Read Anchor Line Online

Authors: Dawne Walters

Anchor Line (27 page)

BOOK: Anchor Line
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“I can hang with you now.” She challenged.

“Being my sub is so very different than the things that we do now.” He leaned down and kissed her gently. “This...” He pushed into her with no finesse at all, making her cry out his name as her hands grabbed his upper arms. “ nothing compared to what I want to do with you. To you. For you.”

Conrad pulled out until just the tip of his cock was inside of her. “You know what a safe word is right?” He asked.

“Yes.” Addie answered, confused.

“Well, I’d fuck you so hard, that you wouldn’t remember what it was.”

“Oh!” was all she could say, her eyes wide.

Then Conrad slammed back into her. “You turn me into a beast when I’m with you Addie.”

She looked into his intense hazel eyes. She liked that he was a beast when he was with her. She was afraid to tell him because her heart would be pulverized. Falling for him wasn’t something she was afraid of, it was something she was terrified of. And he was leaving tomorrow for two years. One of which would be spent in Afghanistan, somewhere.

He pulled out again. “Tell me what you are thinking right now. I can see it in your eyes baby. I want to hear you say it.”

“I’m yours Conrad. Even before I realized it, I was just waiting for you to come along.” There. She’d put her heart on the line and told him.

“Now let me show you what being my submissive would really mean.” He slipped out of her completely and flipped her over so that she was on her stomach. He pulled her up on her knees by her hips and pushed down on her between her shoulders. “Put your hands out in front of you.”

Addie complied and lay how he wanted her to. Her head to one side, she tried to see what Conrad was doing. But so far, he just stayed there behind her on his knees between her legs, rubbing her ass. He did this for a few minutes until she relaxed. And that moment she did...


“OW! Damn Conrad.” She yelled. “That hurt.”

He just chuckled while rubbing her ass where he’d smacked her on her right cheek. Then he smacked her left one. But Addie didn’t yell out, it wasn’t as hard as the first time. He took turns smacking her ass in a different spot each time, then rubbing over the affected area. Each time he took his hand to her, she would start moaning a little. He reached down between her legs and found that her pussy was wet.

“Someone’s aroused.” He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Are you ready...sub?”

“Yes Conrad...oh God yes.” Addie moaned and pushed against his hand.

He smacked her hard on her right cheek again and she moaned loudly, rocking back.

“You’ll call me Sir.” He told her as he slid two fingers into her wet pussy and twisted until they brushed against the sensitive spot g-spot. He flicked over and over that one spot until his other hand reached down and swiped over her clit once, amping her excitement. Then he took her clit between his finger and thumb and squeezed. That was when Addie detonated.

She screamed his name, her back arched, her toes curled, her hands balled into fists in the bottom sheet of her bed. Then Conrad removed his fingers from within her and replaced them with his hard cock.

“Son. Of. A. Bitch.” Conrad groaned. “You are so fucking tight.” He’d tried to push in when Addie detonated, but this orgasm had Addie clamping down on his dick like a vise.  “Fuck, baby...”

He gripped her hips and pushed in to the hilt and felt every spasm of Addie’s orgasm around his dick and waited until she was finished. As her spasms lessened, he started to move. Thrusting hard in and out of her, ramping her up again. After a few minutes, he pulled out of her and laid her on her side as he spooned her, lifting her right leg over his, he slid his cock into her from behind and started a furious pace. Then he pulled out of her and moved between her legs while he rolled her on her back and slid back into her again, slower this time.

Leaning down, he took a breast in his mouth and sucked hard. Addie arched up to him to ease the pain of his mouth on her. Then he switched to her other breast making her arch back into his mouth again. Releasing her breast with a pop and grabbed her hips to meet his thrusts as he pulled her to him while he tossed her legs up against his chest, he was on his knees so that the only parts of her that was touching the bed were her shoulders and her arms that he’d told her to keep above her head. In this position, he knew he hit her clit every time he entered her, driving her apeshit.

“I’m close...Sssssir...I’m so close.” Addie whispered, remembering that he’d told her to call him sir.

“Come for me Addie. When you are ready...come for me.” Conrad pushed into her harder, the headboard slamming against the wall now.

“CONRAD!” She cried as her orgasm hit her. “Don’t go, don’t go, don’t go...” She whispered.

Addie’s orgasm spurred on Conrad’s. He pushed her legs off his shoulders and pulled out of her as he took his cock in hand and fell over her, propping himself up on his other hand as he stroked himself until he spilled his cum all over her stomach and breasts.

“Fuck Addie” He groaned.

When he was spent, he leaned down to kiss her hungrily. Their tongues tasting, teasing, and his little nibbles on her bottom lip made moan a little more. Her hands slid though his hair, tugging him closer. Pulling a few inches away, Conrad looked into her eyes that were more green than hazel now. What she’d said when she came wasn’t lost on him. He’d heard it. He smiled at her and leaned in to rub her nose with his.

“Come on, let’s get a shower.” He said getting up. “You’re all sticky.”

