Age Of Awakening: Unofficial Minecraft Adventures Series 3 In 1 (3 page)

BOOK: Age Of Awakening: Unofficial Minecraft Adventures Series 3 In 1
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Destroy Mind


When the two adventurers of the past emerged from the mines it was night time outside. Creepers roamed the land; zombies fumbled their way through the darkness and skeletons kept watch for anyone near enough to shoot.


“Where do we begin?” Herobrine asked as he looked over at his new partner.


“The Endermen travel in groups of three or four, they stick to the darkness so night is the best time to hunt them. We must find the first group ourselves, once we have enough Ender Pearls to create the first Eye, it will lead us to more of them on our way to the stronghold.”


“Then let’s find them quickly, I want to end this.” Herobrine began walking away from the cave they had emerged from and into the darkness of night. The moon was still high in the sky casting down a subtle light onto Overworld.


The old adventurer followed after him as best he could, his old bones rattling as he tried to keep pace. “You need to learn some patience boy! Stow your anger and save it for a later time. If you rush into this, into a conflict with the new hero then you will fail again. How many times has he already defeated you hmm?”


“Too many times.”


“Then heed my warnings, time is on your side, so take it, make it your weapon and ally.”


Herobrine tried hard to push his anger down as they walked. The night stretched on and the moon fell lower and lowers into the horizon. Just as the first rays of sunshine filtered over the mountains Herobrine spotted a group of them.


A few hundred blocks in front of them down in a valley were four Endermen, each of them carrying around a random block of dirt or rock. Their tall black bodies shuddered as they moved in unnatural ways.


   “There boy…our prize at last. They will attempt to vanish if you make yourself known. This fight you must be quick, accurate and silent. Pick them off one at a time. Do this, and we will be one step closer!” The skeleton whispered.


Herobrine nodded, summoned his diamond sword from his inventory and lifted from the ground slowly. Sticking close to the surface he floated through the darkness and into the valley. The tall Endermen moved so sporadically it would be hard for him to sneak up on one without the others knowing.


He moved himself into position under a grouping of trees and waited for the first to come too close. It didn’t take long as one of the Endermen moved to the trees and Herobrine lashed out. Striking quickly and silently he lopped the head off of the Endermen and it fell lifeless to the ground. Its dark body lay motionless for a moment before disappearing in a puff of smoke, leaving behind its pearl


Herobrine pocketed the pearl before moving on to the next creature. Before the sun had risen fully into the sky Herobrine had killed all four Endermen and gathered their pearls.


“Well done indeed” the skeleton told him as they reunited. “You now have enough pearls to create your first Eye of Ender, do this now.”


Herobrine gathered the Pearls and Blaze Rods form his inventory, combining them created one Eye of Ender. Holding the glowing orb in his hands Herobrine smiled, turning it over to inspect it. “This is amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it”


“It is an item from the old world, when I was adventurer. Its darkness is tied to the End. Throw it, and it will guide us to the Stronghold.”


Herobrine nodded after a silent moment and hefted the orb, tossing it into the air. When he did it hooked west and flew on its own path for a few hundred blocks before dropping back down.


“Let’s go”


Transforming Journey


The journey took the adventurers another week to complete. Along the way they had killed many Endermen, sending them back to their home land, or so the old bones said. They had gathered enough Eyes of Ender to open the portal and to summon the Dragon.


Now, Herobrine was standing in the center of the very fortress that hid the Ender Portal from him. He and the first adventurer had found the fortress, dug deep down to its entrance and searched the place for days. The eyes of ender no longer guided them; it was up to them to find their way through the never ending maze of the fortress to find the portal.


“Herobrine!” The skeleton’s voice came echoing through the fortress. “Hurry boy!”


Herobrine followed the sound as best he could, torch in hand lighting his way. “Where are you old man?” he shouted angrily, this was taking far too long for his liking, he wanted it to be over.


“Here you daft idiot” The skeleton said as Herobrine finally found him in a hallway.


“What is it? What have you found?” Herobrine was impatient.


“Patience, as I said boy. Look here” The skeleton pointed its boney finger at the wall and Herobrine held his torch near the stone. “All this time we have been looking for a room with a door. Perhaps the door was hidden from us.”


On the wall was a sphere like recess. Herobrine knew exactly what his friend was thinking. He took out one of the eyes and placed it in the hole. As he did there was a loud crack like thunder and dust fell from the ceiling as the wall split open and moved to the sides, revealing to them a small room. Soft light spilled from within and Herobrine wasted no time hurrying in to investigate.


“This is it…finally we found it!” Herobrine felt elated for the first time since he had found the Book of the End. “Come and look! It is the End Portal!” Herobrine turned to look at his new friend.


The skeleton had made it just through the door. For a moment he stood there staring with a faint smile before his bones began to shake violently. He fell to the floor in a heap. Herobrine hurried to him, dropping to his knees he tried to pick up the old man but the bones were no longer held together by the old spell. The faint glow of magic was barely still in its old eyes.


