Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters) (19 page)

BOOK: Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters)
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His hand stopped tracing, the fullness of his palm resting, frozen in place. She noticed the change in his

“Who?” his tone was sharp but low

Pushing herself to sit, he kept his hand on her waist, looking up at her expectantly.


He was sitting up next to her so fast, she had to move back a little to be able to talk to him calmly about this.

“Before you go off an a tangent, Murdoch assures me that he did not get into our systems, even though he used some pretty advanced software, our firewalls were not breached. They also have been tracking the account of Bradley Turner and he received a deposit from Rhett not long after, the assumption being that he may have got the equipment he needed for which Rhett
paid a fair amount for”

“I swear I am going to rip his intestines out an
d feed them to him, the piece of shit, going after pack women is bad enough but going after my mate is signing his own death warrant”

Brianna stood, wrapping her arms around herself, the chill in the air sending a shiver through her.
Marcus fluently rose to meet her, holding her tight, sharing his heat.

“Let’s get back to the house, we need to rest eat and prepare and you are getting cold.”

Brianna bit her lip, looking around for somewhere to shift. His fingers cupped her chin.

“Baby, we are mates, we shift together”

Ok, she could do this, after all she was mated and just had fantastic sex in the middle of the forest. She had never shifted in front of anyone before and the idea filled her with both excitement and trepidation. Marcus stepped back and descended onto all fours. After a couple of seconds, she joined him. His eyes never left her as she felt the tingling spread rapidly through her body, accelerating with the shift of muscle and bone. Once she was standing on her paws again she looked up at the huge black wolf in front of her, tongue lolling to the side.

Don’t tell me you are seriously turned on by me shifting?

Everything about you gets me aroused my gorgeous little mate.

Race you?

She did not give him a chance to answer, but bolted off in the direction of home, Marcus laugh echoing in her head.


Once back at the alpha house, Marcus went to the pack house to go over some more plans for tonight. Brianna took the opportunity to take a soak in the sunken bath tub. She laughed at her own thoughts at how she should really be wearing a bathing costume or bikini, the size of it was more like a mini swimming pool. The water was soothing, her head rested against the edge. Even though she tried not to think about tonight her mind was going over every possible scenario.

“You think too much”

The sound of Marcus behind her startled her, she was so wrapped up in her own thoughts she had not even noticed he came in. He joined her in the tub, lying back against her chest. Brianna washed his chest, then his hair, her hands massaging his scalp.


His contented sigh had her smiling.

“If anything should go wrong tonight………..”

The water sloshed over the side as he turned to face her.

“Don’t say that, nothing will go wrong
, I won’t let anything happen to you baby”

“I know that Marcus, but if it does, I just wanted to say that you have made me very happy”

His smile was wide and open.

“You have made me very happy as well Brianna, you make me whole”

Bringing her face to him he kissed her warmly. A knock at the door downstairs, had him snarling at the intrusion.

“The joys of being alpha!” he groaned.

Standing he grabbed a towel to wrap around himself before leaving to answer the door. Brianna decided her skin was looking like a prune so she after drying herself she went to retrieve her clothes. She could hear raised voices, Tristan and Luke were downstairs. When she heard Lizzy’s name mentioned she wanted to know more. Padding in bare feet, clutching her bath towel she strode into the living area. Marcus was running a hand through his hair, but stopped, spinning on his heel, assessing her semi-naked form. He bared his teeth to Tristan and Luke who acknowledged his dominance, averting their eyes. In two strides he was next to her, picking her up and taking her back to the bedroom. Closing the door he placed her gently on her feet.

“What the hell were you doing Brianna, nobody gets to see your body but me, your mate, shit I nearly lost control there”

“Marcus, I was not naked…………..”

“Part naked Brianna, it was enough”

“So it’s ok for you to go striding through the pack naked whilst having a sensible conversation, but it’s not ok for me to wear a towel around me, I would hate to see what you would be like if we were on beach holiday!”

“A what?”

“Beach holiday, you know sand and sea”

“Not happening, grass and trees, more for you to be covered by”

Brianna threw her hands up in the air.

“I give up cave man, we are never going to agree on the subject”

“No we will not. I will always protect you baby”

Brianna melted every time he called her that.

“So why was Lizziy’s name mentioned? That was why I came downstairs”

The enforcers think that after you have made initial contact that you should both shift to wolf form, to give you both better advantage, but Lizzy states if that’s the plan then she will not be able to help tonight”

Oh for fucks sake.
Brianna knew exactly why she had refused and had probably unknowingly just opened a can of worms. Rubbing a hand across her face she was not sure how to go ahead with this.

“Marcus, there is reason why she has refused but don’t ask me to tell you, that is very private to her. We stick with staying in our human forms”

She sat on the edge of the bed. Ideally, the enforcers were right and they should be in wolf form but due to Lizzy’s bound wolf it was never going to happen.

Marcus knelt in front of her.

“I admire you for keeping whatever it is that Lizzie is hiding and I won’t ask you to divulge unless it is risking the pack baby?”

t won’t risk the pack Marcus, I will be with her at all times, trust me”

“I do trust you, I love you”

“I love you to Marcus”

The sound of someone downstairs starting the coffee machine brought everything back into reality.

“Give a pack of wolves free reign to coffee and this is what happens” he laughed.

with him, Marcus unwrapped the towel, circling her body.

