After The Rabbit (Waldo Rabbit Series) (32 page)

BOOK: After The Rabbit (Waldo Rabbit Series)
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What would it do for his reputation back home when they learned he had THREE Great Monsters as familiars? It was very rare for even the heads of families to contract with more than one. Even his mother only kept Enver at her side. Without a doubt people would start thinking he was amazing. Once they found out of course… that wouldn’t happen until his return. Until then they would continue to think of him as a fool, if they bothered to think of him at all.


Just a couple days ago, as they’d been stumbling about blindly in the sewer, he’d seen himself as a failure. Now though, everything was on track. He was staring at all of that lovely, reddish light up ahead. His mind was swirling with ideas about what to do once he had all three Great Monster familiars with him. Who knew? Maybe he’d even get the contract right this time. With such powerful monsters serving him defeating a knight would be no problem at all. The next big challenge would be tracking down a dragon’s lair where he could try and steal an egg. That would be difficult enough as dragons were resistant to most magics and impossible to scry on. Their lairs were always well hidden and near impossible to find.


And even getting that far would be the
part. Dragons were creatures of almost godlike power and ferocity. Whatever the stories said a single hero or handful of heroes could not possibly fight a full grown dragon. Well, they could fight, there just wasn’t any chance they could win. To have any real hope required an entire army, with thousands of soldiers and at least a dozen mages or more. Even then victory was not certain, and if you won it would likely cost you half your forces or more. If he vastly improved his magical skill, if his third familiar turned out to be a giant or a blood thirsty vampire (oh Dark Powers please!) Waldo understood facing a dragon was still impossible. He would need to sneak into the lair, steal the egg, and escape without confronting the mother.


Maybe I could acquire some slaves and use them as a distraction.


Waldo was not even thinking about the capture of his third monster. Already having two at his side he was sure he would manage it somehow. His mind was spinning far beyond to the really hard part of his quest.


“Darling, I want to talk to you about something.”


Waldo was wrenched back to the present. “Yes?”


He noticed Alice had a handful of hair and was tugging at it.


“You… you know even though we argue sometimes and I get angry, I am still very happy to be your wife. There is no one else in the world I would rather be with. You are my ideal husband.”


“Yes, I know.”


She immediately stopped tugging at her hair and he felt annoyance through their bond. He didn’t understand the reaction since he was agreeing with her.


“That’s how you see me too isn’t it darling? I mean you see me as your beloved wife not as your familiar. Right?”


Waldo nodded. “I do see you as a wife.”


He saw her hesitate and take a deep breath. “I love you.”


“Yes, I know.”


She stopped walking.


Waldo was forced to stop as well.


“Is that really all you have to say?”


He paused. “Thank you?”


That was evidently the wrong answer as Alice planted her hands on her hips and sent him a look he was all too familiar with.


“What was I supposed to say?”


“Nothing! It’s not like I wanted to hear you tell me that you love me too.”


"Fine, I love you too."


Alice started tapping her foot.




"You don't mean it, you're only saying it because I told you to."


"Well obviously, now can we get back to finding my third familiar?"


"Do you care more about finding this monster than you do about my feelings?"




She blinked and he could feel surprise through the bond.


“How can you say that?”


“Simple. You’re always upset with me for one reason or another. In any case I already have you, so obviously my priority is getting this last monster.”


Her eyes narrowed and for a moment he was absolutely sure he was about to be kicked. Alice then started walking back down the road, her back and arms as rigid as a piece of iron.



Waldo turned to see Gronk standing there.




The ogre stuck one finger at him and poked the air. “Badger!”






The road ended before a stone archway. It might have been a gate once. There were sections of wall still standing, and the base of what was perhaps an archers’ tower. Other than that there were just piles and piles of stone blocks, most of the ground was covered in them.


There were also bones… lots and lots of bones. From the skulls Waldo could tell most of them were goblin, though there were a few human ones mixed in as well. They were scattered everywhere, the remains of hundreds of creatures.


“Fuck me,” Cleptus muttered. “Was there a battle here? Is that why it was abandoned? The stories don’t say anything about that.”


Waldo casually picked up a thigh bone and examined it. There were teeth marks on it.


“This has nothing to do with battle.” Waldo tossed the bone aside. “My new familiar is just a messy eater.”


“It ate all these things?!”


“Yes. Isn’t it marvelous?”


Cleptus gaped. “You’re happy about this?”


“Naturally, why wouldn’t I be? My last familiar is a predator with a taste for goblin and human flesh. What master wouldn’t be happy about that?”


Shaking his head Cleptus started walking back down the road the way they had come.


“Where do you think you’re going?”


