Alexandr's Cherished Submissive (39 page)

BOOK: Alexandr's Cherished Submissive
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Catrin was crying out as Krom began to pump hard into her, his grunts a masculine counterpart to her pleading noises. Jessica stilled beneath Maks’ touch then lifted her head, her attention totally on Catrin getting fucked into submission. Nico noticed Alex watching and shouted out, “Bring your girl over here. Catrin is being too noisy. I need something to keep her mouth busy.”

Catrin moaned long and loud, making Krom curse as she twisted up against him, her orgasm making her hips work him in harsh jerks. Krom held on, his lips drawn back in a snarl while he slammed into Catrin. Ivan hefted his girl into his arms, the shine of her arousal coating his erection as he carried her over to the lounge and placed her next to Jessica. Sarnai gave a happy sigh, her breasts red from being struck, her pussy swollen from Ivan’s hard fucking. Alex gritted his teeth, the need to be inside Jessica almost overwhelming him. Catching Maks’ gaze, he unhooked the chains from Jessica’s cuffs.

“Jessica, stand up and tell Maks thank you.”

She stumbled to her feet, and he was there in an instant, holding her weaving body against his. Her voice was thick as she whispered, “Thank you, Master Maks.”

Maks’ gaze softened to the point that Alex wondered if he needed to reconsider allowing Maks any access to Jessica. There was devotion, yes, but also a tenderness Alex did not like. Before he could move his girl away, Maks had her chin cupped in his hand and drew her down to him, kissing her until she sank into his embrace, her ass pressed into Alex’s erection as she returned Maks’ kiss, her body undulating with need. That odd jealousy sparked again, and he gently guided her away from Maks and broke their kiss. When she focused on him, he saw that her eyes were fever-bright with need.

Without looking at anyone, he said in Russian, “Ivan, have your girl take care of Maks. I’m going to take my woman and fuck her until she can’t walk.”



Chapter Twenty-One



Jessica could barely walk already as Alex led her over to a smaller, three-person size daybed covered in pale sage green silk and mounded with floral embroidered pillows. Tall, potted palm trees arched overhead, and a little fountain bubbled nearby. The atmosphere was at once comforting and sensual, exactly what she needed after that overwhelming scene on Maks’ lap. As usual, Alex seemed to read her mind, sensing she needed reassurance, and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. No matter how much she searched his gaze, she could only find acceptance and desire, no anger or anything like that. When she kissed Maks that last time, she was sure she saw jealousy in Alex’s expression, but if she had, it was gone now.

Or she could be totally seeing things that weren’t there because of her own internal conflict that was easing by the minute.

“Lift,” Alex said as he removed her dress, leaving her standing naked before him.

Melanie and Laz came in, looking flushed and happy, their arms wrapped around each other as they scanned the room. Melanie was now nude except for a thick, gold waist chain, and she gave Jessica a big smile and a wink when their gazes met. Laz grinned at her before turning his attention to where Ivan, Maks, and Sarnai were playing. Her interest piqued as she watched all five of them descend into a laughing, touching, kissing tangle of limbs and groping hands.

To her shock, Alex gave her breast a hard slap. “Eyes on me.”

Looking back to him, she swallowed down a moan at his ravenous gaze going over her body, the sting from her smacked breast only adding to her arousal. “Someday we will play with them. Someday I will watch you take pleasure from as many people as you can handle, and I will love it. But right now, I am greedy for you,
prinsessa moya

He tossed her dress to the side, his gaze devouring her. She started to shift, to hide herself, but his displeased sound made her freeze in place. A warm, disarming arousal moved through her, the satisfaction that came from realizing she was with a man who was in total control of himself, and her. Part of her was aware that more than one pair of eyes were watching them, but it didn’t matter. The only person in the room who felt real was her Master.

Without thought, she reached out and cupped his cheek, rubbing her thumb over his goatee. “I missed you.”

His stern expression fractured as he grinned then shook his head. “
Devushka milaya
, what am I going to do with you?”

“Love me?”

“Always,” he whispered before claiming her lips in a slow, sensual kiss that left her gasping in his arms.

