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Authors: Criss Copp

Always Summer (14 page)

BOOK: Always Summer
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What had I
done in my previous life to have had this impossible combination of bad luck?

I couldn’t
do this... not with the way it needed to be handled... the way it should be
I wanted to go out there and
knock Jordan out; I wanted to make love to
despite her spewing over the toilet bowl; and I wanted to strangle myself for
waiting to tell her that I was in love with her.
Maybe if I had’ve told her before Jordan,
things would’ve been better.
All of
which was not the way this moment needed to be handled.

Thank God
for Debbie MacFarlane... she was a messenger from heaven, sent to calm down the
proverbial teenage drama... I could hear her on the other side of the ensuite
door, scolding Jordan, and requesting he calm down.
It was going to buy me time.

Summer was
already standing, shakily... I put the lid down on the toilet and flushed it...
then I moved
over to the vanity, and washed her
face, while she washed her hands in the sink and then gargled.
After this, when she turned to me and folded
herself into my chest, I grabbed her up and carried her into Sal’s room.

It was a
little difficult to open the ensuite door, and then maneuver through it,
because the ensuite wasn’t very large; but I managed.
I placed her on Sal’s bed, ran to the bedroom
door to lock it, and returned to the side of the bed; where I knelt down to
look her directly in the eyes.

I questioned.

she responded... she looked bewildered.

“I need to
tell you something.” I pleaded.
I had to
say it now, because if I didn’t, my opportunity to do so again, may never

“I’m in
love with you.” I said, looking at her directly in the eyes, willing her to
know the truth.
She gasped, and put her
hand to her mouth.
I ploughed on, “I
have been in love with you since that first day in the library.” I sighed.

“You love
me?” Summer asked, quietly.

“Yes.” I
replied, reaching out to brush her tears away.

“Why didn’t
you tell me before?” she asked.

“Because I
want you so much, I don’t want it to end.” I reasoned.

“Huh? I
don’t understand!” she responded, her eyes spilling more tears, and a sniffle
sounding through her nose.

“I want
you, for... forever! I know that sounds dumb... I know we are like really young
and stuff, but that’s kind of why.
That’s why I couldn’t tell you, because I want you to be mine till we
grow old.” I explained... my voice was wavering.
“And teenage romance, as cute as it sounds
doesn’t tend to last, so, because I want more... I didn’t want to tell you till
we were older.”

displayed a mixture of anger and dismay in her eyes.
She hadn’t moved... I was unsure whether she
had even breathed.

fucked up!” she growled.

“I’m sorry.”
I said, “I hadn’t really thought it through sensibly!”

planned this?”
Summer reacted, sitting
up in the bed.

A knock on
ensuite door broke through.
I ran to the door.

Summer... I’m just going to take Jordan and Julie downstairs and give them
something to eat, since its dinner time.
I want to see you both downstairs shortly, or I’m going to come in.”
Debbie said, strongly.

“Okay Mrs.
MacFarlane.” I responded close to the door, so she thought we were still in the

I ran back
to Sal’s bed, where
now sat with her legs over
the side, her head in her hands.

“You let me
be strung along with other guys... with Jordan... while you waited for us to
grow up?” she said coldly, knifing me in the gut.

“I... look,
... it has killed me every second to see you
with him.
I’ve wanted to kill him on a
daily basis.” I explained.

“What about
me?” she asked, looking up with confused eyes, that continued to spill tears.

“Did you
think it was okay that I gave my body to someone else?
Did you think I needed to get experience with
someone else, so that when you got to have a turn I’d be good in bed?” She

I gasped...
I was struck by her words, like a blow to my face.

Summer... I... I obviously fucked up!” I reasoned.

she bitterly replied.

I grabbed
her hands, and she tried to wrench them free from me, but I wouldn’t let her.

“I know
right now you want to tear me to shreds... but I didn’t plan for anything that
complicated... I just knew, I mean, I know - that I love you Summer
I just didn’t want a brief
teenage experience... I want it all!” I said roughly.

Her anger was still there, but
she was listening.

tell me if you do or can love me back, after knowing all of this.” My voice

She started
crying again.

please!” I begged, still holding her hands and moving to keep eye contact with
her, even when she closed her eyes.

“You’re and
idiot!” Summer screeched through her tears.
“I have been struggling for years with how I felt about you... but after
when you said we could only
be friends...” she trailed off, oh... she was mad... she was really mad!

“I loved
you for years and years!” she seethed.
“I kept telling myself that I wasn’t good enough for you that way...
that you were gorgeous, talented and...
... Aargh!”
she screeched.
“You wanted to be
That’s what you said!
That’s how you acted! And it was an act...
wasn’t it!” she stated, beginning to choke up.

“No, it
wasn’t an act... I loved you and I wanted to be your friend... like I said
, I want everything!” I said quietly.

wrestled her right hand from me, reached back and proceeded to slap me hard
across the face...

