Alexander, Kortny - Come and Get Me [Whispering Mountain 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: Alexander, Kortny - Come and Get Me [Whispering Mountain 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Once he was fully seated inside of her, his breathing had become quick, and he could feel beads of sweat forming over his upper lip. His hands were shaking as he gripped her hips.
Why the hell am I so nervous?

Apparently, sitting still and enjoying the way she engulfed his cock wasn’t enough for May. She had begun to rock back and forth on him. She was starting without him. With each stroke against his cock, she seemed to grow wetter.

Looking down at her, he cupped the side of her face with one hand. “Take what you need, baby.” He kissed her forehead then her eyes, slowly making his way to her lips. With his other hand he gripped her hip tighter as he thrust into her.

Remy didn’t realize how much he had missed and craved this connection with May. He deepened his kiss, feeling frantic. He pulled closer, pressing her breasts to his chest. Their moans and groans grew louder as they bit, sucked, and teased each other with their lips, teeth, and tongues.

May’s hands roamed over the nape of his neck and into his hair. Once she gave a good tug, Remy gave a deep growl in turn but tilted his head to the side. She attacked his neck, licking and nipping as her body began to tremble.

“Come for me, May. I can feel your greedy pussy quivering.” He recalled that the first time they’d been together, his dirty words had had such an effect on her. He smiled to himself as she laid her head on his shoulder, digging her nails into his back. “Oh, there it is. I feel it, princess.” The intensity of her orgasm was clearly overwhelming. She pressed her lips to his shoulder to muffle her cries, but she kept moving. Her orgasm continued.

Splaying one hand against her back and wrapping the other around her waist, Remy couldn’t stop his frantic thrusts. Every time he pulled back, her pussy seemed to grip harder, pulling him back in. Her muffled cries were an aphrodisiac. He knew she was coming again.

“Greedy girl.”

May let out a breathless chuckle as they kept up their momentum. “K–keep up…cowboy.”

He took her mouth again as his orgasm tore through him. They kept kissing until they finally slowed, coming to a stop. When they broke their kiss, the only sounds that could be heard were their harsh pants.

Breathless and sated, neither said a word, just embraced each other as if someone would rip them apart. At that moment, Remy swore to himself that he would never let her walk out of his life again.

No matter the circumstances that brought her to his home, Remy had the woman who’d haunted his dreams for several months in his arms, and he knew he’d fight like hell to keep her safe and in his life. Finding out she was pregnant only cemented the idea that walking out of his life was definitely out of the question.

Remy was thrilled about becoming a dad. May might run from her feelings, but that precious baby inside of her tied her to him and his brother for the rest of their lives. Remy didn’t believe in miracles, but he vowed to himself as he held May in his arms he would convince her to give their relationship a try.

Chapter 8

Kane stormed inside his room, quickly pulling out his secured cell phone. There was only one person he could talk to about this. He pressed in the digits and waited for the phone to ring. She picked up on the second ring.

“Is everything okay?”

He forgot he had instructed everyone not to call them. “Yes, everything is fine. I didn’t mean to worry you. That’s not why I called.”

Silence filled the void for long moments. “Okay, I’m listening.”

Just the thought of what had occurred angered him. “May is pregnant.” He heard the soft gasp but kept talking. “I have no idea how long she has known this, but she didn’t have the decency to call me nor Remy and tell us.”

“First of all, remember your tone. And I thought we all made it clear that no one speaks ill of the Showers women.”

He took a deep, calming breath. “Sorry, Mom.” He knew Katelyn Durden was a sweet woman, but no one raised their voice when speaking to her. Not even his dads, Joseph and Jethro, raised their voices to her. “I wasn’t speaking ill of May. When she walked through the door, I could tell almost instantly.”

“I hope you’re sitting down, son.” He sat. “I can’t say I know exactly what was going through May’s head, but I can probably guess. We all know that the Showers women came from a traditional home. It’s not always easy to accept our lifestyle. You’ve seen some of your friends get their hearts broken because of that. Your dads and I saw the way the three of you kept exchanging glances at Summer’s wedding. May is crazy about you and Remy, and you and your brother are literally nuts for her. But to act on those feelings is a different story.

“You need to calm yourself before you approach her again. You are there in that house to protect her, so I expect you to get your crap together and work it out. Don’t say anything to her while you are angry. Words hurt more than most people realize, and you can’t take them back. I take it your brother took the news better than you?”

Kane took in everything his mother had just said. The entire Durden family loved and protected all the Showers women. At the moment he was literally protecting her life and now their baby’s life. He would never let anyone hurt her, including himself. His mother was right…as usual.

“Remy is in the other room talking to her now. You know he was always the level-headed twin.” They were fraternal twins, but they did just about everything in the same manner. The major difference between Kane and his brother was Kane’s short-fuse temper.

“Well then, you need to get it together. You have two precious lives to protect.” Katelyn laughed softly. “It’s about time somebody gave me a grandchild. Congratulations, son. Give that message to both May and Remy once you have that temper of yours under control.”

Kane could only laugh. His mother had that effect on all his siblings. She always gave them the truth with a touch of sugar. “Thanks, Mom. Love you. Give Dads a hug from me.”

“Will do. Now please be careful up there.”

“I will. I promise.”

Kane ended the call. He knew he had to apologize to May. He tried putting himself in her shoes to better understand why she never returned any of their calls and why she hadn’t told them about the baby. Kane shook his head as thoughts crept into his mind.