She’d experienced many different kinds of pleasure with Alex in their brief time together as lovers, but something about this night changed things between them. While she was not as experienced as Alex, she knew that accepting his lifestyle reassured him in a way she didn’t understand yet. Thank God she not only enjoyed what he taught her, but yearned for it. The more control she gave to him, the more he helped her feel like it was okay to be as hedonistic as she desired, because she always ended her night in his arms.

His love for her shone like a beacon. Despite the rather loud and aggressive activities happening on the other side of the room, they were in their own little sensual bubble. They took their time exploring each other with gentle touches, tasting and savoring the feeling of being together. This was one of the first things Alex had taught her, patience to build the fire inside until it was a roaring inferno, burning her with the need for his body. The salt on his skin sat heavy on her tongue as she licked his thick, corded neck, her hands working his large cock while he groaned against her lips.

“Put me in your tight
,” he whispered against her mouth, the silk caressing her bare skin while he maneuvered her onto her side.

Facing each other, he flexed his hips as she fit his shaft to her entrance, pushing into her aching flesh. Unable to help herself, she gasped and moaned softly. “So good.”

“Your body loves my cock,” he ground out as he pushed into her all the way to the root, his balls pressing against her buttocks as he lifted her leg higher on his hip. “Grips me, tight.”

At his rough talk, her pussy did indeed grip him tight, and he groaned. “You have velvet fist.”

That odd phrase dragged her out of her arousal a bit. “Huh?”

Sweat popped up on his brow as he continued to move in and out of her at a pace that made her feel every inch of him. “Old courtesan trick. To squeeze the pussy like that, strong enough to feel like fist clenching cock, but better. Highly prized.”

She almost gave him a lecture on Kegel exercises being beneficial to a woman’s health, not just for sex, but her response was lost in a shriek as he slammed hard into her, hard enough that it stung deep inside.

“Do not argue with me when I am fucking you, unless you want me to fuck the fight right out of you.”

She made a mental note to fight with him sometime in the future while they were having sex.

Leaning over, he kissed along her jaw, his chest hair scraping her nipples while he rocked slowly into her. “Your little clit is so hard. Ride me.”

Her breath came out in a whoosh as he easily maneuvered them so she was on top, her body almost immediately moving as she fucked him. Yeah, he might have been making love with her, but she wanted to come, and she wanted it now. He grasped her breasts in a punishing grip, and she bucked against him, sinking his dick all the way inside. Bracing her hands on his chest, she rode him hard, her thighs aching as she bounced on his cock, her orgasm close enough that her thoughts had gone fuzzy, all of her focus now turned to the sensation of her muscles tightening and the wonderful euphoria that would soon flood her.

“Come for me,
prinsessa moya
. Soak me with your juice.”

She shuddered and cried out as her orgasm overwhelmed her. Alex took over moving her body, his hands on her hips as he held her still so he could fuck her, pounding her pussy until another orgasm came close on the heels of the second, her poor clit so sensitive the rasp of his pubic hair against her exposed bud was too much. She began to fight him, and he snarled. She opened her eyes enough to look down at him. His face was a fierce mask of need, and she made a mewling sound low in her throat while he continued to fuck her hard enough that her teeth clicked.

With a final grinding thrust, he stilled beneath her, his back arched and lifted her from the daybed. He filled her up with throbs strong enough for her to feel, his head rubbing against the mattress as he thrust up into her, his body slick with sweat. He was magnificent—a study in power and strength, and he was all hers.

She wilted forward like a puppet whose strings had been snapped, her eyes closing as her body tried to slip into sleep. Alex stroked her back, his touch soothing as they panted. Making a low noise deep in his throat, his cock twitched inside of her. “I love you.”

Snuggling against him, becoming more aware by the moment of how sticky they were, she ran her fingertips over the dark hair on his arms. “I love you so much, Alex. More than I’ve ever loved anyone or anything.”

“When we get back to Ireland, I want to buy house with you, want you to live with me.”


His breath ghosted over her head as he sighed. “Okay? No fight?”

“Mmm, no. I’m feeling really mellow at the moment. Enjoy it while you can.”

