AKA Lexi Frost (Lexi Frost Series) (6 page)

BOOK: AKA Lexi Frost (Lexi Frost Series)
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I think that went well,” Zane said.

Yeah. Are we done?” Drew asked.

Ask Chris.”

Yeah. You know, I was thinking,” Drew scratched the stubble he permanently wore on his cheek. “What do you think about hiring Lexi for her usual studio style?”

Flynn grinned as much at the suggestion as Zane
’s frown.

She does nudes. That’s not happening, what are you thinking?”

It doesn’t have to be full frontal. Something tasteful.”

Again, she does nudes. Drew, what the
are you thinking?” Zane’s agitation was as heartwarming to Flynn as Lexi’s demand that he be allowed to play with the girls. Or her invitation to undress her. Too bad it was mental.

Just that we like to forge new trails, go where other bands have failed to go before. I’m thinking something like ‘The Thinker’ or some Greek statue.”

But with arms,” Flynn laughed.

,” Zane persisted.

Chris walked up and Flynn realized while he
’d been distracted with Zane, Lexi finished whatever she was doing and was now headed for her car with the other man, Nicholas something. Drew’s hand on his arm kept him from trying to follow, but his eyes watched as she reached the car and got in.

Flynn? Are you listening?” Chris asked, waving a hand in front of Flynn’s face to get his attention.

Wha-? Sorry, no. What were you saying?” He reluctantly dragged his eyes away from Lexi and back to Chris.

Lexi is going back to her hotel to look over the shots. I’ll meet up with her tomorrow for lunch.”

I want to come.”

No, you and Zane have a radio interview, remember? Flynn, are you feeling okay?”

Probably the heat,” Drew said. “Although I’d like to go.”

I figured you would,” Chris agreed dryly.

So are we done here?” Flynn asked, looking back to where Lexi’s car started to pull away. His stomach turned as he watched it go.

Yeah, I’ll tell Troy. You’re too distracted to be of any further use. Drew, do something with him before tomorrow, will you?”

Drew laughed.
“I’ll take care of it.” He took Flynn’s arm and guided him back to the limo, waiting until they were out of earshot before talking quietly to him. “Listen, you’re like a kid with a crush. You need to chill before Chris, or worse - Zane, figures out you’ve got a new obsession. And think about Wendy for a moment, will you? You two have been married for nearly five years now.”

It’s unraveling, Drew.”

I know, we’ve talked about it. So the past year has been rough, but you don’t know this woman. Don’t throw away a perfectly . . . plausible marriage for an unknown. She could be happily married, or a lesbian, or have firm policies based on experience not to get involved with sexy musicians.”

Well, since you’re seeing her tomorrow and I’m not, I guess it’s your job to find out.” Flynn grinned and slapped his friend on the back.


Flynn had just sat down to relax by the pool when Drew returned from meeting with Lexi.

Get up and get dressed, we’re going to a debut artist gallery show.”

Come again?”

Lexi. Or did you come to your senses?”

Nope.” Flynn got up and headed back to his room with Drew.

Now, these things are normally by invitation but I’ve got the concierge working on it. He doesn’t seem to think it’ll be a problem,” Drew continued as he followed Flynn. “Have you eaten anything?”

Yeah, we had breakfast together.”

Thought so. I asked to have a BLT sent up to your room so you don’t starve at the show.”

They always have little trays of whatevers at those things.”

Fattening little whatevers that you look at and never eat.”

Right. BLT, good plan.”

I know. I couldn’t get a lot of info out of Lexi with Chris there. There was next to nothing available on the net. I checked before I left.”

I noticed that too,” Flynn grumbled.

Nicholas Daley is an old friend of hers and we talked over lunch.”

And?” They reached Flynn’s room and he fumbled with the electronic lock.

Nicholas said Lexi lost her husband a few years ago.”

So she’s single.”

Pay attention.” Drew slapped the back of Flynn’s head. “Nicholas came out to interview Troy and dragged her along because she needed a break. Give me your key card.” He took Flynn’s card and got the door open on the second try.

I hate those things,” Flynn said.

I know. Anyway, be sensitive and be prepared for her to be a bit more reserved than you’re used to. Meaning she might not jump in bed with you.”

Maybe. She seemed fun. I don’t think her personality will shift that much.” Flynn started to pull together an outfit.

Other than a few fun comments, you really don’t know her,” Drew warned.

You had lunch with her, was she that different?”