“Better” he rumbled.

“No, we have lots to start before tonight, bad wolf!”

His hand palmed her buttocks and she moaned at the contact. Before this got out of hand and Tristan and Luke heard them having passionate sex she pulled out of his reach, pointing to the door. Her eyes had already taken in
the huge erection through his towel. Grinning he walked to the door, noticing her eyes gaze.

“Let them see how hard you get me”


“Oh fine, she wolf”, dropping the towel, he very slowly, almost painfully slow pulled on a pair of jogging pants.

“I will tell the enforcers to stick with the original plan, Luke can update Lizzy so she is on board again”

“Thank you” she smiled.

Nodding, bare chested and bare footed he went back downstairs.


The pack house was full with enforcers from red stone and amber woods. Many were sitting around the living room eating and drinking, as the dining table was full to capacity. Brianna was in the kitchen, making another pot of coffee, the room was empty and the temporary respite was welcoming. The door opened quietly and Lizzy walked in.

“Hey” she quietly said

“Hey back, how are you feeling?”

jumped up onto one of the bar stools, picking up a glass and filling it with lemonade.

“To be honest, nervous as hell, it is a few years since I used my gift, what if I fail?”

“Lizzy you are the most dedicated women I know, you will not fail, have some faith in yourself!”

Brianna sat opposite her, also filling up a glass of lemonade.

“I hear that Luke and Tristan had words with Marcus over me?”

“Yes they did. I have to be honest I do see there point that it would be safer in wolf form but I also fully appreciate why you would have wanted to back out, I kn
ow how hard it is for you Lizzy. I discussed it with Marcus and as I am sure by now you know that we stick with the original plan, I won’t let anything happen to you. Besides if I did not have you then who would I have to dance on the tables with whilst arguing over a thingy?”

laughed loudly, whilst trying to swallow her drink, the action sending her into a coughing fit. Brianna knew she should not laugh, it was one of those situations where it was funny but not so funny all at the same time. When the coughing subsided, Lizzy pushed her glass away, glaring at it as if it had tried to kill her.

“Next time don’t make me laugh until I have an empty mouth!”

“Deal!” she giggled.

Marcus and Connor walked in. Brianna inhaled deep, wrapping his scent around her
. His arms pulled her back against his chest.

“What deal?”

“Oh just some girl talk, and there was a mention of what a thingy was again!”

“Oh no not again, seriously that needs putting to bed you two!” Connor responded.

She noticed how he had positioned himself behind Lizzy, one hand on her lower back. She could feel the energy of protectiveness coming off him and she really hoped Lizzy made a go of things with him.

“So are we all set for tonight, any changes we need to be aware of?” Brianna asked.

She was already priming herself for action, her wolf was pacing side to side in anticipation.

“Yes all set. We are travelling the first nineteen miles by car then, the last mile on foot. We shift when we get closer t
o the site, other than you and Lizzy. You want me to go over the plan again with you both?”

“No Marcus, if I hear it one more time my brain will explode, I think we got it”

“Ok, but one thing I will tell you both is that you have two packs watching out for you tonight, which includes Connor and Myself. If anything goes wrong, or any hint of trouble I want you both out of there fast, no arguments, no discussions, I will not risk my mates life”

“And I won’t risk mine” Connor added.

Lizzy’s mouth dropped open as she stared at Brianna across the table with a ‘did I just hear correctly’ expressions across her face. Brianna sipped her lemonade trying not to smirk. Cora came in with empty plates, followed by Tristan and Justin.

“We need to start packing up and heading out Marcus, the light has gone now and if we are to get there by the agreed time we should leave in the next half hour” Justin stated.

“Agreed, the time has come, is your pack ready, anything that needs discussing before we leave?”

“No, all good
, just eager to get some action” he smiled.

“Then let’s go, we have women to bring home”

Brianna felt him squeeze her hands that were wrapped in his across her stomach, a silent gesture which spoke volumes.


The drive to the location was unbelievably tense, a large convoy of SUV rolled on the tarmac roads. Brianna glanced to Lizzy who was sitting next to her in the back seat. She had not spoken since they left, anxiety sitting below her skin. Reaching across the leather she clutched her hand in reassurance. Lizzy smiled at her before returning the comfort. Connor and Marcus sat up front. She caught Marcus glance at her through the rear view mirror, silently keeping a check on her. Luke was riding with five of amber woods enforcers ahead of them. Connors phone broke the silence. The call was quick, to the point.

“Junction to stopping one mile ahead, then it’s on foot” he said to everyone.

Marcus only nodded, making Brianna aware of his heightened alertness. She had trained for all events with Lunar Security and could handle most situations but this was bigger than anything she had ever been involved in. Looking out at the dark road she thought about how her life had changed so much in such a short space of time.



thinking too much again

I know sorry

It’s ok, understandable

She flicked her eyes to the mirror and saw him wiggle his eyebrows, to lighten the mood. Biting her lips she shook her head, looking out of the window again. The moon was hiding behind some clouds, giving them the advantage of staying out of sight.
Lizzy clutched her hand as the vehicles slowed and turned off onto a single track road. Eventually all the vehicles came to a stop in a small clearing as previously arranged. Stepping out into the cool air she looked around her at the deep undergrowth. Her vision would be better in her wolf form but she needed to do this for Lizzy, for the women trapped in the complex.

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