Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4 (17 page)

BOOK: Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4
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“No. My head hurts and I’m sick to my stomach.”

“This came on rather quickly, didn’t it? After we talked.”

“I wasn’t paying attention,” she said, putting her face back
into her pillow.

Michael patted her thigh. “I’ll get you an aspirin. Dad’s
really acting weird.” He told her what their father had confessed.

“Maybe his parental vibes are telling him what you are
planning on doing. Mike, I promised I wouldn’t tell, but please reconsider. I
don’t feel good about it at all. There’s a foreboding there. I’m begging you.”

“My mind is made up. I need to try. “

“Promise me that if you see anything whatsoever in the
research that indicates a serious risk, that you won’t pursue it. Promise me!”

“I promise. Unlike you, I don’t like to terrify my family.” He
smiled gently, stroking her hair.

She inhaled; she was counting on that. “Let me go back to
sleep. Please make sure I wake before I transition. I should have about two or
three hours before it happens.”

“Do you have your suit on?”

“Under these cammies.”

“Okay, then. Sleep tight. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Michael kissed her cheek before leaving the room. He leaned
against her closed door, closing his eyes. Guilt welled inside of him. He knew
why she was miserable. Could he really do this to her? He had to face the truth
about himself at that moment. He was jealous and he hated feeling that way. He
wanted the freedom she had. How stupid could I be? He thought to himself. Risk
everything for what? Was it worth it?

His head turned to her door. He could hear her crying. Sighing,
he walked back in. “Hey, baby girl. I knew there was something more.” He rubbed
her back before lying down next to her and pulling her close to him. “This is
my fault. I’m so sorry. I promise, I won’t do it. I have to admit something to
you. I’m jealous of you.”

“You’re what?” She sniffed, looking at him.

He flipped to his back to stare at the ceiling, resting her
head on his chest. “Stupid, huh? I’ve never felt that way in my entire life. I
just want the freedom you have.”

“Mike, it’s not as great as you think.” She cuddled into his
arms. “The price is terrible. Daddy thinks I’m going to get cancer or something
any minute from the chemical exposure, or that the process will suddenly
reverse while I’m too deep to do anything. I always wonder if my body will
suddenly fail me. These fears go through my mind every day, too. I try to
ignore them, but they’re real. What if I did want to have kids? What if Rich
changes his mind? If I had the choice, I would use the mask any day. But I don’t.”

“I didn’t know you felt this way. Why didn’t you tell me? You
tell me everything.”

“I didn’t want to face it and if I said something, I would
have to. Now you’re wanting to be this way and that doubles the fear –
that all this terrible stuff could happen to you, too.” She began to sob.

“Shh, I won’t do it. I swear on my honor. I’m so sorry,
birthday present. Please forgive me.” Michael felt the tears in his own eyes
come, seeing the grief he brought upon her. “Jealousy is an ugly thing. I don’t
want it.”

“I’ve always been jealous of you, but you know that.” She
sniffed. “It’s made me work harder.”

“But it’s also made you try to be something you’re not. I don’t
have the ability to memorize like you do. I could be jealous over that, but I
can’t change it.”

“But you can take everything you learn and instantly
assimilate it. I can’t. And you’re so well behaved. I certainly am not.”

“I wasn’t always the good kid. Believe me, I got into a lot
of trouble. My problem was that I would find a way not to repeat the same
offense and tried to use that to my benefit.”

“You did?”

“Oh yes.” He chuckled. “I would also do it when one of the
folks wasn’t around, so they didn’t know about it until I got busted. Yeah, I
was a handful at one time. Ask Scott. I vaguely remembering Mom in a panic one
day because I decided to climb a big tree that hung over our roof. She promised
everything to get me down, but I didn’t want to.”

“Why didn’t she come up to get you?”

“You were already walking and climbing out of your playpen,
so she couldn’t leave you unattended for a second. Even then, you were into
everything.” He kissed her temple. “Needless to say, I was half her size by
then and had no fear of her. She called Scott, crying that I was going to break
a bone or something.”

“Why didn’t you come down?”

“I didn’t want to. I wanted to see how far I could climb. I
was on the roof by the time Uncle Scott got there. Trust me, I didn’t have the fear
of him at the time either, so his ordering me down didn’t get any results.”

“You disobeyed Uncle Scott deliberately?”

