Always Yours (39 page)

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Authors: Kari March

BOOK: Always Yours
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The late September sun was getting ready to set on the flat horizon as Cara and I drove out to that familiar old 4x4 trail which we loved so much. It had been exactly five months since we got back together and I was head over heels in love with her. Every day with her was the best day of my life.

"Why did we bring my car?" She looked over at me.

I reached across and grabbed her hand, pulling it over to rest on my leg. As I held it I brushed my thumb against hers. "Why does it matter?"

"It doesn't, I guess. There just isn't much room in here," she said, her face flushing.

I couldn't control my smile. She was too adorable. "Were you looking to get lucky tonight, baby?" I teased, turning towards her, wiggling my eyebrows. "It's okay to admit you want me. I know I'm irresistible."

She rolled her eyes at me. "More like impetuous," she laughed.

We turned onto the old dirt road that led us to Jim's ranch. When I passed his house she looked a little confused.

"Aren't we going to go say hello?"

Usually when we came out here—which was at least once a month—we stopped by and chatted with Jim and his wife, Dottie. But tonight I had other plans in store for Cara.

"We'll stop by in the morning," I explained.

"The morning? Please don't tell me I'm sleeping in this car tonight." Her brow creased as she tried to figure out what I was up to.

"We aren't sleeping in the car. Now stop asking questions, we're almost there."

Carefully, I turned down the 4x4 trail and Cara's eyes went wide. Her Ford Fusion wasn't exactly off road material but I knew if I went slow enough, things would be fine. The trail didn't seem nearly as bumpy in Cara's car but then again, we were only going ten miles per hour.

As we drove down along, I noticed Cara staring out over the horizon. Every time we came here she always commented on the amazing sunsets. I knew she loved this spot because of it and tonight, I had a feeling this sunset was going to be one she would never forget.


I had been a nervous wreck all day. Knowing we were going to be coming out here I had decided tonight was the night I would tell him the exciting news I had been hiding for the past few days. But I had no clue he was planning something until we passed Jim and Dottie's house. We always stopped by when we were out here and it seemed odd that we weren’t going there first.

As we drove slowly up the 4x4 trail, I knew Cam was up to something, but I couldn't believe my eyes when we reached the top of the hill. My mouth fell open and a loud gasp tumbled out of my mouth.

Cam's truck was parked under a tall oak tree so the tailgate was facing west. The bed was filled with blankets and pillows—perfect for watching the sunset in comfort. Mason jar candles were everywhere—on top of the truck, hanging in the tree, and sporadically placed all over the ground. It was simply breathtaking. Next to the truck, there was a little round table with two chairs. On top of the table there was a bottle of Captain Morgan's, two glasses, and a big old pack of Cinnamon bears, wrapped in an orange bow. And that's just what I could see from the car.

Cam parked, got out and opened my door for me. Taking my hand we walked over to the amazing display. As we got closer I saw Kate standing next to Cam's truck, holding a picnic basket.

"Oh my God, Cam," I squealed as my hands flew up to cheeks. "This is incredible!"

I ran over to Kate and gave her a big hug. I was so thankful to have her as a sister. We had so much lost time to make up for, every week we spent at least one day together and we made it a point to call each other every day.

"Thanks for helping me out, Kate," Cam said as he walked over to us.

She handed him the picnic basket. "Anytime! Well, I better get going so you two can be alone." She winked at Cam and he gave her a big hug.

Cam threw her my car keys. "Make sure you go slow on the trail, and text me as soon as you get back to my house."

Kate hugged me goodbye. "I will. Have a great night you two," she said, raising her eyebrows. Cam and I laughed while she ducked into my car and we stood there, watching, until she drove out of sight.

"Shall we?" Cam said as he held his arm out for me.

I looped mine through his and he led me over to the table.

"So, are you impressed?" he asked me as he pulled out the chair.

I took a seat as I looked around again. "Thoroughly. You really know how to treat a girl," I said with a smile.

"Well you haven't seen anything yet, firecracker."


We sat at the table and talked for a bit, while we munched on a few things I had prepared. I wasn't hungry though. I was fucking nervous as hell. I felt like taking a shot but didn't want to be drunk when I asked Cara to marry me.

Everything had been going according to plan. The sun was getting lower in the sky and pretty soon I would be down on one knee, pouring my heart and soul out to the woman I loved.

I wanted to hurl.

What if she said no?

I pushed those fucking thoughts out of my head. There was no way she would say no.