“Someday, when you are ready, I will marry you, Jessica Venture.” She tensed, but he merely patted her bottom. “Not yet, but ceremony is merely formality. You belong to me, my light, my love. We have much to discuss, but never doubt my devotion to you. Men of my family, when we fall in love, it is forever.”

Her mind spun as she tried to absorb his words, and the first thing that her mouth spat out was, “You’ll need to meet my family.”

“I will,” he said in an amused tone.

“I’ll have to meet yours.”

His body turned to rock beneath hers. “When you are ready.”


“No. We have discussed. Father is not good man.”

“I know.” Not wanting to ruin the mood between them any further, she decided to table that discussion for when she wasn’t naked in a room full of people fucking. “Do you think we could find something in our budget for a place out in the country? Something with some acreage? Being out here today reminded me how much I miss my old house. My uncle lives there with his family running the farm, but I’ll always think of it as my home.”

Alex laughed and smoothed her hair back from her sweaty cheek. “Jessica, you have no budget. Anything you want, you can have.”

She sighed. “So I guess my offering to pay half the rent on a place isn’t going to happen?”

“No. I am the man I—”

Leaning up on her elbows, she smiled down at him and placed her hand on his lips. “I know, you provide.”

He kissed her fingertips before she removed them. “I have some business to attend to when we get back. After that, I will go to America with you to meet your family.”

“Thank you.”

Rolling them so she was under him, he carefully slid his semi-hard cock out her. “Remember this.”


“Promise me you will remember us, like this, right now. Things will get bad, is way of world. You will need this to get through.”

“Alex…you’re freaking me out.”

His eyes closed, and a tormented look came over his face. “Promise me you will remember how much you love me.”

Reaching up, she cupped his face, her love for this complicated man overwhelming her. “I promise.”


“I swear it.”

He whispered a bunch of stuff in Russian against her head as she continued to pet him, her eyes closing for good as sleep claimed her even as she wondered what her normally unflappable man was so worried about.


Chapter Twenty-Two



Eight months later


Jessica’s new best friend, Catrin, leapt up onto Jessica’s massive four-poster oak bed, her vibrant purple pajamas complimenting her light tan. The small, curvy Russian woman had stopped by with her new husband for a few days to visit Jessica and see their new home now that the updating and remodeling was finally done. Alex had to go away on business—again—and he’d brought Catrin and Nico over as a surprise for Jessica. Catrin had become absolutely enchanted with Ireland and dragged Jessica everywhere with her, doing tourist stuff with such enthusiasm that it always made Jessica laugh. Her friend was such a free spirit, but very smart, and she made the world around her an interesting place.

Plus, Catrin was honest. Sometimes brutally honest. Like right now.

Catrin squealed as she bounced among the navy and burgundy silk pillows mounded against the head of the bed. “Holy shit, bitch, you live in a castle! I know Alex calls you his princess, but this place is outrageous. You must let me help you decorate it. The colors I could do here…”

The home Alex had bought for them four months ago was actually an old manor on the outskirts of Dublin that had been lovingly restored and updated from its original neglected state, but sat mostly empty of furniture. Alex wanted her to decorate the home with things she liked, but she had no idea what to do with all the space. In the past three weeks since they moved in, she managed to get the essential rooms done, but that was about it. There were nine bedrooms, fourteen bathrooms, and close to a dozen sitting areas. That was a lot of space to fill for someone who’d only lived on her own in one-bedroom apartments. Like anything else in her life, she studied online about interior design and had struck up friendships on a couple decorating boards where she talked with interior designers about her ideas.

Their feedback had enabled her to start to slowly make the home that Alex deserved. He worked so hard, often coming back to her completely drained and exhausted. The first thing he did whenever he saw her was draw her into his arms and hold her tight, his body sometimes trembling with tension. She hated that whatever he did put him in such a state and would wonder when Alex was going to share that part of his life with her. As the months passed, she was getting impatient, but Alex always managed to soothe her—okay, he usually distracted her with sex—but when he wasn’t home, her unanswered questions constantly rattled around in her head.

BOOK: Alexandr's Cherished Submissive
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