Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4 (15 page)

BOOK: Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4
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“Are you sure?” he asked, knowing that it was a moot
question. He would not be able to stop himself at this point. She nodded,
reaching for him hungrily. Rich sat down, once again turning her over his knee
to seductively spank her perfect backside. By now, it was bright red and stinging
nicely, the flesh hot under his large hand. He lifted her to sit on his lap,
facing him with his penis pressing against her pelvis. His lips trailed down
her neck as he made love to her breasts. Slowly he laid her out before him,
stretching her against the deck and holding her arms high above her head. The
swirling grew more intense and his hunger deepened, with the need to pleasure
her uncontrollable. His mouth found her clitoris, his tongue acting like a
miniature version of what was to come, as he tasted her delightful juices. Sugar

She was ready. Her bare pussy arched for him, crying out for
his cock to fill it. Slowly, with gentle care, he inserted the tip into her. He
was aware of his size, and her newness to the coupling. This was to be a time
for her to remember with joy, not fear, and he tried to ease himself in. Gentle
penetration was not what Sam desired, though. She clutched him, trying to force
him to move in deeper. He hesitated and obliged, his excitement rising as she
moaned with pleasure. Without difficulty, she took him completely and rode him
like the wind.

Rich had never experienced a connection with anyone as he had
at that moment. The swirls were intoxicating, the sensations so intense they
were almost surreal. He pulled her to sit on top of him to allow her deeper
penetration if she wanted. And she wanted. His mind spun with questions. How
could such a tiny thing take him so easily? This was her first experience and
yet, she accepted him as though they had been together for eons, as though they
had been designed for each other. He paused her to delay her orgasm, as well as
his own. He wanted this to last forever. He pulled out of her, leaving her
feeling empty and his cock, protesting the loss of the warm, tight embrace of
her body.

His lips once again tasted her as his hands memorized every
delicious curve of her sensitive breasts. Sam begged for release, but he
refused to give it. Not yet. He was amazed about the control he had, despite
the swirling. Sam started to cry lightly, begging and pleading to feel him
again. He obliged, this time more aggressively. His long strokes filled her,
and he could feel every part of her holding and clutching him in rhythm to his
motion. The swirls escalated, pulsating within his mind, and he moved with the
rhythm they set forth. They both came at once, locked deep into each other, the
swirls spinning out a pattern like fireworks. Rich thought he died and went to
heaven. It was as close to an out of body experience as he could have ever imagined.

It was several minutes before his erection relaxed inside of
her. Holding her close, eyes closed to the sunlight, he inhaled the salty air
and the sweet scent of her hair. It was bliss, this afterglow.


Back at the house, Michael plopped on the edge of Jen’s bed,
shaking his head. “This room is done. How is it that you couldn’t do this in
two weeks?”

“I didn’t have the incentive I have now.” Jen smiled,
wrapping a sheet around her naked body.

“You know my folks know what we’re doing.” Michael grinned,
tugging the sheet from her breast so that he could finger her nipple.

“Probably, but they haven’t bothered us, so I guess they
figure the room is getting cleaned.”

“Great, you’re starting to think like my sister. I… oh my…” His
eyes widened. He stood up suddenly and went to her window, which overlooked the

“What’s wrong?”

“My little sister is… Oh my… so much for waiting six months.”

“Do you really feel it?”

He nodded, and then shook his head. His forehead glistened as
he felt arousal grow within him. “I can’t explain it. Yes and no. I’ll tell you
this much,” he turned around to look at her, “I’m glad I have you with me right
now, otherwise, I’d be in a cold shower. Come here.”

Jen giggled as he pounced on top of her, throwing off the
sheet. She wrapped her legs around his waist, guiding his rigid cock into her
without hesitation. She groaned into his neck, trying to keep quiet so that
their activity would not be overheard. His strokes were hard, demanding and
deep, and Jen exploded into a climax that threatened to pull him completely
inside of her. He joined her at that same moment, not holding back his intense
desire as he plunged hungrily into her.

“Oh my god, you are…” Michael said, holding Jen tightly as he
pressed into her, his appetite insatiable.

“...Incredible,” Sam whispered, the feeling of fulfillment
engulfing her.

