Aftershock (19 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

BOOK: Aftershock
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Especially Rick. The sight of him made her heart turn over.

Ohmigod, Sydney. Control yourself, okay? You were the one who set the parameters. So follow them.

Easier said than done.

She remembered the story Emma and Marc told her about the night they met.

“We took one look at each other,” Emma said, “and that was it.”

From then on there wasn’t anyone else for either of them.

But their situation was different. She and Rick had so much to lose if they gave in to this cauldron of desire and emotions bubbling between them. Accepting their connection was more than just sex was a big step for both of them. Hiding it from others grew more difficult each day.

But thank the Lord today had been busy and tonight insane. Setup. Soundcheck. Get the food delivered from the catering truck. Check off the stuff in the dressing room. Calm the guys even while she was a bundle of nerves herself. Monitor the Internet, especially Twitter, on her iPad. And, holy cow! People were going crazy with the tweets. Sydney hoped they increased tenfold after tonight.

All the family members had special seats in the audience, although Rick had asked if Meredith could watch from the wings. The almost-college girl hopped with excitement. A shorter, slender version of Rick, she had the same dark hair, brooding eyes, and infectious grin. Easy to like on sight. Sydney found a good place for her, sitting on top of one of the equipment cases. She could see everything and still be out of the way.

“I think I’m more nervous than the guys are.” Emma’s words brought Sydney back to reality. Marc’s fiancée moved up beside her, hands clasped tightly together. Clipped to her top was the backstage pass Sydney had given her.

“You’ll be fine.” Sydney wasn’t much of a touchy-feely person but she gave Emma a reassuring hug. “They’ll be fine.”

The media had gone to town on the Marc-Emma thing. Who didn’t like a good love story, especially when it resulted in a song? Every column and blog had made mention of it and calls came in from the media at future tour stops requesting interviews with the couple. Marc was hesitant to take any attention away from the band. Sydney convinced him the story would bump up record sales and that was good for everyone.

When band emerged from the dressing room and took up their spots on the stage, the butterflies in Sydney’s stomach turned into the thundering hooves of horses. Linc and Butch were there with smiles of reassurance.

“This is it,” Butch said, standing next to Sydney.

“Yes.” She managed a smile, even though her insides were now jelly. “It sure is.” She wondered if she’d ever reach a point where she could be as relaxed as he and Linc looked.

“Don’t worry, Sydney.” The manager squeezed her shoulder. “Your guys wouldn’t be out there if I didn’t think they could do it.”

She hoped her brainstorm for the closing number paid off. Emma wasn’t someone who was comfortable in the spotlight, but she’d do anything to help Marc. When Sydney had explained the impact her idea could have, they’d finally agreed to it. Now she just had to wait and see if she was right.

I am. I know I am.

The band went through its final tune-up before taking their spots. Then Rick nodded to the guy manning the curtain and hit the downstroke on his guitar.

Here we go.

The spotlights hit the stage, the band jumped in with a hot version of “Take the High Road,” and they were off to the races.

Afterward, Sydney wasn’t sure she even remembered all the details. She did know the set was flawless, the crowd was screaming, and the band was definitely on its game.

But all of that burbled along in the back of her mind as she listened to the music and the roar of the crowd. She couldn’t believe how fast the thirty minutes went by. She had to check her watch in disbelief when she heard Rick announce the last number.

“We want to thank all of you for the great reception tonight,” he told the audience. “We love you all. I hope you’ve downloaded and requested our brand-new single that has been out for two days. We’re going to close with it because it’s a special song to us. I’m sure you’ve read about it online and in the newspapers and magazines. Our bass player, Marc Malone, wrote it for his very special lady, who is here with us tonight. Emma, this will always be for you.”

He counted off the time with his foot and they broke into “Music Lady.” Sydney had heard the song in rehearsal and on CD but there was something so emotional about the way they played it tonight. Noticing movement to her left, she saw the members of Deep Blue River and a smattering of friends had also gathered to watch the last tune. A nice gesture from them. She swallowed a smile of satisfaction as she saw them actually getting into the music.

