Aftershock (20 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

BOOK: Aftershock
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“Thank you, but the real hook is their music. Nice meeting both of you. I hope we’ll be seeing you again on the tour.”

Rick’s eyes had been on her the entire time she spoke with his family. These were sharp women, and Sydney didn’t for a minute think they’d missed the vibes that flowed between them. But that was for Rick to handle. Meanwhile, she still had work to do.

She continued to make her way from one band member to another, greeted family members, congratulated each of the guys on the performance. She was chatting with Marc and Emma, who were surrounded by Marc’s family, when Butch rapped on the wall to get their attention.

“Okay, listen up, everyone. First order of business. Lightnin’? You knocked them out tonight. You delivered the goods I knew you had when we signed the contract. So give yourselves a great big hand.” He waited a moment until the applause died down. “Another big hand for Sydney Alexander. She’s smart, she’s savvy, and she knew what to do to make this work.”

Sydney was embarrassed to feel the heat of a blush creep up her cheeks. She smiled and nodded.

“She’ll take the lead at the after-party,” he went on, “so whatever she says, you do it. I’m there as backup if anyone needs me.”

Sydney had worked with Linc on the prep, checking and double-checking the guest list. As soon as Deep Blue River ended the show, the caterers would unload vans and set up in the backstage area, off to the side and away from where staff packed up the equipment and loaded it onto a truck. Full Moon interns would be stationed at the foot of one aisle to check off names and hand out badges.

“It’s the same after-party procedure that was in place when you did your guest shot with Deep Blue River,” Sydney told them. “Only this time there will be a bigger crowd, more media, representatives from the record label. Individuals Butch wants to have face time with you.” She looked at each band member. “I’ll introduce you to everyone, be sure you get to talk to the right ones, and help answer any questions. We don’t expect a problem but if there is one, just holler for me.”

“We’ll let it run for one hour.” Butch picked up the thread. He laid out some simple facts for them, what procedure to follow if a media person approached them, what to say. “Then we’re all heading to the Riverside Hotel. You’ll roll out early in the morning so get as much sleep as you can.”

The agency had reserved rooms for both bands and the road crews at the downtown hotel. Sydney would be staying there, too, so she could be close to the airport and her very early flight. She would be setting up interviews for Lightnin’ for after the next show and also double check the list for that after-party.

Everyone would leave in the morning to get to the next tour stop by early afternoon. They had to set up and be ready for a five o’clock soundcheck. Plans were for Gordo to drive in the luxury van while Deep Blue River would fly, as usual, on a charter. Butch had arranged for cars to pick everyone up tonight so there wouldn’t be any juggling of vehicles. He had also hired security guards to stand watch over the equipment truck until the crews pulled out in the morning.

“Any questions?”

Everyone shook their heads.

Then Rick took a step forward. “We just want to thank you, Butch, for this opportunity.”

“You earned it.” He winked. “And I expect you to keep on earning it. You should know we almost sold out of your merchandise after your set, so we’ll double up the orders for the next stops. Good job, everyone. Let’s go listen to the River.”

Sydney didn’t think she’d ever had a night like this one. Deep Blue River rocked it out, giving in twice to demands for encores. All the musicians were riding the high of a successful performance, the merchandise for both bands had nearly sold out, and the media jockeyed for face time with everyone at the after-party. They all wanted the best story on Deep Blue River’s new album and Butch Meredith’s hot new band.

Sydney was everywhere, supervising what “her guys” were doing, making sure they got to talk to the right people but not too long with any one person. There’d be time in the future for longer interviews, even if they were conducted by telephone. Tonight was just for sound bites. As she moved through the crowd, she saw Butch do the same thing for Deep Blue River. She envied how relaxed the other band was, how much this had become second nature to them. Soon, she thought. Soon Lightnin’ would roll into it the same way.

Nerves danced in her skin when Butch brought two people over to her, one hefting a video camera on his shoulder, and introduced them as from TMZ. She was sure they came for the opening of the River’s tour. But the fact they wanted footage on Lightnin’ meant the band had caught their attention. She gathered all of them for the interview but had Rick do most of the talking. The interviewer also wanted a snippet from Marc about “Music Lady,” then they were done.

