Arik - The Life Of Ariel Sharon (122 page)

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Authors: David Landau

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Political, #Historical, #History, #Middle East, #Israel & Palestine, #eBook

BOOK: Arik - The Life Of Ariel Sharon
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Guard of honor: with South Lebanese army commander Sa’ad Hadad (
illustration credit ill.44

Allies at war: Begin and Hadad, June 7, 1982 (
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Costly conquest: Beaufort, June 7, 1982 (
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King again? With IDF reservists in Lebanon, June 1982. (
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“Those who say he duped us and misled us are simply distorting.” Cabinet briefing in Lebanon, June 21, 1982. Yitzhak Shamir, foreign minister, in the foreground. Behind him, Mordechai Zippori, general turned minister, a persistent critic of the war. (
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Rabin (second from right), still supportive: August 1982, near Beirut. Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan is on the left; General Abrasha Tamir is in the center. (
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With Lebanese presidential candidate Bashir Gemayel at his headquarters near Beirut, August 1982: collusion now, peace later (
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September 15, 1982, the day before the massacre: Arik and Raful at the IDF command post on a rooftop overlooking Sabra and Shatila (
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Honor guard for dishonorable departure: February 1983, leaving the Ministry of Defense (
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Arik’s courtroom victory in New York over
magazine was not unanimously welcomed back home. (
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Made his mark on the geography: with unfurled maps in 1984 (
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“Let me help you build a camp”: with political adviser Yisrael Katz in 1985, starting the hard climb back up the greasy pole (
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With Lily at a Likud Party meeting, 1986: “by her husband’s side through every one of his battles” (
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