Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4 (21 page)

BOOK: Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4
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“I’m so close, honey,” he growled through clenched teeth.

“Let it go, I’m ready for you,” she growled back. Their pace
increased and they joined mouths, panting with lust until the explosion took
them both together. They continued to convulse with the aftershocks as they
sunk deep into the hot water.

Rich, still hard inside of her, rested his head into her
shoulder, panting. “That hurt.”

She kissed his cheek, then joined his mouth to hers, still
gripping him tightly inside. “I don’t want to let you go. We didn’t even swirl
this time and it still was amazing.”

“We didn’t, did we? I wonder why?”

“I don’t know. No… don’t leave me,” she said, feeling him
slide out of her.

“Sorry. Give me a minute and we can work it up again.”

“I love you,” Sam whispered, cuddling against his chest while
rubbing her fingers against the soft fur along his pecks.

“I love you too. Are you enjoying yourself?” Rich asked as
she rubbed her cheek against his chest muscles.

“I love fuzzy chests. Michael shaves his because of the
wetsuits, but Daddy and Scott have always had nice fuzzys for me. Don’t shave,
I like this.”

“No problem. You have no fuzzys. Do you wax?”

“Side effect of the gas. Killed my hair follicles. I’ll
always be smooth for you. I hope that’s okay.”

“I prefer it this way. I also like it this way,” he said,
turning her around and gently inserting his newly erect penis into her from
behind. This was new for her.

“Wow, it gives you full access to everything this way, doesn’t
it?” she panted as he reached in front to fondle her as he stroked in and out.

“Mmm, and one day, maybe to this.” He fingered her tiny
bottom hole gently. She whimpered with an ‘oh’ as he carefully stuck his finger
inside her rectum while he continued to pump in long, smooth strokes. She felt
dizzy, being stimulated both front and back and came with a loud groan as he
shot inside of her a second time. Rich sprawled over her back as they gripped
edges of the pool’s bank, their breath coming in loud pants.

“Did you like that?” Rich asked after a twenty minute long
recovery. He exited the water and pulled Sam with him.

She blushed. “I did. I didn’t realize you could, you know…”

“Anal sex?” Rich asked. “Don’t be embarrassed. I forget you
don’t have any experience in this area. I’ll teach you. If there is anything
you don’t enjoy, just tell me.”

“I feel like an infant with my lack of knowledge. I’m sorry.”

“Truthfully, I’m glad. I like introducing you to these
things. Just be straight with me.”

“I will. Do you like doing that? With your finger?”

“Hell yeah, and with this as well.” He held his flaccid
organ. “It’s a control thing for me. I like doggy style the best too.”

“How kinky are you?” She eyed him.

Rich kissed her. “I want to tie you up completely and
stimulate every single nerve of your body, then make love to every opening. I
want to let you taste my pleasure and my pain. I can be a little sadistic.”

“I guessed that. You would never harm me, right?”

“Never. But I wouldn’t mind leaving some nice bruises as
medals of courage on your gorgeous little ass. That will be the only place I
would ever mark, I promise,” he whispered.

Sam shook with excitement. “We’d have to be far away from
home for that. I don’t think Daddy would go for it. He was not very happy that
last time you left bruises on my rump.”

“Those were well deserved. These, however, would be for my
pleasure alone. One day, my love, I will make you my slave.” His mouth engulfed
hers, his tongue probing deep. She melted in his arms once again, and once
again, he penetrated her with a passion and desire so deep that she felt
completely owned. His thickness stretched her, and she groaned underneath his
hot, heavy body, pressed to the ground and unable to move as he pumped
vigorously into her. She cried out as his strokes brought her to another orgasm
with him alongside.

Holding him, she thought of his words. His slave? She
muttered these words out loud.

Rich pushed himself up to look down at her. “Yes, my slave. I’m
a Dom, honey. And you are my submissive. You just don’t know it yet.”

“I don’t understand,” she said as she slowly sat up.

“We’ll talk about it later. You have nothing to be afraid of.
Your uncle is one, too. I also believe Mike is as well. Not too sure of your

“Uncle Scott?”

“Like I said, we will talk about it later. Let’s get dried
off and dressed. Your hair is a mess.”

“Michael will comb it out, unless you want to try.”

“I’ll let Mike handle that mane. I’m afraid I’ll get
frustrated and pull it.”

