Alexander, Kortny - Come and Get Me [Whispering Mountain 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (5 page)

BOOK: Alexander, Kortny - Come and Get Me [Whispering Mountain 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Chapter 6

The sun was just coming up over the horizon, but May recognized the area almost instantly. Why the hell were they in the same city where two of her sisters lived? Any idiot with a computer would find her here. May was about to voice her opinion when she realized they weren’t headed to either of her sisters’ homes but were instead going toward the mountains.

“Where are we going?”

She caught Trevor eyeing her in the rearview mirror, but he didn’t respond.

“I’m not some incompetent little witness that needs coddling.” May slammed her hand down on the empty seat beside her. She instantly became irritated with being ignored. “I know you both can hear me.”

Trevor locked eyes with her once again. The only response he gave was an arched brow. Orin didn’t even bother turning around in the passenger seat. May slumped back in her seat, pissed off with both men.

When the SUV she was traveling in slowed down to turn onto a gravel drive, May sat up once again. She looked around, and as far as the eye could see were humongous, lush trees, bushes, thicket, and barely any life at all. It only took moments before the most beautiful mansion popped into view.

“Okay, tell me what an Italian-style castle is doing deep in the woods of Whispering Mountain?” May thought the home was jaw-
gorgeous but out of place. “This isn’t even close to being inconspicuous.”

Orin finally turned around in the passenger seat. “The men that own this house are the ones that will be protecting you.”

May almost jumped out of her seat. “You mean you two are just going to dump me off with a couple of strangers? Are you telling me that you trust my life with these men? Why in the
aren’t you two going to be here, protecting me like you said?”

Trevor huffed out loud as he put the SUV in park. Orin sighed before placing a hand on her knee. “May, we can’t do everything. We trust these guys with our lives, and on several occasions, we had to do just that. They worked in a different unit but backed us up on a few missions once upon a time.”

Trevor added, “We will be heading up the protection detail around the perimeter of the house. Don’t forget we still have to watch your house. We have a contact or two that are keeping an eye out for Earl Timmons. While we are still working on what he wants from you, you will stay here and let these men protect you.” Trevor had all but growled out the last part.

May’s eyes widened. Trevor was giving her an order. His tone let her know there would be no arguing. Her safety was important. After the incident in the parking garage yesterday, she knew things were escalating. She let out a relenting sigh. It was no use in putting up a fight. Trevor and Orin were just as stubborn, and the looks they had given her were clear indications that their minds were made up.

“Fine.” She opened her door, not waiting for Trevor or Orin to open theirs. “Where are these guys?” Although she trusted Trevor and Orin’s judgment, she prayed these men were as good as they said.

She inhaled the sweet mountain air. It had an instant calming effect on her body and mind. A cool breeze suddenly swirled around her, causing May to button up her coat. May took a couple of steps forward, away from the truck. She was captivated by the gorgeous, picturesque mountains. The enormous home was surrounded by shrubbery, trees that housed intricate bird feeders, and ornate benches strategically placed around the property. It all looked as if it belonged in a painting or even an architectural magazine. The entire landscaped scene took her breath away.

There were several large multicolored stone chimneys, and tall, soaring, picturesque windows. This was no run-of-the-mill safe house. This was a vacation spot. A spa retreat. She could get really comfortable in that house.

“Glad to see you guys made it to our vacation home safely.”

May froze. She would know that silky-smooth, soul-trembling, deep voice anywhere. She felt the slow-growing quiver in her body. An internal battle began. Her body was reacting to the voice she knew all too well, but her mind was reeling with questions. Shock and confusion were instantly replaced by a quick recollection. Never would she have imagined that minutes ago, when Orin was chatting about the guys he trusted with his life and who had also backed him up on a few missions, those guys would be Remy and Kane. Learning that they had worked with Trevor and Orin was surprising, but it wasn’t as if she’d shared every aspect of her past with either Remy or Kane.

“Remy,” she whispered, just before turning to face him. She hadn’t heard him walking toward them. The ocean-blue eyes nailed her.
How did he manage to do that?
They pierced right down into her soul. It had been so long since she had last seen him. He looked angry, threatening, worried, and something she couldn’t quite put a finger on. The long-sleeve, black Henley shirt, black jeans, and matching black boots made her want to groan. If she overlooked the holstered guns, the man looked like he was ready for a night on the town, yet his stance and the way his sharp eyes scanned the perimeter spoke volumes. By just watching Remy, mentally acknowledging how lethal he looked standing only a few feet from her, she knew she should never assume anything.

Although it felt like years since she had seen him, it had only been three months. Three
long months. Images from the night she had shared with him and his brother flooded back, rendering her speechless. She was light-headed for a split second and felt the warm tingling below her navel. The fluttering grew quickly and spread throughout her body. She wanted to be in his arms now! But she refused to act on it, to move closer to him. She wouldn’t fold that easily.

“May, how long are you going to stand there?” Remy scanned the area once again before his eyes landed back on her. “I need for you to get inside the house. Trevor and Orin already grabbed your bags and went inside.”

What the hell?
How long had she been standing, staring at Remy like a silly schoolgirl? “Sure, sure, I’m coming in. It’s just so beautiful out here.” That was all she could come up with, and he clearly didn’t believe her, by the funky smirk he wore on his face.

