Alien Romance: Fall for a Cyborg (Sci-Fi Futuristic Alien Abduction Fantasy Space Warrior Romance) (Science Fiction Mystery Paranormal Urban Short Stories) (43 page)

BOOK: Alien Romance: Fall for a Cyborg (Sci-Fi Futuristic Alien Abduction Fantasy Space Warrior Romance) (Science Fiction Mystery Paranormal Urban Short Stories)
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“Go ahead and read it out loud Tanya. It’ll help with your anxiety,” Erik sat back down and I unfolded the paper to read it out loud.

Do you think a little five-man team will keep me away? Do you think I’ll leave you alone? Don’t get comfortable, because I won’t stop. You’re mine and soon you’ll be back where you belong…love Chris
,” I read the short letter with a waver to my voice.

“I thought he had stopped with the letters…I didn’t get one yesterday and—oh God, he’s—he must be
me!” I exclaimed, panic spiking briefly. I stood up and began to pace, I couldn’t sit still any longer.

“Look at me Tanya…” Erik’s voice was steady and I turned to look at him with wide eyes. I was shaken and I hated that Christopher was doing this to me. “Don’t give that man the power to rattle you. You’re stronger than this, I know that. I’m here and I’m not going to let anything happen to you,” Erik held my gaze. I nodded slowly.

“You’re right, I won’t let him get to me…and I trust you.”

Erik nodded resolutely.

“We’ll beat this guy Tanya. I wouldn’t tell you that if I thought we couldn’t,” Erik promised. He stood up and walked over to me to place a comforting hand on my shoulder. “You should get some rest; it’s been a long day. I’ll hold down the fort,” Erik joked and I gave him a small smile. I tried to ignore the fact that Erik was touching me, even if in such a small way, but he was
me. Warmth seemed to spread from his hand and into my body. I really needed to pull myself together, I was already crushing and I’d only known Erik for less than a day!

“Yeah, I’ll um…I’ll go take a nap. Thanks Erik.” I smiled at him politely, forcing myself to get a grip. Then I hurried upstairs to my bedroom to try to sleep.


I ended up taking a much longer nap than I intended. Ever since this whole thing with Christopher started I’d been getting next to no sleep. It was a marvel that I was able to catch up on some much needed rest. I mostly had Erik and his team to thank for bringing me a measure of peace. It was morning when I woke up from my ‘nap’. The adventure of going to work for the first time with a driver and a body guard would soon ensue.

I had to hurry in taking a shower and getting dressed for work if I wanted to be on time. Paul had given me a daily schedule of when we had to leave each morning, and it was either a half hour or a full hour before when I normally left. Today we’d be leaving a full hour earlier so I needed to hustle. Just as I was getting out of the shower, I remembered that I had laundry still in the dryer downstairs. I had overslept yesterday and didn’t get to finish my laundry.

I really needed to hire a housekeeper or something, I could never keep up with chores around the house. I at least had a towel to wrap around myself, but now I had to make a beeline for the laundry room without bumping into Erik, John, or Paul. I secured the towel around me and stepped into my bedroom before tiptoeing to the door. I looked around and listened for any sounds of movement in the hallway. No one. I made a dash to the stairs and then down the hall that led to the laundry room. I grabbed my clothes out of the dryer and hurried from the laundry room without checking the hallway.

I ran right into Erik and dropped everything in my hands…including my towel. Heat rushed to my face as I gasped in horror. Erik glanced down at me, giving me a quick once over, before he bent down to retrieve my towel, and before I could snap out of my horrified state.

“I—I…I forgot to get the laundry yesterday…” I stuttered my excuse, as Erik handed me my articles of clothing.

“Don’t apologize to me Miss King, this is your house,” Erik said, I could have sworn I heard a purr to his voice. Erik’s eyes were hot on mine and I continued to stare up at him like a deer caught in headlights.

