Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4 (8 page)

BOOK: Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4
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“Is that me?” she asked with surprise, smelling and tasting
herself on his lips. Sugar cookies or crème br
“How weird. I never noticed before. Is that normal?”

“That is certainly you and it is amazing, I’ve never had
anything like it. I’m never going to want any other kind of desert after
tasting you,” he said softly, releasing her hands and rubbing out her arms. “Well?
Did you like that?”

“I never knew it would feel so good. I’m still shaking. I
like your version of aftercare, Rich.”

“Be a good girl and you’ll get a lot more,” he promised,
caressing her. “How’s your bottom?”

“I forgot about it for a while, but now it’s hurting again. Especially
sitting on this deck. I’m hungry,” she announced, allowing him to help her to
her wobbly feet.

He picked up her dress and slipped it back over her head. “Let’s
go inside. I’ll make us something.”

“Can we do this again? Maybe let me taste you this time?” Sam
asked eagerly, taking his hand as they walked up the stairs to the house.

“You are a greedy little wench, aren’t you? No.”

“Why not? You would like it, right?” Sam pouted.

“Of course I would, but the point is that you are still being
punished and don’t deserve anymore treats right now. This will not be the
normal type of aftercare you will receive after I have to spank that little
bottom of yours. So do not go expecting it.”

“But I liked it. A lot.” Sam snuggled against him, reaching
to stroke his lips with her index finger.

“Do you want another spanking?”


“Then behave yourself. Grilled cheese?”

Sam just grunted out her response and returned to her


“You’re taking a
huge risk, honey. I don’t know if I like it. Scott, I really need to get home,”
Dr. Quimby said. Sam had snuck into her father’s room and called him late that
evening after Rich had fallen asleep.

“Let’s see if we can get you on a plane. What’s she getting
herself into this time?”

“She wants to approach this guy for money. I don’t want
Michael or Rich being stuck bailing her out of this. She’ll suffer greatly. I
am also afraid for her safety. I don’t know how far this jerk will take things.”

“Is she certain this is the guy?”

“Yes, Uncle Scott. I was watching him as he set up the
partnerships at the party, plus the comments he made were overtly suspicious. I
just need to have a reason to approach him and the only one I can think of is
messing up Michael’s car.”

“Oh no, you don’t. Nothing and no one will save you from
that,” Scott said. Michael loved his Jag, no one but him was allowed to drive
it without express permission.

“My only other alternative is wrecking your Hummer, and you
love that stupid truck just as much as Michael loves his dumb car,” she said

“No way.”

“It’s just a damn truck, Scott. It’s made to be bumped,” Dr.
Quimby argued.

“I don’t see her wanting to destroy your Lexus.”

“That’s because it’s at the airport. And she is more
important than a vehicle. Are you sure this is the way to go, honey?”

“Unless you have a better idea. Scott, Michael hid the keys
from me. Do you have a spare set?”

“Under my dresser. How bad is it going to be?”

“Enough to make me panicky. When can you be home, Daddy? Just
in case the cops get involved.”

“I will be taking the next flight out. Scott is making the
reservations right now. I should be home by six tomorrow evening.”

“Okay, I’m trusting you to save me from the boys. Uncle
Scott, I know you’ll have to do something about this to save face, but please
be kind. I’m not doing too well. Rich got hold of me.”

“I’m sorry sweetie, but you asked for it with the drinking. Pretty

“I will avoid his wrath as much as yours. He’s wicked with a
belt. I honestly can’t sit comfortably and I am going to be sporting some nasty
welts for a day or two. Although, my aftercare cuddles were a lot better.”

“I don’t want to know,” Scott grumbled.

“He’s going to be livid when this happens. Remember, he
thinks I’m grounded. Plus, I’m going to have to use the drinking thing again to
up the fine. I won’t really do it. I promise.”

“I am so sorry you were put through this, baby. Just be
careful. I’ll figure out a way to distract the boys so you can disappear for a
while. Maybe an engineering emergency,” her father promised, looking at his
friend for help. Scott was tapping his head, indicating he was thinking.

“One will want to stay here, or they will take me with them.”