“Will they let you know when this will be on?” Rick asked.

“The office will monitor it and text me. I’ll make sure you all get to see it.”

She couldn’t wait to see it herself.

I’m on my way, Janine

The record people were high-fiving each other, not just on the launch of Deep Blue River’s new CD and the response to the songs tonight but also to the crowd’s reaction to “Music Lady.” Sydney saw Butch huddled with them, watched each of them make notes on their smartphones. Tomorrow they’d all check for increased airplay and downloads and an alert from
where the song charted.

The energy was so intense, it snapped in the air. It was wild, it was crazy, and Sydney basked in the results of her work. Put forth every effort to make sure people who wanted to talk to Rick got two or three minutes of face time. Was jazzed by the current of excitement when a reporter chatted with him then said she’d text requesting a full interview.

She did a mental happy dance when Rick admitted that her plan worked so far. People had
the band tonight. The media swarmed. She even pulled Marc and Emma aside to the quietest corner she could find so TMZ could do a bit with them. Then she was busy overseeing sound bytes from Rick and making sure the others got their day in the sun.

Sound Bytes
asked for and got a quick Q and A with Rick and that, too, went off without a hitch. Sydney smiled up at him.

“It’s gone really well.”

He nodded, the look in his eyes blistering her nerve endings. Heat engulfed her entire body. But before she could figure out how to breathe again, the evening took a nosedive.

“Hope I’m not interrupting anything,” a female voice drawled.

Dressed in another skintight outfit, Macey Shreiner moved in so close to Rick she all but crawled all over him.

“I’ve decided to follow the tour for the first two stops,” the woman said in her sex-kitten voice. With a glance at Rick from beneath thickly mascaraed lashes, she added, “I want to make sure to get my one-on-one time with you, Rick. Talk about how you decided to put the band together and created the special sound.”

“And you will,” Sydney assured her.

Syd glanced at Rick’s face and, for one very intense moment, their gazes locked. She hoped Macey didn’t feel the flames of the heat roaring between them. Or the residual tension left over from their last meeting.

“Did you have a chance to get a drink yet, Macey?” It wouldn’t do for the woman to feel the tension or detect the simmering sexual attraction. “Let me get one for you and we can talk about your piece for
On the Scene

She sent up thanks when Butch took the moment to deliver his little thank you to everyone, a signal to start shutting it all down. As people started to disperse, she felt Macey’s eyes boring holes in her back.

Too bad. You aren’t going to get your hooks into him. Not on my watch. Not ever, as a matter of fact

Ohmigod, where had this streak of possessiveness come from?

For the next little while, though, she had no time to think about it as they continued to ease people out. Finally, everyone was gone and they could all head to their respective vehicles for the ride to the hotel. Sydney wondered if she’d even be able to sleep. As she helped usher out the last of the crowd and listened to the feedback, she could feel the success she wanted right there for her to grab.

Eight years she’d worked to get to this point, carrying everyone else’s water, studying, learning, researching. By the end of this tour, they’d call Sydney Anderson the star maker. She’d take this band right to the top. Ideas spun around in her brain, bouncing off each other.

The little confrontation with Macey reinforced her belief that they needed to keep their personal relationship completely out of the public eye. And most of the private. They didn’t need the slightest hint of gossip or everything she did would lose its impact. She’d be Sydney who slept with the bandleader instead of Sydney the star maker. And he’d wear the mantle of every musician who overdosed on fame and rolled into bed with any willing female.

Not on her watch. Damn straight.

She was still buzzed from the evening when she checked into the hotel. Lightnin’ happened to be at registration at the same time and their excitement was palpable. Even Danny and Garrett came over and gave her a hug. They all rode up in the elevator together, the guys still high on excitement, laughing and bumping fists. Except for Rick, who was strangely silent.

They got off at the same floor she did and she discovered they were in the same section of the hallway. She was shocked to discover Rick’s was right next to hers. She slid a glance at him, stunned to see him watching her, a ravenous look in his eyes. She couldn’t mistake the desire in his gaze. Did he want her to join him? Should she ask him if he wanted to come into
room? What was the protocol here?

