Amendments (17 page)

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Authors: Andrew Ryan Henke

BOOK: Amendments
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              Noir finally stood and placed a hand on Ratt's shoulder.  To Noir's surprise, Ratt flinched as if he thought Noir would hurt him, but quickly relaxed.

              Noir hastily healed his friend's injuries.  His arm had been dislocated, he had several cuts and severe bruises, and much of his flesh had been burned.  Noir started on the arm, reconnecting the bones, then the ligaments, and finally the muscles surrounding the joint.  Then Noir made lux flow across his friend's skin.  He healed broken, cut, and burned flesh.

              Within moments, Ratt's posture relaxed and he sighed contentedly.  Noir pulled his hand away and looked at his friend just inches from his face for the first time in months.  “What's going on with you, Ratt?”

              Ratt misunderstood Noir's question and replied, “The attack seems to be going well, but many Din Mages are still on these walls and in the towers.  We have to go fight, Noir.”

              Noir let his other question go and agreed.  “All right.  I'm behind you.  Lead the way.”




              The occupational Tierian forces that resided in Garmak were defeated in less than five minutes.  Noir and Ratt traversed the entirety of the walls and destroyed all of the overseers and din handlers.  At the second tower, Noir had to block Ratt's attacks as he attempted to slay the din slave.  It took a moment of argument for Ratt to understand, but he relented and only killed the handlers in the next four towers.

              A roar of voices came from the town soon after Noir and Ratt finished the last of the forces on the walls.  The voices were singing and crying in victory.  Hundreds of people danced, hugged each other, and cried in the streets below.  Garmak was free.




              As he had been promised, Kit stood in the dark, underground chamber that held the massive siphon enchant and its captor.  Kit stared up in awe at the massive beast that hung above him.  Though the dragon was held immobile, he jerked violently against his restraints and let out ground-shaking roars.  Even worse, however, were Nidhoggr's eyes.  They followed Kit as he stepped hesitantly toward the altar beneath the beast.  Few things frightened Kit any more, but he was terrified of those eyes.

              An impossibly loud, deep voice boomed between roars.  “What monster now approaches me?”

              Kit stopped in his tracks and stared at the massive eye far above him.  Kit didn't answer.  He was too terrified to think of anything to say.

              “You who comes to pierce my belly and take my gift.  You who covet power.  You come to defile me, Nidhoggr, bringer of din to this world!  Why?!”

              Even though The Lady in Rags told Kit to ignore the beast when he spoke to him, Kit couldn't help but stand in terrified reverence of the creature.  “I need your power,” was all he could get out.  His voice sounded tiny and frail compared to the earth-shattering booming of the dragon above him.

              “For what purpose do you need power, human?!”

              Kit forced himself to take another step toward the altar and the large sword that lay there.  “I need power to defeat my enemies.”

              “So many before you have said these words.  Power defeats oneself as much as ones enemies.  Why do you have enemies that require destruction?”

              “This enemy,” Kit said as he finally reached the altar, “is of the worst kind.  General Grandel of Chiron saw thousands of innocent people slain or taken as slaves.”  As Kit spoke he gained a small amount of his prior conviction once again.  “He ruined my life.  He deserves the most horrible destruction imaginable.”  Kit hefted the sword.  The bright metal could be seen clearly in the dark cavern.  Kit knew the sword was an enchant.  It had to be to pierce the scaly hide of the dragon above him.  Kit's resolved solidified as he imagined destroying Grandel's body with din.  He looked up and drew back the enchant sword.  “I am sorry but I must have this power.”

              Kit slashed up into the dragon's belly where there were dozens of scars.  Immediately, dark red blood rained down onto Kit's head, shoulders, and face hissing and burning his skin.  Kit dropped the sword and grabbed at his face.  He had steeled himself for this moment, promising himself that he would withstand the pain as long as possible, but now that the moment came, he wanted nothing more than to run and plunge his body into the clear pool of cave water.

              A series of images flashed through Kit's mind.  Grandel stood over him, his form massive compared to his young body.  Grandel wore the shining armor of the Chiron military.  His sword was raised and he plunged it down toward Kit's chest.  Kit remembered reacting instinctively.  A barrier of light shone for the briefest of moments and deflected Grandel's attack.