“Trust me doll face, I’ll think of something for you,” Scott
said kindly. “Maybe you can use your ‘ow’ as a reason to stay in bed tomorrow.”

“Good idea. I’ll play it up. Do you really think you can get
them out of the house for any amount of time?”

“I’ll do my best. We love you. And we both owe you for this. I’ll
have Dad take you shoe shopping, okay?”

Sam chuckled as her father half-heartedly protested Scott’s
offer, wondering what happened to the ‘we’ part of the deal. She finally hung
up the phone and climbed under the blankets in her father’s bed. She decided to
stay in there and avoid waking Rich as she tossed restlessly, unable to find a
comfortable sleeping position. She heard him calling for her a little later.

“Samantha? Oh shit, you better not have taken off! Where are

“I’m in Daddy’s room. I didn’t go anywhere. I hurt too much
to stay still and didn’t want to wake you,” she said softly as he climbed up
next to her on the king sized bed.

He stroked her face and gently kissed her. “I’m not
surprised. I did a thorough job on you. Okay, go back to sleep. I’ll be in my
room if you need me,” he said referring to upstairs guest room that he had
claimed as his own.

“Will you rub something on my ows so I can sleep? Please?”

Rich sighed as he eyed her carefully. Finally, he nodded and
left to retrieve the small tub of ointment she used for an occasional sunburn. Sam
smiled, grateful that he was willing to help make her comfortable. She also
felt bad to have to disappoint him again, and prayed her father would return in
time to save her ass.

The phone rang loudly at 0730. It was Michael. “Samantha, I
need to speak to Rich right away.”

“What’s wrong? Why are you still on duty? You must be

“Long story, kiddo. I got a little sleep between the shifts
last night, so I’m okay. I need a second to come with me for an emergency
review at the sub-station. There was a reported security leak. I’d ask you, but
you’re on suspension still.”

“I couldn’t anyway, I hurt too much. Rich really laid it into

“I heard. You just stay in bed. Get him for me please.”

She carefully picked her way down the hallway, truly aching. Tapping
on his door, she peeked inside. “Rich? Wake up. Mike needs to talk to you. It’s
an emergency.”

“Hey Mike, what’s happening? Damn, I’m on my way. Okay, I’ll
tell her. Michael says he loves you and to go back to bed. He’s trusting you to
behave yourself, and so am I. Just remember, the cane comes out next time,” he
warned her sternly, peeling off his clothes and changing in front of her. He
was beautiful to look at. She sighed, feeling a stirring. No, bad timing.

“Yes, Rich. Drive carefully.”

“I love you. I mean it, you better be a good girl for me. I’ll
see you when we’re done. It might be late. We’ll call if we can, but it’s a
class 1 security breach.”

“You might not be home tonight then.” She forced herself to
look unhappy.

“It will be okay. Go back to bed.” He kissed her before
rushing out the door.

Sam hung around the house, knowing one of them would call to
check on her. Michael phoned at about two o’clock that afternoon to tell her
they would be delayed indefinitely. Her father called shortly afterwards from
Chicago, he was on his layover and would be in by six. Sam reported her plans
on leaving in an hour and that she intended to make herself visible at the
school’s football game prior to attending the after game party.

Her father laughed. “You poor kid. You hate football. Well,
at least your brother will have no reason to guess where you are.”

“It is all in the line of duty, Daddy. Just remember your
promise to take me shoe shopping. And as long as Michael doesn’t use his
transmitter and twin powers to find me, I should be safe from him. I’ll call
you when I can.”

Sam dressed in a miniskirt; then changed her mind after
viewing herself in the large mirror. There were some nasty bruises that no one
would need to see – nor did she feel like having to explain how they got
there. With an exasperated sigh, she painfully donned tight hip-hugging jeans
and a halter top. She again surveyed her appearance and smiled. This should get
some attention!

After retrieving the spare keys and some money from Michael’s
dresser drawer, she grabbed a six-pack of wine coolers and a bottle of brandy. Nasty
stuff, she thought as she sniffed it. She climbed into the Hummer and took off
to the game. As she predicted, Bob was there sitting in the midst of several
girls. He waved to her, pointing to the bench next to him.

“My pretty Samantha. How are you today?”

