Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4 (22 page)

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“Cool! Please let me learn! Please, please, please!” she
begged, jumping around with excitement.

“As long as you promise not to try to kill any neighbors,”
Dr. Quimby said as his son approached with Jen.

“You’ll never let me live that down, will you? I was only
nine. Give me a break.”

“Good thing we didn’t have a loaded gun around the house,
huh?” Dr. Quimby grunted.

“I KNEW how to fire a gun. Scott taught me when I was six. I
didn’t know how to launch an arrow,” Michael argued. “Besides, it only killed
Mrs. Stanley’s cactus, not her.”

“She was right next to the cactus. It’s getting dark, put
that thing away,” Dr. Quimby ordered as another arrow flew by and twanged on a

“Let’s go out when we come back from fishing. Maybe we can
snag a grouse or pheasant,” Scott requested with excitement.

Rich nodded, wrapping his bow. “Let’s do that. I’ll dress the
catch, though. Mike? Do you want to come?”

“Nah, I’m not into hunting. I am into eating, though. When’s

“Really, Scott, hunting?” Dr. Quimby scolded as they readied
for bed.

Scott shrugged. “So what? I like it and I found a playmate. What’s
really eating you?”

“You know me too well. Did you notice how quiet the girls
were tonight?”

“Yes. Maybe they’re tired.”

“If you were observing your surroundings instead of playing
with Rich’s bow, you would have noticed a lot of foot rubbing and stretching
from Miss Jennifer.”


“An hour walk? The brats went out, got lost and called our
boys to come find them. Hence, the decoy.”

“You really think so?”

“Oh, yes. And I think our boys will be taking care of
business shortly after you and I leave on our little fishing trip in the

“Hmmm, are you going to say anything?” Scott climbed into his
sleeping bag.

“No reason to. I was just wondering how long it would take
before your gremlin turned and got herself into trouble this trip. She’s
consistent, at least.”

“Well, we know they are being watched out for. Now go to
sleep. I’m beat.”

Chapter 14

As the two men talked quietly, Sam left her tent to crawl in
with Rich and her brother. Michael sat up.

“I just got comfortable. What are you doing in here?”

“I need loves. I feel bad about today.”

“You should. And you’ll feel worse tomorrow. Go back to your
tent,” he ordered gruffly.

She blinked at him innocently. “You could go in there and
cuddle Jen. She’s scared.”

“She should be. She hasn’t faced my wrath yet,” he grumbled,
standing up and pulling on his sweats.

Sam turned back to Rich. “Is there room in your bag for me? I
don’t take up a lot of space.”

“No, but I do. Hey! Oh, all right. Come here, you little
minx. It’s going to get very warm with both of us in here.”

“Then take off your clothes.”

“No, not with your dad around. Do you want to see me in
trouble with him?”

“He already knows we do it.”

“Yes, but we don’t have to rub it in his face. It’s called
respect. Now, I’m tired. Please go to sleep.”

“Night, Rich. I love you.”

“Love you too,” he mumbled, drifting off. Sam waited about
fifteen minutes before unzipping the bag and very carefully picking her way
down his body with her mouth.

He grabbed her when her lips found their way around his
stiffening penis. “Didn’t I tell you to go to sleep?”

“Yes, but…”

“But nothing. You just earned another session for disobeying
me. Now keep still and sleep. I won’t tell you again,” he said, sounding
grouchy. Sighing, the girl wrapped her arm around his shoulders, her face
pressed into his broad, warm back. It didn’t take long for her to obey.

“Mike? I’m really scared. I’m so sorry about today,” Jen
whispered as Michael climbed in next to her. He joined their two bags together
to give them room.

“I know you are, on both accounts. You need to learn to
follow directions. You would much rather face me then Scott this time. You’ve
been with him once when you hadn’t directly disobeyed him and you remember how
that felt.”

“It was dreadful.”

“It gets much worse, so you don’t want to go there. You can’t
let my sister get you into these messes.”

“We both wanted to go. It was as much my choice as hers.”

“True. We’ll deal with that in the morning. Meanwhile, come
here and put your head on my chest.”