Rich looked down at her face. “Wow, that was intense,” he
panted, collapsing on top of her and trying not to squash her with his weight. “It
hurt so good.”

“No, don’t move. I’m used to being mushed. I like it,” Sam
said, holding him. “I know what my brother is doing right now. Talk about

“Twin powers again?” Rich said, rolling to his side and
taking her with him.

She shook her head, pointing to the water where several
dolphins were playing under the boat. “I don’t think so. I strongly suspect we
have company, and that they are egging things on. I’m too relaxed to yell at
them. Besides, it was amazing,” Sam purred.

“I love you,” Rich whispered into her hair, kissing the top
of her head. She murmured her love back; eyes closed as she rested her check
against his chest and stroked his stomach lazily. He smiled. He’d finally found
a way to keep her quiet!

Seagulls squawked overhead and the sound of the waves lapping
the sides of the boat with the gentle whistle of the breeze was hypnotic. Rich
closed his eyes and drifted into a peaceful sleep, Sam cradled protectively and
lovingly in his arms. Their nakedness was the most natural thing he could think
of and he wished they could just stay there, free of responsibilities.

A few hours later, Sam opened her eyes to see the sun
setting. She gently touched Rich’s nipple, kissing and tracing it with her
tongue and she reached her hands down slowly to explore. He grabbed her wrist
gently, bringing it back up to his chest after kissing her palm.

“Now, now, don’t be greedy. There will be more later if you’re
a good girl.”

“What if I’m not a good girl?” she asked mischievously.

Rich hugged her, sitting up. “Then you’ll go across my knee
for another spanking.”

“I see. I guess I’ll have to think of ways to be bad then.”

He laughed, that deep, throaty warm sound that tantalized her
as he stood. Reaching for her hand, he pulled her up and embraced her. “I’m
getting a little chilly. Let’s get dressed and grab a bite.”

They showered together in the tiny head, laughing about the
lack of space, then dressed in sweats. Sam opened the small refrigerator,
seeing it stocked with fruit, cheese, assorted deli meat and sausages. Uncle
Scott’s favorite finger foods. So he was in on this. This also meant there

“Cheetos!” She grinned, grabbing the bag.

Rich laughed. “What is it with you guys and Cheetos?” he
asked, snatching one.

“It was a reward when we were little for doing something
good. The puff ones, not these crunchy ones. We were promoted to the crunchy
ones when Daddy was sure we wouldn’t choke on them.”

“Sit, stay, here’s a Cheeto?”

“It worked. I didn’t always get spanked if I did something
wrong. They used a lot of positive reinforcement.”

“Smart. So will I, but it won’t be with Cheetos.” Rich
winked. They carried the food outside to the deck, leaning their backs against
the bench as they watched the rolling waves.

“How are you doing?” Rich asked.

Sam’s eyes sparkled. “Wonderful. When did you learn how to

“What are you talking about?”

“You swirled me. I felt like I was floating in your arms. Everything
was intensified. I had no idea anyone could be such an incredible lover. It was
like a magical dream.”

“I didn’t swirl you. You swirled me.”

“I did? Not consciously. Wow. Plus, I really think we had
some help. We have some voyeurs swimming around the boat.” She giggled.

“I’ve never had anything like you before,” Rich admitted. “I
mean, I know I’m pretty good in that department, but with you, I felt like I
knew every spot, every pressure point, like you—”

“Were part of me. That’s how I felt. Will it always be like

“I hope so. It’s addictive, though. Only after I came did I
feel that I could finally take a break. It wiped me out.”

“Me too. You didn’t hurt me at all, either.” She smiled

“I saw that. Not that I’m not incredibly pleased, but it
should have been a little uncomfortable, given your size and inexperience.”

“Not at all. You are a perfect fit. Don’t forget, I’m very
active and very flexible. Plus your lips, hands and the swirls had me needing
all you had to offer.”

“There’s even more to come. That was just the beginning.”
Rich smiled, popping a grape into her mouth. She started to giggle, hiding her
mouth with her hand. Rich raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“I’m bad. I suddenly thought of how good a new pair of
perfectly fitted shoes feel.”

