Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4 (14 page)

BOOK: Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4
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“Jennifer?” Dr. Quimby called from the bathroom. “Who did
what in here?”

“I wiped down the sink and mirror,” she said quietly.

“Michael, she needs to learn latrine duty as well. Did
Samantha do the rest?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Okay, hers is fine. Michael, please work with Jen, and teach
her some basics. I want this to my satisfaction by the end of the weekend.”

“Yes, sir. Come on, Jen, I’ll use the incentive system.” He
smiled, closing her door behind him. Dr. Quimby went up to inspect his daughter’s
room, nodding with satisfaction. He didn’t even have to look into Michael’s –
he knew it was perfect.

“Daddy!” He heard his daughter yell from downstairs. “Rich is
eating your bacon!”

“MINE!” Dr. Quimby roared, running down the stairs and
tackling Rich off the couch. The wrestling began.

“Don’t hold back, Rich! Show the old man who’s boss!” Scott
yelled, moving the coffee table to the side.

“Get him, Daddy! He ate your bacon!” Sam cheered, jumping out
of the way and climbing up to the back of the couch. The living room floor was
large and the family made certain there was nothing breakable or harmful in the
way of the spontaneous testosterone filled matches. Rich pinned Dr. Quimby, by
sitting on his chest. Scott had started the count when Rich got jumped from
behind by Sam. Her legs wrapped around his waist with her momentum throwing him
off her father.

“This should be interesting,” Dr. Quimby panted to Scott as
the couple initiated their first sparring match. Rich had a hard time catching
his target. She was small and fast and had the distinct advantage of sparring
with her brother and had learned some new moves. Rich caught her in a leg lock,
pressing her face between his thighs. She remembered her uncle’s words about
fighting like a girl. So she did.

“OW! She bit me!” Rich yelled, releasing her. She grinned,
baring her nails. They dug into his side as he plunged at her, scratching him. “You
are cheating!”

“You whine like a girl,” Sam mocked, ducking his arm, “and it
isn’t cheating when one uses their own resources to win.”

“So much for ego stroking,” Dr. Quimby groaned to Scott.

“You little brat! You got it, kid. We both can play that
game,” Rich growled, tripping her. She rolled into a crouch then relaxed her
mind. Rich shook his head, finding it difficult to focus. She dove between his
legs and knocked him to his stomach. She then held his head in a leg lock, her
mind keeping his focus off.

“The winner!” Scott praised.

Sam released Rich’s neck and rolled him to his back,
straddling his stomach. “I won.”

“You cheated. You swirled me!”

“Yep. It worked well. I’ve been learning to relax my mind
during distractions.”

Rich sat up, shaking his head. “You aren’t supposed to do
that to me,” he growled.

She kissed him, grinning at her father and Scott. “I won.”

Chapter 9

“No, you didn’t. You cheated. That’s an automatic forfeit. And
a sound spanking,” Rich barked, flipping her across his lap and smacking her
backside sharply. Scott and Dr. Quimby laughed and left the room for more

“Let me go! OOWWWWW!”

“No, I won’t let you go. I will do this all day until I get
an apology for biting me and a confession that you cheated.”

“But I needed every advantage to win. OOOWWOWWW!”

“Say it or the shorts are going down!”

“Oooh, OWWWWW! Stop it, please. NOOOO!” she yelled as Rich
skimmed down her shorts, pinned her legs and continued spanking her backside
which was quickly turning cherry red.

“Say it!”

“Uncle Scott told me to fight like a girl. OWWWOWW OWW.”

“Now you’re blaming him for the tactics? No way.”

“I’m sorry I bit you! Please stop, that’s enough! OWWW!” she
begged, tears now coming.

“What else?” he asked, his rhythm unchanged as his large hand
easily covered her entire bottom and sit spots.

“I’m sorry I cheated. I won’t do it again.”

“There, was that so hard to admit?” he asked, pulling her
panties and shorts back up as she whimpered, still lying over his left knee on
the floor.

“It took over 100 strokes to get that, Rich. You need to
improve your technique,” Scott said, stepping over them, coffee in hand, to sit
in his favorite chair.

“Sometimes prolonging the session is more pleasurable for the
administrator. I like seeing her squirm and hearing those squeals. It is very

“She’s a squirmer, that’s for sure,” Dr. Quimby said, sitting
on the couch. “Samantha, when you’re done there, will you please make me some
more bacon?”