She wasn’t as playful. I suppose there wasn’t as much opportunity either. Go take a shower. I’ll wait for your sandwich.”

Flynn took his clothes and showered quickly. Drew was on the phone when he emerged and his lunch was there waiting for him. He sat at the small table and ate
, his mind wandering as he looked forward to seeing Lexi again.

Got invitations,” Drew announced.

Just us?”

Zane’s not invited if that’s what you’re wondering.”

I really loved her snapping at him.”

So, about Wendy,” Drew hesitated.

Off topic.”

No, it’s not. Listen, I’m involved now, so I want you to pay attention. I know things have been a bit rough, and I know you’ve been cheating. Probably not a good idea to mention that to Lexi.”

Flynn rolled his eyes as he bit into his BLT.

“I know, I know, but I’m concerned. Your marriage is on the line already and now you want to go chasing after a woman you’ve barely spoken to.”

So you’re trying to coach me to give me the best shot with her,” Flynn nodded. “Makes sense.”

’s head sunk into his hands. “No, it doesn’t. I don’t know what I’m thinking. You’re doing something stupid, so I’m a wreck because I’m your keeper.”

I won’t tell Zane.”

He’ll kill me,” Drew sighed. “He’s fond of Wendy, you know.”

Zane? Yeah, the few times a year they meet. You and Dee see her more. Well, you do. Dee hates me, and Wendy didn’t appreciate Dee tattling. I think she would have preferred to remain oblivious to our relationship. She doesn’t like seeing my best friend as competition.”

Dee doesn’t either, which is why she tries so hard to keep the relationship between the two of us professional. She just doesn’t understand that there’s enough of me for both of you.” Drew puffed up his chest and struck a vain pose. Flynn laughed and Drew turned serious again.

I’ll try to keep Dee away from Lexi,” Drew promised.

I appreciate that. I’d like to keep one for a change.”

You saw a marriage counselor already with Wendy, right? I’m not mixing up wives?”

Yeah. We’d find one, then one or the other of us decided we didn’t like that one and we’d find a new one, repeat process. We gave it up about a year ago. I cheat, she withholds in revenge, which encourages me to cheat, repeat process again.”

Have you considered being faithful, just as an experiment?”

Don’t get smart. You’ve cheated too.”

As an exception, not a rule. And, with the exception of being with you,
don’t get caught.”

Flynn pushed his plate aside and stood up.
“It’s not the sex, it’s the companionship. Wendy got tired of dividing her time between being on tour with me and training for her riding competitions. The horses won,” Flynn shrugged and turned away. It was hard to admit the failure of his third marriage. “I’m going to brush my teeth.” Flynn headed back to the bathroom.

Take your time, it doesn’t start for a couple hours,” Drew said and sat back to wait.

Chapter Four


It never rains but it pours
, Nicholas thought. Not that Teri noticed. She was preoccupied with staying in her Lexi persona so she didn’t notice the way Flynn watched her yesterday. And she was busy talking to Chris at lunch so she wasn’t aware of Drew’s seemingly harmless questions. Nicholas doubted Drew was asking for his own sake.

Then there was Paul Lovett. Nicholas wondered if he should mention that he could have sworn he saw Kayley at the restaurant.

While Nicholas was debating whether to ruin her evening, possibly in error, or risk a meltdown later, Teri finally entered the lobby in black slacks and a silver tank top that shimmered as she walked. A silver comb pulled back her short, dark curls and let diamond studs twinkle in her ears.

You look lovely,” Nicholas said as Teri reached him.

I feel naked,” Teri complained, but she smiled at his compliment. For once, she didn’t have a heavy camera bag on her shoulder and only carried a clutch purse.

Well, you’re lighter now and able to walk without being lopsided. Try it for a night, you may like it.”


It was a short ride to the gallery and Nicholas watched as Teri closed her eyes and repeatedly took deep breaths.

“Getting into character?”

Yes. I kind of wished I would have kept my mouth shut yesterday.”

No you don’t. You got some great pictures and impressed the hell out of Chris and Troy.”

Chris did seem pretty happy.”

Drew was impressed,” Nicholas carefully broached the subject, planning to lead into Flynn’s interest.

Chris said he was a shutterbug. I imagine he’d have opportunities for some great shots. Traveling around like they do I mean.”

He wanted to talk to you but you were busy with Chris. Flynn wanted to come too but had another commitment.”

Lexi shrugged.
“Another time maybe.”

There’s the gallery, they have it lit up like Christmas. Are you ready, Lexi, my dear?”