              Another image flashed through Kit's mind—Grandel pulling Kit up and throwing him over his shoulder.  Then Kit remembered sword thrust after sword thrust.  His friends were killed right before his eyes.  The man that held him murdered his young friends.

              “No!” Kit screamed.  His rage toward Grandel helped him steel himself from the pain.  Kit actually looked up into the stream of acidic blood that poured onto him.  “I will withstand this!  I will defeat my enemies!  I will become the next Lumin!!!”



Chapter 18



              Lord Murik, Finn, Noir, Ratt, and Ruith all stood on the southern wall looking out toward the Tierian capital.  The river Coda sparkled in the setting sun.  The Coda ran from the northern expanses of the Tierian territory straight through the Tierian capital itself.  It had been much more than twenty-four hours since Garmak had been taken over by the resistance.

              “They should have come by now,” Murik said wearily while staring into the distance.

              “What does this mean?”

              Murik responded, “It means they're taking us seriously.”

              Ratt, now out of his armor, asked hesitantly, “That's... good, right?”

              “Yes and no,” the ornately-dressed man replied.  “Yes, it means we did a serious blow to the king.  It means our actions, sweat, and blood meant something.  And... no.  It means they're taking our threat seriously, and therefore mounting a serious counterattack.  Expect a hard battle ahead, my friends.”

              Lord Murik's words hung in the air for a long while.  The five men continued to stare out at the landscape.  There were few trees to hide approaching enemies, but rocky, rolling hills covered this area.  If the army's commander was smart, they'd travel in the low points between hills.  That way, Noir and the others would not see them coming until the battle was nearly upon them.

              The initial attack had taken a toll on the people of Garmak.  Thirty-nine innocent townsfolk of Garmak died fighting the Tierian soldiers that occupied the town.  Many more were injured, but Noir and Ruith finished healing them the previous evening.  Nine din slaves had been freed, but only two were willing to help the resistance.  Finn was able to pick the locks on their slave collars.  They could control and use their own din once they were removed.  The other seven din slaves refused to use their powers to help, and therefore stayed locked up in make-shift prisons.  When asked, the seven each agreed that they had had enough violence and death.  They didn't want to use their powers for anything—including helping the resistance.

              As for their enemies, twelve din handlers, three din slaves, and fifty-nine Tierian soldiers had been killed.  Twenty-one soldiers had been captured.  In the end, over five-hundred willing, mostly untrained townsfolk overtook eighty trained Tierian soldiers and twelve din handlers.  It was an impressive feat, but the true battle lay ahead.

              A teenage boy climbed the stairs that led up the wall and bowed before Murik and the rest.  He broke the long silence.  “Another scout returned.  No sign of the counterattack yet, Lord Murik.”

              “Thank you.  Send more scouts.  They have to be coming soon.”

              The boy climbed back down the stairs.  “They must be amassing a massive force,” Murik admitted gravely.  “This isn't good.”




              Something awakened Noir, but he wasn't sure what.  He opened his eyes and looked up at the low, snow-threatening clouds above him.  The sun had set at some point after he'd rested against the base of the wall.  He wasn't sure when he'd fallen asleep.  What had awakened him, anyway?

              Noir stood and stretched.  Glow spheres attached to walls let off pale light.  Noir looked to the top of the wall and saw Ratt in his armor once again.  He was looking southward, toward where the armies of Tier would most likely approach.

              Noir felt a minuscule tug on his consciousness.  It was something he'd felt before, but he couldn't pinpoint it.  Maybe he was still sleepy.  He climbed the stairs and stood next to his friend.

              Ratt reported, “I see nothing.”  Then he turned to Noir and asked, “How did you sleep?  Propped against that rock wall like you were, I bet you have a crook in your neck.”

              Noir turned his head to both sides.  “Nah, I'm fine.  What time is it?”

              “I'm not sure, but the sun set hours ago.  Why aren't they attacking, Noir?”