Marc’s delivery was perfect for the song. His deep voice blended flawlessly with Rick’s mournful sound on lead guitar, his own bass providing a body-shaking bass platform.

Music playing, hips swaying, dance for me, Music Lady.

Body moving, hot and grooving, Music Lady.

Sweet and sexy, that’s her style. Make her stay a while. Music Lady.

There she is, Music Lady.

All I want, all I need. Music Lady

He looked straight at Emma, standing beside Sydney, hands gripped together in front of her.

One long underscoring note on the bass before the last line.

…And she lives in my heart forever, Music Ladyyyyyy.

There was dead silence in the arena for a long moment. Sydney bit her lip, hard, wondering if they’d made a bad choice in using it as the final song. But then everyone in the audience jumped to their feet, yelling and clapping. And screaming, “We want ‘Music Lady.’ ‘Music Lady.’ ‘Music Lady.’”

Next to her, Deep Blue River and the friends who’d been in their dressing room clapped as well. One of the guys let out a piercing whistle. For a long moment, Sydney couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. She remembered Linc saying she’d know when a band stood out from the crowd. The music would make every nerve in her body burst into flame. That’s exactly what happened tonight.

“Marc’s looking this way,” someone beside her said, shouting to be heard over the noise of the crowd. “I think he wants something.”

Marc was turned toward the wings, his arm outstretched, his hand pointed in Emma’s direction.

This was when they’d find out if the little shtick she’d coached them through would do what she hoped

Sydney turned to Emma. “Here we go. Take a deep breath. You can do this. I know you can. They’ll love you.”

“Are you sure?”

Sydney nodded. “Listen to them. They want you, kiddo. Go give them what they want.” She took Emma’s arm and guided her gently toward the stage. “They love the band, and they’ll love you.”

Tentatively, Emma walked out of the wings into the spotlight. The noise increased to a deafening roar and the applause thundered through the arena.

Marc glanced at Rick, who nodded, and then he put his arm around Emma.

“Here she is, folks. My very own ‘Music Lady’.”

Emma waved to everyone, smiling, and the noise grew even louder.

Sydney grinned so hard she thought her face would crack.

“Great touch,” Butch whispered in her ear.

Marc tightened his arm around Emma even more and smiled at her then looked out at the audience.

“Okay, everyone. If y’all can quiet down a little, I’ll do the last verse again.”

Rick picked out the segue as the roar subsided to a dull hum, then silence. Marc added the bass foundation to the melody and looked at Emma he sang the last lines.

She brings the light into my life

And she lives in my heart forever, Music Ladyyyyyy.

As notes of the song died away Marc gave Emma a kiss so filled with emotion that Sydney had to fight both tears and jealousy. The audience clapped, stamped and screamed for more, chanting, “Lightnin’! Lightnin’ Lightnin’!”

But at a signal from Butch, one of the roadies pulled the curtain, the stage lights dimmed, and the house lights came up for the brief time it would take to reset the equipment. They had thirty minutes to get it done, no matter how much the audience yelled. Roadies hustled to make the changes for both bands, two crews this time. The members of Lightnin’ laughed and high-fived each other, Emma still glued to Marc’s side. The leader of Deep Blue River made it a point to shake the hand of everyone in their opening act.

“Ohmigod!” Meredith squealed and ran to throw her arms around her brother.

Butch hugged the guys and slapped them on the back. “Damn hot,” he shouted. “You smoked it.”

A Full Moon intern came rushing back stage in the midst of everything.

“Mr. Forrester.” She tugged on Linc’s arm. “You won’t believe it. The lines are so long for merchandise, I told Jim and Chris to lend a hand.”

Linc looked at Butch and
high-fived each other.

Linc laughed and said, “Cha-ching!”

“Told you so,” the manager said. “Call your supplier and have them get on the stick. We may run short on the next two stops, but I know they can get us the additional merchandise by the time we reach Tampa. Go on. For an order like this, they won’t mind a late call.”

Linc already had his cell phone out and scrolled through his contacts. Phone to one ear, finger to the other to block out sound, he walked away to a far corner of the area where the racket wasn’t quite so loud.

