Alien Romance: Fall for a Cyborg (Sci-Fi Futuristic Alien Abduction Fantasy Space Warrior Romance) (Science Fiction Mystery Paranormal Urban Short Stories) (23 page)

BOOK: Alien Romance: Fall for a Cyborg (Sci-Fi Futuristic Alien Abduction Fantasy Space Warrior Romance) (Science Fiction Mystery Paranormal Urban Short Stories)
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Chapter 8


I didn’t know what to do about Liz. More importantly I wanted her like crazy, on top of my not knowing what to do about her. The next few days we spent around each other, was torture. What with her brushing her teeth in nothing but a towel in the mornings and lounging around the house in sexy little outfits. Liz was great at playing coy. She had to know what she was doing to me.

I needed to get a grip. Our parents were having a Christmas Eve party and I had stuck around for an hour to say hi. I quickly got out of there. I was going to the bar with a few of the guys and I was going to get drunk. As I got to the bar, John met me outside.

“Hey man, what’s up you look like you need a drink or something,” John said, as he took a one look at me and knew something was eating me up.

“That’s why I’m here. Something’s,
or someone’s,
under my skin and I can’t deal at the moment,” I said gruffly as we walked into the bar. I went right up to the counter and ordered a double shot of Jack.

“Well, is it a bad thing that’s gotten under your skin?” John asked. I shook my head, then nodded, and then shrugged.

“I don’t know. I don’t know… it’s Liz,” I admitted and exhaled. It felt like I had a weight lifted off my chest. John looked at me with shock then a smile, and ordered another round of shots. I threw back the one I had ordered and the bartender refilled my glass, and gave John his first shot.

“Well you know, she isn’t
your sister Hunter. If she’s gotten under your skin  then handle that man. Lord knows she’s smokin’,” John said and I grunted.

“You have no
,” I said and took a deep breath. “I don’t know. I just think about her mother and brother and it cools me down. What would they think if we got together? Do I even want to deal with that kind of fallout?” I asked out loud but not really wanting an answer. John shook his head.

“Hey, what does it matter? If two people are attracted to each other then they should be together for however long it lasts. You both are grown, and you aren’t blood. There’s really nothing gross about it,” John said earnestly. No matter how pretty he set it up, the situation was still taboo.

“I don’t know man. You wanna shoot some Pool?” I asked and John nodded. We ordered a couple of beers. A few of the other guys showed up and we hung out like we normally did. Drinking and shooting the shit. It felt good to relax and forget about the fiery redhead at home. When it got late enough, John drove me home. He had his truck and we loaded my bike in the back. I would have pushed it home before leaving it at the bar. I was quiet on the way home and John didn’t say anything either. He had given me enough ‘advice’ all night. I was glad he finally shut up.

I got my bike parked in the shed in the back and stumbled inside. The party was over. I drank some water in the kitchen, then headed up to my room. By the time I reached my room, I was oddly aware of my surrounding, yet still a bit tipsy. I decided I was okay enough to take a shower, before the busy Christmas morning, so I didn’t wake up a complete wreck. I pulled off my clothes and opened the bathroom door, completely naked.

It took me a second, but soon realized that Liz had just gotten
of the shower. She was naked and dripping and holding a towel up in front of her. Her eyes were wide and then her gaze traveled up and down my body. My cock stiffened under her scrutiny. Almost like it wanted to show off for her.

“What are you doing?” she asked and I opened my mouth to say something.

“It’s like three in the morning…” I said and Liz shrugged.

“The party ended late and I spilled eggnog on myself while helping to clean up. Uhm, why are you naked?” Liz asked. I took a step into the bathroom. My cock was almost completely stiff. Jesus. She was sexy. I could smell her body wash. She didn’t back away. I watched her eyes and her pupils dilated and she licked her lips nervously.