              Noir replied, “I guess they're amassing their forces like Murik said.”  Noir paused.  He was standing next to his friend with a moment of down time for the first time in a while.  He had so many questions he wanted to ask.  Where to start?

              “Ratt,” Noir finally asked, “Why did you leave us—me and Asiada?”

              Ratt tensed.  It was subtle, but Noir noticed it.  His arms flexed where he held the stone wall with his hands.  After a long moment, Ratt replied, “Noir, I want to kill.  I want to kill them all.”

              Noir was startled and wasn't sure what to say.  He'd realized something strange was going on with Ratt, but this wasn't what he'd expected.  Kill who?  He decided not to ask.  Ratt continued anyway.  “The Tierians.  The way they pushed me... abused my family over the years.  I hate them.  I know how you try not to kill unless absolutely necessary....”  Ratt trailed off.  He looked down at his hands.

              Noir said, “You knew you'd kill them.  You knew you'd do this.  Right?”


              “But it is working out.  The resistance here in Garmak... it's working.  That's what you wanted, right?”

              Ratt looked at his friend.  Noir saw pain in his eyes.  “Yes, but at what cost?  Are the lives of those townsfolk on my hands?”  He paused, then looked back out at the landscape.  “I don't know.”

              Noir was about to say something when suddenly he realized what was tugging at his subconscious.  Someone was using lux nearby.  It was getting stronger by the moment.  He told Ratt what he sensed.

              “From what direction?” Ratt asked.  He was focused once again.  He had his axe in his hands and looked anxiously over the wall.

              Noir pointed.  “From out there.  I can't pinpoint where, though.”

              A long moment passed.  Noir and Ratt peered out into the darkness and at the landscape in front of them.  Nothing stirred.  “We need to get everyone ready,” Ratt said.  “They're surely coming.”

              Noir turned and ran down the stairs.  He found a man who he recognized.  “You have to tell the others.  They're coming!  Get ready!”

              The man nodded and ran off.  Noir bounded back up the stairs.  Looking out at the landscape and seeing nothing, he worried if he and Ratt were crying wolf.  However, it was better to be safe than sorry.

              “Hello, Luxin!” a voice boomed in Noir's head.  It reminded Noir of when the scarred man had taken control of his mind months earlier.  As he'd learned in the previous fight, he quickly slid a mental barrier into place.  He would not be controlled like last time.  The voice continued, “Where is this 'Savior of Tier' we have heard so much about?  Give him to us and we will let you live.”

              Noir turned to Ratt.  “They're... talking to me with sye.  They want you.”

              Ratt's brow furrowed.  “Well, they can't have me.  Fight it off, Noir.  I know you can.”

              “I'll try.”

              “Can't you see when lux is used?” Ratt asked.

              Noir saw his armor glowing and knew Ratt was drawing upon the powers of his armor.  “Yes.”

              “Then look out there.  Try to see them.  I won't be able to.”

              Noir understood.  He could pinpoint lux users if they were trying to bend light around themselves.  However, Noir was startled when he saw three figures standing just a short distance from the walls.  One had a weave of lux above his head which he put into a light barrier that protected all three.  They were not hidden in the slightest.  Each wore dark cloaks with the hoods pulled down.  To Noir's horror, all three were covered in deep scars.  The voice boomed in Noir's mind, “Tell the Savior to come out and play!”

              Noir pointed and shouted, “Dual vigor users! Ratt saw them as well.  The light shield disappeared and a ball of fire shot toward Noir and Ratt.  Noir blocked the din attack with his own shield of light.

              Noir looked to check if Ratt was alright.  Ratt was frowning deeply as he murmured, “I have to kill again.  I... can't stop myself.”  Ratt seemed to be straining against something, but Noir had no idea what.  “We have to take them out, Noir.”

              Noir nodded in sad agreement.  Dual vigor users sent from Tier were not something to play games with.  Noir said sternly, “Be careful, Ratt.”  A blur raced off and Noir knew what to do.

              Noir solidified the air around all three of the men below.  He held each man's torso with a ring of lux.  Before the dual vigor users could react, a blur of green sped past and each man screamed in sudden pain.  Noir released the solidified air and all three fell to the ground.

