All of You (46 page)

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Authors: Gina Sorelle

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: All of You
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Danny pushed himself to the middle of the bed and stretched out, raising his hands above his head.

Which set off every arousal response Kat had.

Good God, Kat, get a grip. You haven’t even done anything to him yet and you’re already halfway to orgasm.

Kat bit back a moan as she walked over to the bed, just the friction of her legs rubbing together creating all sorts of sparks down below.

She climbed up on the bed, straddled Danny, and met his eyes. “You’ve never let anyone restrain you before?”

His gaze latched onto hers, Danny shook his head.

Of course, Danny’s reaction had already made that very, very obvious. Given the debauchery that had surely gone on in Danny’s life for the past twenty-one years, Kat was shocked things had never taken that particular turn.

Although, Kat now suspected it had much more to do with a control issue rather than any kind of sexual oversight.

When Kat didn’t say anything or move, Danny stretched his arms up and curled each hand around an iron bar. “Go ahead and do it.”

“Are you sure?” Kat searched his eyes – wanting him to trust her and desperately wanting to make love to him this way – but not wanting to harm him in the process. “If it makes you that uncomfortable…”

He shook his head slowly. “I want you to.” Danny’s rapidly rising and falling chest belied the sexy half-smile he gave her. “But, if you’re gonna do it, Kat, you better do it now. ‘Cause the way you’re grinding down on me is driving me out of my fucking mind.”

Kat glanced down at the cuffs in her hand, then back up at Danny. Her lips curled. “Okay, then.”

She set one pair aside and tried to open the other one, without much success.

“Press the small lever on the side,” Danny said thickly. Kat glanced up and shivered at the intense way he was staring at her. He licked at his bottom lip, eyeing hers. “You better get whatever little charade you’ve got planned over fast, Kat…’cause I’m about to blow.”

Kat giggled, he pressed his pelvis up, and her giggling instantly morphed into a long, low moan.

She shook herself. “Okay, okay…” Kat pressed a lever on each cuff, causing them to spring open. With a fortifying deep breath in and out, she leaned up over him.

Uh, Kat…
” Danny said, voice muffled. “Pressing your tits in my face isn’t helping your cause any.”

Kat felt heat from his mouth just before Danny pulled a fully-clothed breast into his mouth and sucked.

She gasped, gripping the headboard with both hands, as he continued sucking at her – dampening the front of her shirt.

And her panties.

Well, even more than they already were.

Danny’s hands were suddenly pushing up the bottom of her tee-shirt, snapping Kat to attention.

She pulled back, grinning, and slapped his hands away. “Bad boy.” Kat tilted her head and gave him a chastising look. “Now get those hands back up there where I can see them.” She thought of something. “Oh, pull your shirt off first.”

He sat up enough to grab the bottom of his tee-shirt and yank it over his head. Danny tossed it onto the floor and lifted his arms again and gripped the headboard rails. “Okay, now hurry the fuck up about it, Kat, okay? Seriously. This is starting to get fucking annoying.”

Kat laughed. “Then start cooperating.”

A few seconds later, Kat had managed to slap a handcuff on each of Danny’s wrists and tether him to two headboard rails. She sat back on him, admiring her handiwork – and absolutely loving the sight of his big, muscular, tattooed arms cuffed above his head.

Danny pulled on the cuffs, shaking the bed and drawing Kat’s eyes right back to his. He eyed her, brow quirked. “Now, what?”

Kat thought back to the article. “Uh, now it’s time to get you naked.” She scooted off and to the side of him. Kat grabbed the waistband of his shorts and boxer. “Lift, please.”

Danny lifted, Kat tugged, and a second later, his erection was freed. She pulled the shorts and boxers the rest of the way off, tossed them on top of his tee-shirt, and took a second to appreciate the huge, hot, totally naked man she was about to ravish.

“What are you grinning about?” he asked gruffly.

Kat lifted a shoulder. “Oh, nothing. Just enjoying the view.”

Danny pulled on the cuffs again, his expression rapidly nearing lethal. “You keep teasing me like that, Kat, and I’ll make you very sorry you ever started this little game.”

Kat laughed, backing up toward the bathroom. “Oh, Danny…” She shook her head. “You poor, sweet man. The teasing hasn’t even begun, yet.”

The alarmed look on Danny’s face only made her laugh harder.

Chapter Thirty-Two

ifteen minutes later,
Danny finally heard the doorknob rattle and he glanced over. “
Jesus Christ
, Kat, about fucking time. What the hell…”

She stepped out and his words trailed off.

And his jaw dropped.

His dick jumped and his throat constricted as his heart started battering the inside of his ribcage.

Kat lifted her arms and gave him an adorably sexy half-smile. “You like it?”

Danny somehow managed to make an inarticulate grunt/groan/growl in the back of his throat as he stared at her.

Kat laughed softly. “Does that mean

There wasn’t a single thing not to fucking
about Kat standing there, wearing nothing but some black and red lingerie, her glasses, and a smile.

She glanced down at herself, then back up at him. “The lady at the store said it’s called a ‘babydoll nightie,’ although I highly doubt anyone could sleep in this thing. But when I said that to her, she just laughed and said you’d rip it off of me way before it was time to go to sleep.” She scrunched her face up. “Embarrassed the hell out of me, too, since she just about screamed it out to the whole store, but, whatever.”

When Danny didn’t answer (because she’d almost shocked and aroused him half-unconscious), Kat shrugged again, her smile faltering. “It wasn’t the skimpiest thing they had, but I thought it was still sexy. And pretty.”

When Danny still didn’t respond, Kat shifted her weight and crossed her arms over her chest, pushing her tits even closer together and farther up.

Kat forced another smile. “Say something, Danny…please…before I lose my nerve and put my yoga pants and tee-shirt back on.”