Chapter 11

“The first and last time. He climbed up that tree and hauled
my little butt down. Mom was all over me, kissing and hugging when he informed
her that I was going to learn a lesson about minding my elders that I would
never forget. He was right. He paddled me right there and then. Not a happy day
for me. But he was right. It was a lesson I never forgot. I also remember it
didn’t hurt that much, but both he and Mom looked so sad that my heart hurt.”

“What did you do?”

“I climbed into your playpen and cried, holding you. You just
sat in my lap and let me, with your little head against my chest like this.” He
stroked her face warmly. “You were always my comfort when I was sad or hurt. The
only way I could sleep after Mom died was if you were with me. I needed to hold
onto you. Dad found me in your crib every morning. He finally allowed you to
sleep in my bed with me. That was when you and I started climbing into bed with

“Then you know how I feel about this whole thing?”

“Yes. I forgot how much it hurts to be afraid to lose someone
you love. I can’t do that to you intentionally. Or to Dad or Scott. It’s
selfish and you all deserve better.”

“Tell me some more stories,” she requested, holding his arms
tightly around her middle.

Michael chuckled. “There are so many. We really did have a
happy childhood. An odd one, but good. I remember when we discovered your
ability to memorize instantly.” He laughed. “You were about 14 months old and I
decided that you were old enough to learn how to read. It was my intent to
teach you.”

“How cute. What were you, five?”

“Yeah. The folks thought it was a good idea and really
encouraged it. I had starting reading at two, so they were a little prepared. You
were already talking quite a bit as well. I took the alphabet letters and
started telling you what they were. You got bored after I said each one and
didn’t want to repeat it. It got me mad. I went to tell Dad that you wouldn’t
do your homework and that he needed to tell you to mind me.”

“You didn’t!”

“I think the term they used for me was precocious. I would
always speak to you like an adult and had a pretty complete adult vocabulary by
four, which drove them nuts. Dad started laughing and tried to explain to me
that not everybody can learn like I did. Then we heard you in the other room,
repeating all the alphabet sounds. We went in and, sure enough, you knew
everything I had showed you. Dad was so excited, but I was pissed.”


“I don’t know. Goofy kid thing. Dad’s good, though, he
praised me for being such a good teacher and asked me to show him how I did it.
You learned the whole alphabet in one sitting and how to spell in an hour. He
couldn’t wait to show you off to Scott. He also gave me all the credit.”

“We do have a smart father. It kept you from getting

“It sure did, and it was fun. I liked teaching you things. I
still do.”

“You’re the best, Michael. I can’t say that enough.”

“It’s easy when I have you to look after. I wish you wouldn’t
grow up.”

“Uncle Scott still took care of Mama once she grew up. You
won’t be any different. Thank you for being here with me.”

“My pleasure. You look like you need a swim, baby doll. Sure
you don’t want me to go?”

“I think Daddy wants some time with me. He’s afraid of me
growing up too. Stay here and screw Jen’s brains out.”

“I shouldn’t ask, but…” Michael hinted.

“Yes. It was amazing. Rich is a dream. He’s like the best of
my family wrapped into a gorgeous, muscular package. I love him so much, Mike. We
were meant for each other.”

“I believe you were. And the fact that he can handle your
temper is even better. How’s that going?”

“After that last incident with him, I have not even thought
of tempting fate. He likes to play, though.” She giggled. “He has a bit of a
kinky side. He really likes my ass.”

“He’s good for you. And for Jen and the family. You like her,

“She’s like a sister to me and she makes you happy. Of course
I do. You’ve fallen in love with her, too. I can tell.”

“Yeah, I have. It’s still early in our relationship and I
really want to go slow, but she’s the one.”

“I know she is. There is still a lot for her to learn about
us, though. She hasn’t had to deal with us going out on assignments yet.”

“She’ll have the family to support her when we do. I just
hope she can handle it. We also need to monitor her partying when school begins
again. As Scott says, she has that little devil inside her.”

“You like that though, right?”

“After dealing with you, I can handle any type of brat. You’ve
given me lots of practice.”

“You’re welcome. I need to swim,” she said, sitting up. She
kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

They walked downstairs and into the kitchen where Dr. Quimby
was happily sautéing some onions. Michael winked at his sister and hugged his
father from behind. “Hi Mom, what’s for dinner?”