“But you like pulling hair.” The girl grinned.

Rich grabbed a handful to draw her lips to his once again. “I
certainly do. Especially when it is long and thick, like yours. Put your shoes
on,” he ordered.

Sighing, she obeyed.

They arrived back at camp as the sun started to set below the
mountain range. Michael, seeing his sister’s hair, pointed to the place in
front of him and, without a word, starting working out her tangles.

“Where did you guys go?” Jen asked, bundled in sweats and
trying to dry her hair in the warmth of the fire.

“Sulfur pool. It was nice,” Rich said, accepting a cup of
coffee from Scott.

“Hot water? You didn’t tell me there was hot water,” Michael
scolded his parents.

“I don’t recall you asking either. Scott, coffee please,” Dr.
Quimby requested, now back on his throne, which consisted of a folding chair in
front of the fire. The fish, covered with onions, sizzled noisily on the grill.
Potatoes wrapped in foil baked in the coals, emitting occasional little popping
noises as they steamed.

“Mmm, smells good,” Sam said. “Look, the stars are starting
to come out. This is so nice, thank you.”

“Yeah, I thought we needed this,” Scott huffed, pouring Dr.
Quimby another cup of coffee.

“How are you feeling after the hot water, daughter?”

“Relaxed and comfortable. No problems. I didn’t stay under
except to rinse my hair.”

“Let me know if there are any difficulties, okay?”

“Please don’t worry, Daddy. I’m fine,” Sam said, reaching for
his hand.

Michael continued to comb out the knots. “Rich, you’re going
to have to learn how to do this if you plan on hanging around. Come get this
side,” Michael ordered his friend. Rich joined him and the two worked patiently
to smooth the unruly waves. By the time they finished, dinner was ready.

The next day, while the men were out fishing downstream, the
girls decided to take a little hike. Figuring they would be back before the men
returned, they left without saying anything. Unfortunately, they also got lost.

“You’re the Marine. Find our way back,” Jen said, plopping on
a rock to rub her sore feet.

“If we were under water, I could. Oh damn,” Sam said plopping
next to her friend. “I need to call Mike. We will be in big trouble for this.”


“Didn’t you hear Uncle Scott tell us not to go anywhere
without telling them?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“If I call, then they’ll know. If I don’t, then they’ll come
back and see we are gone. We are up serious shit creek.”

“We could try to backtrack,” Jen said hesitantly.

“That’s what we’ve been trying to do. I can’t even sense the
water. There is no pull for me here. Damn.”

“Double damn.”

The girls were quiet, contemplating their situation. Jen
sighed, “This is going to ruin the vacation for everyone, huh?”

“Are you kidding me? I can’t remember one family vacation
that I HAVEN’T gotten into some kind of trouble. They know me too well. It was
bound to happen either today or tomorrow. I’m calling Michael.”

“Lt. Quimby.”

“Me. We’re lost.”

“What? Sis…”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Can you find us? Use your twin power or

“I won’t be able to hide it from the folks,” Michael said
quietly. “We’re almost done here.”

“I know. I didn’t want you getting to camp and finding us
gone. I’m sorry.”

“Me too,” Jen said into the transmitter.

“Jen, you’re going to get it for this too, you know,” Michael
advised her. “Scott told you guys not to go anywhere without telling us.”

“I know. Just find us please. My feet hurt.”

“On my way. Out. Rich? The girls are lost. We need to recon. I
want to try to cover for them if I can.”

“Hmmm. Doc? Scott? Do you mind if Mike and I go back to camp
and grab some private time with our ladies? Maybe go for a little walk or

“Go for it, son. Have fun and be careful,” Dr. Quimby waved,
casting his line in. They were after trout this time.

“Good decoy. Let’s hurry,” Michael said. They got to camp and
Rich found the footprints from where the girls had left. His tracking skills
were excellent, surprising Michael.

“I didn’t know you had this in you. I’m a water guy, not

“I told you I trained S&R. Here, let me show you.” Rich
showed Michael broken sticks, bent branches and other clues indicating the route
the girls had taken. Michael, finally able to sense his sister, helped in the
directioning. They found the girls an hour later about three miles from camp.