“I was going to shower,” I said. Then took another step towards her. “But now, I’m thinking I need to handle something that’s been driving me crazy. Actually,  since I first saw you,” I said. Liz inhaled in surprise.

I reached for her towel and pulled it softly from her grip. It fell easily to the floor and my eyes slid down her body. She was more than I had imagined. Her breasts were round and full, her waist small, and her hips thick and begging for my hands.

“Are you just going to stare at me?” Liz whispered and I smirked.

“Fuck no,” I said, before I picked her up and set her down on the sink vanity counter. She braced herself on the marble while her legs circled my hips. My cock pointing straight up between our bodies. She looked down at it and I heard her sharp intake of breath. She looked up at me skeptically, almost like no way that was fitting. I smiled at her. 

I leaned down to her ear and kissed it softly before whispering, “It’s going to fit inside you so good Liz. I can’t wait to be inside you and feel you clench around my dick baby.” I wrapped my hand around my hard cock and slid it up and down against her shaved, smooth lips. She was wet. I groaned at the heat when I made contact. Liz gasped as I rubbed and grinded my dick against her sensitive clit. I lowered my head to kiss her. Liz’s hands pushed into my hair as we literally devoured each other. Our tongues swirled, and our lips moved hard against each other’s. We broke the kiss to catch our breath. I leaned back slightly and watched my dick sliding into her hot, tight, wet pussy. “Watch us Liz,” I told her.

Liz moaned and her hands tightened in my hair. She dropped her hands and looked down between our bodies. I continued to slide my cock in and out of her, and could feel her fluttering around my dick. She was close. That amped up my arousal. 

She was so slick and wet. All I wanted to do was tuck my dick into her then pound hard and fast. But, I also wanted to savor this, which I’ve never wanted to do with a woman before. I slid my hands down so I could squeeze and caress Liz’s breasts. I pinched her nipples, and her back arched and she thrust her swollen tits into my hands. She moaned out loud. “Shhh,” I whispered, as I leaned down to kiss her and take her sounds into my mouth. She looked so sexy spread out on the counter. Even with drinking Jack Daniels all night, I could feel myself getting close to finishing.

Chapter 9


I didn’t know how drunk Hunter was, but I was pretty sure that he wasn’t completely gone because he was standing upright and working wonders with his mouth. He sucked my nipple into his mouth and bit down on it before he pulled it between his teeth. I cried out softly as the sensation traveled right down to my belly, causing the swollen muscles to clench with need. Hunter was still rubbing his cock against my clitoris and I wanted to explode with how good it felt.

“Hunter please…” I begged for him to keep going, to do more, anything I just loved how he was making me feel. Hunter cursed and then he looked at me again and popped my nipple from his mouth.

“You’re okay with this right? I’m a little tipsy,” he said and I giggled.

“I’d kill you if you stopped,” I said and Hunter smiled goofily. He kissed me hard before he picked me up and then walked with me into my bedroom. We fell on the bed. He leaned up on one arm, wrapped his around his cock, rubbed it against my swollen slit and pushed into me, slowly. I clenched over and over around every hard delicious inch of him. We both moaned and gasped out loud. Hunter’s eyes closed as an expression of pure bliss fell across his features.

“You feel so damn good,” he said hoarsely as he began to move his hips and rock against me. I cried out when he touched some spot deep inside me that made my belly quiver and my entire body feel like jelly. As his pace increased and his thrusts got harder, he hit that spot more and more until I was begging him not to stop. “Shh baby, you don’t want to wake anyone up,” Hunter said and I tried to quiet my cries, but was hardly in my right mind.

“Mmm Liz you feel amazing. I’m so close. I want to feel you cum around my dick.” Hunter kissed me hard and pounded into my body hard and deep. ”Yes, yes Hunter. Don’t stop. I’m going to cum.” I told him and thrust back, meeting him thrust for thrust. My stomach tingled. My legs jiggled. The intensity grew.