“Um, yeah…well I have to get dressed…tell Paul I’ll be down soon,” I said awkwardly and nearly sprinted back up to my room. My heart was hammering in my chest as I closed the door behind me. Holy shit, Erik just saw me
naked! I was horrified, but exhilarated. I could not deny it. But I bit my lip and then shook myself. He worked for me, I wasn’t allowed to think about him like that! I hurried to get dressed for work and then managed to leave Erik and Paul with some of my dignity. Erik didn’t say a word to me, though he had this mysterious smile on his face the entire ride to work.

I wondered if Erik always dressed in suits while he worked; today he wore a grey suit that fit him just as beautifully as yesterday’s. The suit and tie look definitely worked for him. Erik didn’t make it obvious that he was my bodyguard while I was at work, or when I went for lunch. I really appreciated his discretion. The next few days went without incident. There were no more letters from Christopher, and my anxiety was starting to wane.

Erik and I started talking again; at first pleasantries as the awkward laundry room incident was still fresh on our minds. But gradually Erik and I got used to each other. Erik noticed that the demands of my job were intense and that I often forgot to eat dinner and breakfast. He would make sure I had three square meals a day and ate with me so he could make sure I ate. It was sweet of him really, but it was morphing my crush into real feelings for Erik.

Which was dangerous. I was growing closer to him, telling him all about my life and family, and getting used to having him around. But I really didn’t know much about him. After a week of having him around I resolved to learn more about him. I chose dinner on Friday to ask him.

Erik stuck his head into my office at work and tapped his watch. I glanced at the time; it was well past time for me to pack up and go home. I glanced out the large window in my office that looked out over the Savannah River. It was already dusk. Erik helped me pack up and soon Paul was driving us home.

“I thought we could eat outside on your deck tonight,” said Erik “It’s really nice out today and you haven’t had time to enjoy the weather.” He helped me down from Paul’s black Audi SUV and we headed inside. It was little things like his worrying about me getting to feel the nice weather, and helping me out of cars, or making sure I ate that was making me fall for this man. I needed to know if he felt the same for me, or if I was setting myself up for heartbreak.

“That sounds like a great idea, I could use some fresh air,” I said.

“I had John order from your favorite soul food restaurant. So you could take a break from cooking.”

Erik took my briefcase and set it down on the kitchen island before leading me outside to the intimately set deck dining table. I bit my lip as I took it all in. Was this a date? I glanced up at Erik and he was smiling at me, though he did seem a bit nervous, which was uncharacteristic to his reliably calm and steady demeanor. I glanced back down at the table. There were two settings with the takeout containers set neatly in between the two. A pitcher of spiked ice tea sat in front of two wine glasses and there was even a lit candle set into a small glass bowl.


“Did you have John set all of this up too?” I asked curiously, my voice soft, as I looked up at Erik. He ran his fingers through his hair and nodded, his expression a little bashful. “It’s beautiful Erik, you kill me with how sweet you are sometimes,” I said, only half joking. Each of Erik’s sweet gestures always speared right to my heart.

“Well I am a sweet guy under all this muscle,” he gave me an almost saucy grin. I had such an urge to kiss him then, but I was still unsure if this was a date or not.

“Is this a date?” I asked. The question blurted from my lips before I could stop it. Erik’s expression sobered a little as he studied me.

“Do you want it to be?” he asked while stepping towards me. Erik pulled a lock of my hair around his finger and forced my head to tilt towards his. His mouth was lowering to mine and my breathing almost completely stopped. I nodded, unable even to voice my answer to his question. Erik’s lips lowered and pressed gently against mine. Warmth flooded my veins and settled low in my belly. His lips were even softer than I imagined!

“A date it is then,” said Erik, as he pulled back and smiled at me happily. He took my hand and led me to the table where he held my chair out for me to sit down. He pushed it in for me. He took a seat across from me and went about serving our food.

“I didn’t know you…had feelings for me,” I said shyly. Erik glanced up at me and tilted his head, as if that should have been obvious.

“I’ve had feelings for you ever since I stepped foot into your house. Then when I saw you naked…I—I tried to keep things professional, but that was impossible. Not when you’re…you,” Erik said simply, melting my heart in the process.

I smiled almost giddily and Erik chuckled at me, his hazel-brown eyes bright on mine. “I like you too…by the way,” I said.

