America's Great Game (61 page)

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Authors: Hugh Wilford

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. K. to Big Brother, December 23, 1954, quoted in Tawil,
La‘bat al-umam
, 399. See Caplan,
Futile Diplomacy
, 4:48; Michael B. Oren, “Secret Egypt-Israel Peace Initiatives Prior to the Suez Campaign,”
Middle Eastern Studies
26, no. 3 (1990): 361; Shimon Shamir, “The Collapse of Project Alpha,” in
Suez 1956: The Crisis and Its Consequences
, ed. Wm. Roger Louis and Roger Owen (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), 79.

. For differing explanations of the separation of the Arab desk and the Israeli account, see AR,
Lust of Knowing
, 298, and Michael Holzman,
James Jesus Angleton, the CIA, and the Craft of Counterintelligence
(Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2008), 152–153.

. Telephone Call from Allen Dulles, January 6, 1956, 5, Memoranda of Telcon. General January 3, 1956–April 30, 1956 (8), General Correspondence and Memoranda Series, JFDP, DDEL.

AFME Annual Report, 1955–56
, 59.1, JNP.

. “Cairo Backed on Arms,”
New York Times
, October 11, 1955, 4; State to Damascus, “AFME Views on Arab-Israel Problem,” January 11, 1956, 684A.86/1–1156, RG 59, NA.

. Telephone Call from Allen Dulles, January 6, 1956, 5, Memoranda of Telcon. General January 3, 1956–April 30, 1956 (8), General Correspondence and Memoranda Series, JFDP, DDEL; Diary Entry by the President, January 11, 1956,
FRUS 1955–57, Vol. 15
, 23; Polly to Belle Roosevelt, January 9, 1956, I, 143, Roosevelt, Mary Gaddis (Polly), undated, 1950–59, KRBRP.

. Robert Anderson to State, January 19, 1956, 34, Alpha–Anderson Talks w/BG and Nasser, Carbons of Incoming and Outgoing Tels., Folder 1 of 2, Lot 59D518, Documents on Projects Alpha, Mask, and Omega, 1945–1957, RG 59, NA; Message to Anderson, February 1, 1956,
FRUS 1955–57, Vol. 1
5, 119–120.

. KR quoted in Neff,
Warriors at Suez
, 135.

. Haikal,
Cairo Documents
, 56.

. Message to Washington No. 22, January 24, 1956,
FRUS 1955–57, Vol. 15
, 61, 63.

. Memorandum of a Conversation with the Secretary of State, October 18, 1955,
FRUS 1955–57, Vol. 14
, 612–613; “Take the Middle East Out of Domestic Politics! An Open Letter to Every American Citizen,”
New York Times
, January 25, 1956, 20; Thompson quoted in “Yemen Aide Says West Loses in Mideast Because of ‘Minority Pressure Groups,’”
New York Times
, January 27, 1956, 4.

. Under Secretary of State (Hoover) to Cairo, January 31, 1956,
FRUS 1955–57, Vol. 15
, 117; KR, “Ghost of Suez”; Message to Athens No. 70, February 2, 1956,
FRUS 1955–57, Vol. 15
, 129.

. Message to Washington No. 78, February 7, 1956,
FRUS 1955–57, Vol. 15
, 148; Memorandum to Washington, February 8, 1956,
FRUS 1955–57, Vol. 15
, 154; Message to Washington No. 83, February 20, 1956,
FRUS 1955–57, Vol. 15
, 195.

. Thompson quoted in “Zionists Assail Tanks for Arabs,”
New York Times
, February 20, 1956, 2; Eliot to Thompson, February 27, 1956, 14, AFME, January–February 1956, DTP; Eliot, “Arab-Israeli Peace Still Is Possible,” February 26, 1956, 14, AFME, January–February 1956, DTP.

. Message to Central Intelligence Agency No. 88, February 22, 1956,
FRUS 1955–57, Vol. 15
, 204.

. MC to Allen Dulles No. 93, February 22, 1956, 34, Alpha–Anderson talks w/BG and Nasser, Incoming Telegrams—Jan.–Mar. 1956, Part 1, Lot 59D518, RG 59, NA (this message also appears,
with the identity of the author redacted, in
FRUS 1955–57, Vol. 15
, 209); Byroade to John Foster Dulles, February 23, 1956,
FRUS 1955–57, Vol. 15
, 211, 212.

. Lloyd C. Gardner,
Three Kings: The Rise of an American Empire in the Middle East After World War II
(New York: New Press, 2009), 162; Shuckburgh diary, March 3, 1956, 403, MS191/1/2/4, Shuckburgh Papers.

. KR interview by Love; Eden quoted in Lucas,
Divided We Stand
, 88.

. Anderson to John Foster Dulles, March 6, 1956,
FRUS 1955–57, Vol. 15
, 305.

. Caplan,
Futile Diplomacy
, 4:252; Shuckburgh diary, March 8, 1956, 414, MS191/1/2/4, Shuckburgh Papers.

