After The Rabbit (Waldo Rabbit Series) (13 page)

BOOK: After The Rabbit (Waldo Rabbit Series)
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“Or with me?”


“You are much too sensible to have any interest in silly adventures.”


Baldwin displayed an amused grin. “Why, Lilith. It almost sounds as though we were friends.”


“I wouldn’t go quite so far. I haven’t forgiven you for your part in what happened to my son. But we share a common interest in avoiding a pointless war.”


“You can be sure I will be vigilant in your absence and will do all in my power to maintain the peace.”


“Good. Your agreement is all I wanted.”




Two days later, a message scrawled on scrap was smuggled out of Castle Blooddrinker. Following secret delivery to a seamstress shop, it was passed onto a servant of one of the Great Houses. The message soon found its way to the hands of Darius Heartless. He read it with a great deal of interest and began making plans.


Chapter 10





Alice continually glanced
over her shoulder as they traveled the road. Through their connection, Waldo could sense something bothered her.


“What is it?”


“Probably nothing,” she said. “But I keep getting this feeling that we’re being watched.”


“Somebody wants attention,” Gronk lisped.


“I am being serious. I keep getting this weird sense we aren’t alone.”


“Have you actually seen anything?” Waldo asked.


“No, it’s probably my imagination.”


“Or there could be another possibility.” Waldo took out his wand. “
Taranos evel monstri desu noratal est aki est avaratos


To Waldo’s eyes, a small light came from one of the trees.




Ikban watched as the magic one used the magic. Ikban did not like the magic or the magic ones. Most of all, Ikban did not like the dead magic one who brought Ikban to this other place. Ikban wanted to go back to where from, to home, but the dead magic one had power over Ikban. Ikban had no choices.


Ikban saw the three go off the road and to trees. Ikban waited then followed, fly Ikban did to other tree. When Ikban get Ikban see only magic one and big green one, no see girl one. Ikban taste air to find. Too late.




Alice spotted the ugly little thing and leapt out of the bushes. She was in her true form and was able to fly up to the tree branch where the monster was and grab hold of it. “Got you!”


“Skree!” The imp thrashed about and desperately flapped its scaly wings to try and escape. It was only the size of a small dog, though, and Alice had no trouble holding on to him. His body was a greenish brown, with hands and feet both having three clawed digits. When he couldn’t get away, he tried to bite her with his fangs.


“Hey! You bite me, and I’ll twist your head off!”


The creature didn’t pay her warning any mind.


As soon as she caught the little monster, Waldo and Gronk hurried back. Her husband took one look and slowly nodded. “I was afraid of this. It’s an imp, a very weak creature but skilled at tracking and remaining hidden. Perfect for pursuing and keeping tabs on people. My grandfather must have summoned him.”


“Is that so?” Alice gave the creature a shake. “Did the lich send you?”


“Skree! Skree!”


“Don’t bother. Imps can’t speak. They’re only about as smart as dogs. If you summon one, you can give it commands. Otherwise, they’re impossible to communicate with.”


“What do we do with it?”


“Kill it. What else? My grandfather will know the moment it dies and send something else to chase us, but we’ll have a little leeway at least.”


“All right.”


Alice casually took hold of the back of the imp’s head and twisted his neck until there was a snap, just as she would have done with a squirrel or rabbit. The thing stopped squirming and went limp. Alice tossed it to the ground and wiped her hands.


“Can I eat it?”


“Sure, Gronk.”




“This is a rare sight,” Dante Poisondagger said. “Outside of council meetings, it is quite unusual for more than two of us to gather.” He, Tiberius Blackwater, and their host Darius Heartless were in a private study within Castle Heartless. He had received an invitation and an urgent request to come here at the second hour past midnight. No reason had been given. Dante was quite suspicious, but he had done good business with Darius in the past and had not wanted to offend. The escort that delivered him here had been quite small in number. No servants to greet him, and he had been led to this place rather than to a dining hall as would be customary. Obviously, Darius was doing his utmost to keep this meeting a secret.


Tiberius smothered a yawn. “I was as surprised as you.” He glanced at Darius. “Why are we here?”


“One of my spies learned something very interesting. Lilith Corpselover will be going on an extended tour of her properties. She will be gone from the city for some weeks.”


Dante couldn’t keep his eyes from widening. “How do you know that? I have multiple spies in the Corpselover household, and they’ve heard no such thing.”


“Apparently she is keeping her plans a secret right up until her departure. My information actually comes from the Blooddrinkers. Lilith had a meeting with Baldwin recently. She is afraid I may try and get a declaration of war again once I know she is gone. Lilith wanted Baldwin to forestall me.”