“Okay. Had another huge fight with my dad. No biggie.”

“Is that your truck? Nice vehicle. Pricey.”

“No, it’s my father’s. He took the Jag to work after trying
to stop me from coming today. He doesn’t let me drive very much, mainly because
he worships his stupid cars. I found the spare keys and here I am.”

“Daddy has some money, huh?”

“Yeah, but he’s cheap. He spends it on his toys,” she lied. She
hated making up bad stories about her beloved father. He walked on water as far
as she was concerned. “Like I said, he is a total douchebag about these damn
cars. Maybe because I’m a girl. He lets my brother drive them.”

“You need to buy your own car.”

“Yeah, right, on $25 bucks a week. I’ll just use his when he’s
not around. He’ll never know.”

Bob continued to inquire about her dysfunctional family life,
miserable school situation and sense of loneliness for companionship. He also
discovered she had been expelled from her old school back east because of ‘inappropriate
behavior’ under the bleachers. Something Daddy still didn’t want to face. By
the end of the game, he mentioned his business proposition.

“What would you say if you could make 300 bucks an hour?”

“I’d say bring it on.”

“Are you going to the party? I’ll tell you my plan.”

“I’ll be there.”

Her cell phone rang at 5:30 pm with Michael checking in on
her. Fortunately, she was in the Hummer when the call was forwarded from the
house line. She pretended to be groggy and wanting to return to sleep, grumping
because he woke her. He apologized profusely with a sincere promise not to wake
her again unless he absolutely had to. She growled out a ‘thank you’ and hung
up the phone. Sam felt her stomach lurch with guilt – deceit was not in
her nature, especially with those she loved. This whole thing would take more
than shoe shopping to make her feel right again!

“Please forgive me, boys,” she whispered aloud, taking a swig
of the brandy.
Nasty stuff,
thought as she gagged.
I don’t know why
Daddy and Scott like it.
She saw Bob exiting his car in the driveway of the
house and waved at him. Just then, she drove onto the curb and plowed the front
left corner of the Hummer into a large tree.

Bob came running over. “Oh shit! Are you okay?”

“You should see me parallel park. Oops. I guess I misjudged
the curb a little bit.” She giggled, taking another swig of the brandy and forcing
herself not to flinch. “Oh boy, this is not good. I really fucked up the truck

“I’ll say. It’s going to cost some dough to fix it. You don’t
want to call the cops for an insurance report, they’ll bust you for drinking.”

“Damn, I didn’t think of that.” Yes, she did. “What am I
going to do? Dad is going to kill me.”

“I really should call the police,” Bob commented. Good, he
was going to blackmail her, just as she hoped. She grabbed her wrist, rubbing
the ‘watch’; the transmitter started recording all data to Central.

“It’s bad enough I’m going to have to pay for this, but
getting arrested will make it worse. I’m on probation, remember? Please don’t
call. I’ll do whatever you need.”

“Let’s move the truck first so no one sees the damage. I’ll
drive it,” Bob said, getting in. The girl climbed into the passenger side. He
started the engine and took off down the road.

“Aren’t we going to the party?”

“I think you’ve done enough partying. We’ll go to my place. I
have some friends you might like to meet.”

“I don’t know…”

“We could always swing by the police station and make a

“No, that’s okay. I guess I have no choice. I think I drank
too much,” Sam added with a moan, pretending inebriation.

“If you plan on puking, do it out the window. I’m not stopping.”

So far, her plan was working well. She glanced at the
transmitter, knowing that it held her coordinates as he pulled up to a small
house in a tiny neighborhood.

“Where are we?” Sam asked. “Won’t a huge black Hummer look a
little conspicuous sitting in this driveway? I don’t want anyone breaking into
it,” she asked, letting Central know how to find her.

“The truck is safe here, don’t worry. Get out, I’ll show you
around,” Bob assured her, sliding his arm around her shoulders. She hid the
disgusted shudder as he touched her. She chuckled silently; the pain of her
bottom was the very thing that kept her from feeling fear at this point. She
sensed she might have bitten off more than she could chew, but she had no
choice. She had a mission to accomplish.

The house was dark and several men were sitting on the floor
smoking dope and snorting something white. This was even worse than she had

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