Aftershock (17 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

BOOK: Aftershock
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Or my cell. Damn, Sydney. Bad form there

“I also left her a message you need new business cards ASAP. She can send one of the interns to get them done at the Quik Copy place in the morning while we order some better quality.”

“But I haven’t used up the ones I have yet,” she pointed out.

“These will have your cell number on them. You can’t keep writing it on agency cards like you did today. It looks too temporary and you’re anything but.” He leaned against the doorjamb. “You’ll be on the move a lot from now on, kiddo. People will want to get hold of you instantly.”

“I haven’t really thanked you yet for this opportunity.”

He laughed. “You may not be thanking me when you’ve had your fill of sleepless nights and bad food.” Then he sobered. “Seriously. You earned it. So now, get out of here and enjoy your success. There won’t be a lot of time for partying from here on in.”

“I will. And thanks again.”

An hour later she was curled up on her couch with a glass of wine and Chinese takeout, feeling sorry for her solitude and wishing she and Rick could be together. He had told her about his plans with his family, plans that couldn’t include her. At least, not yet. So here she sat, alone, wishing for something she’d never thought she’d want.

All these years while she’d put her plan for success together, while she’d compiled every bit of useful information, molded her ideas into a cohesive project, she’d had her eyes on one goal. Creating the image of a band that would take it to the top. She wanted her name synonymous with the band’s success. Didn’t have time for entanglements of any kind.

Oh, she’d had a few casual relationships, but the guys always knew the rules right from the start. Kind of a friends with benefits, thing. That was all she wanted. All she had time for. Then along came Rick Trajean, getting under her skin and aiming straight for her heart. And no matter how she tried, she could not get him out of her thoughts or her dreams.

Setting the glass of wine down on the end table, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Tried to clear her head of everything but the meeting with the band tomorrow. Wished Rick was here beside her. Unbidden, a tall, muscular man with smoldering dark eyes emerged as if from a cloud to take possession of her senses.


He bent low over her body, let his tongue take a slow glide over her lips. Lean fingers brushed the hair back from her face so he could look directly into her eyes. The hunger she saw in his, sent a drumbeat through her blood, made her nipples tingle and her breasts ache.

“So beautiful,” he murmured. “So hot.”

He trailed kisses onto her eyelids and along her cheekbones to the sensitive spot behind one ear. A tiny nip at her earlobe was like a lit match to her nerve endings. She reached for him to pull him down to her, but he banded her wrists with one hand, his mouth curved in a slow, deliberate, sensuous smile.

“Don’t rush things, Syd. We’re in no hurry here.”

But she was. She definitely was. She wanted to tear off her robe, strip his clothes from him, and urge him to plunge his cock inside her. She writhed on the couch, trying to send him signals. He just gave a low, heated chuckle and shook his head.

“I’m taking my time here. I want to enjoy every inch of you.”

Easing himself down beside her, he used his free hand to open her robe and pushed the silk fabric aside so his eyes could feast on her breasts. Sydney didn’t think she’d ever seen such hunger in a man’s eyes before. It made the muscles in her pussy clench with need and want.

So slowly she wanted to scream, he brushed the tips of his fingers across the upper swell of her breast. Little points of heat ignited wherever they touched. He pinched each nipple with the same deliberateness, tweaking them to send vibrations racing through her. She wanted to reach for him but he still held her hands in a firm grip over her head.

With slow deliberation he used his tongue to draw a line across the top swell of her beasts then repeated the motion. When he took one of her nipples in his mouth and closed his teeth over it very lightly, she nearly bowed off the couch. He sucked and nibbled until she was sure she would lose her mind. She let her legs fall apart, not caring how wanton she looked. She needed him to touch her. Everywhere. In all the right places. She’d never desired a man so.

His tongue was hot and wet as it licked across each nipple then down through the valley between her breasts to her navel. He drew a slow pattern around it before letting his tongue delve into the furled flesh. She wanted to fist his thick hair and press his head lower, but he still held her wrists captive.

