Read Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4 Online
Authors: Breanna Hayse
“I’m thirsty and I need something salty.”
“How’s your balance?” he asked, checking her turgor and
“I think I’m all right. Maybe a bit dehydrated from all this
stupid crying.”
“I’ll be right back. You rest up,” he said with a kiss before
going downstairs. The boys were still on the couch, watching TV. “It’s getting
late, gentlemen. Shouldn’t you hit the sack?”
“We’re not tired. How’s Sammi?”
“Dehydrated and very frightened. She asked to sleep with me
“She hasn’t done that since she was twelve. Remember? It was
after she saw that stupid movie where the whale died.”
“I know. Please, be gentle with her. I’m seriously worried. I’ve
never seen her react this way to a situation before. She feels very vulnerable
right now. She needs your absolute love and support until she recovers
“Of course we will, Dad. Don’t worry about us. Good night,”
Michael said. He looked at Rich after his father departed. “Definitely special
assignment. I have no doubt now.”
“I think you’re right. He just removed any disciplinary
action from the agenda,” Rich observed. He sighed deeply, “Good, that makes me
feel a little better. I really didn’t want her to be this defiant for real.”
“What makes you think she’s not?” Michael grinned.
Rich shuddered. “I’m in for a long ride, then.”
Dr. Quimby took off work the next day to stay home with his
daughter. After the boys left, he brought her breakfast in bed.
“What’s this? I’m not sick,” she asked, sitting up painfully
and rubbing her eyes.
“You deserve it. Bottom still sore?”
“Daddy, he left marks on me that I’ve not seen before. Yes,
it’s still sore.”
“Let’s see,” he ordered with a frown, twirling his index
finger for her to turn over. Sighing, she obeyed, hearing him whistle. “Wow,
you weren’t kidding. I bet you won’t push that young man too far. I’ll get you
some numbing cream.”
“It won’t help, it’s too deep. But thanks. And, no, I won’t
push him at all if I can help it. When he says he means business, he means it.”
“It’s a good quality in a partner. How’s the food?”
“Yum. Thank you. Did you really take the day off?”
“I did. We can go do something if you’re up to it.”
“Okay. You should know, I’m getting the feeling that Michael
is onto us.”
“You do, how?”
“I know my brother. Every move he makes, his facial
expressions, the little tic when he’s mad. None of his actions indicate he’s
upset and the only reason he wouldn’t be is if he knew that I was under orders.
He’s no dummy, you know.”
“I hope he did figure it out. He is being less argumentative
about you,” Dr. Quimby commented. He snatched a piece of her bacon.
“Mine. Daddy, you forget that we’ve been trained in
interrogation. This is 101. There are certain things that indicate if someone
is lying or covering up something. I suck at both and so do you.”
“Why is it that you inherit something like that from me
instead of my temperament?”
“I don’t know. Lucky I guess.”
After speaking with Scott and updating him on the condition
of his truck (which had been taken to the shop that morning), Dr. Quimby took
his daughter out for shoe shopping. He had to keep reminding himself that he
owed her this for what she had encountered, but still hated the chore. Loaded
with three pairs of new shoes, and three bags of new clothes and ‘potions’, he
escorted her to the car located under the shopping plaza. She stopped in her
tracks, arm in front of him.
“Robbery,” she whispered, seeing a man breaking into a
vehicle. “Let me—”
“No, I’ll handle this. You just call the police on your
transmitter,” Dr. Quimby said, handing her the bags and approaching the car
carefully. “Excuse me, but are you having car problems?”
The man swung his crowbar, reaching only air. In seconds, Dr.
Quimby had him face down on the ground while Sam calmly contacted the
authorities. Dr. Quimby coolly took the bags back and placed them in the trunk,
ignoring the glare he received as the thief was cuffed and placed in the back
of the cruiser. “Broad daylight, would you believe that?” he stated casually. “Training
session, my dear. What was the difference between my stopping him and you?”
“You’re old—”
“Be serious.”
“He immediately perceived that you were a threat and attacked
you. I would have had to provoke it.”
“Good, what else? How did I handle him that would have
differed with you?”
“You restrained him. I would have knocked him way out.”
