Anatomies: A Cultural History of the Human Body (39 page)

BOOK: Anatomies: A Cultural History of the Human Body
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pubic hair 93, 132, 203, 231

pudica pose 204, 206, 230

pulmonary circulation 21, 71–2, 73

pupils of the eye 167

Putin, Vladimir 236


Quant, Mary 132

Quetelet, Adolphe 30


Rabelais, François 93, 127, 184

Gargantua and Pantagruel
xxii, 88–9, 127, 194

race 237

Rachmaninov, Sergei 199

Ramachandran, Vilayanur 176–7

Rameses II 224

Raphael, skull 116–17

Rapunzel 94

Ravel, Maurice: Piano Concerto for the Left Hand 199

Redding, Emma 222–3

Reeve, Henry 116

reflection, optical 167

refraction 167

Rembrandt xxiv, 153, 155, 162

The Anatomy Lesson of Doctor Tulp

, 8, 14, 187–8,
, 189–90

Reservoir Dogs (Tarantino) 157

resurrectionists 74

rete mirabile 69

rhinoplasty 86–7

ribs 55, 58–9

Richardson, Ruth 72, 78

right/left-handedness 197–200

right–left asymmetry 197–202

Rimbaud, Arthur 176

robots 249–50, 251

Roe, John Orlando 90–91

Roggman, Lori 100

Roman numerals 194

Röntgen, Anna 49

Röntgen, Wilhelm 49

Royal College of Surgeons 21, 62, 77, 109

rubber-hand illusion 173

Rubens, Peter Paul 45

Rusalka 94

Ruskin, John 179, 231

Rysbrack, Jan 114


Sacred Heart 132

sacrum 53

Sagan, Carl 205, 206, 207

Saint-Saëns, Camille: Danse Macabre 51

Saint-Simon, Henri de 23

Salzman, Linda 205

Samson 94

Sarum Primer 130

Schama, Simon 188

Scharfe, Henrik 250

Schupbach, William 187

Scientific American 205

self-flagellation 239

self-identity see identity

Sellars, Nina 47

SENS (Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence) 256–7, 258


hearing 157–8, 169

overlapping of 172–7

sight 167–9, 172–4

smell 169, 172, 174–5, 183

synaesthesia 175–7

taste 169, 172, 173, 174–5, 183–4

touch 169, 173–4, 176–7

sex 204–14

bisexuals 212

chromosomes 209–10

and cultural self-definition 212–13

embryonic development 210

‘G spot’ 82

homosexuals 145, 212


intersexuality 210–11

and nudity 203–7
see also

organs xxii, 80, 81–2, 200, 203–7, 210, 212–13, 253–5

psychological view of 211

sex-change operations/gender reassignment 207–9, 214

sexual identity 208–14

sexual spectrum 211–12

see also

Sforza, Francesco 21

Shakespeare, William 39, 40, 41, 42–4, 93

40–41, 42

Henry IV, Part I

King Lear
6, 40, 41

41, 43

The Merchant of Venice
38–9, 40

The Merry Wives of Windsor
41, 44

Richard II

Romeo and Juliet

Twelfth Night

shapes of organs 131–6

Sharp, Lesley 137–8

Shelley, Mary: Frankenstein 71, 243, 250

Shelley, Percy Bysshe: ‘Ozymandias’ 224

Shelton, Don 76, 77

Shepherd, John 104

Shorter, Edward: A History of Women’s Bodies 144

Shrek films 244

Shuar people, upper Amazon 85–6

Sibelius, Jean 175

sight 167–9, 172–4

Simblet, Sarah 9–11, 14

skeleton 7, 9, 10, 42, 49–62, 66–7, 81

skin 41, 86, 110, 164, 226–39


blushing 228–9, 233

branding 237

diseases 234

and race 237

tattooing 237–9

tone 226–7

skull 51, 54

phrenology 116–18, 119

Raphael’s 116–17

smell, sense of 169, 172, 174–5, 183

Smith, Horace 224

Snell, Hannah 214

Sondheim, Stephen: Sweeney Todd 244

soul xxiv, 20, 21, 37, 69, 71, 108, 234, 264

body as prison of the soul 264

and brain/pineal gland 119, 168–9

and eyes 170

and head 84, 85, 86

sound frequency recognition 157–8

Spears, Britney 94

Spence, Charles 172–3, 175, 176

Spenser, Edmund: The Faerie Queene 22

sperm 210, 259

Spinoza, Baruch 20

spirit 69

sport 198–9, 220, 223

Spurzheim, Johann Kaspar 116

stapes 54

Stark, William 117

Stelarc 47, 164

stem cells 48

Sterne, Laurence: Tristram Shandy 89, 91

stomach 178–86, 200

Stösslová, Kamila 261

Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) 256–7, 258

striptease 207, 230–31

Sweet, Matthew: Inventing the Victorians 231

Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver’s Travels 29, 260

Sylvia, Claire 138

symmetry 12

and asymmetry 100, 197–8, 200–202, 238

and beauty 24, 100, 102

synaesthesia 175–7

synthetic biology 263



blood 40, 47, 142, 144

foot 219

Tallis, Raymond 191, 195

Tarantino, Quentin: Reservoir Dogs 157

taste, sense of 169, 172, 173, 174–5, 181, 183–4

tattooing 237–9

Technology Review 258–9

teeth 76

tendons 10, 188–9

Achilles tendon 58

in art and drawings
, 5,
, 189

testicles 80, 200

transplants 253–5

testosterone 197, 210, 211–12

Thatcher illusion 233

thigh bone 54

Thomas, Sonya 186

Thompson, D’Arcy: On Growth and Form 134

Thompson, Peter 233

Thomson, Arthur: Handbook of Anatomy for Art Students 231

Thoreau, Henry David 128

quotation 127

thumbs 28, 91, 192, 194, 195–6

thumb sucking in the womb 197

Tiffin, Helen 181


grafted 163, 164

muscle 12, 59, 62, 182

‘printing’ of 139–40

xenotransplantation 239, 251, 252–5

Tissue Culture & Art 164

Totentanz 51

touch 169, 173–4, 176–7

transhumanism 256, 264


face 109–11

heart 137, 252–3

kidney 136–7

organ 136–9, 251, 252–5

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