I grabbed a pillow to bite down on and screamed when my body exploded around Hunter. I squeezed and clenched from the incredible orgasm thrumming through my body. Hunter watched my face as he continued to pound into me, only elongating the intensity pleasure racking my body. Hunter said my name hoarsely as he started to climax, and then I felt his hot release on my belly as he pulled out at the last possible second. I reached down between us and wrapped my around his hand wrapped around his cock and milked him until he was completely spent.

We were both breathing hard and took a while to recover. Eventually, Hunter got off the bed and I wondered where he was going. Was he just going to go back to his room? He walked to the bathroom and I heard water running before he came back with a warm wash cloth and cleaned up my stomach. He bent down to kiss me softly on the lips before he went back into the bathroom and shut off the light. I felt the mattress dip and Hunter pulled me against his warm body.

“Merry Christmas Liz,” he whispered and I grinned, that was the best gift I had gotten so far. I don’t know if I had ever had sex as good as that before. I was definitely in trouble. I fell asleep easily against Hunter’s chest and knew I would rather wake up in his arms on Christmas morning than anywhere else.




Hunter’s soft lips brushed against my neck and collar while his hands caressed my waist. I woke up to his bright blue eyes and smile, and my heart melted a little. Had I grown feelings past attraction for Hunter? In such a short time?

“Good morning,” he said. I smiled at him and brushed hair out of his eyes. “I have something I need to tell you,” he said and I looked at him curiously. “Can we… I don’t know, drop the bullshit? And just be together? I really… I have actual feelings for you Liz,” Hunter admitted and I couldn’t deny that I was surprised.

“What kind of feelings?” I asked cautiously and Hunter pressed a kiss to my shoulder.

“Like I always want to be around you. I love talking to you. I don’t want this holiday season to end and you go back to Colorado… I think about you constantly. You’ve gotten so far under my skin in such a short amount of time… I just can’t ignore what I am feeling,” Hunter said earnestly. He was being completely honest as he held my gaze, he didn’t even waver one bit.

“You really… you want to be with me?” I asked, almost in disbelief and Hunter nodded his head.

“Yeah, I really do. I mean I want to work something out.” He said with determination, and I bit my lip. “Please Liz. I know you feel something for me too. Tell me we can at least try, no matter what our family or whoever thinks,” he said. I sighed and imagined what my mother could possibly say about this. Hunter and I had already had sex, the deed had been done. There really was no going back.

As I looked at his hopeful expression, I imagined going back to Colorado the next day. I felt bereft at just the thought of leaving Hunter. Especially, after what we had done. It wouldn’t feel right. Hunter was actually sweet and observant under his bad boy exterior and I couldn’t deny that I found that a little bit intoxicating. Hunter moved, and braced himself on his forearms directly over me. He was still very naked and when he pressed his hips against my body, I felt how hard he was.

“I will have you know, that after last night I will not give you up easily,” Hunter said promisingly. He nipped at the sensitive skin of my neck. He slid his legs between mine and pushed them open wider. No foreplay was needed. I was already wet and swollen for him. Hunter nudged his hips around and then he was sliding into me. We both gasped at the intensity of heat between us. “Please say you’ll try Liz. Say you want me too… that you love me too,” he whispered. I bit my lip and searched his gaze. He just admitted that he loved me and he was completely sincere.

“I do Hunter. I have feelings for you too… I wanted to stamp a sign on your forehead that you were mine when that waitress was flirting with you and…” I moaned as he thrust into me and my sex clenched around Hunter’s cock. This was crazy but it felt so right. A slow smile started to spread across his face, and I continued, “I’ll try. I want to be with you… I love you too,” I said. Hunter gave me a full  smile before he lowered his head to kiss me until I was breathless.

It might be hard to figure out all the little details but wanting to make it work was half the battle. Hunter said that he had people that would buy his bike shop in a heartbeat so I didn’t need to be the one doing the moving. I shook my head and told him, no. I didn’t mind moving here. The whole family was here. I could work anywhere. Home was where the heart is.