When he shifted so his head was between her legs, he released her hands, and she reached for him. The slide of his tongue along the length of her slit made her buck up against him. Every nerve was on fire and sizzling. The tremors in the walls of her cunt vibrated out to the rest of her body. He tasted and teased until she thought she’d lose her mind.

“More,” she cried. “Please. More.”

But he lifted his head a moment to look at her and she saw the glint of the devil in his eyes.

“I’m going to devour you.” His voice was low and rough. “Every. Single. Inch.”

And then, as his lips closed over her throbbing clit, he slid two fingers deep inside her pussy, moving them so—



Sydney’s eyes flew open.

Holy! Damn! Shit!

Her fingers were deep in her cunt. She’d thrust so hard against them she’d fallen off the couch and hit her head on the coffee table, banging her knees.


She pulled her fingers from her body with a quick movement and looked around as if she thought someone watched. But she was alone in her apartment, no Rick, just another intensely erotic dream. She wanted to erase the entire thing from her brain but unfortunately her body screamed for satisfaction. She bolted for her bedroom, flopped back onto her bed, and grabbed her favorite toy from the nightstand drawer. With her legs bent and spread wide, she eased the dildo into her body. She was so dripping wet she didn’t even need lube to ease its passage.

The thick vibrator glided in as if the walls of her cunt were made of glass. In seconds she had inserted it all the way and turned it on to its highest setting. As she held it in place with one hand, she used the fingers of the other to rub her clit, faster, faster, faster.

She closed her eyes and bam! There he was, a tantalizing image. His sexy face and chocolate-colored eyes, all framed with dark hair. The memory of his mouth on her, his tongue, His…his…his….

An orgasm roared through, convulsing her, She shook from head to toe with tremendous force, the tremors so intense they squeezed the air from her lungs and made her heart nearly beat its way out of her chest. At last the quakes subsided and she threw her arms to the side, gulping in great lungfuls of air and trying to control the erratic thumping of her pulse. She left the dildo in place while the last little quivers in the walls of her pussy faded away.

And was hit with an unassailable fact.

It isn’t the same

No, it wasn’t. The toy was a poor substitute for the feel of Rick Trajean’s thick, hard cock inside her, driving her to the edge of ecstasy and over. Rick, with whom she’d had the most amazing sex in the world. Ever. Sex that rocked her world and had her dreaming about it like an addict.

Sex that was beyond the physical. That was filled with raw emotion.

An emotion that pierced her heart.

When her breathing and her heartbeat slowed to a manageable rate, she slid the vibrator from her pussy and forced herself to sit up. Her robe hung open from her shoulders, the fabric partway down her arms. Her hands shook as she drew the garment back around her body slick with perspiration.

The Plan was still at the top of her bucket list, but holy mother! This man had exploded into her life, blinding her senses and capturing her heart. They had yet to give voice to their emotions, or spend more than the one night together but the truth was inescapable. She continued to be amazed he felt the same way. And it scared her. But she couldn’t ignore the truth of the matter.

She was hooked on Rick Trajean, no question about it.

Tomorrow she’d meet with Lightnin’ again and go over the next items on her agenda. She needed to be cool, clearheaded, and self-assured. And not give off signals others could read. She hoped Rick could do the same. The fact that the intensity of this was new to both of them was both a treasure and a pitfall because they hadn’t the experience to pull it off. They’d just have to be clever.

I’m smart. So is Rick. We can do this

With a sigh she pushed herself off the bed and walked into the bathroom. She dropped the dildo into the sink to clean it later and turned on the shower as hot as she could stand it. Maybe she could scrub the stamp of his body from her skin enough to wash away the dreams.

The problem was, she didn’t seem to be able to wash him from her mind.




Chapter Ten



“So you’re good with everything?” Mickey Farentino asked.

Rick looked around at the other members of the band. “Yes. All good. God, more than good. Thanks for this.”