“Did they switch tents?” Scott whispered as they readied to
leave early the following morning.

Dr. Quimby nodded. “Of course, but they’re all dressed.”

“From what you can see.” Scott chuckled.

“Shut up. Samantha is on top of the bag in her tee shirt and
panties. We should really talk with her about modesty.”

“After we all go skinny dipping? Get your ass in the boat and
stop being so puritanical. I know about all the things you did with my sister,
so don’t act so conservative.”

“She told you?”

“Everything. So cut it out.”

“It’s different. These are our children.”

“And she was my baby sister. No difference. Get over it.”

Dr. Quimby held back a grin as he obeyed, grabbing an oar to
push them out into the river. Within minutes, they were out of sight. Rich and
Sam woke shortly afterwards to the sound of early morning birds. They stretched
and left the tent to clean up. Without a sound, the girl plunged into the icy
river, making Rich shiver. How could she take the cold? Brrrr.

Refreshed, with her hair once again in a tangle, Sam emerged
and wrapped a towel around her naked body. She brushed her teeth and then
settled in front of the fire to try to comb out the mess. Rich, taking a seat
behind her, began to work the long tresses into a fan across her back and over
her breasts. A modern Lady Godiva.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered, arms wrapped around her
naked shoulders.

“Beautiful enough to forgive for being a brat?”

“Of course, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be punished
today. Weasel.” Rich gave her his warm throaty chuckle. “Go get dressed. I’ll
make some coffee.”

When she returned, he handed her a cup and pulled her again
onto his lap. They shared fruit and cheese, quietly cuddling in the early
morning light. It was about 7:00 when Rich stuck his head into Michael’s tent.

“Mike? I’m taking Sam to the sulfur pool to finish our
business. I’ll be back when we’re done. Probably around 10:00.”

“Okay. We’ll stay here then. I’ll handle her after we get up,”
Michael said sleepily.

Rich held his hand out for Sam and they silently walked
through the quiet forest to the pool. The early morning mood was a hard one to
break, but Rich knew procrastinating wouldn’t pay off. He sat her down.

“I’m disappointed in you,” he said quietly.

“I know. I shouldn’t have left.”

“Not just that, but because you couldn’t find your way back. What
kind of Marine are you?” he asked with a smile.

“One that cheated through OCS. We trained along the ocean; I
can always sense the sea.”

“We will work on these skills, missy. I don’t care if you are
senior to me, they are necessary in recon.”

“If it makes any difference, I can find a mall wherever I go.”
She blinked at him sweetly.

Rich laughed deeply. “I love you so much. You make me laugh.”

“I love your laugh. Much better than your scolding.”

“If you were being punished by Scott for this infraction,
what would he do?”

“I would get a severe spanking followed by his ruler. Possibly
the belt too,” she said quietly. “He has this thing about following rules,
especially when we are away from our regular environment.”

Rich nodded. He took out his pocketknife and began to cut several
willow branches off a long-limbed tree. Sam held her breath, watching him strip
the branches and bind them together with some vines. “This is called a birch
bundle,” he explained. “Since I see no actual birch trees, I’m making do with a
willow. It’s much more flexible, but quite effective. This will be applied
every time you disobey my instructions during your discipline. Understood?”

“Yes, Rich.”


“Yes sir, Rich.”

“Better. You are not to budge. You are not to talk. You are
not to reach back, kick, squirm or otherwise move. You may cry, but no
screaming or yelling. You will take this discipline to heart, like a Marine and
like a good submissive. Understand?”

“No sir, Rich. I don’t know what a submissive is.” Sam
trembled, trying not to cry.

Rich smiled at her. “She is my cherished treasure, a being of
pure delight whose heart’s purpose is to please me. She is one whom I guard and
protect with everything I am, who I would die for because she makes my life
worth living. She is a slave to my heart, and I am the master of hers. She is
willing to do whatever is needed to bring me joy and earn my praise, because
she knows that my life is empty without her.”

Sam was quiet, taking it in. She’d never understood before, the
depth of his love for her, or how much he understood the depth of her love for
him. Everything he said was true. She wasn’t a doormat, but a prized possession
to be cared for, polished and placed upon a pedestal to enjoy. The thought sent
shivers down her spine.