Sixteen: . . . to OMEGA

. MC,
Game Player
, 194.

. Ibid.

. This and other biographical details are from the published version of Eveland’s memoirs,
Ropes of Sand
, and “Outlines,” a manuscript draft contained in the Wilbur Crane Eveland Papers (WCEP), Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.

. MC,
Game Player
, 215.

. Eveland,
Ropes of Sand
, 114.

. Ibid., 169.

. Ibid., 170; Eveland to Allen Dulles and Norman Paul, April 1, 1956, 6, WCEP; MI6 officer quoted in Eveland, “Outlines,” 481, 6; Eveland to Dulles and Paul.

. Chester L. Cooper,
The Lion’s Last Roar: Suez, 1956
(New York: Harper & Row, 1978), 69; Haikal,
Cutting the Lion’s Tail
, 103; Peter Wright,
Spycatcher: The Candid Autobiography of a Senior Intelligence Officer
(New York: Viking, 1987), 160–161; MC,
Game Player
, 201.

. John Foster Dulles to Eisenhower, March 28, 1956, 5, File Received from Mr. Hoover, Jr., Office (1), Subject Series, JFDP, DDEL; Ivone Kirkpatrick to Makins, March 19, 1956, FO 371/118869, PRO; FO Intel 29, “Anglo-American Policy in the Middle East,” February 23, 1956, PREM 11/1937, PRO.

. Allen Dulles quoted in NSC minutes, February 17, 1955, 6, NSC Series, AWF, DDEL; John Foster Dulles to Eisenhower, March 28, 1956, 5, File Received from Mr. Hoover, Jr., Office (1), Subject Series, JFDP, DDEL; Selwyn Lloyd to Eden, April 6, 1956, PREM 11/1937, PRO. On Ike’s hopes for Saud as a Muslim leader, see Nathan J. Citino,
From Arab Nationalism to OPEC: Eisenhower, King Sa‘ūd and the Making of U.S.-Saudi Relations
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002), 95.

. Lloyd to Makins, March 16, 1956, PREM 11/1463, PRO; Makins to Lloyd, April 6, 1956, PREM 11/1937, PRO; Memorandum of Conversation, “Bilateral Talk with British in Paris (Near East),” May 3, 1956, 55, Omega Vol. 4, Lot 61D417, Executive Secretariat, Meeting Summaries and Project Files, 1951–59, RG 59, NA; Allen Dulles to John Foster Dulles, May 11, 1956, 55, Omega Vol. 4, Lot 61D417, RG 59, NA.

. KR quoted in Hersh,
The Old Boys
, 313. See also KR,
, 210. Miles Copeland made much the same point in
The Game Player
, arguing that the CIA should not have taken part in what was basically a paramilitary operation and declaring PB-SUCCESS a “national outrage” (MC,
Game Player
, 192).

. Amory quoted in Hersh,
The Old Boys
, 449n32; Haikal,
Cutting the Lion’s Tail
, 104; MC,
Game Player
, 165–166.

. F. H. Russell to William Rountree, March 29, 1956, 38, Omega—Developments—Miscl., 1956, Folder 2 of 2, Lot 59D518, RG 59, NA; Middle East Policy Planning Group, “Suggested Near East Development Institution,” April 9, 1956, 36, Omega—Meetings of MEPPG 4/9/56 to 6/30/56, Folder 1 of 2, Lot 59D518, RG 59, NA.

. Roger Goiran and KR to Russell, May 18, 1956, quoting message of May 17, 1956, from CIA Cairo station, 37, Omega Memos, etc., from April 24, 1956, to June 30, 1956, 2 of 3, Lot 59D518, RG 59, NA; Memorandum for Middle East Policy Planning Group, “Cairo Station Views Pertinent to OMEGA Planning,” May 2, 1956, 55, Omega Vol. 4, Lot 61D417, RG 59, NA; Byroade to John Foster Dulles, April 19, 1956,
FRUS 1955–57, Vol. 15
, 556–560.

. Young quoted in Dorril,
, 609; Eveland,
Ropes of Sand
, 197.

. Hersh,
The Old Boys, 449;
Shuckburgh diary, January 12, 1956, MS191/1/2/4, Shuckburgh Papers.

. MC,
Game Player
, 176, 181; Wilber,
Adventures in the Middle East
, 191–192.

. MC,
Game of Nations
, 16; Allen Dulles quoted in ibid., 171.

. MC,
Game Player
, 285. See Thomas B. Allen,
War Games: The Secret World of the Creators, Players, and Policy Makers Rehearsing World War III Today
(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987), 5; Sharon Ghamari-Tabrizi, “Simulating the Unthinkable: Gaming Future War in the 1950s and 1960s,”
Social Studies of Science
30, no. 2 (2000): 163–223.

. Haikal,
Cairo Documents
, 58; John Foster Dulles quoted in Takeyh,
The Origins of the Eisenhower Doctrine
, 120.

