Alexander, Kortny - Come and Get Me [Whispering Mountain 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: Alexander, Kortny - Come and Get Me [Whispering Mountain 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“When you say ‘sleep with you every night—’”

Kane pinched her butt, and she yelped. “You know exactly what Remy means. No matter whose bedroom, we all sleep together. It’s something you need to get used to.”

* * * *

May loved pushing their buttons. It made things more interesting. Sleeping with them? She hadn’t thought things would come to that. She was highly sated at the moment, and sleepy, but figured one of them would have taken her back to her room where her suitcases were. Clearly she had figured wrong.

Having sex with either Remy or Kane was fantastic, but she wondered what they would say to taking her at the same time? She thought it was great that they took her separately or one inside of her and the other in her mouth, but she wanted the next step, the deeper connection.

Her sister Summer had told her how wonderful it could be, and May wanted that more than anything. She wanted to be filled by the two men she was in love with.

In love?
She could never admit that to either of them. She couldn’t be certain they felt that way about her, and she would be damned if she would say it first. She was carrying their baby and in love with them. How screwed up could she get?

The room was quiet. Now was just as good a time as any to speak up.

“The next time we have sex, I want both of you inside me at the same time.”

What the hell?
Is Kane choking?
She swore Remy had stopped breathing.

May looked to her left and right. “Am I talking to myself?” She wanted to laugh, finally satisfied she had shocked them.



The room went silent again.

“May, I don’t think you realize what you’re asking,” Kane said as he pulled back from her slightly.

She could swear Remy still wasn’t breathing.

“I didn’t ask a question. I’m telling you what I want.” She rolled onto her back and both men propped up on their sides.

“We may actually hurt you.” A worried look flashed across Remy’s face. When she turned to Kane, his expression matched his brother’s.

She leaned over and kissed each of her men. “You will take care of me. I trust you both.”

They were both still silent with the same nervous looks.

“Okay, I will make this easy. At some point, I want you both at the same time or the sex disappears completely.”

Remy was the first to shout. “What? Hell no!”

“Fuck that!”

She laughed. Leave it to Kane and Remy to be poetic.

“Well, that’s settled. I’m going to take a nap.” May turned over, satisfied with herself. She needed a shower, but she wanted to smell them on her skin as she fell asleep.

“So I guess little Ms. Princess is running the show.”

“Whatever.” Remy sounded like a sullen child. She wanted to laugh.

“Take a nap or get out, boys. The princess and the baby need a nap.” She knew it was a low blow, but she was tired. The fatigue was getting to her.

Apparently, the simple threat worked. As May closed her eyes, she knew she had to savor the fun and carefree time she was having with Remy and Kane. She wouldn’t be able to relax for long. Earl could be anywhere, and she was going to make sure she was prepared for him.

Chapter 10

“After months of unanswered calls, we finally get May under our roof. That was shocking enough, but to get such a huge bombshell dropped on us is…I don’t know what to say. I swear life knows how to throw a curve ball. I still can’t believe she’s pregnant.” Kane shook his head as he stood staring out the window in the living room. They’d left May in the bedroom. Her naps lasted longer than he expected. “I’m not upset about the news, just surprised.” No matter how many times he imagined seeing her again, making love to her, Kane couldn’t deny the fact he was still confused about the entire situation.

She was carrying their child, and yet she’d asked nothing of them. How was he supposed to function in Whispering Mountain after learning that the woman he wanted more than his next breath was pregnant with his child and living an hour away in Denver nonetheless.

“Look, she admitted that when she found out about the baby, the situation with Timmons kind of messed her up.” Remy stopped beside him, hands in his pockets.

Kane stole a glance at his brother only to see that Remy looked just as forlorn as he felt.

“I understand that…now. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did but hell, this isn’t how I pictured us starting our lives together.” Kane loved watching the sun set. At that moment, he wished the setting sun would eliminate the danger surrounding May. He wished that the only issue they had at the moment was when May would be moving in with them, but life was never that simple.

“It’s not like I expect May to give up her job or even pack up and move up here with us…” Remy turned, locking eyes with his brother.

Without saying anything, Kane completely understood. “But that’s what you want.” Remy smirked and nodded. Kane couldn’t help but agree. “Yeah, so do I, Remy.”

“So what are we going to do?” Remy asked as he walked over to the sofa and sat down. “I mean what do we do after this craziness with Timmons is over and we get back to our real lives. What the hell do we do?”

Kane followed his brother, taking a seat in a chair across from the sofa. “I know we sure as shit can’t force her to be with us. She’s become proficient at avoiding us.”

“Pressuring May is not going to work well for either of us. Let’s not even think about what could happen if we ask her to marry us.”

Kane knew his brother was right. May was stubborn, and if they pushed her too hard she might cut them out of her life. He loved her and was willing to do whatever it took to keep her. “That little cupid bastard is sadistic.” It wasn’t meant to be funny, but Kane couldn’t stop himself from laughing. It must have been contagious because his brother joined in.

* * * *

Remy laughed, hard. It was a pleasurable release to finally be able to laugh at something. Kane was definitely correct. Cupid wasn’t making things easy for them.

“We just have to take things with May one day at a time. I swear I’m all thumbs when it comes to figuring out what’s going on in that head of hers.”

Kane slapped his hand on the arm of the chair he was sitting in. “Come on. No use in moping around. Let’s go fix the princess something to eat.”