“Will you?” Tiberius asked. “Even if she is gone it still takes four votes. Getting a draw isn’t any better than getting voted down.”


“The stalemate won’t happen again. I’ll make sure to secure Xilos’s vote prior to the meeting.”


“You tried it last time, and he wasn’t interested. What makes you think he will listen this time?”


“I can promise him an even greater share of the spoils, as well as a large bribe in gold. Without Lilith here to outbid me, I am sure I can get his support.”


“Are you certain Lilith is going on this trip?” Poisondagger asked.


“She told Baldwin directly,” Darius replied. “Why would she lie to his face? She would greatly offend him and gain what?”


“I see your point.”


“Once she is well and truly gone, I will work quietly on Xilos.” He turned to Tiberius. “Would you be willing to offer Soulbreaker a share of the spoils? Gold as well, if you can spare it? Together, we can outbid Baldwin.”


“If it helps get us this war, then yes.”


“You’re going to pay to help Darius get his war?” Dante said in surprise. “What, has he actually won you over with all his insane talk about Avalon and the whites? I didn’t realize you were so gullible.”


“I don’t give a damn about Avalon. I need this war for my own reasons. My position as head of the family is still tenuous. They knelt to me because there was no one else in the main family to offer a challenge. But I am sure some in the branch houses think they can usurp me. I need the glory of a victorious war to firm up support within my House.”


“And what happens when the Alliance armies arrive?”


“We crush them!” Darius stated with obvious relish.


Tiberius by comparison did not seem excited by the prospect. “I don’t care. I am sure at the very worst we will hold them to a stalemate.”


“You’ve never been to war, Tiberius,” Darius said. “If you had ever seen our troops in the field, you would understand. Our forces are massive and battle hardened. The Alliance is nothing but a cloth dragon. They are fearsome to look upon, but they have never had to fight a real war. We will annihilate them!”


Dante was not so sure, but it didn’t really matter. Whatever the outcome, he would profit.


“The price is the same as before, one thousand gold skulls. Payable in advance of the vote.”


“You should agree to support me without any further payment,” Darius said. “I received nothing from you last time.”


“I voted to for you, and I argued in your favor at the meeting. You got exactly what was promised. Don’t blame me if you couldn’t get the last vote you needed.”


Darius scowled, but nodded. “You will get your gold.”


“Excellent, let’s start a war.”




“From now on, I’ll cast a detection spell each morning after I renew our wards,” Waldo said.


“Is your grandfather really going to keep sending more of those little monsters?” Alice asked.


“He might, or he could use other monsters.”


“Like what?”


“Hell hounds, gnolls, snarlaxes, and werewolves. Though werewolves are very hard to summon. He could also use regular animals like hounds or wolves, but if they are bound by a summons, my spell will still detect them.”


“And each time we find one we have to kill it?”


“There is no other solution. Once a creature is summoned, it is bound to the will of the summoner. It can only be freed if the master chooses to release control or calls up another creature. The summoner can speak to it magically and can also see through its eyes and know its location.”


“So no matter how many of these monsters we kill, more will just keep coming?”


“My grandfather swore to follow me to the ends of the earth. Corpselovers aren’t known for giving up easily.”


Alice chuckled. “Trust me, darling. I’ve noticed.”


Not long after, Waldo heard a raspy voice whisper.


Grandson, will you come and talk to me?


Waldo came to a halt.


“Something wrong, darling?”


“Alice, you and Gronk wait for a bit. I am about to speak with my grandfather.”


“He’s here?” Her eyes darted about in obvious panic.


“No, no, calm down. I am going to speak to him through a spell.”


“I would never tell you your business, Master,” Gronk said. “But is gossiping a good idea? Won’t it be easier for him to find us now?”


“This spell can’t be used for location. In any case, it already has a general idea of where we are.”


“Why would you want to talk to that thing anyway?” Alice asked. “It’s tried to kill us, and it’s still hunting us down.”


“True, but we are still family. Not to reply would be impolite. Both of you stay where you are and don’t speak.”


His familiars nodded, though Alice did not look comfortable. Through the bond, Waldo knew she was much more worried about this than Gronk.


Waldo spoke in the language of magic. “
Yes, I will talk to you


Before his face, the image of a hooded skull took shape. Though it was hard to tell, it appeared to be smiling.


“Hello, Grandson.”


“Grandfather,” Waldo dipped his head slightly.


The skull returned the action. “Still wearing white I see.”


“It’s necessary.”


“It suits you.”


“There is no need to be insulting.”


The skull chuckled.

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