Erik laughed at me and I giggled. We talked about a lot after that; since our feelings were out in the open, things felt that much easier between us.

Erik was a gentleman though, and didn’t try anything after dinner. When it was time for bed he actually walked me to my room, kissed me softly on the lips, and then went to his own room. Sighing dreamily, I did a little twirl before getting ready for bed.


* * *


I woke up with the biggest smile on my face. I felt like a girl who just learned that her crush liked her back, on top of getting her first kiss. It was Saturday now and one of the rare weekends when I didn’t have to work. I wondered what I’d do with my free time. I thought that maybe a manipedi was in order, that and I hadn’t been shopping in a while. I hoped Erik wouldn’t mind doing girl stuff with me today.

Over breakfast I told Erik what we’d be doing today and asked him if he wanted to get his nails done with me. Erik laughed out loud and took a bite of his bacon. “I’m sorry Tanya, but I can’t be seen getting my nails done. I was a SEAL for Pete’s sake. If one of the guys caught me I’d never hear the end of it,” Erik said with a chuckle to his voice. I laughed at the visual of Erik sitting and getting a pedicure. “I will go shopping with you though. I do need a new tie and belt from Kenneth Cole.”

“I knew you were a pretty boy deep down inside; you’re too well dressed and sexy not to be,” I said. Erik lifted an eyebrow at me and gave me a sexy smile.

“You find me sexy?” he purred. I giggled and then shrugged. “Oh no, you said it, now you can’t take it back,” Erik said in a playful tone. I pretended to be aloof just to tease him.

After we finished breakfast Paul drove us to first get my nails done and then to the mall, after which Erik and I decided to go catch a movie and have dinner afterward. It was a full day wonderfully spent with Erik.

“Hey, can we take a walk? I think I ate too much sushi,” I rubbed my stomach as we left the restaurant.

Erik seemed to go on alert, but he nodded and we started to take a walk around the plaza the restaurant was in.

“So are your Nick and Stephan any closer to getting what they need to put Chris away?” I asked Erik just as he was lacing his fingers with mine.

“They are; Nick says that Chris is involved in extensive networks spanning all around the globe. Soon they’ll reach out to the FBI to continue their investigation. Christopher Neal is…he’s no ordinary thug,” Erik spoke with a low tone of voice, but in all seriousness and a shiver of unease made its way up my spine.

Erik glanced behind us and his hand tightened a fraction around mine. “Don’t look back, but we’re being followed.”


Anxiety bloomed in my chest and it turned to full on panic when Erik quickened his pace a fraction, forcing me to follow suit. We turned a corner, thankfully encountering a more populous area of the plaza. There were three restaurants with outdoor seating back to back and it allowed us to get ahead of whoever was following us.

Erik held my hand firmly in his and we turned the corner, heading back to the car where Paul was waiting. I glanced over my shoulder then to see who was following us. Two men; one of them Christopher. My eyes locked on to Christopher’s almost black ones. He looked angry. His sharp, angular features, which I once thought was what made him handsome, now made him seem cold and rigid. He bared his teeth at me in a predatory smile and pulled his associate to a stop.

“She gets the point,” was all he said before Erik packed me into the car and climbed in behind me. I couldn’t shake the image of Christopher’s cold gaze locked onto mine. I shivered and Erik pulled me close against him. Paul sped out of the plaza. We circled around the city plenty of times before they triple checked with John and Nick that it was safe enough to go back home. Christopher had returned to his mansion and my house was safe. No one was lurking in the trees or the bushes.

At that point I simply wanted to get home and curl up with a soft blanket and some hot chocolate. Even in the summer I had hot chocolate whenever I needed comfort.

“Don’t worry Tanya, you know we’ve got you. They won’t touch you, I promise,” Erik assured me as we pulled up to my house. I nodded woodenly and he all but carried me inside. I didn’t want him to let me go, and I don’t think he wanted to take his arms from around me either. Erik walked me up to my room and sat me down on the bed. “I have to go and double check some things with John, Nick and Stephan. I’ll be back in a little while. How about you change into something comfortable? It’ll make you feel better,” Erik said, practically reading my mind.

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