Jesus-fucking-Christ, Kat…
” he finally breathed out. “That is the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Danny’s chest ached at the huge grin that spread across her face.

“Really?” She smoothed her hands down the sheer front and tugged at the lacy bottom. “I’m so glad you like it.” Kat lifted a shoulder. “I thought I’d feel ridiculous in it – and I do – but I kind of like it, too.”

“Turn around, Kat, please,” he said, voice low and hoarse. “Let me see your ass.

She made a face. “Yeah, but it’s skimpier back there.”

Yeah, no fucking shit.

He subconsciously pulled at the cuffs, then consciously cursed them – and whatever little game this was Kat was playing. “
Kat, please…

She slowly turned around then and Danny experienced a split-second of panic during which he thought he might actually come.

Kat’s ass was the hottest he’d ever seen, every which way he’d seen it. And, not surprisingly, her ass wrapped up in a black G-string was no different.

Danny pulled at the cuffs, again. “Get these fucking things off of me, Kat.
.” He yanked again, totally beyond noticing the pain in his wrists or the ominous creaking noises his bed was making. “Get the keys and unlock these.
Do it

He kinda thought she might actually do it. After all, she’d had her fun – Danny was cuffed, she’d had a few minutes of fun torturing him, and now they could fuck like crazy.

But, Kat didn’t grab the keys and she didn’t unlock the cuffs. Instead, she smiled slyly and shook her head. “But I’m not done with you yet.”

Danny’s mouth went dry, his muscles tensed, and his vision hazed over. “What the fuck does that mean?”

Kat walked over and Danny watched her every movement like a hawk – the sway of her hips and the way her tits bounced pushing him very close to the edge.

She sat on the edge of the bed and folded her hands in her lap. “So, I did a bunch of research online about Christmas gifts to get men. There were a whole lot of suggestions for stuff like sweaters, massage chairs, personalized beer cozies, and DVD movie collections. But that’s not quite what I was going for, so I tried searching for romantic gifts for men.”

Danny could hear her. He was able process what she was saying and, for the most part, was following her drift. But there was a huge, huge portion of his attention focused solely on the little triangle of sheer, black fabric just barely covering right where he wanted to be.

“I stumbled on some articles about planning a sexy evening as a gift and one in particular caught my eye.” Kat eyed the cuffs, which made Danny’s mouth water. “And so I decided to go with that.” She met his eyes, a coy smile tugging at her lips. “How you liking it so far?”

“I am fucking
it, Kat, and you know it, you little tease.” Danny pulled at the cuffs, wincing when pain shot down his forearms, but it didn’t stop him from yanking at them again – killing his arms and bending the bars on the headboard. “Get these things off of me, Kat…before I break something.”

“But I have to finish the sexy evening. The article said to tie you up…” Kat gestured to the cuffs. “
. It said to parade around in front of you…” She made a face. “I guess I didn’t really ‘parade,’ but I think you got plenty of eyefuls, so,

Danny watched, breath held, as Kat climbed up on the bed and positioned herself on her knees, between his legs.

She placed a hand on each of his thighs and met his eyes with a wide smile. “Next step, oral sex.”

A guttural noise emanated from somewhere inside Danny. “No, you can’t, Kat…not like this…” He yanked at the cuffs. “I’ve gotta be able to touch you while you do that, or I’ll go fucking insane.”

She nodded thoughtfully. “The article said being restrained during a…” Kat did air quotes. “‘Blow job’ would drive you ‘wild,’ so I guess we’re right on track.”

“Are you sure that was an article about Christmas gifts and not about torturing poor, unsuspecting men to death?” he gritted out, as her gaze lowered to his erection.

Kat began gently stroking his dick, which immediately halted all ability to think, speak, or move.

She met his eyes again, a smile tugging at her lips. “It was about showing the man you love how much you care and that’s what I wanted to do, so I went with it.”

Despite his total aggravation and painful arousal, all Danny could think was…

Fucking. Dollface.

Kat cleared her throat, gaze dropping back to his dick. Her hands now resting on her thighs, Kat eyed it for a while – from many angles, with many expressions crossing her beautiful face.

She finally looked up and exhaled a long sigh. “I think I might need another article to figure out how to do this part, Danny.” Kat gestured to his erection. “Because I seriously don’t have the slightest idea how to proceed here.”

“Unlock these cuffs and I’ll help you,” Danny said, too aroused to feel embarrassed about his pleading tone. He rattled the cuffs. “Get these off of me and I’ll guide you through it. Just unlock them and we’ll figure it all out together, okay?”

Her eyes narrowed. “Why do the cuffs have to be off for you to guide me through it? Just guide me through it now, with the cuffs on.”

it, Kat! If you put your mouth on me, while I’m restrained like this…” Danny eyed her mouth and shuddered. “It will

She paused and Danny thought she might relent.

But then she just grabbed his dick by the base, flashed him a shit-eating grin, and softly said, “Merry Christmas, Danny,” before taking him into her mouth.

Fuck! Kat!

bucked the moment Kat’s mouth wrapped around him. “Oh,

Kat had no idea what she was doing, since her past knowledge of fellatio included knowing a penis went into a mouth and that was about it. But knowing that one mechanism gave her a place to start and Kat knew she could figure everything out from there.

It should have been an odd situation – putting Danny’s ridiculously large member into her mouth and doing
to it…

But as she tasted him, tested a few random maneuvers, and soaked up all of Danny’s inarticulate praise (not to mention the incredibly arousing way he was calling out her name), the weirdness began to wear off. Soon, Kat just felt like she was making love to him in a different way…in a kind of interesting and equally as empowering way.

Kat spent a short while experimenting – licking, sucking, and even kissing it – enjoying the experience and loving Danny’s reactions.

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