Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4 (3 page)

BOOK: Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4
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“It’s because Sam isn’t here. She handles all the problems
for me. Are you hungry? We can go to chow. I’ll take you to the officer’s hall.”

“Okay. Do I need anything?”

“Nope. We’ll take the hopper.”


“Well hello, and
who are you, pretty lady?” A captain sat down at the table, uninvited, next to

Michael hid his scowl. “Captain Wilkes, this is Jennifer
Carter. She’s new to the bio team.”

“Really? Welcome. I run the ammo unit.”

“You must be pretty good.” Jen smiled. “You still have all
your fingers.”

“That’s because he gets the enlisted to do his dirty work,”
came another voice.

Wilkes turned around. “Lt. Quimby, sassy as always. Are you
trying to pretend you’re a girl today?”

“That’s enough, Captain. Please excuse us.” Michael stood,
towering over the man.

Wilkes poked him in the chest. “You forget I have rank over
you, sonny boy. Daddy can’t protect you for insubordination.”

“But he can from sexual harassment. One more comment and I’ll
press charges,” Sam hissed, her eyes blazing a dark gray.

He laughed, touching her chest medals. “Your daddy doesn’t
scare me and neither do you. Who did you screw to get these?”

“Get a corpsman!” Michael ordered as the man found himself on
the ground with a broken arm. His sister leaned over with a cold smile.

“We have plenty of witnesses, Captain. Besides, are you aware
that my brother and I have diplomatic immunity through Special Forces? That was
the medal you were stroking. I earned it,” she said calmly before she smoothed
down her skirt, tucked her hair back in place, and sat at the table.

Jen stared opened mouth. “How did you do that? You barely

“I simply busted his elbow and crushed his instep. He’s been
a thorn since we came here. Mike? Are you upset with me?”

“No, just hate paperwork.”

“Scott promised to do it if I ever had to protect myself.”

“Here he comes,” Michael said, rising to his feet as
attention was called. “You tell him that.”

“What’s going on here?” Scott asked, watching the man being
removed on a stretcher. He eyed them. “Which one of you did this and why?”

“I did, Uncle Scott. He touched my chest medals and wanted to
know who I slept with to earn them. I don’t appreciate being called a whore, so
I silenced him.”

“He said that?” Scott’s face turned an angry red as his jaw
began to twitch.

“I told you we had been having trouble from some of the men,”
Michael stated, sitting next to his uncle. “He went beyond limits this time.”

“You could have just knocked him on his ass. I hate
paperwork. Damn it, Sam,” Scott grumbled, trying to regain a sense of calm.

“I believe I did knock him on his ass in a way he will never
forget,” she shrugged, taking a sip of water. “I have a strong feeling this
might have earned me some respect from the females on base.”

“Samantha, honey, you can’t go around breaking people’s
bones. Be reasonable.”

“The fact that I didn’t kill him shows how reasonable I was
being. Besides, look who’s talking. If it were you, the jerk would have been
launched through the bulkhead. You know darn well that he can’t touch me,
physically or legally. Plus, there is a major issue that we have in our favor
should he try.”

“And what might that be, counselor?” Scott teased

“Touching me in any unwelcome manner without my permission or
necessity is considered battery; and touching my breast is sexual.”

“You will be getting your law degree, young lady. Okay, let
me go take care of this. I’m sure your father will have something to say about

“It’s self-defense. I’m not budging.”

“No need too, brat. I have your back.” Scott sighed. “I’ll be
back in a few minutes. You guys stay here.”

“Yes, sir. Attention!” Michael called as his uncle stood. The
chow hall returned to its normal buzz once the general left.

Jen touched her friend’s arm. “You’re not going to get in
trouble for this, are you?”

“Nah, I shouldn’t. Besides, this was the perfect end to a
perfect day. Michael, we need to do something about those Navy Seal pups. My
boys almost got into a fist fight today.”

“What happened?”

She explained the events, starting from the other unit’s
commander, also a lieutenant, trying to usurp her authority. He had literally
laughed in her seasoned unit’s face when they informed him that they would test
her personally against him, one on one, any day. Further, the other commander
blatantly refused to exercise necessary caution if he decided to do training in
her territory.

