Ancient DNA: Methods and Protocols (29 page)

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5. Do not vortex mixtures containing enzymes as this may reduce enzyme activity.

6. USER enzyme is a convenient mixture of UDG and endoVIII sold by NEB. The exact ratio of the enzymes is proprietary, but if USER is not available, it can be replaced in the 50 m L repair reaction by 2

m L endoVIII (10 U/

m L) and 1-m L UDG

(5 U/ m L) (NEB unit defi nitions).

7. It is critical to add the ligase only after the other components have been mixed in order to avoid contact between ligase and locally high concentrations of incompletely mixed DNA inserts or adaptors. This could lead to increased chimeric insert or adaptor dimer formation. Since the Quick ligase buffer contains PEG-6000, which is highly viscous, be aware that it can take slightly more pipetting/fl icking than usual to thoroughly mix the ligation reagents.

polymerase has a strong strand displacement function and can use the unligated 3’ OH of the DNA insert fragment as a primer for second strand synthesis of the adaptor. It will displace the short arm of the partially double-stranded adaptor and fi ll in the missing par
t (Fig. 1

9. Unlike previous studies, this protocol performs the fi ll-in step in solution and does not use streptavidin beads, as we have found that beads are unnecessary. By removing this step, no material is lost between fi ll-in and library amplifi cation, increasing yield and reproducibility and at the same time simplifying the protocol.

10. We recommend Amplitaq Gold DNA polymerase (Applied

Biosystems) for the primary library amplifi cation as we have found it to work well in the Thermopol buffer that is used for the fi ll-in polymerase.

11. All steps subsequent to adaptor ligation can be performed outside the aDNA cleanroom. Take care, however, to avoid library cross-contamination.

12. The yield of libraries prepared from aDNA can vary dramatically depending on the sample, from virtually zero to 10 12

ligated insert molecules. In any case, however, 12 cycles of primary amplifi cation should be enough to produce over 1,000

18 Preparation of Next-Generation Sequencing Libraries from Damaged DNA 153

copies of each unique starting molecule unless the starting concentration is very high and PCR is saturated early in the exponential phase (in which case amplifi cation is less necessary anyway).

13. A 100-m L Phusion PCR reaction of an aDNA sequencing

library will produce a maximum of ~1 m g of amplifi ed library DNA. If higher amounts of library are required, multiple parallel PCRs can be performed.

14. An accurate dilution series is crucial for quantifi cation of your library. For convenience, we recommend storing the standards in eight-tube 0.2-mL PCR strips to allow multichannel

pipetting into the qPCR reactions. If the strips are not siliconized/with low-retention, add 0.05% Tween-20 to the TE

buffer to avoid DNA sticking to the tube walls over time.

15. The extraction negative (blank) library and negative library control (water only) will not be DNA-free, but should display only short adaptor-artifacts when visualized on a gel after PCR.

A smear of longer molecules may indicate contamination. The concentration of molecules in these control libraries should be lower than in the sample library.


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Chapter 19
Generating Barcoded Libraries for Multiplex

High-Throughput Sequencing

Michael Knapp , Mathias Stiller , and Matthias Meyer Abstract

Molecular barcoding is an essential tool to use the high throughput of next generation sequencing platforms optimally in studies involving more than one sample. Various barcoding strategies allow for the incorporation of short recognition sequences (barcodes) into sequencing libraries, either by ligation or polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Here, we present two approaches optimized for generating barcoded sequencing libraries from low copy number extracts and amplifi cation products typical of ancient DNA studies.

Key words:
Next generation high-throughput sequencing , Direct multiplex sequencing , Multiplex PCR , DNA capture , Ancient DNA , Barcoding

1. Introduction


1.1. Background

High-throughput sequencing produces enormous amounts of

sequence data compared to traditional Sanger sequencing
( 1 )
. For many studies, even the smallest lane on any next generation sequencing (NGS) instrument will produce excessive amounts of sequence data for a single sample. Moreover, if larger numbers of samples are to be analyzed, the cost soon becomes prohibitive if a full single lane is used per sample. It is therefore important to be able to pool multiple samples and sequence them in a single lane.

As the information about sample origin of individual sequence reads is lost in all NGS approaches, this requires barcoding techniques, in which a specifi c tag is attached to all DNA fragments allowing them to be sorted bioinformatically after sequencing
( 2 )

The most effi cient way to produce a barcoded sequencing

library is to amplify a genomic target region using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with target-specifi c primers that include a Beth Shapiro and Michael Hofreiter (eds.),
Ancient DNA: Methods and Protocols
, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 840, DOI 10.1007/978-1-61779-516-9_19, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012



M. Knapp
et al.

sequencing adapter and barcode tail. While this approach is fast and simple, it has some drawbacks that limit its use. A complete barcoded set of primers is needed for each sample that is to be sequenced, which makes this strategy expensive for population level studies. It is also not suitable to barcode shotgun sequencing libraries.

Most other barcoding strategies rely on ligation of barcodes or barcoded sequencing adapters to amplifi ed or nonamplifi ed target DNA molecules. While more template DNA is lost than in a barcoding protocol using tailed PCR primers, this approach is suitable for all double-stranded DNA. The manufacturers of all major NGS

platforms provide protocols for adapter ligation and further protocols are available in the scientifi c literature (e.g.,
( 3, 4
) ). Most of these, however, are not designed for ancient DNA applications.

Here, we present two protocols that were developed with specifi c ancient DNA applications in mind. Protocol 1 was optimized for producing barcoded sequencing libraries from highly degraded, low copy number DNA extracts. Protocol 2 was designed for barcoding preamplifi ed multiplex PCR products, but can also be used for barcoding regular PCR products. Both protocols are derived from the original 454 library preparation protocol by Margulies
et al.
( 5
) .

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