“You and your shoes… hey!” Rich said, catching the comment. She
shrieked, slipping from his grasp, and ran to the other side of the boat. They
started a spirited game of catch; however, for once, the girl’s small size
played a huge advantage – she could slip into places Rich could not. Finally,
she let him catch her, laughing hysterically.

“You little brat,” he panted, holding her tightly. He pulled
her down onto his lap, face in her neck. “You make me so happy.”

“I love you,” she whispered, joining her lips to his once

Chapter 10

Michael’s eyes widened again as he sat at the dinner table
with the rest of the family. Jen nudged him and he nodded. They were at it
again. He quickly excused himself, hearing Jen giggle.

“What’s going on?” Scott asked, stealing a rib off Michael’s

“Trust me, you don’t want to know.” Jen snickered.

Dr. Quimby frowned. “Out with it. That boy never leaves his
ribs for any reason. They are his bacon.”

“Just say that a little dolphin in engaging in his activities
again and sharing them with Mike,” Jen lied. Good, they bought it.

“Maybe you should go follow him and help out.”

“Scott! We are at the table, have some decency,” Dr. Quimby

Scott snorted. “Oh please. Do you think I didn’t see what you
and my sister used to do under the table? Stop acting like you’re so proper.”

“I don’t need to go around making grand announcements.”

“Maybe if you did, you would get laid now and then,” Scott
said back. Dr. Quimby raised an eyebrow and, in a quick moment, unceremoniously
dumped a pitcher of ice water on Scott’s lap. Jen’s mouth fell open, as did
Michael’s as he was returning to the table. Scott growled and flung a spoon of
mashed potatoes into his friend’s face. Michael grabbed his cell phone to
videotape the event – no one would believe it otherwise.

Jen jumped out of the way when a handful of creamed spinach
found its way over Scott’s head. The food fight was on. Michael grabbed his
ribs and pulled Jen out of the way, taping every motion. The two men, covered
with dinner, were now on the deck rolling around like two little boys in a
wrestling match.

“Hold this.” Michael gave Jen the phone. He turned on the
hose and started squirting them both.

“That’s enough, you two. I’m not done with my dinner. Go get
cleaned up and then present yourselves like adults,” he ordered, soaking them
down thoroughly. Scott and Dr. Quimby, still on the ground, looked at each
other and started laughing hard. They shoved each other in the shoulders before
standing up.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Jennifer.” Dr. Quimby laughed,
tears running down his face. “That was so my daughter’s move!”

“I cannot believe you did that!” Scott said. “I do apologize
for our behavior, Miss Jennifer. It was not very mature.”

She was still holding the phone with an evil grin on her
face. They finally saw what she was doing.

“You did not record that!” Dr. Quimby said, appalled. Scott
reached for the phone and she tossed it to Michael.

He raised his finger. “Uh uh, one more step and I press send.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” Scott hissed.

Michael raised his eyebrow. “What’s it worth to you?”

“You little shit.”

“You taught him everything he knows, Scott. What do you want,
Michael?” Dr. Quimby asked hesitantly. He knew that if this got out, he and
Scott would be teased unmercifully by their command.

“Let’s see… Jen, do you have any ideas?”

“I need to think about it. You should, though, send a copy of
that somewhere for safe keeping, just in case they try to delete it.” She

“I’ll get you for this, you little brat,” Scott grumbled.

She shrugged her shoulders. “Between you and Sam, I think I’m
learning pretty quickly how to be a pest. You do know that Sam and Rich have to
see this, right?” she asked Michael.

He nodded. “Hell, yeah. It’s on the way.”

“You are so going to get it, boy,” Scott hissed, drying off
with a towel.

“Why don’t you two go get cleaned up while I think of
something that would be worth me not sending this to the command, okay?” Michael
grinned evilly. Shooting him a bird, Scott left quickly.

His father, hands on his hips, shook his head. “I’m
disappointed in you. Blackmail?”

“Yep. You have spinach in your hair.”


“There’s a message coming in from Mike. Cool, we have cell
service,” Rich said, punching his phone. He started laughing loudly, calling
Sam over. “Holy shit... Sammi! You have got to see this!”

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