“Exactly. There is no need to apply deadly force unless your
life is threatened. Yesterday was totally appropriate, but Wilkes was not. By
the way, I forgot to tell you, I was very impressed with not only your skill,
but also the fact that you took no credit for it. That’s not like you, my
prideful little soldier.”
“I thought the cops would be more sympathetic towards me if
they thought I couldn’t defend myself.”
“So being a damsel in distress was beneficial for you?” he
asked slyly.
“Yeah… what are you getting at?”
“What I’m saying is you don’t always have to be the one who
does the fighting. We will fight for you anytime. We want to.”
“But Wilkes—”
“Should not have touched you. However, your brother was there
to defend you. Allow us to be your heroes now and then, okay? It’s good for our
“I didn’t think any of you cared about that. It’s so silly.”
“To you, but not to us. Like I said, our delicate male egos
required stroking now and then, or they feel useless.”
“I didn’t know that. And I am very surprised to hear you admit
it. Is that why you won’t let me carry my own bags?”
“That’s not ego, that is etiquette. Big difference. I’m
hungry, let’s go grab some lunch.”
The boys were home by time Dr. Quimby and Sam returned. Michael
raised an eyebrow. “Is this a new way to be grounded? Go shopping?”
“Quiet down, Michael. I’m relieving my guilt,” Dr. Quimby
grumbled, putting the bags down.
“Did shopping make you feel better, little sister?”
“Daddy caught a car thief at the mall! You should have seen
him, he was magnificent.”
“Now that was very good ego stroking, my love. Thank you. Take
this stuff upstairs and put it away.”
“Yes, sir.”
“I’ll help,” Rich offered, grabbing the bags and running up
the stairs two at a time. He put them on her bed then embraced her warmly. “I
haven’t had a chance to kiss you since your dad got home. How are you doing?”
“I’m okay. Are you mad at me? I know I disobeyed you again,”
she said quietly.
Rich kissed her brow. “I’m just grateful that you weren’t
seriously hurt. How did you get yourself into that situation anyway?”
“I panicked. I didn’t know what I was walking into when Bob
went to repark the truck.”
“I heard a rumor at work today. Did you know that Bob Banks
worked for Capt. Wilkes?”
“He did? You’re kidding!”
“Nope. Even more, I heard that Banks was accusing a little
sixteen-year-old girl, no bigger than a wisp, of being responsible for killing
three men with her bare hands and for breaking his jaw. There was also
something mentioned about crushing his balls with a karate kick.”
“I’m eighteen and he’s a crazy idiot. They turned on each
“That’s what you told the cops. Why would you say that?”
“I just wanted out of there without getting charged with a
“I see. Know what else I heard?” Rich asked, pulling her onto
his lap. “That Wilkes and Banks were linked to a suspected prostitution ring of
underage girls. Did you know that?”
“No way! You’re kidding! Well, good thing I stepped in. Perfect
timing, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Samantha, look at me. The game is up. And I’m proud of you,”
he whispered as he kissed her soundly.
She threw her arms around his neck. “I’m so sorry. I was
under orders not to say anything.”
“For someone who is trained in Special Forces, you aren’t
very good,” Rich teased.
“What do you mean?”
“What I meant was I didn’t know you were on assignment until
you confirmed it just now. Mike suspected it and we put two and two together. You
just admitted without me saying it.”
“You butthead.”
“Ah, yes, but I am a smart butthead. Don’t worry, nothing
will be said until you’re cleared. Very clever, though, how this worked out.”
“Rich, I was terrified yesterday. Not just about what
happened to me at that house, but that you were going to walk. It was eating me
alive keeping this secret.”
“I promise you that the only thing that would ever make me
walk was if you told me that you didn’t love me anymore. You have to trust me.”
“I told you that I had my reasons and asked you to trust me,
remember? You thought I was messing around on you.”
“I’m so sorry. I never suspected something like this. Please
forgive me.” He touched her lips with his thumb, gazing into her eyes.
“Of course. You couldn’t have known what was really
happening,” Sam answered softly. She looked up at him. “Rich? I want you to
make love to me.”