“Very funny. Cooking relaxes me. How’s your— hey honey,
are you all right?”

“I need to go out for a while. It that okay?”

“Go ahead. Can you wait for me? I’ll have Mike finish this,”
he asked, washing his hands in the sink.

She nodded. “I’ll be in the inlet waiting for you. Daddy? I
love you. Please try to stop worrying.”

“I can’t help myself. You know that. I’ll be there as soon as
I get my suit on.”

“Wear one of mine, Dad. I have the mask with it in my bag
upstairs,” Michael said, arm around his sister’s neck.

“I hate that mask, it makes me feel unsafe. Thanks, but I’ll
go the old fashioned way. It’s more predictable.”

“I’ll try to keep him out so you can have some time with Jen.”
Sam elbowed her father lovingly.

“Come back when you’re ready. I want you home with me
tonight.” Michael hugged her tightly. He held out his hand to walk down to the
dock with her after telling Jen he’d be back in a few.

Jen waved to her friend with a smile. “Have a good swim and
be careful. It’s already so quiet with Scott gone,” she commented, plopping
down in Scott’s chair.

“I can’t believe you’re sitting in his spot. Nobody sits
there. You are braver than I am.” Sam giggled.

“It’s comfy. And Scott doesn’t scare me... when he isn’t
around.” Jen grinned folding her legs underneath her.

Michael watched his sister slide under the water to the
bottom, the bubbles rising to the surface as she emptied her lungs to permit
the gas exchange. He waited until his father came down, hauling the scuba

“I could have helped you,” Michael said, lifting the double
tank onto the man’s back and strapping it in place. He checked the air and
regulator before handing it over.

“Son, I’ve been diving since long before you were born. I
know how to do this stuff.”

“Habit, sorry. Dad?”

“Yes, m’boy?”

“I love you. I don’t tell you enough how much I appreciate
what you and Scott have done for us. Thanks.”

“Where is this coming from?” Dr. Quimby looked confused.

Michael hugged him again warmly. “Nowhere. Sometimes we just
have to be reminded about the good things we have. I’ll keep dinner warm for

“Thanks. Damn it’s cold. How does she stand it? See you in a
couple of hours.” Dr. Quimby said, sliding in. He plugged the regulator into
his mouth and sunk down.

Sam smiled, seeing her father dressed like, in Ton’s opinion,
a walrus. He swam with her outside the inlet and into the kelp forest. The sun
was just setting and the light gave a misty glow to the swaying stalks. Garibaldi
swam around them as they maneuvered through the plants. Unable to speak, Dr.
Quimby pointed to some rocks, his daughter and his camera. She released her
hair from the braid and posed for him, a virtual mermaid. The fish swarmed
around her and he delightedly took shot after shot. His eyes widened as she was
joined by some lemon sharks, stroking their snouts as they slowly circled her.

The water grew darker as the sun disappeared over the
horizon. Dr. Quimby turned on his light and followed his little mermaid into
deeper waters where Ton joined them. The whale rubbed gently against both of
them, imaging his pleasure at seeing his calf’s bull. He started to image her
pod mate (Michael) and his being beached after being caught in a net. Dr.
Quimby shook his head, trying to grasp the images being plunged into his mind. Sam
patted her father’s shoulder and signaled ‘okay’ and ‘up’. He nodded and they
both surfaced.

“Is he trying to tell me something?” Dr. Quimby asked,
treading the water.

“It seems like he’s concerned about Michael getting hurt. I
don’t know what for sure. It is significant that Ton is trying to contact you,
so I wouldn’t ignore it.”

“Could you try to get more from him? Is Michael sick?”

“If he were, you’d get images of a dark storm and beaching,
not him swimming into a net or getting caught. That’s an intent or ignorance. I’ll
try, but no promises,” she said, glad it was dark to hide her eyes. She could
never lie to him when he was looking straight at her. She called Ton over,
imaging freedom from the net after squealing, trying to explain that she had
spoken with her brother and he wasn’t going to hurt himself. Ton, however,
disagreed. He even imaged Michael getting his flukes bitten. She laughed; adult
bulls don’t get their tail flukes bitten. Just the cows in her pod. Ton
snorted. He kept flashing images to her father. He wasn’t going to stop until
his point was driven home.

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