“My hero!” Jen cried out, flinging herself into Michael’s

Rich hugged Sam tightly. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

“I can’t believe we got lost. I’m sorry. Thanks for finding
us,” Sam said gratefully, kissing her brother’s cheek after delivering a strong

“Let’s find some shade and have a talk, little sister,”
Michael said, pointing towards the woods. Silently, the girls accepted the
hands held out for them and followed them into the quiet forest. Michael
pointed to a bolder. “Sit, both of you. Now, what were you told before we left
to fish?”

“Not to go anywhere without telling you guys,” Sam sighed.

“Jenny? Did you hear that as well?”

“Yes, Rich.”

“So how did it come about that you needed rescuing?” he
asked, hands on his hips. Sam looked at Jen; the poor thing was terrified.

“It was my idea. We didn’t plan on going far, but got
discombobulated,” Sam said. “I take full responsibility. I’m the trained
Marine, I shouldn’t get lost. My tracking skills suck.”

“As much as I’m sure Jen appreciates you trying to take the
blame, she also made the decision to put one foot in front of the other and go
with you,” Michael added. Jen just looked at the ground, staring at the little
bugs. “It concerned me that we might not have been able to find you, had Rich
not been here to help me. He also decoyed the folks from knowing that this
happened. I think you two girls owe us both a serious apology.”

“Michael, Rich, we are so, so sorry about this. Honest. Whatever
you need for me to make this up to you, just tell me,” Sam said sincerely.

“Me, too, boys. I’m really sorry,” Jen added tearfully.

“Well, I know what my girl is going to pay for this
disobedience; don’t you, Samantha?” Rich asked firmly. Lowering her face, she
nodded silently.

“I agree. My girl is finally going to experience my
displeasure as well. Dad and Scott are taking the raft upstream in the morning.
Rich and I will deal with you two after they leave.”

“But Mike!” Jen protested.

“Yes, Michael,” Sam sighed. She looked at her friend. “Don’t
fight him, it’s far worse. If he tells Daddy and Scott, then we are dead meat. No
one dares to directly disobey Uncle Scott and lives.”

“It’s wise to heed a voice of experience. You know, Sammi,
the folks will be stunned that you made it through a whole weekend without
being spanked. Little do they know, huh?”

“Maybe they’ll think there’s a first time for everything.” She
wrinkled her nose at her brother. Holding the girls’ hands, the boys led them
silently back to camp.

“Did you guys have a nice walk?” Dr. Quimby asked pleasantly
as he skewered the trout that Scott had cleaned. The boys nodded, hugging the

“Very much. It’s hot, though. My feet hurt,” Michael said,
kicking off his shoes and wading into cold water. The girls joined him

“Do you guys hunt at all?” Rich asked, popping open a bottle
of water.

“I don’t. He does.” Dr. Quimby pointed to Scott.

Scott looked up, his interest sparked. “Hunting? What do you
go after?”

“Poultry. I like using a bow. I brought mine, by the way.”

“Really? Lemme see.” Scott excitedly went to look at Rich’s
set-up. It was a compound precision high brace. Scott fell in love.

“I want to bow,” he whined to Dr. Quimby.

“You had a bow. Your nephew got hold of it and almost killed
the next door neighbor.”

“But he’s older now. Come on. Please?” Scott pleaded.

Rich laughed, handing him the quiver to select an arrow. “Feel
this pull. It’s sweet. I’ll get you one and we can hide it in the BOQ so Mom
doesn’t find it,” he whispered.

Scott grinned, nodding; and then he released the arrow. It
swept with a twang into a tree. “Oh, this is sweet. You can actually tag a bird
with this?”

“I can pop a quail. Did archery club for years and competed
nationally. See that pinecone?” With a swish, the cone fell to the ground with
the arrow centered in it.

Scott was beyond impressed. “How are your firing skills?”

“Got a Ruger back home. Silver medal.”

“Good, I have somebody to play with. Joe? Rich is my new best
friend. He’ll go shooting with me.”

“Good luck, Rich. Just give me a head’s up when you want to
shoot at him instead of the target.” Dr. Quimby sounded unconcerned.

“Teach me,” Sam demanded, coming up to them.

Rich raised his eyebrow. “I think this bow is way too long
for you. If you want to learn, we’ll get you one that fits your height.”

“Do they make munchkin size bows? We will probably have to go
to the children’s department,” Scott commented, watching his niece pick up the
bow anyway. It was almost as tall as she was. Rich showed her how to notch it,
pull and aim. She hit the tree.

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