. Rountree to John Foster Dulles, May 23, 1956, 55, Omega Vol. 5, Lot 61D417, RG 59, NA; Hare quoted in Eveland,
Ropes of Sand
, 181.

. Eveland,
Ropes of Sand
, 208.

. Eveland, “Outlines,” 586.

Seventeen: Increasingly a Vehicle for Your Purposes

. Lucas,
Divided We Stand
, 120; Nasser quoted in Haikal,
Cairo Documents
, 68.

. MC quoted in Eveland,
Ropes of Sand
, 193; Berger to Levison, August 6, 1956, 8, Dr. Elmer Berger 1956, Addition M68–068, ACJP.

. Dulles quoted in Keith Kyle,
Suez: Britain’s End of Empire in the Middle East
(1991; rept., London: Tauris, 2003), 130; “The Dramatic Gambit,” Time, July 30, 1956, 9.

. Nasser quoted in Lucas,
Divided We Stand
, 139; Allen interview; “How CIA Aide Upset Diplomacy in Egypt,”
Washington Post
, September 24, 1956, 5; KR interview by Love. Noting that Kim Roosevelt “was almost as enraged as Nasser” by the loan cancellation, Allen Dulles invited him, Miles Copeland, and Frank Wisner to a joint CIA–State Department meeting to predict the Egyptian leader’s reaction. According to Copeland’s memoirs, Wisner did raise the possibility of Nasser nationalizing the Suez Canal, but the area specialists “pooh-poohed him into silence” (MC,
Game Player
, 200; see also ibid., 170–171).

. There is a vast literature on the Suez Crisis. See, in particular, Kyle,
Divided We Stand;
Warriors at Suez;
and Thornhill,
Road to Suez

. Freedman quoted in Thompson to Freedman, September 19, 1955, 6.2, DTP; James H. Sheldon, “American Friends of Israel’s Foes,”
American Zionist
(April 1953): 10–13.

. Ross,
Rabbi Outcast
, 74; Alfred Lilienthal, “A Report on Operations of the AFME from a Member to Other Members,” January 25, 1955, 3.9, DTP; Alfred Lilienthal, “Memorandum to Members of the National Council of the American Friends of the Middle East,” June 11, 1955, 69.22, Alfred A. Lilienthal Papers, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.

. George Camp Keiser to Alice B. Whelen, April 30, 1953, 24.6, ACJP; Walter Van Kirk to [Roswell P.] Barnes, January 25, 1954, and Martha A. Roy to Van Kirk, February 5, 1954, 16.2, RG 6, National Council of the Churches Records, Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia.

. Richard H. Sanger to [Parker T.] Hart, February 2, 1953, 511.80/2–253, RG 59, NA; G. H. Damon to Sanger, April 2, 1953, 4, Lot 68D99, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Office of the Public Affairs Adviser, Subject Files 1963–66, RG 59, NA; Sanger and Stephen P. Dorsey to Byroade, February 4, 1954, 511.80/2–454, RG 59, NA.

. Eddy to Hopkins, January 11, 1954, 3.1, DTP; Eddy to Thompson, February 16, 1954, 3.4, DTP.

. Kay Sisto to Thompson, March 9, 1954, 3.8, DTP; Lilienthal, “Report on Operations of AFME”; Sanger to Allen, January 21, 1955, 4, Lot 68D99, RG 59, NA.

. “A Special Survey,”
Near East Report
, October 1964, B-16;
AFME Annual Report, 1954–55
, 59.1, JNP; “Heard in Washington,”
Near East Report
, March 7, 1967, 19.

. Engert to Thompson, July 10, 1956, 3.16, DTP.

. Hopkins to Stobart, no date [September 1956], 3.16, DTP;
AFME Annual Report, 1956–57
, 59.2, JNP. Hopkins’s correspondence with Stobart makes clear that the latter controlled a large budget and had a long personal acquaintance with Hopkins.

. Thompson to Charles Hulac, January 8, 1957, 6.17, DTP; Thompson to John N. Wheeler, December 23, 1956, 6.16, DTP; Thompson quoted in Kurth, 536.

AFME Annual Report, 1956–57;
Hopkins to Stobart, no date [September 1956], 3.16, DTP;
AFME Annual Report, 1957–58
, 59.3, JNP.

. Theodore R. Frye to Mr. Kretzmann, April 1, 1957, 4, Lot 68D99, RG 59, NA; Memorandum of Conversation, “United States Relations with the Middle East,” May 8, 1958, 4, Lot 68D99, RG 59, NA.

AFME Annual Report, 1958–59
, 59.4, JNP; H. Ben Smith to Nuveen, September 15, 1958,
59.3, JNP; William T. Dodson to [redacted], July 10, 1958, 59.3,
JNP; AFME Annual Report, 1958–59; AFME Annual Report
for 1962–63, 1963–64, and 1964–65, 60.1, JNP; Orin D. Parker, interview by author, Oceanside, CA, July 10, 2009.

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