Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter #16 - Blood Noir (3 page)

Read Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter #16 - Blood Noir Online

Authors: Laurell K. Hamilton

Tags: #Romance, #Horror, #Fantasy, #Fiction, #General, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Occult, #American Science Fiction And Fantasy, #Fiction - Fantasy, #Fantasy - Dark, #Horror Fiction, #Love Stories, #Vampires, #Blake, #Anita (Fictitious character), #Romance - Paranormal, #Fantasy - Contemporary, #Fathers and Sons, #Werewolves

BOOK: Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter #16 - Blood Noir
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Some tension I hadn’t been aware of slid away from Jason. “I love everybody, but sometimes the group thing gets a little old. It was one of the things I liked about Perdy, at first.”

“You don’t want a group orgy every night, but you don’t want to be monogamous either,”

Nathaniel said.

Jason nodded. “I am so fucked.”

“Not yet,” I said, hugging him, “but we can fix that.”

He grinned at me, and it reached his eyes. “Bedroom, bathroom, living room, or kitchen?”

“The kitchen floor is hard and the tile is cold. Why not just go to the nice soft bed?” I asked. Jason looked at Nathaniel.

Nathaniel answered the question. “Jason has made love in a bed and only a bed since he started being with Perdy.”

I frowned, then looked at Jason, still in a loose hug with me. “I understand no shower or bath sex. Mermaids have trouble retaining human form in water, but nothing but the bed?”

He shook his head.

“Standard positions, too?” I made it a question.

He nodded.

My eyes widened. “Oh, Jason, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” I hugged him tighter. He moved back so he could see my face. “With all the bad news I’ve had today, and you look that stricken that my girlfriend would only do standard bed sex?”

I tried to put into words what I was thinking, not always my best thing. “You love sex. You’re good at it.”

“Why, gee, thanks.” He grinned.

I gave him a look, but kept talking. I was going to finish this thought, damn it. “Sex is one of the most personal things we do as people. To have someone who says she loves you limit how you express yourself in the bedroom is like a small death. It kills the soul.”

The grin left his face, then his eyes. He stared at me, and there Jason was, that part of him that he hid from most people. Heck, that he hid most of the time. He let me see that there was a good mind and a deep thinker inside those usually smiling blue eyes. It made him look sad, and older, but I valued that look. I valued that he let me see him all the way down.

“How did you get to be so smart?” he said, softly.

“I have smart friends who give me good advice sometimes.” I smiled. “Sometimes I even take it.”

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He smiled back and ran his hands down my back. “So, you’d really let me pick where we make love?”

I nodded.

“Just because I haven’t had a choice in a while.”


“What if I want something too freaky?”

“Then I’ll say no, and you can back it down a little.”

His eyes had that solemn look again. He searched my face. “You mean it.”

I put my hands on either side of his face and nodded. “I try not to say things I don’t mean, Jason.” I put a soft kiss at the end of the sentence.

He moved his hand lower on my back to press us closer together. Close enough that I could feel that his body was already happier than when we hugged last.

He closed his eyes and took a breath. He looked at Nathaniel. “Do you have a preference?”

“You’re the guest.”

Jason lifted me off the floor with a hug. We were both short enough that I was in no danger of hitting the doorjamb. “I love you guys; you make me feel less weird about myself.”

“Why, because we’re weirder?” I asked.

“No,” he said, laughing up at me, “because your relationship works. It just flat works for you guys. You make me feel that out there somewhere is someone weird enough to make me happy.”

“I’d rather not do the bathroom,” Nathaniel said, “it takes forever to dry my hair.”

Jason let me down, so I was standing on the floor again. “I’m leaning toward the living room.”

“There are chairs, and the couch has a back and arms,” Nathaniel said.

“How sturdy is the coffee table?”

“Not that sturdy,” Nathaniel said.

I’d caught on. “No, not sturdy enough to have sex on.”

“Start in the living room, move to the bedroom?” Jason said, making it a question. I looked at Nathaniel. He nodded, and gave a little shrug.

“Deal,” I said.

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disagreement on whether I should leave my heels on or take them off. Nathaniel voted for on; Jason wanted off. Jason’s point was, “I want to go down on her, and the heels will hurt.”