They had finished reviewing the tour schedule and Mickey handed each musician a thin packet containing the logistics for the band and how he would make things happen. To Rick it looked as if all they had to do was rehearse and perform. And stay out of trouble.

One of the first things Butch Meredith told them was his bands walked the straight and narrow. No drugs. No excessive alcohol. No alcoholic beverages on stage. No wild behavior. Crowd control backstage so the groupies didn’t get out of hand.

“I’ll bring industry professionals and friends backstage from time to time to watch from the wings,” he reminded them over and over. “We have the after-parties. I don’t expect to have anything to hide from people.”

Rick had assured the man from the beginning they knew how to behave. He might have to ride herd a little more on Danny and Garrett but he’d given them “the talk” and they knew what was expected of them. They had all worked too hard for this break to screw it up.

“Thank Butch,” Mickey said now. “I’ve been with him for ten years. He lets you know up front what’s expected. You put up or shut up. You screw up, you’re gone. So. Questions?”

“I have one,” Danny said.

“Let’s hear it.”

“If you’re so good, how come you aren’t still with the band you signed on for?”

“Danny,” Rick began.

Mickey held up a hand. “It’s okay. And that’s a legitimate question. I’ve kind of become the go-to road manager for new bands on his client list. Teach them the ropes, so to speak, until they know all the procedures in their sleep. Then Butch will look for someone who’s experienced to take over and run with you for the long haul. And,” he added, “you’ll have input there.”

“Okay, then.” Danny grinned. “I can get on board with that.”

“Then let’s get on with the rehearsal. Gordo—” he pointed to the man sitting behind and to the right of him “—will take notes on your sound while I do the same with the equipment you use. When we switch rehearsal places, you’ll be using Deep Blue River’s sound system. Butch has worked with their sound man for a long time. He catches on to new bands real quick so it’s just a matter of plugging your stuff in and you’re set.”

“You can expect a lot of stops and starts the first time through,” Gordo interjected. “Until you and I are both satisfied. That work okay?”

Everyone nodded.

Rick stood up. “Then let’s get to it.”

Mickey requested they play the set for the tour straight through the first time so Gordo could get a feel for the sound. He could note any changes of equipment while they played—different guitars, for example. They were almost finished when Rick happened to glance up and see Sydney walking down the aisle toward them. Only discipline kept his fingers from stumbling on the strings of his guitar.

She slipped into a seat about five rows behind Mickey and Gordo, set her briefcase next to her, and extracted a folder. Then she turned her full attention to the band. Sat back to listen. For the first time, he saw a look of intense concentration on her face, almost as if she studied the sound. Analyzed the words. Put it together in her brain.


This was what he wanted, what he’d tried to tell her she needed to do. Only enormous self-discipline saved him from jumping down from the stage and running over to plant a kiss on those lips he dreamed about every night.

Jesus! He had it really bad

They finished the set as usual with “Music Lady,” Marc’s voice true and full on the vocals. The sudden quiet in the auditorium was a sharp contrast to the pounding notes of the music. For a moment no one said a word. Rick tensed, waiting for a comment from either Mickey or Gordo. When they took a minute to confer with each other, his nerves decided to do a tap dance. Did they hate it? Surely they’d heard the music already. Butch would have seen to that. Would they have signed on if they didn’t like it?

Sydney stayed in her seat, watching Mickey and Gordo intently.

Then Mickey stood up and walked toward the stage, a big grin on his face.

“Top notch,” he told them.

And Rick let out a breath.

“I mean great. The videos didn’t fully capture the electricity of your sound or its distinctive quality.”

“You guys will be a snap to mix,” Gordo called out. “Looking forward to it.”

“Thanks,” Rick said. “Appreciate it.”

Mickey shook his head. “Don’t think I’m just saying nice words. You guys have something very distinctive. A quality sound. I’ll have to thank Butch for this gig.”

He chatted with the band for a few more moments before he and Gordo left. They reminded Rick they’d be back later to pick up all the equipment and transport it to the new rehearsal spot then headed up the aisle to the exit.

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