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There and Back: The Near-Death Experience


I believe there are two sides to the phenomenon known as death, this side where we live, and the other side where we shall continue to live. Eternity does not start with death. We are in eternity now.



, people of all ages around the world have reported what are known as near-death experiences. A near-death experience, or NDE, is an experience in which a person is clinically dead while simultaneously having very vivid perceptions beyond their physical body and feeling very much alive in another realm of existence.

I recall my fascination when I first learned of such experiences in a film called
Beyond and Back,
which I went to see at a local theater one summer when I was a child. I found the film more entertaining and fascinating than any other movie or television show I had ever seen.

The accounts of these near-death experiences are often remarkably similar from one person to the next, regardless of background or prior knowledge of this phenomenon. Even small children have reported astoundingly detailed accounts of such experiences, without prior exposure to the experiences of others. These children often draw detailed pictures of what they have experienced when they are too young to describe such things with words.

Generally, as the physical body is pronounced dead, the person having the experience finds him/herself floating up above the body, observing what is going on in the room. There have been many well-documented cases in which these people, who later returned to their bodies and were revived, reported very specific details of the goings- on in the room—or even in surrounding rooms—that took place while the physical body was dead. There was no way they could have known such details unless they were, indeed, visually observing from the unique vantage point of floating above the room and looking down at the scene below, dispelling the theory that an NDE is merely a hallucination conjured up within a dying brain.

During an NDE, there is often—though not always—a transition point between this world and the next, which is often described as traveling very fast through a tunnel of sorts, and eventually coming out to a brilliant light on the other side. People sometimes describe this tunnel as a part of the experience; other times they just find themselves at the destination without actually remembering the journey.

The people reporting NDEs often describe the experience as profoundly peaceful. They are surrounded by love and often encounter angelic beings and/or loved ones who have previously died. Usually they don’t want to leave such a wonderful place, but they are told they must go back (or they are given a choice, but urged to go back and complete unfinished business); and they then return to their physical bodies, which are miraculously revived.

Another common aspect of an NDE is what is known as a “life review,” in which the person experiences a comprehensive yet accelerated review of everything they have experienced in life thus far. Some describe this process as being engulfed in a vision of sorts, in which they reexperience not only all of their actions in life, but the
of their actions (or inactions) on
. Despite the content of the life review, the experience seems to have a loving, nonjudgmental tone, as if its purpose is to help us gain greater understanding of the effects of our actions so that we can learn and grow.

Those who have undergone near-death experiences usually find them to be life-altering, to say the least. They sometimes return with prophetic visions, new insights, and/or a new sense of purpose in life. They are no longer afraid of death, and they often radiate peace and love in a way they never have before.

Interestingly, I have encountered a number of cases of animals who have had dramatic personality changes after undergoing major surgery or other experiences resulting in close brushes with death. Much like
who have undergone these experiences and returned with a more peaceful, loving outlook on life, these animals likewise seem to radiate a profound peace and are far more loving than they were before, even those who previously had behavioral problems. I can’t help but wonder if these animals have returned from NDEs as well.

Among humans, a very well-known case is that of Dannion Brinkley, who has had more than one near-death experience, as told in his best-selling books. He has been the subject of numerous interviews, documentaries, and a movie about his life and his experiences. Over the years, I’ve gone to see him speak whenever he has come to town.

I’ve found him to be an inspirational, entertaining, and warmhearted man with a beautiful message. He humbly asserts that he was a bully and lived a less than saintly life prior to his first near-death experience. However, as is so common in NDE cases, he returned from the Other Side with a completely different outlook on life, and devoted himself to helping and serving others in need, most profoundly through hospice work. He also came away from the experience with remarkable prophecies and psychic gifts.

While researching the subject of animals and the afterlife, I attended one of his lectures intending to ask for his insights on the subject. At that point, I had seen him speak before, but I couldn’t really remember him mentioning anything about animals. So, I was determined to ask him this time. However, before I even raised my hand to ask the question, he said (regarding those who have passed over), “If you think you’ll never see them again, you’re mistaken.” He went on to explain that this was equally true whether the departed loved one was a parent or a pet, and that a lot of people are met on the Other Side by loved ones—
including animals
. Once again, I had my answer.

Dannion Brinkley’s authenticity became crystal clear to me when, after his lecture, Jameth and I stood in line for his book signing. There were a lot of people at the event, so the pace was very quick. However, when Jameth and I reached the front of the line, Dannion stopped, paused, looked up as if listening to something that the rest of us couldn’t hear, and then said he had just received an important message for us. I knew he’d had such an ability to receive messages from the Other Side ever since his NDE, but now I was witnessing it firsthand.

Although the message didn’t pertain to the subject of animals, it did pertain to a very specific situation—an upcoming move—and very specific advice regarding that move that Jameth and I really needed to hear at that time. We took the advice very seriously, and it proved to be invaluable to us in events that followed. The move in question changed our lives in a very positive way. There is no way Dannion could have known any of this information. He didn’t even know who we were or that we were even a couple, as he referred to us, while delivering this important message. This experience convinced me of the truth in what he had to say, and I am grateful for both the validation and the beneficial advice we received.

Over time, I discovered that others who’d had NDEs echoed Dannion’s view that there are indeed animals in the hereafter. In some cases, animals are viewed at a distance during these glimpses of Heaven. In other cases, the animals actually
the people as they make their journey into the afterlife.

I’ve found that
people who have NDEs are greeted on the Other Side by animals. Two such people are Shelley Nunemaker (who was greeted by her deceased cat in addition to other animals and people) and Sharon Callahan (who was greeted exclusively by animals). Their stories follow.