Nathaniel’s point was, “Yeah, the heels hurt, what’s your point?”

I settled the argument this way. “Whoever is doing the oral sex on me gets his preference on the shoes.”

“Lose the shoes,” Jason said, and there was a look in his face that tightened things low in my body without him touching me at all.

I lost the shoes. They lay on their side in the dimness of the living room. The only light was what spilled in from the kitchen doorway. I stood in front of the couch, while they moved the coffee table far to one side of the room.

Jason came back and dropped to his knees in front of me. He gazed up at me with one half of his face lit, the other in darkness. The look in the one eye I could clearly see made me shiver. Nathaniel came to the end of the couch and took his shorts off in one smooth motion. My pulse was in my throat at the sight of him nude in the darkened room. He let the shorts fall to the floor. Jason’s hands slid up my legs, underneath my skirt, and I was back to staring down at him. His hands caressed the hose up to my thighs, went up, oh, so gently, until he found the lace tops of the thigh highs. He traced the very top of the lace, trailing fingertips over the rise and fall of the fabric. He rolled fingers back and forth where the hose elastic had rolled down in back. No matter how careful you were, if you had any thighs at all, the hose always did that. But he treated it like what it was, not an imperfection, but something different to play with. His fingers slid around that edge, brushing the very upper edges of my thighs. He rubbed his thumbs on that warm inside hollow that frames a woman’s groin. He massaged my thighs, but it was the pressure of his thumbs that helped draw my legs farther apart. So he could reach what he wanted, and what I wanted him to reach.

Nathaniel came in behind me. Without the coffee table there was room enough between me and the couch. His arms wrapped around me, pinning my arms against my upper body. The feel of his nakedness pressed against the back of my skirt was amazing. Then he let me feel the strength in his body, as he held me, held me so tight. It sped my pulse faster, caught my breath in my throat.

“So strong,” I whispered.

“So trapped,” he breathed against my face. He squeezed harder, just this side of bruising my arms against me. But I didn’t tell him to stop. I loved knowing that I was trapped. If he had meant me file://L:\Azures L_Disc Shared Dowloads\EBooks\Anita Blake Series 1-17\(Book16] - Bl... 10/18/2009


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harm, I couldn’t have stopped him. My gun was trapped under my arm, digging into my body. All it would take was Jason to grab my legs and I was trapped.

I hadn’t much liked that I enjoyed things like this. In fact, I’d hated it. But lately, thanks in part to sharing emotions with Nathaniel, who loved bondage and submission, I was acknowledging that fantasy was okay. That I didn’t need to analyze why in real life being trapped made me fight like hell and do all in my power to destroy the ones trapping me, but in sexual fantasy I liked being trapped, a little. In a safe place, with people I trusted, it was more than just exciting.

“What are you doing up there to make her react like that?” Jason asked. His hands had gone still against my thighs.

“Holding her, very, very, tightly,” Nathaniel said in a voice that showed the strain of holding me tight.

Jason’s fingers suddenly dug into my flesh, from gentle to bruising in an instant. I whispered, “Yes.”

“Is that the game we want to play?” he asked, and his voice had changed, too, deeper, darker, for lack of a better word.

“I do,” Nathaniel said.

Jason’s fingers pressed harder into my thighs, so that I cried out, and told him, “Enough, enough.”

“That’s her safe word,” Nathaniel said.

“I’ve already stopped,” Jason said.

“But I haven’t stopped, have I?” Nathaniel whispered.

“No,” I said, voice breathy. He was holding tight enough to be trapped, but not quite tight enough to hurt. It was a fine edge to walk, but Nathaniel knew how to walk it.

“Do I rip the panties off, or take them off?” Jason asked.

“Rip,” Nathaniel said, and it was almost a growl.

I said, “Please.”

“Please what?” Jason asked.

“Off,” I whispered.

He ripped the satin panties in one harsh move that jerked my body. Nathaniel tightened his grip on me, until it was hard to breathe.

I whispered, “Ease up.”

He eased until he was back where he’d been. Tight, but not too tight. Trapped, but not hurt. Of all forms of sex that I’d found, BDSM took the most trust, the most communication. file://L:\Azures L_Disc Shared Dowloads\EBooks\Anita Blake Series 1-17\(Book16] - Bl... 10/18/2009


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Jason pushed my skirt up until he bared me to the light from the kitchen. “How rough can I be?”