Remy stood and followed his brother into the kitchen. May would wake soon, and her appetite was hilarious. He loved to watch her eat. He loved watching her. Remy had never been able to put a finger on why he and his brother shared women. He knew a portion of it had to do with the fact that it was considered normal in his family. Sharing women was as natural as breathing. He’d even shared with a few of his cousins, but it didn’t take him long to realize that sharing a woman with only Kane seemed right. Together, they could give a woman infinite pleasure. Alone, he could fall in love. That was the reason Remy never took a woman alone or even had the urge to do so until May walked into his life. He’d learned, not surprisingly, that Kane had felt the exact same way.

Remy couldn’t fathom life without May. A lunatic was out to get her, and it was up to him and his brother to protect her and their unborn baby. He felt an undeniable warmth surround him momentarily as he realized that although their situation was difficult for May to handle, when she said she was pregnant, not once did she question who the father was. He and Kane had no intentions of bothering with such irrelevance. It didn’t matter if he was the biological father or Kane was. The baby was both of theirs. Maybe there was a chance for them after all.

After grabbing himself a quick snack, Remy and Kane fixed May a few grilled-cheese sandwiches and a bowl of soup. Remy piled everything onto a tray and took it to her. When Kane opened the bedroom door, May was propped up on the bed, hair still slightly damp from showering, watching television.

“How in the hell did you find reruns of
Gilligan’s Island
?” Kane teased, after turning to see what she was watching.

May giggled and pressed the volume button on the remote control.

“Keep turning it up and I’m taking the batteries out of that damn remote,” Remy warned as he placed the tray across her lap. He laughed.
The little wench has the nerve to pout.
He leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips.

“Mmmm, what was that for?” May asked as she dove into her food.

“No reason.” Remy sat down beside her and pressed the mute button on the remote as Kane walked around to the opposite side of the bed and sat.

May’s gaze was playful as she looked from Kane to Remy. “I’m not a circus act, boys. I don’t need you both watching me eat.”

Kane grazed his hand over her cheek and smirked at her. “No, you’re not, but we will create our own little circus as soon as you finish eating.”

Both men slid back onto the bed to watch TV. Remy turned the volume back up on the television. Several minutes passed by before anyone spoke.

“You know I’m crazy about you, right?” Remy asked as he removed the now-empty tray from May’s lap. When he turned around to face her, she wore a crooked grin.

“I know now,” she said as she patted the area he had just vacated. When Remy was close enough, she pulled him in closer for a deep, passionate kiss.

Remy could see the eagerness in her eyes. He could tell she was happy by his remark, but when she broke eye contact for a brief instant, he knew she needed more from him. Was he ready to admit more? Remy didn’t have time to ponder the question because Kane hooked a finger under her chin and turned her in his direction.

“You already know how important you are to me. I need those sweet lips on mine now, love.”

Remy could see the obvious love for May burning in his brother’s eyes.

When Kane pulled her onto his lap, Remy thought he’d gone to heaven. “She’s naked under that T-shirt.” Remy crawled up behind May and cupped her bare bottom. “You’re about to get your wish, princess.” He swept her hair to the side and nibbled along her shoulder. The sweet scent of apples permeated from her soft skin.

After nipping and kissing on her ear, Remy slid from the bed and undressed. He retrieved a small bottle of lube and a condom and placed them both on the nightstand. He grinned as he watched Kane remove the single item of clothing May had been wearing. Kane lifted her off his lap and placed her back onto the bed. Remy didn’t bother with what his brother was doing. When May locked eyes with him, he felt a knot growing in his stomach and climbing to his throat. Somehow, sitting on the bed, wonderfully naked and vulnerable, she managed to make him nervous.

Remy followed her gaze when she looked to the nightstand and back to him. She’d spotted the lube and condom, and a knowing, sneaky, teasing smile curved her lips. May kicked the covers back and sat on her haunches. Her eyes twinkled with joy. Remy knew he was in trouble. How could he ever say no to her? He would never be able to refuse her of anything she desired. She had him in the palm of her hand. He was the only one who hadn’t realized it until now.

His cock was stiff, and pre-cum had formed at the now purplish head. He ached to be inside her, to feel her silky smooth skin against his. There was nothing more knee buckling than when he pushed the head of his cock inside her welcoming, warm sheath. Her pussy pulsated around his cock every time they were together, sending spine-tingling sensations bouncing through his body and straight to his toes. Standing near the bed watching her had all but caused him to spill his seed on the floor. Rushing to the bed with an unsteady gait, May scrambled on the mattress to meet him at the edge.

They embraced each other with a hurried fervor, lips clashing together, both struggling for control that neither had. Hungry groans flittered from Remy and May as the kiss deepened, engulfed in a blazing passion to taste every bit of each other. Pressing her body flush with his, Remy maneuvered May until she was lying on her back with her legs hanging over the edge of the bed. When she parted her legs, pulling him between them, she wrapped her hand around his thick cock, guiding him to her wet slit.

Remy smiled down at his little vixen.

May wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him to her until he felt his dick penetrating her slick folds. She groaned as he growled. Every little noise that slipped out of her heated his skin, driving Remy insane with lust. He pressed forward until he was seated deep inside her pussy, gripping her waist. Within seconds he was slamming in and out of her as she begged for more. When she arched her back and the walls of her pussy quivered, Remy grinned.

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