Mated By The Vampires


The lights are flashing wildly.

Jostling bodies surround me, and my head is a woozy mess. I sway with the crowd, my head lolling around on my neck, which feels like loose rubber. My eyelids droop down.

There’s music pounding through the air. I can’t place the song but the vibrations from the huge speakers at the head of the dance floor penetrate my very bones. With every pound of the bass my heart shudders and my breath catches in my chest.

I lost count of how many drinks I’d downed nearly an hour ago. Shot after shot I put back, beckoning the bartender back for more over and over again. Strange men had surrounded me, whooping and cheering me on in their own drunken stupors. Eventually the bartender cut me off and I stumbled away from the counter and into the mass of people.

A body brushes up against me, closer than normal. I turn my face and see a man smiling down at me, his features a haze before my eyes. He holds out something to me, nodding and smirking.

A small pill lies in the center of his palm. I grin up at him and snatch it up, slipping it into my mouth. I let it rest on my tongue, opening my mouth wide so he can see it resting there before I swallow it dry.

It takes mere minutes for me to feel it. I’ve no idea what I’ve just taken, but I couldn’t care less. The lights are dancing around me, swirling and taking on the brightest hues I’ve ever seen.

The man is behind me now, resting his hands on the sides of my hips and pushing my backside against him. We sway together to the music and I stare up at the lights in awe, my head lolling back against his chest. He starts to kiss my neck but I hardly notice.

I haven’t noticed the way a man touched me in nearly a year. Now it’s nothing but pressure against my skin, eliciting no special or exciting sensation. I’ve hardly felt a thing in twelve months, waking up in the morning and going through my daily and mindless routine before returning to a blissful sleep in the evening. And then I repeat.

The weekends are something different, though. I look forward to them. If I’m feeling bad during the week, having a worse day than normal, I simply turn my mind towards thoughts of the weekend and my plans.

Friday, Saturday, and sometimes even Sunday nights are spent at whatever club I can get into. It’s not difficult for me, I’m an attractive woman. My black hair falls in waves nearly down to my waist and my brown eyes are large and inviting. I have pouty, pink lips and I know how to do my makeup just right. I perfected the smoky eyes long ago, and am an expert at applying lipstick. I have what most refer to as an “hourglass figure”, and I quite the fan of short skirts.

I’m a good-looking woman. I’m not afraid to admit that. I get into clubs and a man usually latches onto me within minutes. But I don’t feel anything anymore. It’s fun, dancing and making out and sometimes finding a more private setting to fool around. But it’s meaningless and that's how I like it.

There are moments, after a weekend of partying and staying up until all hours of the morning, high and drunk and barely conscious, that I think about what I’m doing and I cringe. I want more than this, but I don’t know how to get it. I’ve lost every friend I’ve ever had in this past year. Too much drinking, too much partying, too many drugs. Not enough feeling. I hardly speak to my parents and they stopped trying to contact me a long time ago.

I’m thinking too much, now. Despite the chemicals racing through my veins, visions of
face are coming to mind. His twinkling blue eyes, the stupid beard across his chin that he refused to trim. The tattoos along his arms and chest, and the way I would trace their lines across his skin as I lay beside him in bed, our legs entwined beneath the sheets.

I shake my head viciously, knowing if I dwell in the land of memories too long, I’ll lose my mind. I focus with all my might on the man latched onto my skin and the sensations bombarding me from my high.

I heard about this club a few weeks ago. I was talking with some people at another club, and they mentioned a place I’d never been. There were rumors of a strange man that shows up and whisks women away. Those women always come back ranting about the best experience they’d ever had, an unimaginable new high that left them shaking and craving for more. Something so incredibly strong and unexperienced.

As soon as I heard about it, I knew I wanted it. If I can’t get out of this depression, I want more and more drugs. I want more highs and more feelings, I want to dance all night with the lights and stars swirling in my eyes and passion flowing flooding my veins and synapses.

