Almost Like Being in Love (17 page)

BOOK: Almost Like Being in Love
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Likes me enough to tell me I’m special

Trusts me enough to tell me I’m wrong

Always lets me pick the first fortune cookie

Teases me when I need it but knows when to stop Pursues making me laugh as a hobby

Pretends to like the same things I do even when he doesn’t Misses me when we’re apart

Isn’t afraid to fight with me

Allows me to drive him crazy

Would rather do nothing with me than something by himself Can fall asleep in my lap while I work—and still call it a date


Can say “I love you” with his eyes

Never lies (except to spare my feelings)

Doesn’t worry about losing me because he knows he can’t Forgets there was a time when we didn’t know each other Kisses me for no good reason

Celebrates my faults

Sighs when I hold him

Knows all the lyrics to
Flora, The Red Menace
Strong Points
: All of them.

Nothing I can’t handle.

: He was the real thing. Find him.



Noah Kessler

6026 Foxhound Run

Saratoga Springs, New York 12866

May 12, 1998


Craig McKenna, Esq.

McKenna & Webb

118 Congress Park, Suite 407

Saratoga Springs, New York 12866

BOOK: Almost Like Being in Love
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