Unsettled, she fumbled with the key card and dropped it in her nervous haste to get inside. She wasn’t aware he had moved until he was beside her, taking the card from her fingers. He slid it into the slot and, when the lock light turned green he pushed the door open.

“Here you go.” He held the door back with his body and waited for her to enter.

“Th-Thank you.”

She moved past him, rolling her suitcase in and turned to him. Before she had time to say a word he grabbed her arms, turned her to face him and pressed her against the door.

“I’ve been wanting to do this all day.” His voice was heavy with a combination of emotion and desire. “I think tonight calls for a celebration, don’t you?”

Speech deserted her and all she could do was nod. She wanted him, this man who had exploded into her life. More than she wanted her next breath. She was hungry for him with a passion that never seemed to leave her. Sydney cupped the roughness of his late night beard with her hands, loving the scratchy feel of it.

She tilted her face up just the least little bit to accommodate him as his mouth came down on hers. The minute their lips met, heat surged through her, as if someone had lit a match to her blood. She clutched at his shoulders to steady herself, knowing she should break away even as her body cried for more. She was drowning in him, his heat and scent invading her. And all she could think was
more, more, more.

Rick traced the outline of her lips with the tip of his tongue, then the seam before pushing gently until she opened for him. Then his tongue thrust inside, slicking over hers before it curled to taste every inch of the soft skin. Her heart pounded and moisture pooled between her thighs. How was it even possible he turned her on so much so fast?

With his fingers threaded through her hair, he angled her head to take the kiss deeper. She moaned with pleasure as he plundered her mouth. That was the only word for it, and everything fell away. Nothing existed except her and this man who made her want things she’d never even thought of before.

Her brain barely registered when he shifted their bodies so he could close the door. He reached out one arm to turn the lock and she heard the faint clink as he the deadbolt moved into place. But he never lifted his lips from hers and she clung to him as if she’d never get enough of the taste of him.

In some distant part of her brain, she was aware when he lifted her into his arms and carried her deeper into the room. He only broke the kiss when he set her on the floor.

Moonlight slanted its bright rays through the open drapes, illuminating his face. Casting them in shadow. Accenting the craving blazing in his eyes. Beneath her touch, Sydney felt the tautness of his muscles, the slight tremble of his body, and she shook with need.

Locking his gaze with hers, he held her spellbound as he undid the clip holding back her hair. As it tumbled down, he ran his fingers through it, spreading it out over her shoulders like a cape.

“Like fine-spun silk.” His voice was hoarse. Raspy. He lifted some of the strands and inhaled the fragrance. “Apple blossoms. I think it’s become my favorite scent.”

He trailed soft kisses across her cheeks and down to her jawbone across to a spot behind her ear that sent a jolt of lust through her. When he nipped her earlobe, then soothed it with a slick swipe of his tongue, she pressed her body against his. She could feel the thick hardness of his cock underneath the fabric of his pants. Almost on autopilot, she rubbed herself back and forth, the muscles of her pussy flexing with need and desire.

When he moved his mouth down her neck to the hollow at her throat and lightly sucked at the pulse beating there, she shoved her fingers through his thick hair, clutching his head to her body.

“I want to be naked with you,” she murmured.

Oh God! Was that her talking? She’d never been this bold with anyone before

“All in good time,” he murmured. “I don’t want to rush this.” He lifted his head to place a gentle bite on her lower lip and followed it with a row of damp kisses down her neck to the open vee of her blouse.

Sydney arched her body up to his mouth, reveling in his touch. She felt desired. More than that. Cherished.

One of his hands moved to cup a breast through the fabric and his thumb brushed softly over her nipple. Even through two layers of fabric, his touch sent a charge through her body. He took what seemed forever tormenting first one nipple, then the other before, at last, he eased each of the buttons open, one by one, and tugged the material from the waist of her slacks. With a light touch, he brushed the fabric away from her body and skimmed his tongue over the upper swell of her breasts.

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