I need more. I always, always need more.

Before long, I grow tired of the man dancing on me. He doesn’t know how to move very well, and I can’t tell if that’s just because he’s so drunk. He hasn’t tried to truly kiss me yet, instead he’s just slobbering all over my neck and trying to move his hands down towards my panties.

I extricate myself from his arms, eliciting an annoyed grunt from him. He attempts to grab my arm and pull me back towards him, but I swing around with rage shining in my eyes and raise my hand to smack his arm. He stares at me before shrugging and turning away, disappearing into the crowd.

Men here can get a little handsy, I learned that long ago. I scan the crowd for him for a few moments before turning away and making my way through the mass of gyrating bodies. I don’t know where I’m going, all I know is that I want to find this strange and alluring man everyone was speaking of.

I’m beginning to lose hope when I see him. I’ve reached the outskirts of the crowd, sweaty and disheveled and barely managing to keep my balance with all the sensations still bombarding me. I look up, eyes hooded, and lock gazes.

A man is leaning against the bar, twenty feet in front of me. His elbows are propped up on its surface and he lounges backward. I can already see from here his broad shoulder and strong arms. His button-down shirt is rolled up to the elbows, and I can see the tense muscles of his forearms.

I can’t make out the precise features of his face in the darkness of the club, but I can feel the intensity of his gaze on me. Every so often as the lights flash above me I see them bounce off his eyes. He’s staring directly at me.

I know it’s him. It has to be the man they were speaking of. He exudes this fascinating presence, it’s like an anchor—powerful and strong and keeping the entire place grounded. I stare at him in utter bafflement for a moment before stepping forward, nearly stumbling. Then I take another step and another, and soon I’m standing before him.

He has short, close-cropped black hair. It’s tight and curly, and he has deep brown eyes. His skin is a few shades darker than mine, a rich chestnut color. He regards me carefully, eyes roving up and down my body before locking again with my eyes.

“Come dance with me,” I say, my voice coming out breathless. I haven’t the presence of mind to be embarrassed, I can think of nothing but the feel of his body against mine and my lips molding with his.

The man doesn’t say a word, but steps away from the bar, grabbing my hand and dragging me back into the crowd with him. He turns around and pulls me close to him, one hand snaking down my back. His lips crash against mine.

I lose myself in him. My senses seem heightened all of a sudden, though the only things they are heightened to is him. The rest of the room falls away. His body is incredibly solid and muscular, almost unnaturally so. Everything about him feels graceful and majestic, every move he makes carefully planned.

After a few moments he pulls away. He turns me around so my back is to his front, and we dance. He dips his face down and nuzzles his nose into my neck, causing my breath to hitch in my chest. It’s been a long time since I felt sensations like this from a strange man.

I feel him tugging on my shirt now, pulling me backwards with him through the crowd. I turn around and he grabs onto my hand, guiding me to the outskirts of the room and towards the bathrooms. Excitement thrums through my entire body, I can hardly believe this is happening. I actually

He guides me into the men’s bathroom. It’s mercifully empty, though I doubt we would have been deterred anyways. He pulls me into a stall. As soon as the door is shut and secured, he presses me against the wall of the stall and drops his mouth to my neck again.

He seems to like kissing my neck more than he likes kissing my mouth, but I’m not about to complain. My throat has always been an especially sensitive spot for me, and he knows exactly how to move his mouth against my skin. I practically melt in his arms.

Suddenly everything feels different. He’s no longer just moving his mouth against my skin. I can feel his teeth, brushing back and forth against the soft skin of my neck. He slips his tongue in every so often, licking up the length of my neck before going back down. It feels amazing, nothing I’ve ever experienced before.