              The voice still boomed in Noir's head.  “Those were mere pawns, Luxin.  Now you die!”  Suddenly, a man appeared directly next to Noir.  He wore a robe with blue and red trim and had scars running down his face.  He held a massive flail in one hand and his other held a ball of flame.  Noir didn't have time to wonder why he hadn't seen the man approach.

              Noir drew his sword and put a lux barrier between them just barely in time before the man buffeted the barrier repeatedly with his flail.  Noir was barely aware of the fireball that the man had hurled over his head.  Noir thrust forward with his sword but met a wall of ice that suddenly appeared.  Sensing the fire above, Noir surrounded his whole body in a light barrier.  The fireball crashed down on his shield blocking his vision of his attacker.  Suddenly his mind was attacked just as ferociously as his physical self.  This man was expertly using din and sye at the same time!

              Noir defended his mind against the attack.  It held for the moment, but he knew sye was the natural trump to lux.  His defenses would not last long.  He had to dispose of this attacker quickly.

              The fire dissipated and Noir saw his attacker now standing several feet away.  He looked intently at Noir, obviously attacking him with sye.  Noir raised his sword and charged forward.  The dual vigor user created a spear of ice from his hand.  Noir dodged to his left and the ice went past his shoulder, but another spear shot directly at his face.  Noir created a lux barrier and caused the ice to shatter and ricochet into the air high above them.  Noir ducked and rolled.  He swung blindly at where he thought his attacker's legs would be.  His blade found flesh and a cry of surprise mirrored the cease of sye attacks on Noir's mind.

              Noir righted himself and stood.  The man lay on his back.  On each leg was a deep, horizontal cut.  Noir leaped forward and plunged his sword into the man.

              All sye and din attacks ceased.  Noir stood and looked down at his attacker.  The man was scarred just like he'd seen before.  He must have been a sye user who was exposed to Nidhoggr's blood.  Was that who was attacking them?  A force of dual vigor users?

              Noir looked down where he'd seen Ratt defeat the three men.  His friend was nowhere to be seen, but Noir heard screams not far away.  Instinctively, Noir ran toward the cries of terror.

              Noir ran down the stairs of the wall and rounded the corner of a building.  He was horrified to see a flow of lux from a man's hand into a woman's lungs.  The woman's eyes bulged and her mouth was forced unnaturally open.  She did not breathe, but looked desperately at Noir as he approached.

              Noir pounced on the man immediately, but his body rammed into a pillar of earth that suddenly shot up between them.  It was another dual vigor user, but this time with lux and din.

              Thankfully, the man turned his attention to Noir.  The woman dropped to the ground gasping for breath.  Noir shouted, “Run!” and again attacked the scarred man.

              Another pillar of earth erupted and Noir slammed into it.  He spun to the side and again attempted to run at the man.  Noir saw yellow and red embroidery on the man's black robes.  Both the symbol for lux and the symbol for din were displayed on his chest.

              Noir solidified the air around the dual vigor user's arms and went in to attack, but met a mass of ice spears that shot out of the man's hands.  Noir created a light barrier to block the ice spears.  They shattered in the air and rained ice on the ground.

              Noir's throat and lungs suddenly filled with hardened air.  Noir dropped his sword and grasped at his throat.  He couldn't focus on keeping the flow of lux that restrained the man's arms.

              “Ah, a Luxin!” the man said as he stepped around the earth pillars.  His feet crunched on the shattered ice.  “I was hoping I'd have a challenge.  Are you strong with lux?”  Noir choked and grasped at the solid air that filled his mouth.  “You know, I willingly received these scars.  I am a soldier of Tier first, a Luxin second, and a Din Mage third.  My loyalties lie with the king.”  The man walked to Noir and got close to his face.  The man's scars pulled at his flesh as his mouth worked.  “This rebellion is a joke.  The power of Tier is unfathomable to you.”

              Noir panicked.  He was going to die.  He would never get his cousin and uncle out of this bizarre world.  He'd never visit his parents again or go back to school.  He was going to die right then and there!

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