She looked up at him, exhausted, hair everywhere and face
tear stained, still pinned between Rich’s knees with his hand resting on her
upturned bottom. “Bacon? I’ll tell you what I think of your— OOOOOWWWWWW!”
she shrieked as Rich let loose with three heavy, meaningful blows. “Yes, sir, I’ll
make you more bacon.”

“That’s a good girl,” Rich said, releasing her. She scowled
before going into the kitchen, rubbing her bottom.

“You have some good moves, my boy. Would you like to start
sparring with us?” Scott asked.

Rich nodded. “Yeah, that would be fun. I started with Mike
and I’m picking up a lot of his technique also. It’s really good.”

“You should see the two of them do doubles. They become one
person in two separate bodies. It’s scary amazing to watch,” Dr. Quimby said. “You
handled her well, by the way. You didn’t look like you were playing nice during
your match.”

“I wasn’t trying to hurt her, but she kept coming. She’s a
tough little monster. I should work with her, too. She shouldn’t have to bite
to get out of certain locks.”

“She usually doesn’t. But she does pinch. When was the last
time you two went out together, by the way?”

“We’re out all the time, Scott. We just haven’t had time to
go on a date with that whole assignment thing.”

“Why don’t you take her out tonight? Go somewhere nice, my
treat.” Scott grinned.

“I can pay my own way, but thanks for the offer. I just need
to see if she even wants to go anywhere with me right now. She looked a little
peeved.” He chuckled.

“Her mother had a special spot on her neck that if I bit it,
she would do anything. Try it,” Dr. Quimby suggested with a wicked smile. Rich

Coming up behind the girl as she cleaned the dishes, he
started nibbling on her neck. There it was.

She felt her legs buckling as she sunk against his body. “Oh
God… That’s… wow.” She was breathless.

Rich continued to nuzzle her. “Would you like to go out
tonight? I was thinking we could go up to the mountains, have dinner and then
make out under the stars.”

“Will I be safe away from the water?”

“We flew to Canada without a problem. You had a long emersion
yesterday, you should be okay.”

“See what Daddy thinks. But yes, I would love to go out with
you. And maybe do some other things.”

“Which was why I thought of the mountains. We could also take
the boat out, like a picnic. That would be private and you’ll get your water
and I’ll get my stars.”

“Yes, let’s do that. I tend to feel more romantic near the
ocean anyway. Want to help me finish the dishes?”

“Sure,” he said, sinking his teeth into her neck again. It didn’t
help with the dishes, but it made doing them more enjoyable.

“I was wondering if I could borrow the boat for tonight. I
was thinking a starlight picnic and she’s worried about being too far from the
water,” Rich asked the older men as he sat on the couch.

“Go for it. Just be back before tomorrow night,” Scott said.

Dr. Quimby frowned. “Are you giving them the okay to spend
the night together?”

“For crying out loud, Joe. They live in the same house. They
work together. They are alone, unsupervised constantly. I know for a fact that
he’s fallen asleep next to her multiple times. If they haven’t done anything
yet, they will eventually. So don’t make it so difficult that they have to
start sneaking around and lying to us.”

“But… Once again, you’re right. Asshole,” Dr. Quimby

“Are you serious? We can stay on the water all night?” Rich
appeared astonished.

“Yes. Use her transmitter to contact us if you need it.”

“Wow, thanks. Don’t tell her about the curfew. It will be a

Rich tossed together a ditty bag and a change of clothes for
both of them and hid the bundle in the small cruiser. Scott, being unusually
helpful, went to the store to purchase food and other picnic items for them,
storing it, unseen, in the boat as well. He also put candles and massage oil in
the bunk areas.

“Let’s make this simple. We can fish and grill something, and
take some cheese and crackers. Scott said there’s Coke in the galley,” Rich
whispered into Sam’s ear from behind.

“They keep it pretty well stocked for last minute fishing
trips. There are some blankets in the cabin, too.” She turned and wrapped her
arms around his neck to kiss him. He lifted her to meet his eyes, smiling as
she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and demanded to be carried into
the living room.

“I see you found a new pack mule,” Scott chuckled.

“She likes being carried, so be careful. She’s trained her
brother well, so you might be next. Speaking of which they are awfully quiet in
there,” Dr. Quimby said, starting to stand.