Shelley Nunemaker, Part-time Switchboard Operator and Volunteer Grief Support Group Leader Texas


NDE due to complications during open heart surgery. I do not remember leaving my body or going through a tunnel. I just magically appeared in a pure white room. It was like walking into a room of white porcelain, with white air.

In front of me was a small group of animals. I do not remember what kind, except that I remember a sheep and a goat (I’m a city girl who has never been on a farm). To the right of me were three people all dressed in white robes. They were standing as if waiting in line for something.

To the left of me was my precious cat, Obie, who had died about seven years earlier. Ahead of me was the most beautiful man I have ever seen. He had long white hair and was wearing a long white robe. He smiled at me and looked me straight in the eyes. When he did this, I lost all visual aspect of the experience and was overcome with feelings of joy and safety. I was the happiest I had ever been. I remember thinking,
This is so awesome! I want to stay here forever.
And with those thoughts, I was out of there!

Obie was my favorite cat of all time. I had to leave her with my grandmother because when I tried to move her with me she ran away. It took five days for her to get back to my grandmother’s. I promised her she could stay. Unfortunately, I soon had to move out of state. I wanted to take Obie so badly, but feared she would be lost. Several years later when my mom called to say that she had to have Obie put to sleep, I was devastated. I had such guilt for not being there with her. I think Obie was there to greet me to let me know that she forgave me and that she was fine. I can’t wait to get back to her.

Kim’s note:
One thing I really like about Shelley’s NDE is that she also saw animals that she hadn’t known in life, dispelling the notion that we only see animals on the Other Side if we knew them personally.

Sharon Callahan’s Near-Death Experience

Sharon Callahan, Animal Communication Specialist/Author California


Kim’s note:
Sharon Callahan is the gifted animal communicator already mentioned in previous chapters, who also has the insight that comes from having had a near-death experience. When I interviewed Sharon about her work as an animal communicator, she also talked about her NDE. The following is excerpted from that interview.

about the spirit realms is that there are many, many levels that people and animal souls can go to when they cross over, and they all look very different. It is almost like Heaven has different departments, or different levels, and each soul after death seeks its own level. On any given level there will be many, many other animal and human souls because, just as we do when we are embodied on Earth, we seek our own level and we seek friends that are interacting with us on that level and in that area of interest that we have. It’s not much different after death.

In my experience, from what I have learned from animals and people that have died is that there is no difference between where animals go and where people go. Once we take off the costume that we call our body, we are simply pure spirit, and we then go to whatever level of the afterlife will best serve our own purposes and our own learning.

When I’ve been shown the afterlife by animals and by people who have gone there, wherever they happen to reside, whatever level it is, there are always animal souls and human souls together in those places; it’s not as if they are separated out and all the animals go one lower place or something. It is very much mixed; the animals are in the same place as the people are. Sometimes the animals are guides for the people in some capacity, and sometimes the people are guides for animals. Sometimes they are simply in the same place because they are learning the same thing.

In my own near-death experience, I actually entered a realm where I was seemingly the only human soul and there was nothing else but animals. I traveled through a tunnel of light, and after what seemed like a very long time (it was actually only a few minutes), I found myself in what appeared to be an alpine meadow full of animals.

My very first thought was,
Am I in Heaven?
When I thought that thought, the animals answered me telepathically and said, “No, you are not in Heaven; you can’t go that far. You are going to have to go back.” What the animals in this place told me was that it was the place where the blueprints for everything were kept—the blueprints of the earth and different habitats on the earth. Blueprints that different people make for themselves before they come to Earth.

We all make a plan. We all make a blueprint for ourselves before we come. The animals in this place were guardians of the blueprints. This is an example of the fact that there are all kinds of jobs or assignments that one can have on the Other Side, whether you are an animal or a human. These animals’ souls in this particular place were there to guard the blueprints for things. They were like the guardians of the earth.

When I had my near-death experience, one of the things that the animals told me was that many of them were able to see the Divine blueprint of their human companion. They were able to see things about the person’s life purpose that they had forgotten. What I find a lot in my readings with animals now is that they have things to tell their people about what they should do about aligning their life more directly with their own Divine blueprint and their Divine purpose.

Often, after an animal dies, they will tell me that they have actually gone to the place where the blueprints are kept to look at their person’s blueprint so they can then begin to give that person information that is in that blueprint—so that their person can bring their lives more directly in alignment with it. The level of information that the animals have for us is just absolutely extraordinary. They can’t tell us everything even when they can see everything, because part of the reason that we come here is to discover things about ourselves. If we could know everything, then there wouldn’t be any reason for us to come in the first place. The animals often are our guides. They are our spiritual guides, and they continue that work after their deaths. They can often guide us in ways that make it easier for us to uncover what our own purpose is. The level of information and help that they have for us is beyond what most people can imagine.

My entire flower essence business, the idea for it and the first original eight formulas, were all given to me by my little cat, Shoji, after he died. He communicated with me for months, giving me all the details of what I should do, what essences I should make initially. He still communicates with me six years later.

Kim’s note:
Sharon explained to me that most of our Divine blueprint is forgotten after childhood; and by adulthood, we remember just enough to cause us to feel a slight restlessness when we are not in alignment with our original plan. This made sense to me as I recalled the restlessness I felt in my own life during the years when I was not doing what I came here to do. I, too, was reminded of my true path by an animal.

Sharon Callahan
is an internationally acclaimed animal communicator, creator of Anaflora flower essences for animals, and author of
Healing Animals Naturally with Flower Essences and Intuitive Listening.
For more information, visit


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