“I know my abilities, Mike. I’m just so tired of having to
prove myself. I— yes? Ma’am.” Sam stood quickly with Michael as a female
colonel tapped on her shoulder.

“At ease, Lieutenants. A word please?”

“Yes, ma’am. Excuse me,” she said to her companions before
following the officer out. The colonel turned to her, her handsome face
demonstrating a very severe expression. Sam swallowed. The stoic older woman
reminded the girl of a prison warden.

“Col. Joyce Howe, staff judge advocate.”

“Lt. Samantha Quimby, ma’am. Marine mammal and Recon unit.”

“You’re a young one, aren’t you?” The woman eyed her. “Purple
heart? Navy Cross? I apologize, but how did you receive these?”

“Line of duty, ma’am. I was injured when I rescued a crew
member during a hostile situation.”

“Quimby… isn’t that the unit commander in R&D?”

“Yes ma’am. He’s my father.”

“And that young man at the table? He has your features.”

“My elder brother. He commands my unit. Pardon me, ma’am, but
how can I help you?”

“I saw what had occurred with that captain. I was very
impressed with your self-defense skills.”

“I’m Special Ops, Colonel. He touched me inappropriately
after making a threatening comment.”

“I saw what he did. I’ve heard rumors regarding him. I was
wondering if I might avail upon you to assist in an investigation.”

“What type, ma’am?”

The colonel looked around, then gestured for Sam to sit at
her table. “I’ve had multiple reports of a problem involving some of our
minors. We are convinced that military personnel are involved. It’s out of my
jurisdiction to approach the civilian high school, but you look young enough to
pass as a junior or a senior. With your self-defense skills, you would likely
be fairly safe. Would you be interested?”

“Minors? Shit... absolutely. If you think I could help, yes
ma’am, I will do whatever I am able to. However, you would have to approach my
commander with the request. He is responsible for my field assignments.”

“Your father?” she asked.

Sam shook her head. “No, ma’am, my uncle. General Jenkins.”

A sparkle twinkled in the older woman’s dark eyes. She
obviously was aware of Scott. “Well, well, you have a powerful family
connection, don’t you?” She smiled as Sam nodded. “I have been wanting a reason
to talk with the general since he came on board. If he agrees, we will make it
would look like you are on suspension pending investigation of this event. If
you need any witnesses, please contact me.”

“With all due respect, Colonel, I don’t require witnesses. I
have diplomatic immunity.”

“There is quite a lot I need to learn about you, Lieutenant. I’ll
let you know if I make any progress with the generals.”

“Good luck. They can be a bit stubborn.” Sam grinned,
accepting the out-stretched hand.

“So can I. Oh, one more thing. This assignment must be
conducted in the strictest confidence. No one is to know outside your
commanders. We suspect there is an individual from this base running these

“Are you able to tell me what type of activities?”


“Damn. With high schoolers? That is sick. And the authorities
won’t help?”

“We are trying to keep the civilian population from finding
out. Absolutely no one, Lieutenant. Not even your brother. That is an order.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Sam returned to the table and sat heavily. Not tell Michael? Or
Rich? This would be hard.

“What was that about?” her brother asked.

“She’s SJA. She witnessed the event and had some questions,”
Sam said evasively, unable to meet him in the eye.

“What’s wrong? Something’s bothering you?” Michael frowned. He
knew her too well.

“She said I might be put on temporary suspension while this
is being investigated. The immunity doesn’t prevent that.”

“Free vacation time? Lucky you.”

“Do you think Daddy would let me just hang out at home? It
would be like I’m…”


“Grounded. For
two weeks, young lady.” Dr. Quimby frowned, standing before his daughter that
evening. “I’m very disappointed that you let your temper get the best of you.”

“But it was self-defense!”

“No, self-defense would be knocking his hand away. You gave
him an arm, wrist and plantar fracture.”

“Dad, I saw what happened. She—”

“Not a sound from you, Michael Scott. I’m dealing with your
sister. You may leave if you feel it’s necessary to talk.”