How long do we have to stay?”

I’ll let you know when it’s safe to leave,” Nicholas promised.

Who is this artist again?”

Someone Troy knows.” Nicholas brought out the invitations Troy gave them. “A. Polstein, no idea if ‘A’ signifies male or female, so whoever finds out first tells the other, deal?”

Deal. Painter, right?”

We’ll find out in a moment.”

The taxi stopped and Nicholas leaned forward to pay the driver. He got out and held out a hand to help Lexi out of the cab.

“You always seem taller as Lexi,” he whispered as he closed the cab door again.

It’s the heels. It’s weird because they’re part of Teri’s wardrobe.”

You’re going to need therapy after a few more years of this. Come on.”

The gallery had a number of people already milling around for the opening of the Polstein exhibition. Nicholas didn
’t see Troy, but it was early yet. Nicholas appreciated what artists were capable of in their chosen medium, but not so much that he frequented exhibitions. He wondered if he should start bringing Teri to more for social interaction.

Since the artist was clearly a painter
, Nicholas and Lexi set about mingling quietly and eavesdropping to see if “A” was male or female. They hadn’t gone far before Nicholas was kicking himself for not paying attention to the invitation and asking Troy who the artist was.

Amberlyn,” Lexi whispered in his ear.

Thank God, that’s a load off my mind.” Nicholas relaxed and looked around again. “Now, do you see Troy?”

No, but I see Drew.”

Nicholas turned to look in the direction Lexi was facing and saw Drew and Flynn walking through the front door. They commanded attention and people were quickly edging their direction while trying not to be obvious about it.

“I suspect they’re here to see you.”

They don’t know who A. Polstein is?” Lexi looked worried.


Call them over and tell them.”

Nicholas raised an arm and waved to Drew. Thankfull
y Flynn saw him. Drew and Flynn made their way with a sense of purpose and joined them with relief.

I think we all know each other,” Nicholas said. “We weren’t expecting to see you two here.”

I had to get Flynn away from Zane,” Drew answered. Flynn seemed briefly surprised by the revelation, but took the cue and nodded in agreement. Nicholas wasn’t fooled for a moment.

Isn’t he letting you look at pretty girls?” Lexi teased.

No, he’s terribly unreasonable,” Flynn gave Lexi a dazzling smile.

Now why couldn’t you put on that smile for Troy?” Lexi sighed. Nicholas had a brief daydream about marrying her off to Flynn. That would solve her money problems as well as take care of that social hermit mentality.

I think I did, eventually.”

Eventually. He should be here somewhere, don’t let him see you smile like that.” Lexi looked around briefly, then stiffened and turned to face Nicholas. The color was gone from her face. He looked over her shoulder to see what startled her, his heart in his throat. Sure enough, walking toward them were Paul and Kayley.

Not to worry, he was a satisfied client. I’m sure he’s just coming to say hello,” Nicholas tried to put her at ease. Lexi stomped hard on his foot, clearly letting him know the lie didn’t put her at ease.

I’m missing something.” Flynn looked to Nicholas for an answer as Lexi turned to face Paul. Nicholas was still recovering from the unexpected assault on his foot and just nodded wordlessly.

Mr. Lovett, Kayley, I didn’t expect to see you here. Kayley, that dress is gorgeous on you!” Lexi brushed off Paul and concentrated on Kayley instead.

Thank you, Lexi. And thank you again for the pictures. They are just beyond belief.”

I’m glad you liked them. What brings you to Miami?”

Oh, when Paul found out you finally decided to leave Seattle, he couldn’t get down here fast enough. We’re only here to ambush you I’m afraid,” Kayley shrugged.

Nicholas wasn
’t ready for Kayley’s honesty, but he was prepared to back Lexi with whatever move she decided to make. He sensed Lexi’s shock and quickly backed up against her, his hands holding her upper arms to steady her.

And you . . .” Lexi lapsed into confusion.

Oh, I know all about his interest,” Kayley confirmed brightly, taking a sip from her champagne flute. “He’s smitten. I’ve known that since the beginning and I offered him advice. I have to be honest, Paul’s unusually persistent.”

Nicholas looked at Paul. He stood quietly by Kayley
’s side watching Lexi.

Kayley always speaks her mind,” Paul smiled gently. “I didn’t mean to startle you like this, but you refuse to answer my emails. Meanwhile I see you’ve picked up some new friends.” Paul indicated Drew and Flynn, quietly watching the scene with expressions of amusement and horror.