“Now do you understand?” he asked.

“Rich? Please kiss me first. I’m scared.”

He obliged then sat upon the boulder, the bundle at his side.
“Over my knee to feel my hand. If you break a rule, you are to lean over this
boulder for three strokes. I promise you, after the first time you taste this,
you will work hard to obey me.”

Trembling, she positioned herself across his long thighs, his
muscles strong and broad, creating a comfortable platform to rest upon. Slowly,
he slid her sweat pants and panties down until they reached her ankles, then
tossed them aside. He took off his watch, placing it in front of her.

“When it reaches 0740, we will begin. You are to tell me when
the time hits 0800, and we will stop this portion. Understood?”

“20 minutes?”


“Yes sir, Rich. Oh God… 0740.” she whispered, preparing for
the onslaught.

He held nothing back as he crashed his hand against her soft
bottom, making her cry instantly. She struggled not to fight, tried hard to
obey, and watched the time drag slowly as he relentlessly spanked her to a dark
red, hot mass. She didn’t know how, but she managed to obey him.

“Good girl, you did it. No birch this time.” He sounded
pleased. Something inside of her felt proud that she obeyed him and was praised
for it. Is this what he meant? She cried softly, still over his lap without
moving. After a few minutes, he stood her up and took her to a tree.

“Put your arms around the tree and stay standing.” He slowly
slid his belt from the loops, the jingling of the buckle as he held it in his
hand made Sam shiver. “You will receive 20 lashes with this. Again, if you
move, the birch will be used. Don’t disappoint me.”

She wanted so badly to make him proud! It was more important
than protecting herself. What was happening? She held her breath, gasping as
the first stroke landed across her bare bottom. She yipped at the second,
trying to hold on. The third made her crumble.

“You moved. Over that boulder,” Rich ordered, pointing. Sobbing,
the girl obeyed, lying across the smooth cool rock. The coolness felt good
against her hot body.

Rich swished the bundle in the air. “Since you did so well on
your spanking, I will only birch you once this time. Move again, and it’s five

“Yes sir, Rich,” Sam cried. Rich swished the bundle again
before dropping it sharply over her bottom and thighs. She screamed into her
arm. It made Michael’s switching feel like a gentle massage. Rich stood her up
and sent her back to the tree. She resumed her position, trying to move her
mind to another place. Not once did she realize that he was being lenient and
that his belt left only red streaks, but no welts upon her.

She made it to fifteen strokes before wilting, and
subsequently received five swipes with the birch. Rich completed the remaining
five with his belt and left her standing against the tree, her scarlet bottom
covered with red lines and a couple of tiny bruises from the birch tips. He
tossed the birch aside and sat quietly, waiting for her to calm down. He
watched with interest as she slid to the ground, crying in her arms. He sensed
that the tears came from being disappointed in herself and her inability to
obey him, rather than the pain.

“Samantha, come to me.” She stood on wobbly legs and knelt at
his feet, face in his lap, crying even harder. “You did well. I know it was
hard, but I’m proud of you.”

“Y- you are? But I messed up.”

“The purpose was obedience. You obeyed me. That’s all I
wanted. Not how well you could take a strapping, but how willing you were to
obey. You will never forget how important that is to me, will you?”

“No sir, Rich. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

“You’re forgiven, my love. Now one more thing. On your knees,”
he commanded, pulling his erect penis free. He gently plunged into her from
behind, surprised about how wet she was. His groin smacked against her bruised
backside, making her cry as she lifted her bottom higher to take him in deeper.
She felt him explode within her, the heat of his semen bathing her. She
shuddered with her own climax, so different than the others. It vibrated
through her entire body, feeling like it exploded from her. With her face on
the ground, bruised red bottom high in the air and on her knees, Rich thought
her to be more beautiful than ever. She was a dream.

He slowly pulled out of her, scooping her into his arms and
placing her into the hot water to bathe her off. She groaned painfully as the
hot water touched her tender skin, but relaxed as his hand gently washed the
evidence of their lovemaking away. He dressed her, fixed her hair and stood her
before him.

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