Sydney stood where she was, trying to stay out of everyone’s way, when Rick broke away from his sister, came over to her, and lifted her in a huge hug.

“What are you doing?” she whispered in his ear. “People are watching.”

“Good. I want them to know Lightnin’ loves its promo person. You rock, Syd.” He pressed his mouth to her ear for a brief moment. “And we rock together.”

Then he stepped back but he never took his eyes away from her, twin flames searing right to her core. “I guess I need to start listening to you more.”

His gaze lingered on her face for a long moment, his eyes filled with so much hunger and emotion it, nearly brought her to her knees. Even as she hoped no one watched, all her erogenous zones did a happy dance.
She forced herself to drop her gaze before they set the stage on fire.

“We’ll work together,” she told him, taking a step away in an attempt to maintain some semblance of professionalism. “Your music, my public relations input.”

“That we will,” he promised. “And then some.” Then he released her, laughed, and headed back to the band.

But even with space between them, the heat lingered, the powerful emotions they felt palpable.

She hauled in a calming breath as she watched Linc stride back to her, giving her a thumbs-up.

“Can they do it in time?” she asked.

“For the kind of bucks involved? Are you kidding? They’ll work around the clock. They’ll call as soon as arrangements are made in Tampa.”

“Good. That’s good.”

“You did a fantastic job, Sydney,” he told her. “Well done. I gave them your cell number and told them to deal with you directly on the Lightnin’ gear from now on. You’ll need to coordinate with them about getting the stuff delivered to the arena. I texted you their number, also, although in this bedlam you probably can’t hear your phone.”

“Thank you.”
  What an affirmation. She was indeed going to be in charge. At least as far as Lightnin’ was concerned.

“Don’t thank me. You earned it.”

“Absolutely.” Butch walked up to them and gave her a hug. “That thing with Marc and Emma at the end? Brilliant. I knew you were the right one to handle them.”

“Yeah, thanks,” Danny said, his words echoed by Garrett.

Emma gave her a warm hug. “They don’t know how much they owe you,” she whispered.

Butch began to herd everyone toward the back of the building. The Malones and the Trajeans, obviously good friends, smiled and laughed with the family members of the others. The buzz of conversation rose again when they reached the dressing room.

“We’ve got about twenty minutes before Deep Blue River goes on.” Butch raised his voice enough to get everyone’s attention. “I need to get back to the wings. So let’s spend a few minutes celebrating then talk a little about the after-party.” He looked over at Sydney. “What are you waiting for? This is your gig. Come on. Mix and mingle. The media’s gonna descend after the show and we need to be ready.”

You’ll meet a band that will make every nerve in your body burst into flame

The words kept echoing in Sydney’s head as she gave everyone a rundown on what to expect then took time to work the room, chatting a few minutes with each excited visitor. Tonight was the culmination of years of basement rehearsals and grungy bars. Of scrimping and saving and pushing everything aside except the music. They all deserved to enjoy it.

Butch’s security guards controlled access to the area. Only those with passes were even allowed through the stage door. Danny and Garrett had their flavors of the month with them and various family members shared in the excitement. Rick stood with Meredith and a woman Sydney guessed was his mother. The pride they felt was evident on their faces.

She was stunned when Rick motioned for her to join them. She couldn’t very well say no without looking like an idiot. Wiping her damp palms on her slacks, she moved over to where they stood.

For a moment Rick looked as if he intended to put his arm around her. Then he let it drop to his side.

“Meredith, you’ve already met her. Mom, this is Sydney Alexander, the brains behind all this publicity.”

Sydney gave a soft laugh. “I don’t think I’d go that far. This was a team effort.”

“Don’t sell yourself short,” Rick insisted. “We owe you a lot.”

“Yes, they do,” Meredith added. Excitement sparkled in her eyes. “We saw all the coverage after the media party. We’re all so excited.”

His mother, a very pretty woman with the same dark hair and eyes, gave her a warm smile. “This is a big night for everyone, Sydney. And we’re all aware how hard you’ve worked for it.”

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