There was no sex in the tone of his voice; he was truly asking.

“Start easy,” Nathaniel said, “she’ll let you know.”

I realized that Jason had never given me oral sex before. I’d gone down on him, but he’d never had a chance to return the favor. He used his hands to spread my thighs wider. He let me feel the strength in his hands, but not as hard as he’d been when I told him to ease up. The sensation of being bound by the sheer strength of him was amazing. There was no need of ropes or chains when you could feel how terribly strong they both were.

Jason’s hands were harsh, but he leaned in toward me as if he were going to give the gentlest of kisses. The juxtaposition of the harsh and the gentle left my mind not knowing how to react. Then his tongue slid across me, and there was no conflict, there was only sensation. He dug his fingers into that space inside my thighs, so harsh, I cried out. He forced my legs farther apart. Nathaniel lifted me. I could feel his shoulders and chest flex until I was suddenly off the ground. It allowed Jason to spread my legs more, use the strength of his fingers to force me wider. Jason plunged his tongue inside me, sudden and abrupt. I cried out for him, and he leaned back enough to gaze up the line of my body.

It was as if I could feel the weight of his gaze, because it made me look down at the same time he looked up.

“God,” he said, “that look.”

“What look?” I managed to say before Nathaniel squeezed harder and I had no breath to talk.

“That look,” Jason whispered, and lowered his mouth to my body. He kissed there as he had kissed my mouth, maybe a dozen times before. Most men don’t kiss between your legs the same way they kiss your mouth, but Jason did. He kissed me just as thoroughly, as completely, as expertly. Then he began to do things that you couldn’t do when you kiss a mouth. He licked and explored, trying different things, judging his progress by the sounds I made, and how much I writhed. He didn’t just find the spot and stay on it like it was a button; he explored every inch of me, biting the inside of my thighs between attentions.

Nathaniel held me through it all, sometimes so tight I couldn’t breathe, sometimes just tight enough to let me feel his strength, and then he squeezed hard enough that my gun cut into me, and it felt as if he were trying to crush me. I cried out while I had breath, then all I could do was writhe. Jason drew back enough to ask, “Am I doing that, or you?”

“Me,” Nathaniel said, and eased up so my breath came in a ragged gasp. I managed to say, “So strong.”

“I need to try harder,” Jason said. He pulled down my hose and bit me, not a love bite, but bit me on the thigh.

I screamed for him.

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He plunged his mouth between my legs, rougher this time. I writhed and cried out. He pressed teeth into the most intimate part of me. When I didn’t tell him to stop, he worried at me with his mouth, his teeth, pulling and biting and licking. The pleasure began to build between my legs, like heat and pressure and the beginning flickers of orgasm like previews of the pleasure to come. Nathaniel tightened his grip just as Jason pushed me over that last edge. The orgasm was one of those that came in waves, one after another as if as long as he kept sucking I would keep going. I shuddered and danced in their hands, cried out when Nathaniel let me, or gasped in breathless silence when he held me too tight for words.

Jason finished with a lick from front to back that made me cry out all over again. Still on his knees he said, “That was fun.”

Nathaniel braced, changing positions just a little. “Fuck her.”

Jason, still on his knees, said, “While you hold her?”

“Yes,” Nathaniel said, and it held an edge of bass growl that wasn’t his normal voice. Jason looked at me, the light from the kitchen glistening on his chin and mouth. Seeing him wet from me tightened things low in my body that had just had their fun, so it started a new wave of writhing.

Jason held my thighs while Nathaniel held the rest of me. When my body quieted, Jason laughed, that sound that is all male. “Anita, are you okay with this?”

“Do it,” I said, “please, please…”

“No,” Nathaniel said, “I’m topping her tonight, it’s my permission you need.”

Jason hesitated as if waiting for me to protest. There was a time when I would have, but I’d been working at understanding Nathaniel’s idea of sex. I’d found that some of the bondage and submission worked just dandy for me.

Jason said, “You top us both?”

“We top Anita.”

Jason smiled, but his eyes held something more serious than a smile. “I always thought it would take at least two of us. Tell me what you want me to do.”

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