Allies and Enemies: How the World Depends on Bacteria (36 page)

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Authors: Anne Maczulak

Tags: #Science, #Reference, #Non-Fiction

BOOK: Allies and Enemies: How the World Depends on Bacteria
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of bacteria

Thiomargarita namibiensis, 7

VFAs (volatile fatty acids), 152

Thiospirillum, 141

Vibrio cholerae, 38, 47

Thiovulum, 95

Vibrio phosphoreum, 142

Thomas, Dylan, 88

Vicia plants, 122

Thompson, George, 54

virulence factors, 59

Thoreau, Henry David, 87

viruses, bacteria versus, 3

thymine, 100

volatile fatty acids (VFAs), 152

Titanic (H.M.S.), 94

von Escherich, Theodore, 103

top-down control processes, 139

von Mutius, Erika, 30

Torella, Gaspar, 42

Vreeland, Russell, 37

traits, 63

transduction, 78


transformation, 77, 106

Wall Street, biotechnology stocks,

transporters, 79


treated water, antibiotics in, 67

The War of the Worlds (radio

Treponema, 40, 69

broadcast), 89-90

Treponema pallidum, 38, 41

Warren, Charles, 53

trichloroethylene (TCE), 158

wartime, infectious disease in, 58-61

Trichonympha sphaerica, 153

Washington, George, 88

Trojan Horse tactics, 76





antibiotics in, 67

treatment, 158

water, antibiotics in, 67

water cycle, 33

water-lacking conditions,

bacteria in, 11

Watson, James, 4, 100

Welles, Orson, 89-90

white biotechnology, 102, 117,

119, 159

Wilson, Edward O., 21

winemaking, 36

Winogradsky column, 137-138

Winogradsky, Sergei, 94, 121-124,

133, 136

Woese, Carl, 21

Wolfe, Thomas, 87

World Wars I/II, infectious disease

in, 58-61

Wright, Almroth, 70-71



Xanthobacter, 158-159

xerophiles, 11

yellow pea plants, 122

Yersin, Alexandre, 49-50

Yersinia pestis, 38, 43, 50, 84

yogurt, 36

ZoBell, Claude, 148


Document Outline



About the Author


Chapter 1 Why the world needs bacteria Tricks in bacterial survival Bacterial communities Under the microscope The size of life The bacteria of the human body The origins of our bacteria One planet Chapter 2 Bacteria in history The ancients The legacy of bacterial pathogens The plague Microbiologists save the day Unheralded heroes of bacteriology On the front Chapter 3 “Humans defeat germs!” (but not for long) What is an antibiotic? Inventing drugs is like making sausage Mutant wars Bacteria share their DNA The opportunists Chapter 4 Bacteria in popular culture Bacteria and art Bacteria in the performing arts Friends and enemies Do bacteria devour art?

Chapter 5 An entire industry from a single cell E. coli The power of cloning A chain reaction Bacteria on the street Anthrax Why we will always need bacteria Chapter 6 The invisible universe Versatility begets diversity Cyanobacteria Bacterial protein factories How to build an ecosystem Feedback and ecosystem maintenance Macrobiology Chapter 7 Climate, bacteria, and a barrel of oil The story of oil Bacteria power How is a cow like a cockroach? Microscopic power plants The waste problem Bacteria on Mars Shaping the planet Epilogue How microbiologists grow bacteria Serial dilution Counting bacteria Logarithms Anaerobic microbiology Aseptic technique Appendix: Resources for learning more about bacteria Internet resources on bacteria Book resources on bacteria Classic reading on bacteria Bacteria rule references

Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q-R S T U-V W X-Y-Z


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