Alien Invasion: A Warrior Prince Romance (The Tourin Legacy - Part 1) (7 page)

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Authors: Immortal Angel

Tags: #romance scifi, #scifi alien romance, #scifi adult romance, #scifi romance free, #scifi alien romance serial

BOOK: Alien Invasion: A Warrior Prince Romance (The Tourin Legacy - Part 1)
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Anger flashed across his face. “Too busy
checking out the eye candy to notice that Fleet Admiral Stowe is
heading straight for you?”

It was like a face full of cold water. She
looked behind her, and sure enough, her father was heading in her
direction. No one else would’ve noticed the flicker of annoyance in
his eyes, but she knew, and she had no intention of dealing with

“Let’s go.”

They hurried towards the academy building.
She allowed herself one last chance to look back at Mr. Muscles.
His eyes were locked on her as he stared around a Keltair who’d
blocked his path.

Good. That was dangerous.
promised herself no more than a one night stand or two to get
herself through the academy. And that man didn’t fit the bill. He
was the sort of guy she’d want to spend weeks on, exploring every
inch of him. She’d want to know what turned him on. She’d want to
bend him to her will and leave him begging for satisfaction.

She felt herself growing wet.

Shit. She was glad she’d brought her trusty
vibrator, Turbo. Otherwise, this year was going to be the most
frustrating one of her life. But she could manage, with Turbo’s
help, just as long as she stayed as far away as possible from Mr.

But for some reason, she was sure the real
thing looked a hell of a lot better than something she’d have to
leave charging by her bed each night.

Chapter Two

Liam wanted his father, Gurgo, to get the
hell out of the way. The woman he’d just seen wanted to be fucked
as badly as he wanted to fuck her. He could sense her needs from
across the ship yard, and damn if he didn’t want to satisfy

“Are you listening to me?” the large Keltair
invaded his space, puffing his chest out in a show of

Liam knew better than to back down. He let
his gaze run from the two white horns sharpened to deadly points on
his head, down to his deep brown face. The silver eyes that stared
back at him grew paler in anger.

“I heard you the first time.”

His father grasped his shoulders, squeezing
them so hard Liam had to fight to ignore the growing pain. “This
human academy is a dangerous place to be. Do you understand me? You
have grown into a man, but you are not yet ready to Bond with a
female. This place cares nothing for your unique needs as a
Keltair. They will throw you in with their wanton females and rely
on your own control.”

Staring into his father’s eyes, he didn’t
blink. “I have lain with too many females to count. I don’t fear
them the way you do.”

His father spat on the ground. “Laying with
them is different than being surrounded by them. Understand me
well, son of my blood. If you form too close a relationship with
any of them, I will have you removed to a Keltair training center.
I will not risk you Bonding with a human who will toss you aside
and leave you forever weakened, unable to Bond with another. Do you

He shoved his father’s hands away. “I do not
need to be told the obvious or threatened like a youngling.”

They exchanged glares for one long instance
before his father growled, “enough! I must pay my respects.” His
voice grew harsher. “Not for the last time I’m sure.”

He turned away, heading for the academy.

Liam watched him go.
Had there ever been
a better father?
Not many males would push aside their pride to
help their son.
Or fight so hard to allow me to train with the
Regardless of how his father despised the idea.

Liam took a deep breath, pushing his
thoughts aside, and looked back for the female. She was gone.

He closed his eyes and pictured her. Big
breasts, a narrow waist, long legs. Her body pleased him in every
way. Then, his thoughts strayed to her face. Had he ever seen eyes
that color of green before? Never. They drew him in. He wanted to
see how they widened with awe as he entered her. He’d grasp her
fine mane of black hair and take her deeply.

A ship lifted off noisily beside him, and he
clenched his fists. What a time to be growing hard with need. The
woman wasn’t even present to please him!

Turning back to his live ship, he reached in
and took his bag. Unconsciously, he ran his knuckles along the hard
shell of its body.
Rest. Grow. I shall be back.

The ship gave a soft hum of

An Airspace Marshal waved his hands in front
of Liam’s face, gesturing for him to move to the path. Liam wrapped
one large hand around the side of his throat and drew him so close
their breath mixed. The man gave a tiny squawk and shrunk back.

These are humans, not Keltairs
. He
chided himself.

Against his instincts, he loosed his grip on
the man and let him wiggle free. “Continue as you were,” he said,
then tried to give a reassuring smile.

The man shot away .

They already think that having a
half-Keltair at the academy will be a problem. I need to show them
that we’re not all war and death. That peace between our nations is
plausible. I need to remember the time before my father took me,
the days with mother.

He decided right then and there that he
would do better. It would be difficult, but he’d relearn what it
was to interact the human way.

When he entered the academy, he was
surprised by how large and grand it was. A Keltair would’ve called
such a place a useless waste. When they trained, they selected the
most dangerous terrains and pitted the males against each other.
Mercy was for the weak, and only the strong survived. This place
was…dainty. Pretty even.

He hoped he’d made the right choice in
coming here. He gritted his teeth. It had to be. If he ever wanted
to serve on a ship other than a Keltair war machine, he’d need to
graduate from here. And even then, the prejudice against his
Keltair half would limit his options.

Unless he proved himself a thousand times

He joined a line of students, waiting for
their assignments.

A pretty red-head turned around. Her eyes
widened, and she spun back around. Not so subtly, she elbowed a
petite blonde beside her. The other woman turned, and after the
initial shock, let her mouth curve into a smile.

“Hello, I’m Summer.”

He sensed her need, but he felt no stirrings
of passion. Which was strange. She was pretty enough, wasn’t she?

“You didn’t tell me your name,” she said,
blinking her big lashes slowly.


“L…i…a…m,” she stretched out his name into
four syllables, licking her lips. “I like it.”

An officer in black shouted for the next
person in line, and the two women flushed with embarrassment.

“Maybe I’ll see you around,” Summer
whispered, winked and left.

He watched the two get their assignments
with little interest. These women stirred nothing inside of him.
Unlike the dark-haired beauty.
His muscles tightened. It was
the strange woman’s fault. Once he buried himself inside of her, he
could move on to the next woman. Like he always did.

“Next!” the officer shouted.

He approached the man and noticed how his
annoyed expression faltered. The officer took his papers and typed
into his computer. Liam knew the moment he realized that he was
part Keltair, the officers lips curled.

“Your assignment is The Hawks. Top floor.”
His disgust was poorly concealed. “They’re the best, and
include our most talented recruits.”

Liam leaned in as he took his papers. “Thank

The man cringed.

As he walked away, Liam felt a spark of
pride. Not only hadn’t he grabbed the man’s head and smashed it
against the desk, he’d been polite. After eleven years of being
under his father’s care, he would slowly remember the ten year old
boy who used to cook beside his mother in the kitchen. Who smiled
and meant it. He would let the human side of him finally come free,
now that he knew that part of him wouldn’t get him killed.

His time with The Academy would be
wonderful. He’d find himself again. He’d interact with humans once
more. Maybe even make some friends.

And he’d track down the beautiful
dark-haired woman and satisfy himself until the tension building
inside of him fled.

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