I’m getting so into the sensations, I want to do
. This feels amazing, I can’t imagine how wonderful sleeping with him will feel. It doesn’t even bother me that we’re in a filthy men’s bathroom, toilet paper scattered on the floor and unsightly stains on the toilet bowl which is a mere foot away. I’ve hooked up in stranger places, and there’s no way I’m going to pass up on this opportunity simply because of a dirty bathroom.

I go to pull my shirt over my head, but he stops me. He tugs my hand away from the fabric of my shirt and pulls it up over my head. He brings my other hand up to join it, pinning my arms above my head and pressing his torso against my own. I let out a moan. His teeth are pressing harder against my throat, and suddenly I notice that they’re

Sharp teeth? How is that possible? I can feel their points pressing into my skin, threatening to break the surface. And then they do.

I feel the exact moment that his teeth pierce my flesh. He lets out a groan and his body shudders as his teeth clamp down on my neck, and suddenly I am lost in an otherworldly bliss.

I do not know where I am or what I am doing or what day of the week it is. I do not know the time, I do not know my name or my birth date. I know nothing but the feelings coursing through my veins. I can still see, but I’m not processing anything. This is the greatest high I’ve ever felt, better than any drug one could ever hope for. It’s better than booze, better than sex.

I have no idea how much time passes, but once it’s done it’s done too soon. I slide down the wall of the bathroom stall, head lolling limply as I settle onto the filthy tiled floor. I let out a whimper. I want
But I can’t speak or vocalize. My entire body is limp and tired, helpless.

I see him standing before me. His legs and boots are directly in front of me. After a moment he turns and leaves, and I fall into darkness.

I wake up hours later. I only know this because I check my phone and see that it’s four in the morning. I gasp and try to stand, but a wave of dizziness and nausea overcomes me so I stay sitting, waiting to get my bearings. As I wait I notice something on the ground. It’s a piece of paper of some sort, looking out of place and strikingly clean against the dirty floor. I pocket it without thinking and then struggle to my feet.

My stumble home is a blur. My head pounds and my knees feel weak. I keep bringing a hand up to my neck but I feel nothing. No wound, no blood, no nothing.

Clearly, I had some sort of hallucination. Tragic, really, because that was the best sensation I’ve ever felt in my life. To think it was all just in my head . . . no way to replicate it in real life. The thought makes my body ache.

I finally reach my apartment. I struggle with the locks before nearly falling inside and crawling into my bed. I sleep.


I spend the next day in a haze. I sleep until nearly 2 P.M., and even then find it difficult to drag myself from my bed. But that’s nothing new. It’s simply worse today due to my dramatic escapades of the previous night.

Despite all this, come nightfall, I’m raring to go again. I make my way back to the same club, something I rarely do two nights in a row. I like to go to different places, explore different scenes and new crowds. But tonight I’ve got one thing on my mind, and it’s finding that man again. I need to know if what I felt was nothing more than a hallucination, or if it was truly real.

I turn down all drugs offered me. I have one or two drinks, but nothing to get me to the level of drunkenness I typically prefer. I want to be of a righter mind when I find him, so I know without a trace of doubt what really happened. Because mark my words, I
find him.

I’ve been dancing in the club for nearly an hour when I spot him. It’s about time, too, because I was beginning to get impatient. I extricate myself from the arms of a man who’s been dancing on me. He’s so drunk he hardly notices, merely looking around dumbly for a few moments before shrugging and moving onto the next girl, an unsuspecting blond a few feet away. I shake my head, before turning my attentions back to the man.

He’s dancing with another girl. She has dark black skin and long black braids which sway back and forth with her movements. He’s kissing her neck and she has a look of ecstasy on her face, which I immediately envy. My stomach clenches at the sight of him, but I don’t let myself be intimidated. I fight my way through the crowd until I’m standing directly in front of them.

BOOK: Alien Romance: Fall for a Cyborg (Sci-Fi Futuristic Alien Abduction Fantasy Space Warrior Romance) (Science Fiction Mystery Paranormal Urban Short Stories)
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