I looked out to the horizon and then back at Cara. "Should we watch the sunset?" I asked and her eyes lit up as she nodded.

We walked over to the truck and I slip inside, turning on the playlist I made especially for tonight.

The slow smooth sound of "Who You Love" by John Mayer and Katy Perry drifted through the speakers and I closed the door, joining Cara on the tailgate. She had a pillow pulled into her chest and her legs were dangling in the air, swinging back and forth. I jumped up next to her, put my arm around her waist and pulled her to me. She rested her head on my shoulder and my senses were invaded with the smell of lavender.

"Do you have any idea how much I love you?" I asked her and she shook her head no as she giggled. "More than life itself. Looking back I think I knew that all along. I knew you were the one before I even knew your name. I think about that night at Maggie's Place a lot."

She looked up at me. "You do? Why?"

"Because it was the night you turned my whole world upside down. You and your smartass attitude," I said, tickling her side. She giggled and it was the sweetest sound on earth. "Ahh, stop, Cam," she screamed, but I couldn't. Her laugh was to addicting. I needed more of it.

Jumping down off the tailgate I stepped between her legs. "You could laugh every second of every day and I would never get sick of it." Rubbing my hands up and down her legs, I looked her in the eyes. "These past six months have been like a dream, Cara. Every day I wake up with you next to me and I think there's no way life could ever get better. But then you open your eyes and smile that beautiful smile and somehow it gets better." I reached into my pocket and grasped the ring box in my hand.

It's almost time.

"I never saw you coming, firecracker, and I think that's why I fell so hard, so fast. You blindsided me and knocked me off balance. It may have taken me some time to figure it out but I was always yours, even before we met." Tears started to pool in her eyes and I when I slowly sank down to one knee they spilled over, running down her cheeks. I pulled the box from my pocket. Lifting the lid, I presented it to her. "And I always will be."

Her hands flew to her mouth, covering them as the tears kept falling. "I love you, Cara. Will you marry me?"


My head started nodding yes before the words were even out of his mouth. I had no control. "Yes, of course!" I squealed and his eyes glowed brighter than I had ever seen them.

He stood up and took the ring from the box. I held out my hand as he slipped the most exquisite emerald cut diamond ring I had ever seen onto my finger. The platinum band was incased with round diamonds and I knew it had cost him a small fortune. I was in total awe.

"Do you like it?" he asked as he held my hand.

I tore my eyes away from the massive rock and looked at him. "I love it, Cam. It's absolutely stunning." I cupped his face with my hands and pulled his mouth to mine.

"Hey Pretty Girl" by Kip Moore started playing and he pulled back from me and offered me his hand. "Dance with me, Mrs. Greer?" he asked and I took his hand.

He helped me down from the tailgate and twirled me around in a circle before pulling me to him. His arms squeezed around my waist and I leaned into his chest as we moved to the music. I couldn't believe how full circle we had come as we danced. The first night we danced to this song I imagined a life with him—I just never thought it would ever become a reality. Everything happens for a reason and Cam is that reason.

The sun had finally set and the candles were glowing like fireflies all around us. It was like a dream and I never wanted to wake up. I had never been happier than I was in this moment. And then I remembered the news I needed to tell Cam and my heart fluttered nervously in my chest.

As the song came to an end, I stared into Cam's eyes. "I love you so much, baby," I said.

His smile touched his eyes and melted my heart. "I love you, too, Cara, more than anything in this world."

"Are you sure about that?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him.

"Yes," he said as he stared at me with bewilderment. "Is there a reason why I shouldn't be?"

A tight-lipped grin appeared on my face and my eyes darted down to my stomach. "I'm pregnant, Cam," I said, looking back up at him.

He stared at me, his expression blank, for what seemed like years. He wasn't giving anything away and it was slowly killing me.

Was he pissed? Happy? Sad? He better say something soon or I'm going to completely break down.

He looked towards my stomach and placed his hand on it gently and my whole body warmed from his contact. "We're going to have a baby?" he asked softly.

His gaze darted back up to mine, his eyes were glossed over and full of contentment as he waited for my answer.

With a soft smile I answered, "We're due in May."

He crashed his lips down on mine and held me close. I could feel his heart and soul radiating as he kissed me. This kiss was better than any other kiss we ever shared because this kiss held our future.

I wanted to pause time. I wanted to hold on to this feeling and never let go.

We had gone through so much pain and heartache, we faced our worse fears, and we fought like hell to get where we were today and I wouldn't change one minute of any of it. I would gladly do it all over again if it meant I could relive this moment.

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