“You did well boy” the skull said, barely audible. “My time has run out and I must leave Overworld for good. But I know…I am leaving it to my worthy successor. Go now…fulfill your destiny, release the dragon and end it!” The light of magic left the skull’s eyes and Herobrine knew his friend was forever gone.


my ally old man, and you did help me. You will not be forgotten this time, I swear it.” Pain wracked his chest as Herobrine had just lost the only person he had considered a true friend since he could remember. He stood, turning towards the portal and began to prepare.


Taking the bucket of lava he had gathered from the Nether he poured it into the floor below the unfinished portal. Light and heat filled the small room as it boiled beneath him. Tossing the bucket aside Herobrine placed a few Silverfish blocks before the steps leading up to the portal. He wanted to make sure that if anyone followed him they would not make it through alive.


It was time. Herobrine placed the Eyes of Ender, one in each of the waiting blocks. Once he did, a dark portal opened in the floor below him. Light, sound, hope, joy, everything felt like it was sucked into the End Portal. Herobrine set up one last thing. According to the book of the end the portal itself could not be destroyed, but the eyes could. He set up a block of TNT on a corner of the portal and lit its fuse.


“Now, is my time” Herobrine jumped through the portal and vanished into the abyss. The TNT exploded and several of the eyes were destroyed, closing the portal.


Lord of the Ender Dragon


The End was worse than Herobrine could have imagined. Darkness was too kind a word. In there hope, joy, happiness, light, none of that existed. Herobrine looked around himself and saw thousands upon thousands of Endermen, all roaming around, emitting the high pitch shriek he had come to hate. He wasted no time.


He rushed past the Endermen, making sure not to look into their eyes lest they attack him for it. Finding the nearest pillar he tried to fly up to the top. But nothing happened. “My power…” he couldn’t fly, his senses seemed dulled and his strength was back to normal. In the End, Herobrine was just a regular adventurer again.


This pushed him to want out even faster. Grabbing hold of the pillar he began to climb the old fashioned way, one block at a time. It took him every bit of an hour to climb to the very top of the pillar but finally he made it.


From the tall view he could see everything, and he wished he hadn’t. Every second he spent in this place made him long for death, any means of escaping this wretched place. But the only thought keeping him going, was the ruination of Steve, of forcing him in here to battle the Dragon and remain for eternity.


This thought spurred him on. Herobrine dug through his inventory and found a full stack of the Eyes of Ender. Sixty-four of them in total held in his hands and he threw them off the pillar as the book had instructed.


He waited as the Eyes disappeared into the darkness. Hope drained from him and left him week, causing Herobrine to drop down to one knee. Each breath became harder to bring in; his mind went in circles thinking how he could have been betrayed. Had he been led here only to be left to suffer in the End forever?


The pillar beneath him rumbled. Everything grew darker still, but only in one area in front of him. A deep purple circle like a bruise in the air formed before him, spinning, casting flecks of light all over. A roar came from the circle so powerful it nearly knocked Herobrine off the pillar. As he watched, a mighty black dragon flew from the portal and circled the pillar around Herobrine, letting out fierce howls and growls as its massive wings kept the beast in the air.


Herobrine could hardly believe what he was seeing. The Ender Dragon was real! The old man had not been lying to him after all.


“Who has summoned me? Who has released me from my prison?” The dragon’s voice was like an earthquake, rumbling Herobrine down to his core.


“I have oh great and mighty Ender Dragon!”


The beast stopped in front of Herobrine and hovered there, massive wings forcing down tons of air at once to keep him up. “And who are you?”


“I am Herobrine, I have set you free as I seek a powerful ally to assist me in taking back my world.”


The dragon laughed, a demonic and evil sound that made even Herobrine quiver.


“And why would I do anything for you?”


Herobrine bowed, staying on one knee and lowering his head. “I have journeyed very far to find you, to release you from your prison. Help me to destroy the one known as Steve and the End will be your throne room, Overworld, your kingdom. No one is a match for you, and no one will imprison you away again.”


For a long moment the dragon was silent, staring down at the tiny adventurer. There was a deep pull of breath from the beast before it spoke. “I accept…return now to your world. You have found your ally Herobrine.” The dragon raised its massive head and suddenly Herobrine was gone.


He had done it. It had taken months of preparation and trials, even the help of the very first adventurer of Overworld, but Herobrine had found an ally so powerful that Steve stood no chance in the end. It was done, and now all that was left, was for Herobrine to wait. Overworld was quiet that night, the white eyed adventurer took in the sight of his world one more time before he turned and walked into a deep cave system.


“Come and find us Steve, we, will be waiting.”


Herobrine walked deep into the mines, disappearing into the darkness and depth of the world to wait.


Waiting, for THE END.










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