“It’s your fault.” Addie laughed.

“Nope.” He shook his head with a wide smile.

“Then whose is it?”

“Yours.” He responded, as he slid a finger through the wetness on her breasts. He lifted his finger, looking at it on his finger. Then brought it to her mouth. “Open.”

Addie opened her mouth as Conrad slid his finger in her mouth, sucking hard. She glanced down at his cock that was starting to harden all over again.

“Come on. I want to fuck you in the shower.” He pulled his finger from her mouth and took her hands, pulling her up and lead her into the bathroom where he stopped her in front of the shower and pulled the door open, cranking the water on.

He did fuck her in the shower. Her legs around his waist, his hands on her ass, her hands in his hair. He fucked her against the wall in her shower until the water started to cool, and only then did he slide a hand between them and he rubbed her clit so that Addie started her climb to orgasm and this time followed as Conrad came first inside of her, filling her as she came around his cock, squeezing every last drop of his semen inside of her. Then he pulled out, cleaned her up and turned the water off. He motioned for her to stay in the shower as he opened the door to pull a towel off the towel bar and dried her off. He smacked her butt and told her to get into bed where he said he’d be there in a minute.  

Addie slid into bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. She was sore, but pleasantly so. She reached over to make sure that her alarm was ready to go off to start the week. Her first week without Conrad. Holy shit, she suddenly had anxiety of him leaving. She’d pushed back her thoughts of him leaving for the past month since she and Conrad had gotten together after the Messo fiasco. She wasn’t surprised that he didn’t say anything to her after she lay her heart on the line with him. Putting her phone back on her night table, she grabbed the remote and turned on the TV to HGTV.

Conrad was still in the bathroom when his phone started vibrating on the night table. Addie had never picked up his phone before, and wasn’t tempted to do it now. But it kept going off. She leaned over and saw that it was text messages that were making it buzz and not a call. But it was the name that flashed across the screen and what the message was that bothered Addie.

STEPH: Guess who’s going to Italy???


STEPH: Sir & his sub...together again!!  Oh YAA!

STEPH: U’ll beat me there tho. CALL ME when you get to PA!!

The last text was an image. She could only imagine what kind of image it was. There they were, his texts all stacked on the screen just waiting for him to peruse. Addie dropped his phone on the floor and rolled over. She heard the shower running again. So Steph was his sub and she’d called herself ‘his’ and he was to call her when he was on leave. She couldn’t do this. Tossing the covers off of herself, she took a t-shirt out of her dresser and walked down the dark hallway to the kitchen to get a drink of something. Anything. She felt stupid now for telling him how she felt. And if the only way that he could show emotion was to fuck her harder than he had ever done before, well...he about split her in half. He’d been so intense in fact, that she was still feeling it now. Leaning against the counter in front of the fridge, she crossed her arms over her chest, pushing her breasts up and tried not to cry.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!



















Chapter Seventeen

              Walking into the bedroom with a towel around his hips, Conrad was confused to see that Addie wasn’t in bed. Looking around, the lights were off except for the TV which was on the wrong channel, he smiled at that.

“Ad?” He called. “Addie?”

When he got no answer, he went to move when he saw the light flashing from his phone that was on the floor. Picking it up, he swiped the screen so that it would turn on and he shook his head. Mother fucker. He looked at the messages and then the image. Stephany stood in front of a mirror, nude, smiling. Conrad closed his eyes, squeezing the phone in his hand. Why did this always happen when things were going so well? What the fuck did he do to the universe that did this to him? He tossed his phone on the night table and walked over to the closet turning the light on. No Addie. Turning it off, he walked down the hall.

“Ad? Babe where are you?” He called, louder now. She had to have seen the messages and took off. He reached the bar to the open kitchen and saw her standing there. She was closed off. SHIT!

Standing in front of her, he slid his hands up and down her arms. “You saw the phone then huh?” He said in a low almost gravelly voice.

Her answer was to shrug.

“Baby talk to me.”

“It was vibrating so long I thought that maybe your family was trying to contact you so I grabbed it and say that it was one of your subs.” Addie whispered.

“I don’t have any subs Ad.” He answered.

“Well,” Addie shrugged his hands off her arms, “Sir and his sub together again.” Addie made little air quotes. “What a happy reunion. Have fun.”

“Wait a fucking minute here. As soon as I leave here, I’m going to stay with my dad in Pittsburgh for three weeks before I leave to Italy. Once I get there, I’ll have maybe a month or two to get my shit together with my platoon and then deploy. When the fuck do you think I’ll have time to get together with ‘my sub’?” He was mad now as he made the little quotations that Addie had, mocking him.

Addie shrugged again feeling really stupid now. She couldn’t help the tears that filled her eyes when she heard the anger in his voice. “I...uh, I...” A tear slid down her cheek as she tried to say anything, but her mind was blank.

“We’ve had a great time for the last month Addie. Please don’t let Steph ruin it tonight. Please.” He took Addie’s hands in his. “Come on.”

BOOK: Anchor Line
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