“Leave them alone. You are worse than a woman with being
nosey. Why don’t you kids take off? Please be home before tide change.”

“Yes, sir. Thanks. We’ll see you later. Here kiss this,” he
ordered as he carried the girl to her father and uncle. She blew a kiss in
Michael’s direction.

“I like being carried.” The tiny girl giggled as Rich changed
her to a cradled position.

“I like carrying you. You fit very well in my arms.”

“I bet you will fit well in other places, too,” Sam whispered
in his ear, biting down on his earlobe. Rich shivered, feeling his cock
starting to grow.
Down boy,
time enough for that later.
settled her down on the ‘queen’s lounge’ in the bow, making certain she was
comfortable and content, then pulled the boat out of the inlet into open sea.

“I forgot your gear bag,” he suddenly remembered, “Do we need
to get it?”

“I have a spare suit here. It’s a little snug, but it works
well if I need it. Where are we going?”

“I was thinking we could anchor outside the Coronado Cays,
you know, those little islands offshore. They might block some city light as it
gets darker.”

“Sounds like fun. It’s so pretty outside. It feels good to be
out in the fresh air.”

“Did you bring your bathing suit? You could get some sun.”

“If you haven’t noticed, my love,” she began to strip out of
her clothes, “I have no tan lines. There’s a reason for that.”

She spread a towel on the deck and laid face down upon it, her
perfect heart shaped bottom begging for attention. Once outside the rip region,
Rich cut off the engine and joined her. His hands traced the curves of her back
and hips, pausing to trace the small scars that marred the perfect flesh. The
surgeons had done a good job with their needlework. They were virtually

“Kidney?” he asked.

“Still there and working. The intestine was adhered to a
portion of my spine.”


“Bullet. Lodged in the femur.”

He rolled her over, kissing her before studying her more. “They
did a great job, I would not have known if I didn’t look.” He traced the tiny
scar that traveled from one side of her hip to the other. He discovered two
more on either side of her rib cage and at the base of her throat. No wonder her
family was overprotective, seeing their baby girl looking like the bride of

“You really were pulled through the ringer, weren’t you?” he
asked softly, lifting her hands over her head to kiss the sides of her breasts.

She purred, reminding him of a cat drunk from sunlight. “I
guess. I was in a coma for the majority of it. The only thing they knew was
that my brain waves were normal so I wouldn’t wake up a vegetable. I couldn’t
let them take him. I had no choice.”

“I know you couldn’t. I would have done the same thing for
any of you. It explains why your family is so tough on you. I don’t know how
they managed to stay sane during this. It must have been horrible for them,
feeling so powerless.”

“I think I put them through the worse hell ever. I’m so awful
sometimes. I know I shouldn’t be, but it just happens.”

“You know what will happen if you’re awful with me.” He
nibbled his way across her flat, muscular stomach, tucking his hands underneath
her. “This beautiful bottom gets a good paddling. Turn over.”

She silently complied, feeling his hands touching every inch.
He lingered on his favorite part, her perfectly formed backside, and then with
a single swoop, hiked her over his bent left knee.

“What are you doing?” she asked, lifting her head to look at

His hand caressed her bottom as it was warmed by the sun. “Taking
possession of what is mine.” He smacked her heavily, and then caressed her.

She wiggled. “Not so hard.”

“Don’t tell me what to do. You will not top from the bottom
with me,” he said firmly, smacking her twice more.

“What does that mean? Ow!”

“It means that I am the boss here, and I call the shots, not
you,” Rich answered, planting a sharp, heavy spank to her left cheek.

Sam yelped, then relaxed under the warmth of his hand. He
took his time, spanking and caressing, stopping only to remove his shirt. He
felt his head starting to swim in a delightful mix of desire and passion. He
didn’t fight it, continuing to increase his intensity of the smacks, followed
by rubbing and stimulating her. His erection was painful, pressing against his
jeans. He needed her. It was something he could no longer ignore, the desire too
strong to resist. Carefully, he rolled her to her back, smiling as she tried to
make her stinging bottom comfortable against the hard deck. Slowly he stood to
remove the rest of his clothes, showing her his naked body for the first time. Sam
gasped. He was not only beautiful in all his glory; he was larger than she had
guessed. Magnificent!

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