“Not with your father home. Let’s put your new things away
then you need to go love on your brother. He’s feeling neglected. He has baby
sister withdrawals.”
“Poor Michael,” she said, modeling her new heels for him. He
shook his head with relief, glad that it had been Dr. Quimby who was forced to
go shoe shopping rather than him. They went downstairs into the living room.
“I love you, Michael. I’ve missed you so much,” his sister
said, climbing onto his lap and kissing his cheek.
He hugged her. “I’ve missed you, too. I’ve hardly seen you at
all the last two weeks and when I have, you’ve been in trouble.”
“I know. I’m sorry I was so bad for you.”
“I should spank you for it, you know,” he teased, chucking
his finger under her chin.
“Yes, I know.” She sighed, her head against his chest.
Michael just squeezed her. “I’m just glad you’re okay. Dad? When
is this stupid suspension going to be lifted? I need her in the lab, the crew
is driving me bat-crap crazy.”
“I don’t know, son. Samantha? It’s past your bedtime. School
“NO! I don’t want to go back!” she yelled. Rich hid a smile,
winking at Michael.
“Sis, we have gone through this every single night for the
past two weeks. Dad is home now which means the time for being nice is over. You’re
“You can’t make me, Michael.”
“No, but I can. Go to bed. I’ll take you in the morning.” Dr.
Quimby pointed to the staircase.
Stomping her foot, she ran upstairs, hiding her laughter. Dr.
Quimby had no idea that the boys knew the secret so she had to play along to
keep her father from suspecting. There was a tap on the door. Her father
“What?” She grinned.
He shook his head. “You are still going to school and I had
best not get any calls from the principal. This should be cleared any day now.”
“But I don’t want to go to school. I have a test tomorrow I
haven’t studied for.” She grinned again.
“You do your best. You know I’m not concerned about that. I’m
more concerned about this.” He touched her lips with his finger. “This
beautiful little mouth gets this whole little body into a ton of trouble. No
“But they expect it from me now.”
“Then expect to get that little rump swatted. I do not want
to be called to come get you. You heard me. Now obey.”
“Sir! Yes, sir!”
“Good night, Samantha.”
“Good night, Daddy.”
He was chuckling when he returned downstairs. The boys hadn’t
moved from their places on the couch. “Are you moving in with us, Richard?”
“I should. I’m here all the time. Besides, I like your
“I’m flattered. So, when did you figure it out?”
“Figure what out, Dad?”
“About your sister. Don’t play coy with me. I’ve been doing
this longer. I’m the Intel Officer, remember?”
Michael laughed, listing the clues that gave it away. Rich
completed it with the final confession. Dr. Quimby laughed. “So it goes full
circle. She’s the only one who doesn’t know that we all know that we know.”
“I know.” Michael snickered. “This is going to be fun. And
the suspension?”
“Was lifted this afternoon. I gave her special leave through
the end of the week to recoup. She deserves it.”
“Except she’s going to get herself into more trouble by playing
along with this game now,” Michael commented.
Dr. Quimby nodded. “Yes, but she made one vital error in her
calculations. She revealed a new and very effective weapon.”
“And that is?” Rich asked.
Dr. Quimby looked at him, straight in the eye. “You. You are
one path she will not be crossing anytime soon.”
Without deliberately trying, the girl found herself, once
again, sitting in Mr. Dell’s office waiting to be picked up. He stood to greet
her father at the door. Dr. Quimby looked annoyed. Sam swallowed; his vein on
his neck was pulsing. After introducing himself, and offering a seat, Mr. Dell
sighed heavily, looking at the girl.
“Dr. Lewis, I’m so sorry to bother you. Apparently your
daughter was caught cheating on an exam. We have a zero tolerance for that
“Cheating? Why would you cheat? That’s not like you.”
“I didn’t cheat, Daddy. I tried to explain that I don’t need
to cheat. I already know all the stuff.”
“A little humility would become you, daughter.”
Mr. Dell cleared his throat. He felt sorry for the tiny girl
shrinking in the chair in front of him. He had met her brother several times
and now her father, who seemed to be larger than life and more than a little
intimidating, even to him.
“To be honest, I agree that she had no need. However,
evidence points to it. I had no choice but to call you.”