I whipped
my face back around, grabbed her wrist again to stop her from lashing out
another time, pushed her back on the bed and growled at her... my anger and
desire struggling for supremacy.

She looked
at me defiantly, but there was no fear in her eyes.

I pushed
her roughly back into the softness of the bed, pinning her arms above her head
with one hand, after wrenching her across the bed by wrapping my other arm
under her rib cage and heaving her over, I then proceeded to push my right leg
up between her legs so that I straddled her right leg, whilst maintaining
pressure against her crotch with my thigh.

“I love
you.” I growled.
“I want you to be
... but I wanted it to be right!”

She still
didn’t look intimidated... her pupils were dilated from the lack of light, her
tears had stopped, and her breathing had altered completely, almost like she
was in the throes of passion.
I knew,
because mine had too, although my heart was beating so fast, I swear I could
feel it bashing her chest too.

She tilted
her head slightly, she licked her lips tentatively, and I dashed forward to
devour her mouth.



Oh. My.
God... this is what I wanted.
I wanted
Jordan had been sweet in his
passion, gentle, even in his urgency... but right now I realised that in sex, I
wanted fire!
I wanted to be
I wanted to be possessed...
and Blake wanted to possess me.
the sweet artsy guy, who talked music, literature and fashion with me... he was
the guy who wanted to take me... to consume me.
It scared the hell out of me, but right now I just wanted him to.
I just wanted him to take what he desired
from me... every cell in my body was begging him to, desperately.

He was
kissing me... consuming me, and I was returning the kiss wantonly.

I moved my
crotch so that it generated heat with the friction against his thigh, so he
pushed his leg in harder.
I pushed my
chest up towards him, so he moved his arm out from behind me, and started to
feel up under my camisole, till he reached my breast and began rolling my
nipple and massaging my c-cup boob.

A grunt
escaped me, as fire generated from my nipple and my crotch simultaneously
towards my centre, and began to bank and swell in my belly.

Blake was
roughly holding my arms in place above my head, but I wanted him to. His throat
emitted harsh moans, and I could feel the swell of his penis against my hip.

I wanted
him to fuck me... hard!
I began to arch
into him and he responded by moving his mouth down to my throat, suckling and
biting it at the junction with my shoulder.
He continued the pressure with his thigh against my pussy, and I
continued to make movements that were going to bring me to orgasm.

pinched my nipple, hard, and a shudder ran through me, and I gasped.

“You like that?”
he asked huskily.

“Yes.” I

Summer, I want you so much...” Blake moaned.

I sought
out his mouth... so, he clamped it over mine, and his incredible ministrations
with his hand continued relentlessly.
was trapped beneath him... and I desperately wanted more.

I could
feel my orgasm build up in me... it was like being in a runaway cart, without a
brake pedal.
There was no way I could
prevent the oncoming slaughter of my soul.
I wanted to reach the end, because of the ache... because it promised

My hips
were operating on their own agenda now, free from my influence; my breath was
maintaining me, keeping me alive, but doing little more than that; my mind was
screaming for release, and my heart was beating uncontrollably.
I was so overwhelmed!

From deep
within my womb, my heart and my mind... an explosion occurred... shattering!
Every muscle in the core of my body was twitching, I tried to scream out,
arching my neck to throw out my guttural roar, but Blake kept his mouth on
mine, and absorbed as much of the sound as he could.
I was ragged, I felt like cotton wool... I
wanted to cry! I also wanted Blake to go on... and fuck me, but he didn’t.



Debbie was
going to return any minute now.
I was
caught between wanting
, and not wanting to get

The wanting
was more consuming, bordering on
I felt desperate.
I wanted to seize her, claim her, and make
her mine.

She wanted
me to, I could feel it in the way she kissed me, the way she moved against
I removed my arm from under her and
travelled up under her camisole till her found her breast, it was free from a
bra, which was handy... so I grabbed her breast and began to play with her
It tightened further than it had
already, and I rolled it under my hand.

My right
thigh was pressed up against her mound... she was warm; I felt the clammy heat
from her pussy permeate through her panties, tiny bed shorts and my jeans.
It made me
go down on her and taste her, but I needed to stay where I was at the moment in
case we were interrupted, which was high on the agenda.

I applied
more pressure with my thigh, she was moaning wildly now, and wantonly thrusting
along my thigh, it was turning me on so much, I knew I might blow in my
I grabbed her nipple and pinched
it hard, this caused her to spasm... oh she liked that!

I kept up
kissing her, playing aggressively with her nipple and applying pressure to her
pussy until she came.
all consuming and absolutely magnificent.
I felt her unravel against me.
I could feel her twitching, her body spasm
underneath me...

I almost
came too... except Debbie had chosen that moment to knock on the door.

“You two
need to come downstairs... I need to talk to you... to everyone!” Debbie said.

“Be right
down.” I replied, hoping she couldn’t tell what had just occurred, since my
voice was kind of betraying me.

BOOK: Always Summer
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