After The Rabbit (Waldo Rabbit Series) (16 page)

BOOK: After The Rabbit (Waldo Rabbit Series)
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“I will make it most clear to him father.”


“You may need to contact him more than once to arrange the meeting. Even if it is in the early hours someone might notice your comings and goings. Fortunately no one will care about that now.”


Celton’s eyes suddenly opened wide. “Is that why you humiliated me? To make it easier to meet unnoticed?”


His fury only made his father smile again. “Yes. Does that truly surprise you? What, do you think your fragile pride is more important to me that the chance to kill Lilith?”


“You didn’t have to go that far!”


“I’ll decide how far to go with things. Now leave me. As things stand we may only have a week or so before she departs. There is no time to waste.”


Celton wanted to storm out and get as far away from his cursed forebear as possible. But, as had happened so often before, his sense of duty to the family made him stay. He already knew his effort would not be appreciated.


“There was an important matter I was going to bring up with you. If I am still the family manager then I need to discuss it.”


His father took a quick gulp of wine and set the goblet down. His lips became a short thin line and his face was rigid. The way Dante’s eyes were squeezed nearly shut spoke only of annoyance. Celton was familiar with this pose. It was what he normally saw whenever he brought father news he did not want to hear.


“What is it?”


“Two more city guards have been murdered in Pontian. That makes nine in just the last two months. From the report these were particularly gruesome. The bodies were sliced open from shoulder to crotch and the organs were pulled out for display.”


“What do I care? That damn city is nothing but a sinkhole, it costs me more to run than it brings in. I am sick of hearing about it.”


Of course you are. It’s a problem and a very bad one.
“Crime there is getting completely out of hand. The local police force isn’t even pretending to be able to deal with it anymore. The Children of Liberty are growing more brazen by the day.”


Dante gave a snort. “Children of Liberty, fancy name for a bunch of thieves and killers.”


“These criminals are getting dangerously popular. The locals love them, far more than they do us.”


“As if I would ever want to be loved by my slaves. Let them hate, so long as they fear.”


“The problem father, is they are starting not to. From sunset to sunrise the city belongs to the criminals. Our guards lock themselves in their stations, they won’t patrol at night any more. Our own men are beginning to fear the Children more than us.”


“Then kill them and get new men.”


“We don’t have enough guards in our other holdings to replace them. Are you willing to pay for raising and training a brand new garrison?”


The hard look his father sent him was all the answer he needed.


“Schlek needs to be removed as governor, he’s incompetent and has no idea what to do.”


“No, I’ve told you before, he is married to Appalla, the oldest from Anora my third wife. She is a sweet girl and I’m fonder of her than I am of you. I’m not forcing her from the governor’s palace because some thieves have killed a few guards.”


That “sweet girl” was forty-seven, the mother of six, and had a fondness for beatings.


“If you won’t remove Schlek then let me assign him a special overseer. We can raise five hundred soldiers and give them to someone ruthless who knows what he is doing. Send Murat to clean the city out. I’m sure he’d have plenty of enthusiasm for the task. Let the streets run with blood for a few weeks and everything will be better.”


Dante lifted an eyebrow. “You’d actually give your younger brother a chance to impress me?”


“The situation is serious and needs a hard hand. My brother is very competent and very thorough. Give him the manpower he needs and he will clear this mess up.”


“Do you have any idea how expensive it is to call out five hundred soldiers?”


“It’s still cheaper than having to put down another revolt.”


“They wouldn’t dare!” Dante snapped. “They know what we do to rebels, we would massacre the whole lot and burn the place to the ground. These sort are always cowards. Brave enough to

steal and
murder when they know they can get away with it, they wouldn’t be stupid enough to actually rebel.”


“It wouldn’t be the first time. We’ve had riots and rebellions before.”


“And we’ve put every one of them down. We emptied out the towns and villages where they took place, we’ve made examples.”


“Yes,” Celton said patiently. “And all those places are still empty. They raise no crops and produce no revenues. Plus it’s always expensive to send in soldiers and mages to slaughter our own people. We gain nothing from it.”


“What we gain is a reputation for not tolerating rebellion.”


“The people there don’t seem to have learned the lesson.”


“Then we’ll teach it as many times as we have to.”


“Pontian is a large city, putting down a full revolt there would be very costly and we would lose a lot of assets. Actually destroying the city would be a disaster for us.”


“Still better than looking weak.”


“Please don’t forget that Pontian is right on the border with Dregal. I am certain they are encouraging events there. The situation has the potential to be a disaster. Let me send Murat with five hundred men and cure the sickness before it becomes even more poisonous.”


“Don’t worry about Dregal, their time is coming. Stop bringing Pontian up to me. I don’t want to hear any more about it. The place is a pit and I am not going to throw away my gold trying to fix it. Tell Schlek he can raise twenty more guards, that should be enough to hold the line.”