“Away from whatever it is that did all this.”


“If I die you will only live one more day you know.”


“That’s still longer than I expect if I stay. If you survive just come collect me.”


“You’re a coward!” Alice snapped.


He stopped, turned around, and gave her a bow. “I prefer to think of it as being sane.” He continued to walk away.


“Want me to drag him back Master?”


“No, it’s fine, I want him for his thieving skills not for his fighting. I was always depending on the two of you to capture this monster for me. Speaking of which, I want you to try and be as gentle as possible. This monster will be joining us after all, so try and do as little harm as you can.”


Alice glanced about at the bones. “Right, gentle.”


“You may as well transform now.”


Alice did so, taking on her true form.


Gronk cracked his knuckles. “Don’t worry Master, I won’t be too rough.”


Waldo took out his wand. “Great Monsters who are in the wild are notoriously hard to capture. I expect it to resist pretty fiercely. I can’t think of anything more dangerous than a feral beast fighting with all its strength to remain free. Subduing it will definitely put both your lives at risk. Just keep in mind that no matter how dangerous and brutal things may get I want you both to be careful not to hurt my new familiar any more than necessary.”


Alice rolled her eyes. “I am so glad to hear how worried you are about this other monster’s safety.”


“Well I’ve learned to be more thoughtful.” He began walking towards the archway.


Despite a look of annoyance Alice followed on his heels, so did Gronk.


Past the arch there were only more blocks of stone and gnawed bones. On this side the stones were not only all over the ground but in several large piles. The biggest was the size of a small hill. Waldo pointed at one of the lesser piles. Without a word both Gronk and Alice slid past him and got between their master and where the monster was still hidden.


Waldo cleared his throat, directing his voice towards his intended familiar. “Greetings. My name is Waldo Rabbit. I am a powerful mage and have come here to make you my familiar. If you will agree to serve me I will promise you my protection and care. I already have an ogre and succubus, they can both assure you that I am a fine master.”


He motioned to them.


“Master is the best.” Gronk said. “He is cute and funny, provides seven or eight meals a day, and really knows how to handle a whip.”


Alice shook her head, voicing her opinion grouchily. “Yeah, he’s the best. He always appreciates you and would never put you in danger just to get something he wants.”


Waldo nodded.


“It’s not like he would ever ignore your feelings or take you for granted or behave like you don’t matter to him at all


“Thank you Alice.” Waldo interrupted, giving her the sort of annoyed look she would normally offer him.  Refocusing on the aura behind the stones, he spoke again, “You may as well come out now. With my magic I know exactly where you are. If you don’t my familiars will just have to drag you out by force. I would prefer you join me willingly, but I have come here to make you mine.  There is nothing you can do to prevent it.”


For some reason his last few words made Alice flinch.


There was no response for a moment. Waldo was about to tell Gronk and Alice to have a look when they heard a grunt and the sound of movement. Scrambling up from the other side was a wart covered creature with a long needle nose, bloodshot red eyes, a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth, and long fetid black hair. It stood near as tall as Gronk with most of its length coming from its protracted limbs. It had climbed to the top of the stone pile with ease and held a massive granite block up over its head.


Waldo recognized it immediately, exclaiming joyously, “A troll! It’s a-”


“Wah!” The troll heaved the stone right at him.


The boulder rolled through the air, whistling like a bolt from a crossbow.


Before he could even think he was thrown to the ground.


He had just enough time to look into Alice’s fearful eyes before the slab of rock caught her and spun her about like a top.





Gronk knew what kind of strength was need
ed to heave that much solid rock, so it came as no surprise when he saw Alice’s shoulder catch the brunt of it that she wound up on the ground unmoving. Waldo struggled to get up. He was staring in shock over at his pretty little wife. He didn’t have time for more than one look before the troll threw himself into the air, ready to rend and sever his master as he had so many others.  Despite its size, the troll was quick and agile, its long limbs were muscled and it had the smooth, predatory movements of a treecat. Landing cleanly it took two quick steps, Gronk reached for the troll, grabbing at its greasy, matted hair.  Turning with an unnatural flexibility, the troll slashed wildly across Gronk’s chest. To Gronk’s surprise there was pain… and blood.


The ogre slammed a fist right into the side of the troll’s face and sent it tumbling back. A punch like that would have killed a man instantly and left his skull in pieces. The troll took it well enough. It stumbled but never lost its balance, keen and furious dark red eyes never left him.


The wart covered jaw hung loosely, wobbling disjointed and unhinged.


The reprise gave Gronk a moment to collect his wits, his eyes going over to his Master crawling over to Alice and calling to her.

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