forward and shuffles through the papers,
revealing a second set of plans. “Compare the two,” he says. “If you were the
clients, which would you go for?”

His cheek is so close to mine, I could swivel to kiss

There’s another knock at the door and Cody steps to the
side, instantly throwing on his professional face. Joel, one of the other senior
architects pokes his head around the door.
His hand is on the jamb and he eyes us up and down before
speaking. “You coming down to the bar for a drink, Cody?”

Cody doesn’t flinch.
I’ve got some stuff to finish up here.”

“Claudia?” Joel questions.

“No thanks.
I’m just doing this for Cody, then I’m off home. I’m shagged.”

Joel gives me a strange look and I realize what I’ve

you tomorrow, then,” he says, pulling back from the door.

“Yeah. See

Cody turns back to me.
“Are you really shagged?” he asks.

“No. Do you really want my opinion on these plans?”

He moves a little closer.
He’s standing behind me again. “Among other things.”

making me quiver.
How can I give
an honest opinion if he’s making me quiver?

I bend closer to the pages, perusing the changes he’s
made with a keen eye.
I’m excited
that he’s asking me, that he’s obviously recognizing the fact that I, too, have
a degree in architecture, that I’m not a personal assistant but an associate.
I’m also excited by the fact that he seems to be taking this somewhere
Or am I imagining his cock
pressing against the muscles of my bottom?

I lean my elbows on the desk to get a closer look. Chin
on hand, I point to the second set of drawings.
“I prefer this view. The layout seems to flow more

Cody is bending over my body again.
His breath is in my ear.
His left hand has slid from the desk to
my hip. He’s trying to make it appear as if we’re still looking at drawings but
the message he’s sending with his hand, slowly circling my hip and bottom, is

“I prefer this view, too,” he replies, cheekily.

And that confirms it.

My breath catches in my throat.

“What do you want from me, Cody?” I ask. “Do these
bigger accounts you’re promising come with strings attached?”

“Not unless you want them to. You can walk out of here
right now and I’d still push a few bigger jobs your way. No frills.”

I frown at him.

“Or you can stay.
It’s up to you.”

I turn back to the plans, trying to concentrate but I
can’t. Cody’s voice is in my ear. “I’ve seen you watching me, Claudia.”


“I know you want me as much as I want you.”

He does?

He shifts against my back.
His cock is pressing into the crack of my ass through our
clothing, but it feels as if we’re naked.

“The way you swish around the office in those tight
little skirts of yours, your hips swinging, is very distracting, you know.”

Not as distracting as his stance when he stands, staring
out the full-length glass windows of his office, looking for inspiration. The
way the muscles tighten in his back and bum at those moments are enough to send
me over the edge, right there in my desk. The other day I almost stapled my
finger to a book, I was so distracted.

I feel my breathing quicken as he leans closer, his
chest pressing into my back.
raises his hand from my hip and slides it along my neck.
He flicks my hair around my other
shoulder to reveal my skin.
I feel
his warm lips come to rest in the place he’s just caressed.

Oh God. This is too much.
Never in my wildest fantasies did I ever think a man like
Cody would want an ordinary girl like me.

“I don’t do it on purpose,” I whisper.

“Oh, I think you do.
I think you know exactly what you’re doing with those
You’re being a prick
You’re making me want to
fuck you.”

My breath is stuck in my throat and I swallow it.
“I am?”


“What? Now?”

“Definitely now.”

Suddenly, I feel wanton.
I’m no longer embarrassed by what’s happening, right here in
the office, with a man I barely know.
All I know is that I want him too.
I want his cock inside me.
And how.

I decide to play the game. I jut my hips backward to
press against him. I wriggle. It feels good.

“And how exactly do you propose to do that, Cody?
This is the office.
security men and cleaners. We’re not alone. Joel’s still wandering somewhere.”

“Which will make it all the more fun. Don’t you agree?”

I tremble again.
He’s right.

Slowly, I turn to face him. My hands go to his chest and
I feel the muscles tense beneath my fingers. I look into his eyes, sparking
with lust. My gaze falls to his lips, the lips I’ve fantasized about for the
last few weeks.

Cody towers over me, pushing me into the edge of the
Those lips, so pink for a
man, come closer to mine. My mouth is open and I release a sigh as our lips
dance around each other’s, almost touching but not quite.
Teasing. Then he kisses me.
His mouth comes down on mine, his lips part
and his tongue is chasing mine.
can’t breath. My body feels so hot I want to rip my clothes off and let him
have me anyway he likes.
I don’t
care about extra accounts and bigger jobs. I want to ravage him. But I can’t. I
have to follow his lead.
I have a
feeling he likes to be in charge.

He releases my mouth and I watch as he reaches down to
hitch skirt above my hips.
tight and I shimmy to help him, watching the smile form on his face as he sees
my underwear for the first time. They’re only white cotton
but they’re new and pristine and smooth against my skin. His fingers run the
line of fabric between my navel and my crotch.

“Not what I’d imagined,” he whispers, his head bent,
examining. “But nice.
Very nice.” His
hands move to my bottom and he slides them under lifting me onto the desk. Then
he spreads my legs with his thighs and moves to stand between them. I see him
glance at the door, wondering if we’ll be caught in the act. It makes me
nervous and yet I can’t tell him to stop.
I don’t want to.

Cody leans in and kisses me again. His weight is full
against my chest and my arms strain, stretching behind to balance us. He smoothes
a hand over my hair, staring as if he’s never seen hair like it. He twists it
in his fingers and holds it out of the way so he can kiss my neck again. He
sucks the skin along my collarbone and the veins that are beginning to pump
wildly under my jaw. His fingers trace the line of pulse that follows his
kisses until he reaches my mouth. Then, he rubs his thumb over my lips and I
open my mouth to take his thumb in. His eyes watch the progress, intent.

“You sure?” he whispers.


Cody freezes.
He puts a finger to my lips and jerks his head toward the door. I try to
move away but he holds me tight. Through the frosted glass window of Cody’s
office, I see Joel’s shape flicking off the rest of the lights, plunging us is
into darkness, except for the faint blue glow of the lights above the elevator
and the desk lamp on Cody’s desk. I hear the
of the lift bell, as it announces the arrival of the elevator
at our floor. I hear the doors slide closed. Joel has gone.

“We’re alone now,” Cody says. “Does that bother you?”

“Not in the least.” I arch my chest towards his hands as
he cups my breasts and kneads them through my top.

Outside, the city lights are turning night into day and
as Cody puts his hands to the buttons on my shirt and flicks each one undone in
turn, I wonder if someone in one of those buildings out there is watching us.
It makes me oddly excited to think we may be putting on a show.

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