Why was this so difficult for her? They hadn’t forced her to leave the wedding. He felt the strong pull of his attraction growing for her every time he saw her. It was no secret that Bo would call and tell him whenever May was stopping by his house to see Spring. Sometimes it would be Kane or Remy that would arrive at Bo’s house, and sometimes it would be both of them. Any opportunity they had to see May, they’d take it.

Kane had felt like an anxious kid sitting around the campfire with Summer and his brother at work, drumming up ways to see May. Kane had been grateful that when her wedding day approached, Summer had come up with the idea to have May stay with them. It had been the stroke of luck he’d been waiting for. Kane had made it clear that he wanted May, and Summer had made it abundantly clear her sister wouldn’t play hard to get. She was hard to get.

As he sat on the bed still trying to think as May had, he slowly began to understand. Accepting two men into her life couldn’t be easy for May. How could he have expected her to handle that with ease? Whenever she saw him or his brother, her face lit up with excitement before she quickly suppressed it. She was never cold to him, but any type of close contact was simply out of the question.

The opportunity to keep her in his life was in his grasp. She was stuck in the house with him and his brother until further notice. He smiled to himself. Whether she realized it or not, his baby bonded her to him and Remy. Kane couldn’t be certain if the baby May was carrying was his or Remy’s, and he didn’t care. It wasn’t the way he thought their blossoming relationship would begin, but he wouldn’t change it.

Finally feeling calm and motivated about his future and becoming a dad, Kane stood up. He left the room in search of her. Kane wasn’t sure what would happen, but the first thing he was going to do was apologize. When he reached the family room he was shocked at what he found. Both May’s and Remy’s clothes were strewn across the floor, but they were gone. He grinned and shook his head in disbelief.

“Definitely the level-headed twin.” He gathered up the clothing and tossed it on the sofa. He figured it was best to let the two of them have their time together. His time would come soon. First he had some groveling to do.

Kane decided he would get lunch started. He didn’t want to hound May about the case, but he needed to find out what she knew. He trusted Trevor and Orin, but he wanted to see her reaction when he talked to her. The Timmons man assumed May had something that belonged to him and was willing to harm her in order to retrieve it. What the hell was it? And why did he think May had it?

* * * *

“Yum, everything looks delicious. Why did you make so many sandwiches?” May teased Kane when she walked into the kitchen wearing a pair of cotton pants, a T-shirt, and no socks. Remy was following close behind her. He had raised a fuss over her not wearing any socks but finally gave up when he realized she wouldn’t put them on. She would have to get used to one of them being around her at all times and being extra cautious.

Kane turned toward the door at the sound of her voice. This time when he stared at her, he wasn’t frowning. He had a genuine smile on his face.
What a difference a cooling-off period makes.
“I’m sorry for being an idiot. I could have handled the situation better. Can we start over?”

May walked further into the Italian-styled kitchen that looked like it should be featured on a decorating show. She found something new to admire every time she stepped into a different room.

“Sure, we can start over.” She let out a deep breath. It was a huge relief not to be on Kane’s bad side. She was stuck in the house with both men until Earl Timmons was apprehended. Being on good terms would really help pass the time. She wasn’t a fan of arguing, and that was not how she wanted to spend her time.

Remy pulled out a chair for her at the oversized breakfast bar. He was her weakness. Kane was her downfall. May was unsure what would happen during her stay, but having their baby wouldn’t be the reason they stayed together. Heartbroken by the thought, she needed more than just the feeling of obligation.

“I wasn’t sure what you would want to eat. Don’t know if you have cravings, so I just put together a little of everything we had.”

“That was very sweet of you, Kane. I haven’t had any cravings. For the past few months, I thought I was going through a frenzied allergy spell. Turns out it was morning sickness. Right now, I’m starving.” She grinned as she hopped off her chair and grabbed a plate. Her eyes went wide. She wanted everything on the platter.

There were several choices of lunch meats and breads. Three types of mustards, lettuce, and sliced tomatoes lay on another platter. She nearly tripped over her own feet when she saw her favorite cheeses, Colby and Monterey Jack, partially unwrapped.
Good grief.
She was in sandwich heaven.

May loaded a little of everything between her two pieces of potato bread. She damn near drooled when she took an appreciative glance at the towering finished product. Satisfied with her sandwich, she took a huge bite out of it, moaning as she did so. She didn’t bother waiting until she sat down.

She was taking her second bite when she noticed how quiet the kitchen had become. May looked up as she chewed. She saw two pairs of gleaming blue eyes staring back at her.

“Sorry,” she mumbled. “I didn’t realize how famished I was.”

“No need to apologize,” Kane said as he helped her to her seat. Remy reached across the counter and placed her plate in front of her. “That’s definitely our kid in your belly.” All three laughed. “We will make sure you are well taken care of, May.”

Corrupt thoughts quickly flooded her mind. She didn’t want either man feeling obligated to
take care of her
because she was pregnant. She was a little saddened by that statement, but it didn’t stop her from devouring her food. Her expectations of what would happen between them was still questionable.

“Eat up, princess,” Remy added. He poured her a glass of milk. “You’re going to need your strength.”

“Once we finish with lunch, I want to talk about Mr. Timmons,” Kane said as he fixed his own sandwich.

May nodded. She knew that topic would come up sooner or later. “We can discuss it while I eat. I don’t mind.”

“Okay,” Kane said as he picked up his plate.

Remy had begun eating, periodically checking to make sure she was okay. Once Kane sat down on the opposite side of her, he placed his hand on her back, caressing her gently.

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