“It won’t be.”


“Enough, too much in fact, I have had my fill of complaints from you. Your only worry is the vampire. Now leave me.”


“Yes father,” Celton bowed and departed.


As hard as it was to believe, Celton thought he might be even unhappier returning to his quarters than he had been leaving them.



Chapter 13


Norwich At Last


“I would say I made
the right choice,” Waldo said.


“Looks that way Master.”


After all of their diversions they had finally arrived at the city of Norwich. It was encased by a twenty foot high stone wall without any towers. All along the wall, about twenty feet apart, were wooden pikes. On top of each was a turnip shaped skull. Most were nothing but bleached bone. The ones directly above the gate still had some meat on them. From their condition they looked to have been rotting for weeks.


“They really don’t like goblins do they?” Alice asked.


“I’m thinking they don’t much like any of us monsters.” Belle said.


“It is terrible,” Waldo nodded. “They could have been made into slaves, so much good labor wasted.”


“They were probably all killed in fighting,” Alice said. “The ones they capture get sold. This is where most of the ones in Middleton come from.”


“You really think you’re going to find another monster here Master? Don’t seem too likely.”


“Whatever the attitude of the locals I only need to discover one. The map I was given told me where to find you and Alice. No reason to think it won’t be right now as well. Now come along.”


A few miles beyond the city the marshlands began. Those territories belonged to the goblins. You would find no farms or human settlements within them. Norwich effectively marked the frontier here in Lothas. As such there was only one road into the city and a single gate. A pair of fifteen foot tall iron doors stood open with about a dozen well-armed soldiers standing watch. No moat or abatis surrounding the city, though soldiers patrolled the top of the wall and kept an eye out. Waldo didn’t find the defenses particularly impressive, but he supposed they didn’t need to be to hold out goblins. The creatures were strong and savage, but not very intelligent. They were not capable of siege tactics or of building catapults or other such weapons.


Inside the gate was a pole with a banner fluttering about in a light breeze. It was of some sort of winged creature with a bird’s head and claws all in gold on a field of crimson. In the middle of the creature’s body was a red heart.


The instant Alice got a clear look at it her eyes widened. “Oh damn it,” she whispered.


Belle glanced in her direction, but Waldo missed it completely as the sergeant in charge of the gate was approaching him. He and the other soldiers were all gawking at them, the one in charge at least remembered his manners and bowed.


“Welcome to Norwich Master.”


Waldo gave a slight nod in return. “I am the great Waldo Rabbit, this is my wife Alice Rabbit, and my bodyguard Belle of Tarsus.”


The sergeant offered bows to both of them. Alice didn’t appear to notice, while Belle giggled and gave a wave with one hand.


“Duke Theos Griffinheart offers you his hospitality. If you like I can have one of my men take you to his keep.”


“That’s quite all right,” Waldo said. “I prefer to stay at an Inn.”


The man’s features went slack, obviously surprised by the answer. “Are you certain of that Master Rabbit? It is custom for visiting White Mages to stay at the Duke’s residence.”


“I have my reasons. We White Mages are a mysterious bunch. That’s because we are plotting to take over the world.”


Both the sergeant’s eyebrows rose.


“My husband and I definitely prefer to stay at an Inn,” Alice added while looking intently into the man’s eyes. “I hope that is not a problem?”


He swayed slightly on his feet. “No, no problem at all. I hope you enjoy your stay.”


Waldo sent her a momentary glance. “Tell me, are there any monsters in this city?”


“Monsters? No, they are forbidden. The ones our patrols catch get put in stock pens until they can be sold. The only monsters you’ll find inside the walls are at the end of pikes.”


“I see.”


“Well you heard him darling,” Alice grabbed his arm and began dragging him away. “No monsters here, I guess we should leave.”


“What? Alice we’re not going yet! We just arrived and we are going to investigate this place.” He tried digging in his heels but she kept pulling him along.


Belle reached out and grabbed Alice by the scruff of her neck, lifting her off the ground with just one hand.


"Hey!" Alice glared furiously at Belle and tried to kick “her.” Her feet just wound up flailing about in the air.


“Now come on sweetie, don’t be like that. If master says we’re staying, we’re staying. Anyway, I want to see if there are any cute guys in this place.”




As the strangers entered the city the sergeant couldn’t take his eyes from the beautiful red haired woman. Despite his sudden infatuation he did send one of his men to inform the duke of their new arrivals. As well as one to keep track of them.




Waldo decided that the best place to begin the search would be in the middle of Norwich. As they walked along the streets people stared wide eyed and made sure to keep a safe distance. A few made sketchy bows towards him, most simply gawked and quickly got to the other side of the street. It was about how the mundanes had treated him in Middleton. They still weren’t looking at him with the proper amount of fear, but it was close enough.

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