Michael bit his lip. He hadn’t seen his father this annoyed
in a long time. At least his neck vein wasn’t pulsing.

Sam lowered her face. “I’m sorry, Daddy.”

“Sorry doesn’t cut it. Scott and I decided that you are too
big for your britches and need a little change of environment to bring some
humility to your life. It’s time you learn to conduct yourself within normal,
conventional boundaries.”

“What are you talking about?”

“During your suspension,” Scott said, “We have decided to
send you to school. High school.”

Oh, so that’s where
this was going! The stinkers
. Sam felt a wave of relief travel through her.
They had been convincing actors and had actually frightened her into believing
she was in trouble!

“High School! Are you crazy? I’m 18 and a post-grad
scientist! This is absolutely ridiculous! I know more than those stupid

“You will lower your voice right now. You need to learn
humility and how to behave in a normal environment, with normal people and with
normal conflict. We’re pretty certain you won’t go breaking anybody’s bones
there. We’ve already enrolled you. You start the day after tomorrow.”

“No!” She stomped her foot, playing along. “This isn’t fair! I
didn’t do anything wrong. Michael, tell them!”

“She didn’t, you guys. Please, don’t do this to her.”

“I warned you, young man. Up to your room and stay there. NOW!”
Dr. Quimby pointed to the stairs.

“Yes, sir,” Michael whispered, standing to obey. He glanced
at his sister sadly before retreating to his room.

“Back to you, Little Miss. Get into the office to finish this
discussion,” Dr. Quimby commanded, leading her to the soundproofed room. Scott
peeked upstairs then joined them, closing the door behind him.

“You know what’s up?” he asked, sitting on the edge of the
large desk.

“Yes, sir. Although, I must admit you had me going there for
a while. Don’t scare me like that! I wish we could tell Mike and Rich.”

“We were ordered by SJA not to.”

“I never thought I would see the day that you would obey the
orders of a female colonel, Uncle Scott,” Sam said mischievously. “Her being
decent looking didn’t have anything to do with that, did it?”

“Joyce is a professional soldier, youngster. And she knows
her duty.”

“Joyce, huh? Did you drum up a date with her to discuss her

“Samantha, stop teasing your uncle right this minute,” Dr.
Quimby ordered. “Save it for later when we all can be involved.”

“Shut your trap, Joe.” Scott scowled. He turned to his
smirking niece, “This is going to be hard for you on many levels, baby. I don’t
know how you are going to get information. The profile of the girls being
solicited is all we have.”

She accepted the folder he handed her and began to study it
carefully. “Commonalities include all of them being military dependents, having
social problems and grade issues… Multiple suspensions and expulsion. No drug
activity to speak of… In other words, they seem like they are simply defiant teenage
girls looking for some attention and extra money,” Sam observed. “Their poor

“It makes me appreciate the fact that all we have to really
worry about regarding your teenage defiance is your big mouth and taking long
dives in a place where you couldn’t be safer.” Scott sighed. “Here’s our
dilemma, I have to go to Washington in two days for a mandatory flag officer
conference and Dad has to go with me. That means Michael is in charge while we’re

“So? You’ve left him in charge before.”

“Not when you had to go to school and possibly cause
problems. You are going to have to find a way to fit into the same category as
the girls that are being solicited and that means trouble. I can forbid him to
discipline you, but I’m afraid it will make him suspicious.” Dr. Quimby sighed.

She nodded. “True. He is smart enough to know something is
up. Great timing, you guys. Is there any way to delay this?”

“Sorry kiddo. No. Not for our conference and certainly not
for the welfare and safety of those kids. I don’t know how we will make it up
to you, but I promise to try.”

“It is all in the line of duty.” Sam sighed, fiddling with a
pen. “Maybe you can talk to him about leniency. This isn’t the lab, so he has
no jurisdiction.”

“We’ll try to think of something. Please don’t get yourself
into any real trouble. You still have our rules regarding your mouth and being
respectful. You can skip and disregard homework, but no smarting off to any
adults,” Dr. Quimby ordered sternly.

“And no showing off. You are supposed to be a regular kid,
not a Rhodes scholar,” Scott added.

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