May stalked past him, trying her best to keep her composure. There was nothing she wanted more than to kiss him right then. She couldn’t believe how much her fingers itched to touch his face and to caress those lips just before she kissed him. But she knew things wouldn’t be that easy. Not by a long shot. She just wondered how long it would take before one of them brought up that hot, exquisite night they had shared.

* * * *

Remy locked the door and set the alarm after they walked into the house. He thought he had hit the lottery when Trevor had phoned him about May. It was clear she didn’t realize how much danger she could be in. Trevor and Orin knew of his and Kane’s connection to May, so it was only natural they would call him first.

It had been years since either Remy or Kane had been on a mission. They had traveled the world and hunted down some of the most dangerous men. Bringing the bad guys in alive was never a part of their missions. Remy and Kane had decided that after their death toll passed the twenty mark, they would get out before the job completely hardened their souls. Moving into the slow pace of architectural design and real estate had been a great decision. And their family was grateful for the change.

When they’d agreed to guard May, Remy had made sure to tell only his parents about May’s situation and where they would be and made it abundantly clear that no one was to call or arrive on the property unless he or Kane gave specified instructions to do so. He knew May was extremely close to her sisters. To keep trouble from brewing, he had managed to soothe over the situation with May’s sisters by telling them this was an opportunity for him and Kane to win her over. Which wasn’t a lie. And thankfully he didn’t have any worries about leaving the firm in the hands of his competent family and crew.

As he brought up the rear, he had the almost uncontrollable urge to swallow. Hard. May’s plump ass was luscious in her jeans. She had a radiant glow about her, but he shook that off as his mind playing tricks on him. It had been a while since he had seen her. He wanted her naked right there in the foyer so he could do whatever he wanted to her.

She had been on his mind constantly since that night they had shared together. If he was honest with himself, she had been a lingering image in his mind since the first time he had laid eyes on her.

He shook his head. May had dodged every call he or Kane had made to her. Now he had her in their home with nowhere for her to run. She would have to deal with them. They would make her face facts about the loving relationship they could have together. May was what he wanted, and she was what he was going to get. Remy smiled to himself. He was positive she would fight him every step of the way.

They had entered the spacious family room. After removing her coat and placing it on a nearby chair, May had moved silently over to the fireplace, pretending to look at the pictures sitting on the mantel. Trevor, Orin, and Kane were having a tense conversation that instantly halted when Kane laid his eyes on May.

For a brief moment, Remy caught his brother’s stare, or was it a glare? Kane had a puzzled look on his face as he looked from him then to May. Remy wanted to laugh when his brother’s brows furrowed and he cocked his head to one side, taking a long head-to-toe examining look at May. There was something about her that always had him doing a double take as well.

“Kane, are you all right?” Remy chuckled lightly as he watched May shuffle side to side, as if to deflect Kane’s roving eye.

Kane raised a hand to speak but was interrupted by the loud beeping sound erupting from Orin’s cell phone.

“What is that?” Remy asked as he stalked over to where the three men stood.

After a quick glance at his phone, Orin answered, “That would be the special alarm system we set up over at May’s house.” Just as he was about to explain, Trevor’s cell phone started ringing.

The look on Orin’s face was telling. He knew more that she realized. “I don’t need to wait to hear what Trevor has to say.” Orin locked eyes with May. “Someone has broken into your house.” He turned back to Remy. “My phone alerts me when the perimeter we set up around May’s house is broken. Trevor’s phone rings if and when they actually penetrate her house.”

“It seems both have happened,” Trevor interrupted. He walked quickly over to May and gave her a brief hug. “We have to get back. You are in good hands, and you know it.” Trevor winked at her just as Orin walked up behind him.

“We will return after we investigate whatever has happened at your house, but we need to question whoever it was as soon as possible. The men we have watching your house would have waited until the intruder entered your house before apprehending him.” Orin glanced over his shoulder at Remy and Kane. When he turned back to face May, his lips had curved into a grin. “You are safe with your men.” He hugged her tight and whispered in her ear, “Work it out.”

That was the worst example of whispering.
Remy silently walked back to the front door, the two older men falling in behind him. He turned off the alarm and watched Trevor and Orin leave. He stood at the door longer than necessary. Things were silently heating up in the family room, and he wasn’t sure he would be able to handle it. Something told him Kane had a thing or two he needed to get off his chest, and his brother was about to burst at the seams.

When Remy entered the room once again, he wanted to laugh. May was still standing in front of the fireplace, frozen like a deer caught in the headlights. He was close enough to notice that Kane’s calm blues had darkened. Remy could not tell if his younger brother was pissed or horny.

Something was off.

Remy ignored his brother’s continuous glare at May and instead decided to speak to her first. “May, would you like to eat, drink, take a seat?” She didn’t even look up.

Her eyes were pinned to the floor. “No.”

It was a low mumble, but Remy heard her. He stood in the middle of the room. Kane was to his left and May was to his right. The air seemed suddenly thick with silence. Something was going on, and he was completely missing it.

“All right, dammit, what the hell is going on?” Remy didn’t like being kept in the dark.

Kane’s lips tightened as he continued to stare at May, and she wouldn’t make eye contact with either of them. With a loud huff, Remy realized this was not going to give him any results, so he tried another route.

“May, would you like to see your room? Your bags are already in there.”

“She’s staying right where she is, Remy, until she can explain herself.”

Remy turned, staring coldly at his brother. He loved him, but Kane could be a real asshole at times. “Kane, we can discuss why our little princess has ignored us for the last few months later.”

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