Yes. Paul, Kayley, meet Drew and Flynn. Lexi happened to be on hand to assist with a photo shoot of the band, In Like Flynn, yesterday,” Nicholas quickly introduced them.

I know.”

Troy’s working for you?” Lexi asked. She seemed to be holding herself together, so Nicholas released her shoulders.

No, I was there.”

You were at the beach? Where? Why?”

Some of the time I sat in the back of the car. I did get out and stretch my legs a bit. I was behind you though, so it was unlikely you’d notice me.”

Champagne?” A caterer appeared, her eyes lingering on Flynn, and the interruption broke through the tension hanging heavy in the air. Flynn, Drew and Nicholas each took a glass. Flynn downed his like a shot and put it back on the tray. The caterer looked to Lexi for an answer.

Um, not unless you have one that looks, tastes, and has the alcohol content of a Dr. Pepper,” Lexi said, still looking at Paul. Lexi’s response confused the caterer and she looked around for a cue.

Please get Ms. Frost a Dr. Pepper,” Paul directed her.

You organized this?” Lexi asked weakly.

No, not enough warning. Although it is an idea to keep in mind. I saw Troy talking to Nicholas and showing him the promotional flier for this event. Getting an invitation was simple. Shall we look around?”

Paul gingerly reached out and put a hand on Lexi
’s shoulder, guiding her toward the back of the gallery and away from the crowd. Kayley slipped in between Drew and Flynn, handing Flynn her drink and taking each by the arm.

So, how do you fit in here?” Drew asked Kayley.

When Lexi and I met, I was generally known as Paul’s mistress. I guess I still am since not a lot of people know he’s pursuing Lexi now.”

And you’re okay with that?”

Paul and I are friends, we’re not in love. I wouldn’t be much of a friend if I didn’t support him when he finds someone who means something to him. He’s very taken with her.”

Go figure,” Flynn murmured and finished Kayley’s half-full glass. Nicholas took the empty one from his hand and replaced it with his own untouched glass.


You look like you need it.”

So what’s your part in this?” Flynn asked him.

I’m not sure I honestly know anymore.” Nicholas stopped and faced Flynn as he stopped as well. Drew pulled Kayley away until Nicholas and Flynn were more or less alone.

Just to be clear,” Nicholas started. “You’re interested in getting to know Lexi better.”

Yeah, want to tell me what’s up with the suit?”

Paul hired Lexi a couple months ago to photograph Kayley.”

I picked up on that.”

I knew he was interested at the time, and I was all for the two of them getting together, but Lexi wouldn’t do that to Kayley. I tried to give Paul a hand and she got pretty upset with me about it, so Paul’s a taboo subject. I’m not getting involved.”

Am I taboo?”

Nicholas ran his fingers through his hair as he thought about that.
“Kayley threw Lexi for a loop. She’s not an obstacle anymore. Flynn, I can’t say you’re taboo, but I can’t say you’re in the running either.”

That’s fair,” Flynn nodded unhappily. “Is she going to fall for this set-up?”

Nicholas snagged two more champagne glasses from a passing caterer.
“I have no idea.” He handed one glass to Flynn, who quickly drained the new glass, then the one he was already holding. Nicholas drank his almost as quickly.

To be honest, I’m not going to complain if Paul convinces her to give him a chance. She’ll be nervous until she gets to know him, but . . . Well, let’s catch up and see where you stand,” Nicholas suggested. “And that’s it for the drinking. Lexi doesn’t really drink, so getting bombed won’t gain you the sympathy vote.”

They put their glasses on an empty tray as it came by and turned to look for the rest of the group.


When they caught up to Lexi
, she was standing between Kayley and Drew, staring at a geometric painting in browns, greens, and blues. Paul stood behind Lexi, closer than Flynn preferred.

What is it?” Kayley asked as Flynn took up position behind Drew and devoted his attention to Lexi rather than the painting.

A pine tree,” Lexi answered. She held a tumbler and finished her Dr. Pepper as Kayley tried to make sense of the painting again.

How do you figure?” Drew questioned her identification of the item.

Look at it sideways.”

Drew tilted his head slightly to the left.

“No,” Lexi clarified, “it fell to the right, like it’s been cut down.”

Paul chuckled softly as Drew and Kayley both tilted their heads to the right. He took Lexi
’s empty glass from her and handed it to a hovering caterer. Flynn fought the urge to deck him for the smoothness of the move.

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